using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.Experimental; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.U2D.PSD { internal class PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper : IPSDLayerMappingStrategyComparable { PSDLayerData m_Layer; SerializedProperty m_Array; SerializedProperty m_Element; SerializedProperty m_NameProperty; SerializedProperty m_LayerIdProperty; SerializedProperty m_FlattenProperty; SerializedProperty m_IsGroup; public string name { get => m_NameProperty.stringValue; set { CheckAndAddElement(); m_NameProperty.stringValue = value; } } public bool isGroup { get => m_IsGroup.boolValue; set { CheckAndAddElement(); m_IsGroup.boolValue = value; } } public int layerID { get => m_LayerIdProperty.intValue; set { CheckAndAddElement(); m_LayerIdProperty.intValue = value; } } public bool flatten { get => m_FlattenProperty == null ? false : m_FlattenProperty.boolValue; set { CheckAndAddElement(); m_FlattenProperty.boolValue = value; } } void CheckAndAddElement() { if (m_Element == null) { var arraySize = m_Array.arraySize; m_Array.arraySize = arraySize + 1; m_Element = m_Array.GetArrayElementAtIndex(arraySize); CacheProperty(m_Element); flatten = false; name =; layerID = m_Layer.layerID; isGroup = m_Layer.isGroup; } } void CacheProperty(SerializedProperty property) { m_NameProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("name"); m_LayerIdProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("layerId"); m_FlattenProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("flatten"); m_IsGroup = property.FindPropertyRelative("isGroup"); } public PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper(SerializedProperty sp, SerializedProperty array, PSDLayerData layer) { if (sp != null) { m_Element = sp; CacheProperty(sp); } m_Array = array; m_Layer = layer; } } class PSDNode : TreeViewItem { PSDLayerData m_Layer; bool m_Disable = false; PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper m_Property; public bool disable { get => m_Disable; set => m_Disable = value; } public PSDNode() { id = 1; displayName = ""; } public PSDNode(PSDLayerData layer, int id, PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper importSetting) { m_Layer = layer; displayName =; = id; m_Property = importSetting; } public virtual void ChildGroupFlatten(bool flatten) { } public virtual void FlattenStateChange() { } public virtual void NotifyParentOnFlattenChange() { } public PSDLayerData layer => m_Layer; public bool flatten { get => m_Property.flatten; set => m_Property.flatten = value; } } class PSDLayerNode : PSDNode { public PSDLayerNode(PSDLayerData layer, int id, PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper property):base(layer, id, property) { } } class PSDLayerGroupNode : PSDNode { int m_ChildFlattenCount; public PSDLayerGroupNode(PSDLayerData layer, int id, PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper property) : base(layer, id, property) { this.icon = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(EditorResources.folderIconName); m_ChildFlattenCount = 0; } public int childFlattenCount => m_ChildFlattenCount; public override void NotifyParentOnFlattenChange() { var pp = parent as PSDNode; if(pp != null) pp.ChildGroupFlatten(flatten); } public override void ChildGroupFlatten(bool flatten) { m_ChildFlattenCount += flatten ? 1 : -1; var pp = parent as PSDNode; if(pp != null) pp.ChildGroupFlatten(flatten); } public override void FlattenStateChange() { if (children != null) { foreach (var child in children) { var p = ((PSDNode)child); if (p != null) { //p.disable = flatten || this.disable; p.FlattenStateChange(); } } } } } static class Style { static public GUIStyle hoverLine = "TV Selection"; static public GUIStyle flattenToggleStyle = "MultiColumnHeaderCenter"; static public readonly string k_LightIconResourcePath = "Icons/Light"; static public readonly string k_DarkIconResourcePath = "Icons/Dark"; static public readonly string k_SelectedIconResourcePath = "Icons/Selected"; public static readonly GUIContent layerHiddenToolTip = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("", "The layer is hidden in the source file."); public static readonly GUIContent[] mergedIcon = { new GUIContent(LoadIconResource("Layers Separated", k_LightIconResourcePath, k_DarkIconResourcePath), L10n.Tr("Layers Separated. Click to merge them.")), new GUIContent(LoadIconResource("Layers Separated", k_SelectedIconResourcePath, k_SelectedIconResourcePath), L10n.Tr("Layers Separated. Click to merge them.")) }; public static readonly GUIContent[] separateIcon = { new GUIContent(LoadIconResource("Layers Collapsed", k_LightIconResourcePath, k_DarkIconResourcePath), L10n.Tr("Layers merged. Click to separate them.")), new GUIContent(LoadIconResource("Layers Collapsed", k_SelectedIconResourcePath, k_SelectedIconResourcePath), L10n.Tr("Layers merged. Click to separate them.")) }; public static readonly GUIContent[] mergedMix = { new GUIContent(LoadIconResource("Layers Mixed", k_LightIconResourcePath, k_DarkIconResourcePath), L10n.Tr("Group contains child groups that are merged.")), new GUIContent(LoadIconResource("Layers Mixed", k_SelectedIconResourcePath, k_SelectedIconResourcePath), L10n.Tr("Group contains child groups that are merged.")) }; const string k_ResourcePath = "Packages/com.unity.2d.psdimporter/Editor/Assets"; public static int iconSize = 16; public static int iconPadding = 6; public static Texture2D LoadIconResource(string name, string personalPath, string proPath) { string iconPath = ""; if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(proPath)) iconPath = Path.Combine(proPath, name); else iconPath = Path.Combine(personalPath, name); if (EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint > 1.0f) { var icon2x = Load(iconPath + "@4x.png"); if (icon2x != null) return icon2x; } return Load(iconPath+"@2x.png"); } internal static T Load(string path) where T : Object { var assetPath = Path.Combine(k_ResourcePath, path); var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath); return asset; } static Style() { flattenToggleStyle.border = new RectOffset(); flattenToggleStyle.margin = new RectOffset(); flattenToggleStyle.padding = new RectOffset(); } } internal class PSDImporterEditorLayerTreeView : IMGUI.Controls.TreeView { PSDLayerData[] m_Layers; bool m_ShowHidden; bool m_HasChanged; string m_RootName; SerializedProperty m_PSDLayerImportSetting; IPSDLayerMappingStrategy m_MappingStrategy; int m_LastArraySize; public PSDImporterEditorLayerTreeView(string rootName, TreeViewState treeViewState, PSDLayerData[] layers, bool showHidden, SerializedProperty psdLayerImportSetting, IPSDLayerMappingStrategy mappingStrategy) : base(treeViewState) { m_Layers = layers; showAlternatingRowBackgrounds = true; showBorder = true; m_ShowHidden = showHidden; m_HasChanged = false; baseIndent = 16; useScrollView = true; m_RootName = rootName; m_PSDLayerImportSetting = psdLayerImportSetting; m_MappingStrategy = mappingStrategy; Reload(); } public bool showHidden { get => m_ShowHidden; set => m_ShowHidden = value; } public override void OnGUI(Rect rect) { if(m_PSDLayerImportSetting.arraySize != m_LastArraySize) Reload(); base.OnGUI(rect); m_LastArraySize = m_PSDLayerImportSetting.arraySize; } protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot() { m_PSDLayerImportSetting.serializedObject.Update(); m_LastArraySize = m_PSDLayerImportSetting.arraySize; var root = new TreeViewItem { id = -1, depth = -1, displayName = "Root" }; var fileRoot = new PSDNode(){id = -2}; fileRoot.displayName = m_RootName; //fileRoot.icon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Texture Icon").image as Texture2D; root.AddChild(fileRoot); var spWrapper = new List(); if (m_PSDLayerImportSetting.arraySize > 0) { var firstElement = m_PSDLayerImportSetting.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0); for (int i = 0; i < m_PSDLayerImportSetting.arraySize; ++i) { spWrapper.Add(new PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper(firstElement, m_PSDLayerImportSetting, null)); firstElement.Next(false); } } if (m_Layers != null) { PSDNode[] nodes = new PSDNode[m_Layers.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < m_Layers.Length; ++i) { var l = m_Layers[i]; var importSettingIndex = spWrapper.FindIndex(x => m_MappingStrategy.Compare(x, l)); PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper importSetting = null; if (importSettingIndex < 0) { importSetting = new PSDLayerImportSettingSerializedPropertyWrapper(null, m_PSDLayerImportSetting, l); } else { importSetting = spWrapper[importSettingIndex]; spWrapper.RemoveAt(importSettingIndex); } if (l!= null && l.isGroup) nodes[i] = new PSDLayerGroupNode(l, i, importSetting); else nodes[i] = new PSDLayerNode(l, i, importSetting); var node = nodes[i]; node.disable = !node.layer.isVisible; while (node.layer.parentIndex != -1 && nodes[i].disable == false) { if (!node.layer.isVisible || !nodes[node.layer.parentIndex].layer.isVisible) { nodes[i].disable = true; } node = nodes[node.layer.parentIndex]; } } foreach (var node in nodes) { //if (showHidden || node.layer.isVisible) { if (node.layer.parentIndex == -1) { fileRoot.AddChild(node); } else { nodes[node.layer.parentIndex].AddChild(node); if(node.flatten) nodes[node.layer.parentIndex].ChildGroupFlatten(node.flatten); } } } } SetupDepthsFromParentsAndChildren(root); SetExpanded(, true); return root; } protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args) { var node = (PSDNode)args.item; var rowRect = args.rowRect; var hover = rowRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition); var a1 = args.focused; var a2 = args.selected; if (hover && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { args.selected = args.focused = true; Style.hoverLine.Draw(rowRect, false, false, a2, true); } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(node.disable)) { if (node.disable) { var r = new Rect(rowRect.x + args.item.depth * this.depthIndentWidth + this.foldoutWidth + 32, rowRect.y, rowRect.width, rowRect.height); GUI.Label(r, Style.layerHiddenToolTip); } base.RowGUI(args); } args.focused = a1; args.selected = a2; // if (node.layer != null && !node.layer.isVisible) // { // //GUI.Box(new Rect(rowRect.x, rowRect.y, Style.iconSize, Style.iconSize), Style.visibilityIcon, Style.flattenToggleStyle); // } if (args.item is PSDLayerGroupNode) { var group = (PSDLayerGroupNode)args.item; Rect toggleRect = new Rect(rowRect.x + args.item.depth * this.depthIndentWidth, rowRect.y, Style.iconSize, Style.iconSize); GUIContent[] icon = null; if (group.childFlattenCount != 0) icon = Style.mergedMix; if (hover) { if(group.flatten) icon = Style.separateIcon; else icon = Style.mergedIcon; } else if(group.flatten) icon = Style.mergedIcon; if (icon != null) { hover = toggleRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition); var iconIndex = args.selected | hover ? 1 : 0; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var flatten = GUI.Toggle(toggleRect, group.flatten, icon[iconIndex], Style.flattenToggleStyle); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { group.flatten = flatten; group.FlattenStateChange(); group.NotifyParentOnFlattenChange(); m_HasChanged = true; } } } } public bool GetHasChangeAndClear() { var v = m_HasChanged; m_HasChanged = false; return v; } } }