using System; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { public enum MotionBlurMode { CameraOnly, CameraAndObjects } public enum MotionBlurQuality { Low, Medium, High } [Serializable, VolumeComponentMenuForRenderPipeline("Post-processing/Motion Blur", typeof(UniversalRenderPipeline))] public sealed class MotionBlur : VolumeComponent, IPostProcessComponent { [Tooltip("The motion blur technique to use. If you don't need object motion blur, CameraOnly will result in better performance.")] public MotionBlurModeParameter mode = new MotionBlurModeParameter(MotionBlurMode.CameraOnly); [Tooltip("The quality of the effect. Lower presets will result in better performance at the expense of visual quality.")] public MotionBlurQualityParameter quality = new MotionBlurQualityParameter(MotionBlurQuality.Low); [Tooltip("The strength of the motion blur filter. Acts as a multiplier for velocities.")] public ClampedFloatParameter intensity = new ClampedFloatParameter(0f, 0f, 1f); [Tooltip("Sets the maximum length, as a fraction of the screen's full resolution, that the velocity resulting from Camera rotation can have. Lower values will improve performance.")] public ClampedFloatParameter clamp = new ClampedFloatParameter(0.05f, 0f, 0.2f); public bool IsActive() => intensity.value > 0f && mode.value == MotionBlurMode.CameraOnly; public bool IsTileCompatible() => false; } [Serializable] public sealed class MotionBlurModeParameter : VolumeParameter { public MotionBlurModeParameter(MotionBlurMode value, bool overrideState = false) : base(value, overrideState) { } } [Serializable] public sealed class MotionBlurQualityParameter : VolumeParameter { public MotionBlurQualityParameter(MotionBlurQuality value, bool overrideState = false) : base(value, overrideState) { } } }