#if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM && ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM_PACKAGE #define USE_INPUT_SYSTEM using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch; #endif using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering { internal enum DebugAction { EnableDebugMenu, PreviousDebugPanel, NextDebugPanel, Action, MakePersistent, MoveVertical, MoveHorizontal, Multiplier, ResetAll, DebugActionCount } enum DebugActionRepeatMode { Never, Delay } public sealed partial class DebugManager { const string kEnableDebugBtn1 = "Enable Debug Button 1"; const string kEnableDebugBtn2 = "Enable Debug Button 2"; const string kDebugPreviousBtn = "Debug Previous"; const string kDebugNextBtn = "Debug Next"; const string kValidateBtn = "Debug Validate"; const string kPersistentBtn = "Debug Persistent"; const string kDPadVertical = "Debug Vertical"; const string kDPadHorizontal = "Debug Horizontal"; const string kMultiplierBtn = "Debug Multiplier"; const string kResetBtn = "Debug Reset"; const string kEnableDebug = "Enable Debug"; DebugActionDesc[] m_DebugActions; DebugActionState[] m_DebugActionStates; #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM InputActionMap debugActionMap = new InputActionMap("Debug Menu"); #endif void RegisterActions() { m_DebugActions = new DebugActionDesc[(int)DebugAction.DebugActionCount]; m_DebugActionStates = new DebugActionState[(int)DebugAction.DebugActionCount]; var enableDebugMenu = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM enableDebugMenu.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kEnableDebug); #else enableDebugMenu.buttonTriggerList.Add(new[] { kEnableDebugBtn1, kEnableDebugBtn2 }); enableDebugMenu.keyTriggerList.Add(new[] { KeyCode.LeftControl, KeyCode.Backspace }); #endif enableDebugMenu.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Never; AddAction(DebugAction.EnableDebugMenu, enableDebugMenu); var resetDebugMenu = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM resetDebugMenu.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kResetBtn); #else resetDebugMenu.keyTriggerList.Add(new[] { KeyCode.LeftAlt, KeyCode.Backspace }); resetDebugMenu.buttonTriggerList.Add(new[] { kResetBtn, kEnableDebugBtn2 }); #endif resetDebugMenu.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Never; AddAction(DebugAction.ResetAll, resetDebugMenu); var nextDebugPanel = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM nextDebugPanel.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kDebugNextBtn); #else nextDebugPanel.buttonTriggerList.Add(new[] { kDebugNextBtn }); #endif nextDebugPanel.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Never; AddAction(DebugAction.NextDebugPanel, nextDebugPanel); var previousDebugPanel = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM previousDebugPanel.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kDebugPreviousBtn); #else previousDebugPanel.buttonTriggerList.Add(new[] { kDebugPreviousBtn }); #endif previousDebugPanel.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Never; AddAction(DebugAction.PreviousDebugPanel, previousDebugPanel); var validate = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM validate.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kValidateBtn); #else validate.buttonTriggerList.Add(new[] { kValidateBtn }); #endif validate.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Never; AddAction(DebugAction.Action, validate); var persistent = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM persistent.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kPersistentBtn); #else persistent.buttonTriggerList.Add(new[] { kPersistentBtn }); #endif persistent.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Never; AddAction(DebugAction.MakePersistent, persistent); var multiplier = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM multiplier.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kMultiplierBtn); #else multiplier.buttonTriggerList.Add(new[] { kMultiplierBtn }); #endif multiplier.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Delay; validate.repeatDelay = 0f; AddAction(DebugAction.Multiplier, multiplier); var moveVertical = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM moveVertical.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kDPadVertical); #else moveVertical.axisTrigger = kDPadVertical; #endif moveVertical.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Delay; moveVertical.repeatDelay = 0.16f; AddAction(DebugAction.MoveVertical, moveVertical); var moveHorizontal = new DebugActionDesc(); #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM moveHorizontal.buttonAction = debugActionMap.FindAction(kDPadHorizontal); #else moveHorizontal.axisTrigger = kDPadHorizontal; #endif moveHorizontal.repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Delay; moveHorizontal.repeatDelay = 0.16f; AddAction(DebugAction.MoveHorizontal, moveHorizontal); } internal void EnableInputActions() { #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM foreach (var action in debugActionMap) action.Enable(); #endif } void AddAction(DebugAction action, DebugActionDesc desc) { int index = (int)action; m_DebugActions[index] = desc; m_DebugActionStates[index] = new DebugActionState(); } void SampleAction(int actionIndex) { var desc = m_DebugActions[actionIndex]; var state = m_DebugActionStates[actionIndex]; // Disable all input events if we're using the new input system #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM if (state.runningAction == false) { if (desc.buttonAction != null) { var value = desc.buttonAction.ReadValue(); if (!Mathf.Approximately(value, 0)) state.TriggerWithButton(desc.buttonAction, value); } } #elif ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER //bool canSampleAction = (state.actionTriggered == false) || (desc.repeatMode == DebugActionRepeatMode.Delay && state.timer > desc.repeatDelay); if (state.runningAction == false) { // Check button triggers for (int buttonListIndex = 0; buttonListIndex < desc.buttonTriggerList.Count; ++buttonListIndex) { var buttons = desc.buttonTriggerList[buttonListIndex]; bool allButtonPressed = true; foreach (var button in buttons) { allButtonPressed = Input.GetButton(button); if (!allButtonPressed) break; } if (allButtonPressed) { state.TriggerWithButton(buttons, 1f); break; } } // Check axis triggers if (desc.axisTrigger != "") { float axisValue = Input.GetAxis(desc.axisTrigger); if (axisValue != 0f) state.TriggerWithAxis(desc.axisTrigger, axisValue); } // Check key triggers for (int keyListIndex = 0; keyListIndex < desc.keyTriggerList.Count; ++keyListIndex) { bool allKeyPressed = true; var keys = desc.keyTriggerList[keyListIndex]; foreach (var key in keys) { allKeyPressed = Input.GetKey(key); if (!allKeyPressed) break; } if (allKeyPressed) { state.TriggerWithKey(keys, 1f); break; } } } #endif } void UpdateAction(int actionIndex) { var desc = m_DebugActions[actionIndex]; var state = m_DebugActionStates[actionIndex]; if (state.runningAction) state.Update(desc); } internal void UpdateActions() { for (int actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < m_DebugActions.Length; ++actionIndex) { UpdateAction(actionIndex); SampleAction(actionIndex); } } internal float GetAction(DebugAction action) { return m_DebugActionStates[(int)action].actionState; } internal bool GetActionToggleDebugMenuWithTouch() { #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM if (!EnhancedTouchSupport.enabled) return false; var touches = InputSystem.EnhancedTouch.Touch.activeTouches; var touchCount = touches.Count; InputSystem.TouchPhase? expectedTouchPhase = null; #else var touches = Input.touches; var touchCount = Input.touchCount; TouchPhase? expectedTouchPhase = TouchPhase.Began; #endif if (touchCount == 3) { foreach (var touch in touches) { // Gesture: 3-finger double-tap if ((!expectedTouchPhase.HasValue || touch.phase == expectedTouchPhase.Value) && touch.tapCount == 2) return true; } } return false; } internal bool GetActionReleaseScrollTarget() { #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM bool mouseWheelActive = Mouse.current != null && Mouse.current.scroll.ReadValue() != Vector2.zero; bool touchSupported = Touchscreen.current != null; #else bool mouseWheelActive = Input.mouseScrollDelta != Vector2.zero; bool touchSupported = Input.touchSupported; #endif return mouseWheelActive || touchSupported; // Touchscreens have general problems with scrolling, so it's disabled. } void RegisterInputs() { #if UNITY_EDITOR && !USE_INPUT_SYSTEM var inputEntries = new List { new InputManagerEntry { name = kEnableDebugBtn1, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "left ctrl", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 8" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kEnableDebugBtn2, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "backspace", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 9" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kResetBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "left alt", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 1" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kDebugNextBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "page down", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 5" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kDebugPreviousBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "page up", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 4" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kValidateBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "return", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 0" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kPersistentBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "right shift", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 2" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kMultiplierBtn, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "left shift", altBtnPositive = "joystick button 3" }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadHorizontal, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "right", btnNegative = "left", gravity = 1000f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000f }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadVertical, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.KeyOrButton, btnPositive = "up", btnNegative = "down", gravity = 1000f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000f }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadVertical, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Seventh, btnPositive = "up", btnNegative = "down", gravity = 1000f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000f }, new InputManagerEntry { name = kDPadHorizontal, kind = InputManagerEntry.Kind.Axis, axis = InputManagerEntry.Axis.Sixth, btnPositive = "right", btnNegative = "left", gravity = 1000f, deadZone = 0.001f, sensitivity = 1000f }, }; InputRegistering.RegisterInputs(inputEntries); #endif #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM // Register input system actions var enableAction = debugActionMap.AddAction(kEnableDebug, type: InputActionType.Button); enableAction.AddCompositeBinding("ButtonWithOneModifier") .With("Modifier", "/rightStickPress") .With("Button", "/leftStickPress") .With("Modifier", "/leftCtrl") .With("Button", "/backspace"); var resetAction = debugActionMap.AddAction(kResetBtn, type: InputActionType.Button); resetAction.AddCompositeBinding("ButtonWithOneModifier") .With("Modifier", "/rightStickPress") .With("Button", "/b") .With("Modifier", "/leftAlt") .With("Button", "/backspace"); var next = debugActionMap.AddAction(kDebugNextBtn, type: InputActionType.Button); next.AddBinding("/pageDown"); next.AddBinding("/rightShoulder"); var previous = debugActionMap.AddAction(kDebugPreviousBtn, type: InputActionType.Button); previous.AddBinding("/pageUp"); previous.AddBinding("/leftShoulder"); var validateAction = debugActionMap.AddAction(kValidateBtn, type: InputActionType.Button); validateAction.AddBinding("/enter"); validateAction.AddBinding("/a"); var persistentAction = debugActionMap.AddAction(kPersistentBtn, type: InputActionType.Button); persistentAction.AddBinding("/rightShift"); persistentAction.AddBinding("/x"); var multiplierAction = debugActionMap.AddAction(kMultiplierBtn, type: InputActionType.Value); multiplierAction.AddBinding("/leftShift"); multiplierAction.AddBinding("/y"); var moveVerticalAction = debugActionMap.AddAction(kDPadVertical); moveVerticalAction.AddCompositeBinding("1DAxis") .With("Positive", "/dpad/up") .With("Negative", "/dpad/down") .With("Positive", "/upArrow") .With("Negative", "/downArrow"); var moveHorizontalAction = debugActionMap.AddAction(kDPadHorizontal); moveHorizontalAction.AddCompositeBinding("1DAxis") .With("Positive", "/dpad/right") .With("Negative", "/dpad/left") .With("Positive", "/rightArrow") .With("Negative", "/leftArrow"); #endif } } class DebugActionDesc { #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM public InputAction buttonAction = null; #else public string axisTrigger = ""; public List buttonTriggerList = new List(); public List keyTriggerList = new List(); #endif public DebugActionRepeatMode repeatMode = DebugActionRepeatMode.Never; public float repeatDelay; } class DebugActionState { enum DebugActionKeyType { Button, Axis, Key } DebugActionKeyType m_Type; #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM InputAction inputAction; #else string[] m_PressedButtons; string m_PressedAxis = ""; KeyCode[] m_PressedKeys; #endif bool[] m_TriggerPressedUp; float m_Timer; internal bool runningAction { get; private set; } internal float actionState { get; private set; } void Trigger(int triggerCount, float state) { actionState = state; runningAction = true; m_Timer = 0f; m_TriggerPressedUp = new bool[triggerCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_TriggerPressedUp.Length; ++i) m_TriggerPressedUp[i] = false; } #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM public void TriggerWithButton(InputAction action, float state) { inputAction = action; Trigger(action.bindings.Count, state); } #else public void TriggerWithButton(string[] buttons, float state) { m_Type = DebugActionKeyType.Button; m_PressedButtons = buttons; m_PressedAxis = ""; Trigger(buttons.Length, state); } public void TriggerWithAxis(string axis, float state) { m_Type = DebugActionKeyType.Axis; m_PressedAxis = axis; Trigger(1, state); } public void TriggerWithKey(KeyCode[] keys, float state) { m_Type = DebugActionKeyType.Key; m_PressedKeys = keys; m_PressedAxis = ""; Trigger(keys.Length, state); } #endif void Reset() { runningAction = false; m_Timer = 0f; m_TriggerPressedUp = null; } public void Update(DebugActionDesc desc) { // Always reset this so that the action can only be caught once until repeat/reset actionState = 0f; if (m_TriggerPressedUp != null) { m_Timer += Time.deltaTime; for (int i = 0; i < m_TriggerPressedUp.Length; ++i) { #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM if (inputAction != null) m_TriggerPressedUp[i] |= Mathf.Approximately(inputAction.ReadValue(), 0f); #else if (m_Type == DebugActionKeyType.Button) m_TriggerPressedUp[i] |= Input.GetButtonUp(m_PressedButtons[i]); else if (m_Type == DebugActionKeyType.Axis) m_TriggerPressedUp[i] |= Mathf.Approximately(Input.GetAxis(m_PressedAxis), 0f); else m_TriggerPressedUp[i] |= Input.GetKeyUp(m_PressedKeys[i]); #endif } bool allTriggerUp = true; foreach (bool value in m_TriggerPressedUp) allTriggerUp &= value; if (allTriggerUp || (m_Timer > desc.repeatDelay && desc.repeatMode == DebugActionRepeatMode.Delay)) Reset(); } } } }