using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { /// /// Utility Class for creating Palettes /// public static class GridPaletteUtility { internal static readonly Vector3 defaultSortAxis = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f); internal static RectInt GetBounds(GameObject palette) { if (palette == null) return new RectInt(); Vector2Int min = new Vector2Int(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); Vector2Int max = new Vector2Int(int.MinValue, int.MinValue); foreach (var tilemap in palette.GetComponentsInChildren()) { Vector3Int p1 = tilemap.editorPreviewOrigin; Vector3Int p2 = p1 + tilemap.editorPreviewSize; Vector2Int tilemapMin = new Vector2Int(Mathf.Min(p1.x, p2.x), Mathf.Min(p1.y, p2.y)); Vector2Int tilemapMax = new Vector2Int(Mathf.Max(p1.x, p2.x), Mathf.Max(p1.y, p2.y)); min = new Vector2Int(Mathf.Min(min.x, tilemapMin.x), Mathf.Min(min.y, tilemapMin.y)); max = new Vector2Int(Mathf.Max(max.x, tilemapMax.x), Mathf.Max(max.y, tilemapMax.y)); } return GridEditorUtility.GetMarqueeRect(min, max); } /// /// Creates a Palette Asset at the current selected folder path. This will show a popup allowing you to choose /// a different folder path for saving the Palette Asset if required. /// /// Name of the Palette Asset. /// Grid Layout of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Sizing of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Size of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Swizzle of the Palette. /// The created Palette Asset if successful. public static GameObject CreateNewPaletteAtCurrentFolder(string name, GridLayout.CellLayout layout, GridPalette.CellSizing cellSizing, Vector3 cellSize, GridLayout.CellSwizzle swizzle) { return CreateNewPaletteAtCurrentFolder(name, layout, cellSizing, cellSize, swizzle , TransparencySortMode.Default, defaultSortAxis); } /// /// Creates a Palette Asset at the current selected folder path. This will show a popup allowing you to choose /// a different folder path for saving the Palette Asset if required. /// /// Name of the Palette Asset. /// Grid Layout of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Sizing of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Size of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Swizzle of the Palette. /// Transparency Sort Mode for the Palette /// Transparency Sort Axis for the Palette /// The created Palette Asset if successful. public static GameObject CreateNewPaletteAtCurrentFolder(string name , GridLayout.CellLayout layout , GridPalette.CellSizing cellSizing , Vector3 cellSize , GridLayout.CellSwizzle swizzle , TransparencySortMode sortMode , Vector3 sortAxis) { string defaultPath = ProjectBrowser.s_LastInteractedProjectBrowser ? ProjectBrowser.s_LastInteractedProjectBrowser.GetActiveFolderPath() : "Assets"; string folderPath = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Create palette into folder ", defaultPath, ""); folderPath = FileUtil.GetProjectRelativePath(folderPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath)) return null; return CreateNewPalette(folderPath, name, layout, cellSizing, cellSize, swizzle, sortMode, sortAxis); } /// /// Creates a Palette Asset at the given folder path. /// /// Folder Path of the Palette Asset. /// Name of the Palette Asset. /// Grid Layout of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Sizing of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Size of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Swizzle of the Palette. /// The created Palette Asset if successful. public static GameObject CreateNewPalette(string folderPath , string name , GridLayout.CellLayout layout , GridPalette.CellSizing cellSizing , Vector3 cellSize , GridLayout.CellSwizzle swizzle) { return CreateNewPalette(folderPath, name, layout, cellSizing, cellSize, swizzle, TransparencySortMode.Default, defaultSortAxis); } /// /// Creates a Palette Asset at the given folder path. /// /// Folder Path of the Palette Asset. /// Name of the Palette Asset. /// Grid Layout of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Sizing of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Size of the Palette Asset. /// Cell Swizzle of the Palette. /// Transparency Sort Mode for the Palette /// Transparency Sort Axis for the Palette /// The created Palette Asset if successful. public static GameObject CreateNewPalette(string folderPath , string name , GridLayout.CellLayout layout , GridPalette.CellSizing cellSizing , Vector3 cellSize , GridLayout.CellSwizzle swizzle , TransparencySortMode sortMode , Vector3 sortAxis) { GameObject temporaryGO = new GameObject(name); Grid grid = temporaryGO.AddComponent(); // We set size to kEpsilon to mark this as new uninitialized palette // Nice default size can be decided when first asset is dragged in grid.cellSize = cellSize; grid.cellLayout = layout; grid.cellSwizzle = swizzle; CreateNewLayer(temporaryGO, "Layer1", layout); string path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(folderPath + "/" + name + ".prefab"); Object prefab = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect(temporaryGO, path, InteractionMode.AutomatedAction); GridPalette palette = CreateGridPalette(cellSizing, sortMode, sortAxis); AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(palette, prefab); PrefabUtility.ApplyPrefabInstance(temporaryGO, InteractionMode.AutomatedAction); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); Object.DestroyImmediate(temporaryGO); return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); } private static GameObject CreateNewLayer(GameObject paletteGO, string name, GridLayout.CellLayout layout) { GameObject newLayerGO = new GameObject(name); var tilemap = newLayerGO.AddComponent(); var renderer = newLayerGO.AddComponent(); newLayerGO.transform.parent = paletteGO.transform; newLayerGO.layer = paletteGO.layer; // Set defaults for certain layouts switch (layout) { case GridLayout.CellLayout.Hexagon: { tilemap.tileAnchor =; break; } case GridLayout.CellLayout.Isometric: { renderer.sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopRight; break; } case GridLayout.CellLayout.IsometricZAsY: { renderer.sortOrder = TilemapRenderer.SortOrder.TopRight; renderer.mode = TilemapRenderer.Mode.Individual; break; } } return newLayerGO; } internal static GridPalette GetGridPaletteFromPaletteAsset(Object palette) { string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(palette); GridPalette paletteAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath); return paletteAsset; } internal static GridPalette CreateGridPalette(GridPalette.CellSizing cellSizing) { return CreateGridPalette(cellSizing, TransparencySortMode.Default, defaultSortAxis); } internal static GridPalette CreateGridPalette(GridPalette.CellSizing cellSizing , TransparencySortMode sortMode , Vector3 sortAxis ) { var palette = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); = "Palette Settings"; palette.cellSizing = cellSizing; palette.transparencySortMode = sortMode; palette.transparencySortAxis = sortAxis; return palette; } internal static Vector3 CalculateAutoCellSize(Grid grid, Vector3 defaultValue) { Tilemap[] tilemaps = grid.GetComponentsInChildren(); Sprite[] sprites = null; var maxSize = Vector2.negativeInfinity; var minSize = Vector2.positiveInfinity; // Get minimum and maximum sizes for Sprites foreach (var tilemap in tilemaps) { var spriteCount = tilemap.GetUsedSpritesCount(); if (sprites == null || sprites.Length < spriteCount) sprites = new Sprite[spriteCount]; tilemap.GetUsedSpritesNonAlloc(sprites); for (int i = 0; i < spriteCount; ++i) { Sprite sprite = sprites[i]; if (sprite != null) { var cellSize = new Vector3(sprite.rect.width, sprite.rect.height, 0f) / sprite.pixelsPerUnit; if (tilemap.cellSwizzle == GridLayout.CellSwizzle.YXZ) { var swap = cellSize.x; cellSize.x = cellSize.y; cellSize.y = swap; } minSize.x = Mathf.Min(cellSize.x, minSize.x); minSize.y = Mathf.Min(cellSize.y, minSize.y); maxSize.x = Mathf.Max(cellSize.x, maxSize.x); maxSize.y = Mathf.Max(cellSize.y, maxSize.y); } } } // Validate that Sprites are in multiples of sizes foreach (var tilemap in tilemaps) { var spriteCount = tilemap.GetUsedSpritesCount(); if (sprites == null || sprites.Length < spriteCount) sprites = new Sprite[spriteCount]; tilemap.GetUsedSpritesNonAlloc(sprites); for (int i = 0; i < spriteCount; ++i) { Sprite sprite = sprites[i]; if (sprite != null) { var cellSize = new Vector3(sprite.rect.width, sprite.rect.height, 0f) / sprite.pixelsPerUnit; if (tilemap.cellSwizzle == GridLayout.CellSwizzle.YXZ) { var swap = cellSize.x; cellSize.x = cellSize.y; cellSize.y = swap; } // Return maximum size if sprites are not multiples of the smallest size if (cellSize.x % minSize.x > 0) return maxSize.x * maxSize.y <= 0f ? defaultValue : new Vector3(maxSize.x, maxSize.y, 0f); if (cellSize.y % minSize.y > 0) return maxSize.x * maxSize.y <= 0f ? defaultValue : new Vector3(maxSize.x, maxSize.y, 0f); } } } return minSize.x * minSize.y <= 0f || minSize == Vector2.positiveInfinity ? defaultValue : new Vector3(minSize.x, minSize.y, 0f); } } }