// Photoshop PSD FileType Plugin for Paint.NET
// http://psdplugin.codeplex.com/
// This software is provided under the MIT License:
// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Frank Blumenberg
// Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Tao Yue
// Portions of this file are provided under the BSD 3-clause License:
// Copyright (c) 2006, Jonas Beckeman
// See LICENSE.txt for complete licensing and attribution information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace PhotoshopFile
internal class RleWriter
private int maxPacketLength = 128;
// Current task
private object rleLock;
private Stream stream;
private byte[] data;
private int offset;
// Current packet
private bool isRepeatPacket;
private int idxPacketStart;
private int packetLength;
private byte runValue;
private int runLength;
public RleWriter(Stream stream)
rleLock = new object();
this.stream = stream;
/// Encodes byte data using PackBits RLE compression.
/// Raw data to be encoded.
/// Offset at which to begin transferring data.
/// Number of bytes of data to transfer.
/// Number of compressed bytes written to the stream.
/// There are multiple ways to encode two-byte runs:
/// 1. Apple PackBits only encodes three-byte runs as repeats.
/// 2. Adobe Photoshop encodes two-byte runs as repeats, unless preceded
/// by literals.
/// 3. TIFF PackBits recommends that two-byte runs be encoded as repeats,
/// unless preceded *and* followed by literals.
/// This class adopts the Photoshop behavior, as it has slightly better
/// compression efficiency than Apple PackBits, and is easier to implement
/// than TIFF PackBits.
public int Write(byte[] data, int offset, int count)
if (!Util.CheckBufferBounds(data, offset, count))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
// We cannot encode a count of 0, because the PackBits flag-counter byte
// uses 0 to indicate a length of 1.
if (count == 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
lock (rleLock)
var startPosition = stream.Position;
this.data = data;
this.offset = offset;
//fixed (byte* ptrData = &data[0])
//byte* ptr = ptrData + offset;
//byte* ptrEnd = ptr + count;
//var bytesEncoded = EncodeToStream(ptr, ptrEnd);
//Debug.Assert(bytesEncoded == count, "Encoded byte count should match the argument.");
var bytesEncoded = EncodeToStream(data, offset, offset + count);
Assert.AreEqual(bytesEncoded, count, "Encoded byte count should match the argument.");
return (int)(stream.Position - startPosition);
private void ClearPacket()
this.isRepeatPacket = false;
this.packetLength = 0;
private void WriteRepeatPacket(int length)
var header = unchecked((byte)(1 - length));
private void WriteLiteralPacket(int length)
var header = unchecked((byte)(length - 1));
stream.Write(data, idxPacketStart, length);
private void WritePacket()
if (isRepeatPacket)
private void StartPacket(int count,
bool isRepeatPacket, int runLength, byte value)
this.isRepeatPacket = isRepeatPacket;
this.packetLength = runLength;
this.runLength = runLength;
this.runValue = value;
this.idxPacketStart = offset + count;
private void ExtendPacketAndRun(byte value)
private void ExtendPacketStartNewRun(byte value)
runLength = 1;
runValue = value;
private int EncodeToStream(byte[] ptr, int start, int end /*byte* ptr, byte* ptrEnd*/)
// Begin the first packet.
StartPacket(0, false, 1, ptr[start]);
int numBytesEncoded = 1;
// Loop invariant: Packet is never empty.
while (start < end)
var value = ptr[start];
if (packetLength == 1)
isRepeatPacket = (value == runValue);
if (isRepeatPacket)
else if (packetLength == maxPacketLength)
// Packet is full, so write it out and start a new one.
StartPacket(numBytesEncoded, false, 1, value);
else if (isRepeatPacket)
// Decide whether to continue the repeat packet.
if (value == runValue)
// Different color, so terminate the run and start a new packet.
StartPacket(numBytesEncoded, false, 1, value);
// Decide whether to continue the literal packet.
if (value == runValue)
// A 3-byte run terminates the literal and starts a new repeat
// packet. That's because the 3-byte run can be encoded as a
// 2-byte repeat. So even if the run ends at 3, we've already
// paid for the next flag-counter byte.
if (runLength == 3)
// The 3-byte run can come in the middle of a literal packet,
// but not at the beginning. The first 2 bytes of the run
// should've triggered a repeat packet.
Debug.Assert(packetLength > 3);
// -2 because numBytesEncoded has not yet been incremented
WriteLiteralPacket(packetLength - 3);
StartPacket(numBytesEncoded - 2, true, 3, value);
// Loop terminates with a non-empty packet waiting to be written out.
return numBytesEncoded;