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384 lines
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//using System;
//using System.Collections;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using UnityEditor;
//using UnityEngine;
//namespace UnityEditor.U2D
// public class TextureSettingsGUI
// {
// public SerializedProperty colorTexture;
// public SerializedProperty readable;
// public SerializedProperty npotScale;
// public SerializedProperty filterMode;
// public SerializedProperty aniso;
// public SerializedProperty enablePostProcessor;
// readonly int[] m_FilterModeOptions = (int[])(Enum.GetValues(typeof(FilterMode)));
// public TextureSettingsGUI(SerializedProperty sp)
// {
// colorTexture = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_ColorTexture");
// readable = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Readable");
// npotScale = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_NPOTScale");
// filterMode = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_FilterMode");
// aniso = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Aniso");
// enablePostProcessor = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_EnablePostProcessor");
// }
// public void OnInspectorGUI(bool isPOT, bool isNormalMap, bool hasMipMap, bool isCubeMap, bool hasMipmapFadeout)
// {
// TextureSettingsGUIUtils.ToggleFromInt(colorTexture, TextureSettingsGUIUtils.s_Styles.sRGBTexture);
// TextureSettingsGUIUtils.ToggleFromInt(readable, TextureSettingsGUIUtils.s_Styles.readWrite);
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(isPOT))
// {
// TextureSettingsGUIUtils.EnumPopup(npotScale, typeof(TextureImporterNPOTScale), TextureSettingsGUIUtils.s_Styles.npot);
// }
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// // Filter mode
// EditorGUI.showMixedValue = filterMode.hasMultipleDifferentValues;
// FilterMode filter = (FilterMode)filterMode.intValue;
// if ((int)filter == -1)
// {
// if (hasMipmapFadeout || isNormalMap)
// filter = FilterMode.Trilinear;
// else
// filter = FilterMode.Bilinear;
// }
// filter = (FilterMode)EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(TextureSettingsGUIUtils.s_Styles.filterMode, (int)filter, TextureSettingsGUIUtils.s_Styles.filterModeOptions, m_FilterModeOptions);
// EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// filterMode.intValue = (int)filter;
// // Aniso
// bool showAniso = (FilterMode)filter != FilterMode.Point && hasMipMap && isCubeMap;
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!showAniso))
// {
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// EditorGUI.showMixedValue = aniso.hasMultipleDifferentValues;
// int anisoValue = aniso.intValue;
// if (anisoValue == -1)
// anisoValue = 1;
// //aniso = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Aniso Level", aniso, 0, 16);
// EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// aniso.intValue = anisoValue;
// if (anisoValue > 1)
// {
// if (QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering == AnisotropicFiltering.Disable)
// EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Anisotropic filtering is disabled for all textures in Quality Settings.", MessageType.Info);
// else if (QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering == AnisotropicFiltering.ForceEnable)
// EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Anisotropic filtering is enabled for all textures in Quality Settings.", MessageType.Info);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// public class TextureSpriteSettingsGUI
// {
// public SerializedProperty packingTag;
// public SerializedProperty ppu;
// public SerializedProperty meshType;
// public SerializedProperty extrudeEdges;
// public TextureSpriteSettingsGUI(SerializedProperty sp)
// {
// packingTag = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_PackingTag");
// ppu = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_PixelsPerUnit");
// meshType = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_MeshType");
// extrudeEdges = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_ExtrudeEdges");
// }
// public void OnInspectorGUI()
// {
// //// Show generic attributes
// //if (m_SpriteMode.intValue != 0)
// //{
// // EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SpritePackingTag, s_Styles.spritePackingTag);
// // EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SpritePixelsToUnits, s_Styles.spritePixelsPerUnit);
// // if (m_SpriteMode.intValue != (int)SpriteImportMode.Polygon && !m_SpriteMode.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
// // {
// // EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(m_SpriteMeshType, s_Styles.spriteMeshTypeOptions, new[] { 0, 1 }, s_Styles.spriteMeshType);
// // }
// // EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup();
// // EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(m_SpriteExtrude, 0, 32, s_Styles.spriteExtrude);
// // if (m_SpriteMode.intValue == 1)
// // {
// // EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(m_Alignment, s_Styles.spriteAlignmentOptions, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, s_Styles.spriteAlignment);
// // if (m_Alignment.intValue == (int)SpriteAlignment.Custom)
// // {
// // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
// // EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SpritePivot, new GUIContent());
// // GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
// // }
// // }
// //}
// }
// }
// public class TextureWrapSettingsGUI
// {
// public SerializedProperty wrapMode;
// public SerializedProperty wrapModeU;
// public SerializedProperty wrapModeV;
// public SerializedProperty wrapModeW;
// public TextureWrapSettingsGUI(SerializedProperty sp)
// {
// wrapMode = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_WrapMode");
// wrapModeU = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_WrapModeU");
// wrapModeV = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_WrapModeV");
// wrapModeW = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_WrapModeW");
// }
// public void OnInspectorGUI()
// {
// }
// }
// public class TextureAlphaSettingsGUI
// {
// public SerializedProperty tolerance;
// public SerializedProperty source;
// public TextureAlphaSettingsGUI(SerializedProperty sp)
// {
// tolerance = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_AlphaTolerance");
// source = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_AlphaSource");
// }
// public void OnInspectorGUI()
// {
// }
// }
// public class TextureMipmapSettingsGUI
// {
// public SerializedProperty filter;
// public SerializedProperty borderMipmap;
// public SerializedProperty fadeout;
// public SerializedProperty preserveCoverage;
// public SerializedProperty fadeDistanceStart;
// public SerializedProperty fadeDistanceEnd;
// public TextureMipmapSettingsGUI(SerializedProperty sp)
// {
// filter = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Filter");
// borderMipmap = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_BorderMipmap");
// fadeout = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Fadeout");
// preserveCoverage = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_PreserveCoverage");
// fadeDistanceStart = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_FadeDistanceStart");
// fadeDistanceEnd = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_FadeDistanceEnd");
// }
// public void OnInspectorGUI()
// {
// }
// }
// public class TextureNormalSettingsGUI
// {
// public SerializedProperty filter;
// public SerializedProperty generateFromGrayScale;
// public SerializedProperty bumpiness;
// public TextureNormalSettingsGUI(SerializedProperty sp)
// {
// filter = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Filter");
// generateFromGrayScale = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_GenerateFromGrayScale");
// bumpiness = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Bumpiness");
// }
// public void OnInspectorGUI()
// {
// }
// }
// public class TextureCubemapSettingsGUI
// {
// public SerializedProperty convolution;
// public SerializedProperty mode;
// public SerializedProperty seamless;
// public TextureCubemapSettingsGUI(SerializedProperty sp)
// {
// convolution = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Convolution");
// mode = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Mode");
// seamless = sp.FindPropertyRelative("m_Seamless");
// }
// public void OnInspectorGUI()
// {
// }
// }
// static class TextureSettingsGUIUtils
// {
// public static void ToggleFromInt(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
// {
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// EditorGUI.showMixedValue = property.hasMultipleDifferentValues;
// int value = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(label, property.intValue > 0) ? 1 : 0;
// EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// property.intValue = value;
// }
// public static void EnumPopup(SerializedProperty property, System.Type type, GUIContent label)
// {
// EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(label.text, property.intValue,
// System.Enum.GetNames(type),
// System.Enum.GetValues(type) as int[]);
// }
// internal class Styles
// {
// public readonly GUIContent textureTypeTitle = new GUIContent("Texture Type", "What will this texture be used for?");
// public readonly GUIContent[] textureTypeOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("Default", "Texture is a normal image such as a diffuse texture or other."),
// new GUIContent("Sprite (2D and UI)", "Texture is used for a sprite."),
// };
// public readonly int[] textureTypeValues =
// {
// (int)TextureImporterType.Default,
// (int)TextureImporterType.Sprite,
// };
// public readonly GUIContent textureShape = new GUIContent("Texture Shape", "What shape is this texture?");
// private readonly GUIContent textureShape2D = new GUIContent("2D, Texture is 2D.");
// private readonly GUIContent textureShapeCube = new GUIContent("Cube", "Texture is a Cubemap.");
// public readonly Dictionary<TextureImporterShape, GUIContent[]> textureShapeOptionsDictionnary = new Dictionary<TextureImporterShape, GUIContent[]>();
// public readonly Dictionary<TextureImporterShape, int[]> textureShapeValuesDictionnary = new Dictionary<TextureImporterShape, int[]>();
// public readonly GUIContent filterMode = new GUIContent("Filter Mode");
// public readonly GUIContent[] filterModeOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("Point (no filter)"),
// new GUIContent("Bilinear"),
// new GUIContent("Trilinear")
// };
// public readonly GUIContent textureFormat = new GUIContent("Format");
// public readonly GUIContent defaultPlatform = new GUIContent("Default");
// public readonly GUIContent mipmapFadeOutToggle = new GUIContent("Fadeout Mip Maps");
// public readonly GUIContent mipmapFadeOut = new GUIContent("Fade Range");
// public readonly GUIContent readWrite = new GUIContent("Read/Write Enabled", "Enable to be able to access the raw pixel data from code.");
// public readonly GUIContent alphaSource = new GUIContent("Alpha Source", "How is the alpha generated for the imported texture.");
// public readonly GUIContent[] alphaSourceOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("None", "No Alpha will be used."),
// new GUIContent("Input Texture Alpha", "Use Alpha from the input texture if one is provided."),
// new GUIContent("From Gray Scale", "Generate Alpha from image gray scale."),
// };
// public readonly int[] alphaSourceValues =
// {
// (int)TextureImporterAlphaSource.None,
// (int)TextureImporterAlphaSource.FromInput,
// (int)TextureImporterAlphaSource.FromGrayScale,
// };
// public readonly GUIContent generateMipMaps = new GUIContent("Generate Mip Maps");
// public readonly GUIContent sRGBTexture = new GUIContent("sRGB (Color Texture)", "Texture content is stored in gamma space. Non-HDR color textures should enable this flag (except if used for IMGUI).");
// public readonly GUIContent borderMipMaps = new GUIContent("Border Mip Maps");
// public readonly GUIContent mipMapsPreserveCoverage = new GUIContent("Mip Maps Preserve Coverage", "The alpha channel of generated Mip Maps will preserve coverage during the alpha test.");
// public readonly GUIContent alphaTestReferenceValue = new GUIContent("Alpha Cutoff Value", "The reference value used during the alpha test. Controls Mip Map coverage.");
// public readonly GUIContent mipMapFilter = new GUIContent("Mip Map Filtering");
// public readonly GUIContent[] mipMapFilterOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("Box"),
// new GUIContent("Kaiser"),
// };
// public readonly GUIContent npot = new GUIContent("Non Power of 2", "How non-power-of-two textures are scaled on import.");
// public readonly GUIContent compressionQuality = new GUIContent("Compressor Quality");
// public readonly GUIContent compressionQualitySlider = new GUIContent("Compressor Quality", "Use the slider to adjust compression quality from 0 (Fastest) to 100 (Best)");
// public readonly GUIContent[] mobileCompressionQualityOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("Fast"),
// new GUIContent("Normal"),
// new GUIContent("Best")
// };
// public readonly GUIContent spriteMode = new GUIContent("Sprite Mode");
// public readonly GUIContent[] spriteModeOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("Single"),
// new GUIContent("Multiple"),
// new GUIContent("Polygon"),
// };
// public readonly GUIContent[] spriteMeshTypeOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("Full Rect"),
// new GUIContent("Tight"),
// };
// public readonly GUIContent spritePackingTag = new GUIContent("Packing Tag", "Tag for the Sprite Packing system.");
// public readonly GUIContent spritePixelsPerUnit = new GUIContent("Pixels Per Unit", "How many pixels in the sprite correspond to one unit in the world.");
// public readonly GUIContent spriteExtrude = new GUIContent("Extrude Edges", "How much empty area to leave around the sprite in the generated mesh.");
// public readonly GUIContent spriteMeshType = new GUIContent("Mesh Type", "Type of sprite mesh to generate.");
// public readonly GUIContent spriteAlignment = new GUIContent("Pivot", "Sprite pivot point in its localspace. May be used for syncing animation frames of different sizes.");
// public readonly GUIContent[] spriteAlignmentOptions =
// {
// new GUIContent("Center"),
// new GUIContent("Top Left"),
// new GUIContent("Top"),
// new GUIContent("Top Right"),
// new GUIContent("Left"),
// new GUIContent("Right"),
// new GUIContent("Bottom Left"),
// new GUIContent("Bottom"),
// new GUIContent("Bottom Right"),
// new GUIContent("Custom"),
// };
// public readonly GUIContent alphaIsTransparency = new GUIContent("Alpha Is Transparency", "If the provided alpha channel is transparency, enable this to pre-filter the color to avoid texture filtering artifacts. This is not supported for HDR textures.");
// public readonly GUIContent etc1Compression = new GUIContent("Compress using ETC1 (split alpha channel)|Alpha for this texture will be preserved by splitting the alpha channel to another texture, and both resulting textures will be compressed using ETC1.");
// public readonly GUIContent crunchedCompression = new GUIContent("Use Crunch Compression", "Texture is crunch-compressed to save space on disk when applicable.");
// public readonly GUIContent showAdvanced = new GUIContent("Advanced", "Show advanced settings.");
// public Styles()
// {
// // This is far from ideal, but it's better than having tons of logic in the GUI code itself.
// // The combination should not grow too much anyway since only Texture3D will be added later.
// GUIContent[] s2D_Options = { textureShape2D };
// GUIContent[] sCube_Options = { textureShapeCube };
// GUIContent[] s2D_Cube_Options = { textureShape2D, textureShapeCube };
// textureShapeOptionsDictionnary.Add(TextureImporterShape.Texture2D, s2D_Options);
// textureShapeOptionsDictionnary.Add(TextureImporterShape.TextureCube, sCube_Options);
// textureShapeOptionsDictionnary.Add(TextureImporterShape.Texture2D | TextureImporterShape.TextureCube, s2D_Cube_Options);
// int[] s2D_Values = { (int)TextureImporterShape.Texture2D };
// int[] sCube_Values = { (int)TextureImporterShape.TextureCube };
// int[] s2D_Cube_Values = { (int)TextureImporterShape.Texture2D, (int)TextureImporterShape.TextureCube };
// textureShapeValuesDictionnary.Add(TextureImporterShape.Texture2D, s2D_Values);
// textureShapeValuesDictionnary.Add(TextureImporterShape.TextureCube, sCube_Values);
// textureShapeValuesDictionnary.Add(TextureImporterShape.Texture2D | TextureImporterShape.TextureCube, s2D_Cube_Values);
// }
// }
// internal static Styles s_Styles;
// }