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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Burst;
namespace UnityEditor.U2D.PSD
internal static class ExtractLayerTask
struct LayerGroupData
public int startIndex { get; set; }
public int endIndex { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The layer's bounding box in document space.
/// </summary>
public int4 documentRect { get; set; }
struct ConvertBufferJob : IJobParallelFor
[ReadOnly, DeallocateOnJobCompletion]
public NativeArray<int> inputTextureBufferSizes;
[ReadOnly, DeallocateOnJobCompletion]
public NativeArray<IntPtr> inputTextures;
[ReadOnly, DeallocateOnJobCompletion]
public NativeArray<int4> inputLayerRects;
[ReadOnly, DeallocateOnJobCompletion]
public NativeArray<LayerGroupData> layerGroupDataData;
[ReadOnly, DeallocateOnJobCompletion]
public NativeArray<int4> outputLayerRect;
public NativeArray<IntPtr> outputTextures;
public unsafe void Execute(int groupIndex)
var outputColor = (Color32*)outputTextures[groupIndex];
var groupStartIndex = layerGroupDataData[groupIndex].startIndex;
var groupEndIndex = layerGroupDataData[groupIndex].endIndex;
var outStartX = outputLayerRect[groupIndex].x;
var outStartY = outputLayerRect[groupIndex].y;
var outWidth = outputLayerRect[groupIndex].z;
var outHeight = outputLayerRect[groupIndex].w;
for (var layerIndex = groupEndIndex; layerIndex >= groupStartIndex; --layerIndex)
if (inputTextures[layerIndex] == IntPtr.Zero)
var inputColor = (Color32*)inputTextures[layerIndex];
var inX = inputLayerRects[layerIndex].x;
var inY = inputLayerRects[layerIndex].y;
var inWidth = inputLayerRects[layerIndex].z;
var inHeight = inputLayerRects[layerIndex].w;
for (var y = 0; y < inHeight; ++y)
var outPosY = (y + inY) - outStartY;
// If pixel is outside of output texture's Y, move to the next pixel.
if (outPosY < 0 || outPosY >= outHeight)
// Flip Y position on the input texture, because
// PSDs textures are stored "upside-down"
var inRow = ((inHeight - 1) - y) * inWidth;
var outRow = outPosY * outWidth;
for (var x = 0; x < inWidth; ++x)
var outPosX = (x + inX) - outStartX;
// If pixel is outside of output texture's X, move to the next pixel.
if (outPosX < 0 || outPosX >= outWidth)
var inBufferIndex = inRow + x;
var outBufferIndex = outRow + outPosX;
if (outBufferIndex < 0 || outBufferIndex > (outWidth * outHeight))
Color inColor = inputColor[inBufferIndex];
Color prevOutColor = outputColor[outBufferIndex];
var outColor = new Color();
var destAlpha = prevOutColor.a * (1 - inColor.a);
outColor.a = inColor.a + prevOutColor.a * (1 - inColor.a);
var premultiplyAlpha = outColor.a > 0.0f ? 1 / outColor.a : 1f;
outColor.r = (inColor.r * inColor.a + prevOutColor.r * destAlpha) * premultiplyAlpha;
outColor.g = (inColor.g * inColor.a + prevOutColor.g * destAlpha) * premultiplyAlpha;
outColor.b = (inColor.b * inColor.a + prevOutColor.b * destAlpha) * premultiplyAlpha;
outputColor[outBufferIndex] = outColor;
public static unsafe void Execute(in PSDExtractLayerData[] psdExtractLayerData, out List<PSDLayer> outputLayers, bool importHiddenLayer, Vector2Int canvasSize)
outputLayers = new List<PSDLayer>();
var inputLayers = new List<PSDLayer>();
ExtractLayerData(in psdExtractLayerData, ref inputLayers, importHiddenLayer, false, true, canvasSize);
var layerGroupData = new List<LayerGroupData>();
GenerateOutputLayers(in inputLayers, ref outputLayers, ref layerGroupData, false, canvasSize);
if (layerGroupData.Count == 0)
foreach (var layer in outputLayers)
layer.texture = default;
var job = new ConvertBufferJob();
job.inputTextureBufferSizes = new NativeArray<int>(inputLayers.Count, Allocator.TempJob);
job.inputTextures = new NativeArray<IntPtr>(inputLayers.Count, Allocator.TempJob);
job.inputLayerRects = new NativeArray<int4>(inputLayers.Count, Allocator.TempJob);
job.outputLayerRect = new NativeArray<int4>(layerGroupData.Count, Allocator.TempJob);
job.outputTextures = new NativeArray<IntPtr>(layerGroupData.Count, Allocator.TempJob);
for (int i = 0, groupIndex = 0; i < inputLayers.Count; ++i)
var inputLayer = inputLayers[i];
var outputLayer = outputLayers[i];
job.inputTextures[i] = inputLayer.texture.IsCreated ? new IntPtr(inputLayer.texture.GetUnsafePtr()) : IntPtr.Zero;
var isGroupOwner = groupIndex < layerGroupData.Count && layerGroupData[groupIndex].startIndex == i;
if (isGroupOwner)
outputLayer.texture = new NativeArray<Color32>(outputLayer.width * outputLayer.height, Allocator.Persistent);
job.outputLayerRect[groupIndex] = new int4((int)outputLayer.layerPosition.x, (int)outputLayer.layerPosition.y, outputLayer.width, outputLayer.height);
job.outputTextures[groupIndex] = outputLayer.texture.IsCreated ? new IntPtr(outputLayer.texture.GetUnsafePtr()) : IntPtr.Zero;
job.inputTextureBufferSizes[i] = inputLayer.texture.IsCreated ? inputLayer.texture.Length : -1;
job.inputLayerRects[i] = layerGroupData[groupIndex].documentRect;
job.inputTextureBufferSizes[i] = inputLayer.texture.IsCreated ? inputLayer.texture.Length : -1;
job.inputLayerRects[i] = new int4((int)inputLayer.layerPosition.x, (int)inputLayer.layerPosition.y, inputLayer.width, inputLayer.height);
outputLayer.texture = default;
job.layerGroupDataData = new NativeArray<LayerGroupData>(layerGroupData.ToArray(), Allocator.TempJob);
var jobsPerThread = layerGroupData.Count / (SystemInfo.processorCount == 0 ? 8 : SystemInfo.processorCount);
jobsPerThread = Mathf.Max(jobsPerThread, 1);
var handle = job.Schedule(layerGroupData.Count, jobsPerThread);
static void ExtractLayerData(in PSDExtractLayerData[] inputLayers, ref List<PSDLayer> extractedLayers, bool importHiddenLayer, bool flatten, bool parentGroupVisible, Vector2Int canvasSize)
var parentGroupIndex = extractedLayers.Count - 1;
foreach (var inputLayer in inputLayers)
var bitmapLayer = inputLayer.bitmapLayer;
var importSettings = inputLayer.importSetting;
var layerVisible = bitmapLayer.Visible && parentGroupVisible;
var layerRect = new RectInt(bitmapLayer.documentRect.X, bitmapLayer.documentRect.Y, bitmapLayer.Surface.width, bitmapLayer.Surface.height);
if (!bitmapLayer.IsGroup)
layerRect.y = (canvasSize.y - layerRect.y - layerRect.height);
NativeArray<Color32> surface = default;
if ((importHiddenLayer || bitmapLayer.Visible) &&
bitmapLayer.Surface.color.IsCreated &&
bitmapLayer.Surface.color.Length > 0)
surface = bitmapLayer.Surface.color;
var extractedLayer = new PSDLayer(surface, parentGroupIndex, bitmapLayer.IsGroup, bitmapLayer.Name, layerRect.width, layerRect.height, bitmapLayer.LayerID, bitmapLayer.Visible)
spriteID = inputLayer.importSetting.spriteId,
flatten = bitmapLayer.IsGroup && inputLayer.importSetting.flatten,
layerPosition = bitmapLayer.IsGroup ? Vector2.zero : layerRect.position
extractedLayer.isImported = (importHiddenLayer || layerVisible) && !flatten;
if (extractedLayer.isGroup)
extractedLayer.isImported = extractedLayer.isImported && extractedLayer.flatten;
if (inputLayer.children.Length > 0)
ExtractLayerData(in inputLayer.children, ref extractedLayers, importHiddenLayer, flatten || extractedLayer.flatten, layerVisible, canvasSize);
static void GenerateOutputLayers(in List<PSDLayer> inputLayers, ref List<PSDLayer> outputLayers, ref List<LayerGroupData> layerGroupData, bool flatten, Vector2Int canvasSize)
var canvasRect = new RectInt(Vector2Int.zero, canvasSize);
for (var i = 0; i < inputLayers.Count; ++i)
var inputLayer = inputLayers[i];
var outputLayer = new PSDLayer(inputLayer);
var outputRect = new RectInt((int)outputLayer.layerPosition.x, (int)outputLayer.layerPosition.y, outputLayer.width, outputLayer.height);
if (inputLayer.isGroup)
var childIndices = FindAllChildrenOfParent(i, in inputLayers);
var startIndex = i;
var endIndex = i + childIndices.Count;
if (flatten == false && inputLayer.flatten && startIndex < endIndex)
var groupBoundingBox = CalculateLayerRectInChildren(in inputLayers, in childIndices);
layerGroupData.Add(new LayerGroupData()
startIndex = startIndex,
endIndex = endIndex,
documentRect = new int4(groupBoundingBox.x, groupBoundingBox.y, groupBoundingBox.width, groupBoundingBox.height)
outputLayer.texture = default;
outputRect = groupBoundingBox;
else if(!inputLayer.isGroup && inputLayer.isImported)
var inputRect = new int4((int)inputLayer.layerPosition.x, (int)inputLayer.layerPosition.y, inputLayer.width, inputLayer.height);
layerGroupData.Add(new LayerGroupData()
startIndex = i,
endIndex = i,
documentRect = inputRect
CropRect(ref outputRect, canvasRect);
outputLayer.layerPosition = outputRect.position;
outputLayer.width = outputRect.width;
outputLayer.height = outputRect.height;
static List<int> FindAllChildrenOfParent(int parentIndex, in List<PSDLayer> layers)
var childIndices = new List<int>();
for (var i = parentIndex + 1; i < layers.Count; ++i)
if (layers[i].parentIndex == parentIndex)
if (layers[i].isGroup)
childIndices.AddRange(FindAllChildrenOfParent(i, in layers));
return childIndices;
static RectInt CalculateLayerRectInChildren(in List<PSDLayer> inputLayers, in List<int> childIndices)
var groupBoundingBox = default(RectInt);
for (var m = 0; m < childIndices.Count; ++m)
var childLayer = inputLayers[childIndices[m]];
if (childLayer.isGroup)
var layerRect = new RectInt((int) childLayer.layerPosition.x, (int) childLayer.layerPosition.y,
childLayer.width, childLayer.height);
if (IsRectIntDefault(groupBoundingBox))
groupBoundingBox = layerRect;
FitRectInsideRect(ref groupBoundingBox, in layerRect);
return groupBoundingBox;
static bool IsRectIntDefault(RectInt rectInt)
return rectInt.x == 0 &&
rectInt.y == 0 &&
rectInt.width == 0 &&
rectInt.height == 0;
static void CropRect(ref RectInt baseRect, in RectInt cropArea)
if (baseRect.x < cropArea.x)
baseRect.width = Mathf.Max(baseRect.width - (cropArea.x - baseRect.x), 0);
baseRect.x = cropArea.x;
if (baseRect.xMax > cropArea.xMax)
baseRect.x = Mathf.Min(baseRect.x, cropArea.xMax);
baseRect.width = Mathf.Max(cropArea.xMax - baseRect.x, 0);
if (baseRect.y < cropArea.y)
baseRect.height = Mathf.Max(baseRect.height - (cropArea.y - baseRect.y), 0);
baseRect.y = cropArea.y;
if (baseRect.yMax > cropArea.yMax)
baseRect.y = Mathf.Min(baseRect.y, cropArea.yMax);
baseRect.height = Mathf.Max(cropArea.yMax - baseRect.y, 0);
static void FitRectInsideRect(ref RectInt baseRect, in RectInt rectToFitIn)
if (baseRect.xMin > rectToFitIn.xMin)
baseRect.xMin = rectToFitIn.xMin;
if (baseRect.yMin > rectToFitIn.yMin)
baseRect.yMin = rectToFitIn.yMin;
if (baseRect.xMax < rectToFitIn.xMax)
baseRect.xMax = rectToFitIn.xMax;
if (baseRect.yMax < rectToFitIn.yMax)
baseRect.yMax = rectToFitIn.yMax;