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65 lines
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struct Attributes
float3 vertex : POSITION;
float4 tangent: TANGENT;
float4 extrusion : COLOR;
struct Varyings
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
uniform float3 _LightPos;
uniform float4x4 _ShadowModelMatrix; // This is a custom model matrix without scaling
uniform float4x4 _ShadowModelInvMatrix;
uniform float3 _ShadowModelScale; // This is the scale
uniform float _ShadowRadius;
Varyings ProjectShadow(Attributes v)
Varyings o;
float3 vertexWS = TransformObjectToWorld(v.vertex); // This should be in world space
float3 lightDir = _LightPos - vertexWS;
lightDir.z = 0;
// Start of code to see if this point should be extruded
float3 lightDirection = normalize(lightDir);
float adjShadowRadius = 1.4143 * _ShadowRadius; // Needed as our shadow fits like a circumscribed box around our light radius
float3 endpoint = vertexWS + (adjShadowRadius * -lightDirection);
float3 worldTangent = TransformObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent.xyz);
float sharedShadowTest = saturate(ceil(dot(lightDirection, worldTangent)));
// Start of code to calculate offset
float3 vertexWS0 = TransformObjectToWorld(float3(v.extrusion.xy, 0));
float3 vertexWS1 = TransformObjectToWorld(float3(v.extrusion.zw, 0));
float3 shadowDir0 = vertexWS0 - _LightPos;
shadowDir0.z = 0;
shadowDir0 = normalize(shadowDir0);
float3 shadowDir1 = vertexWS1 - _LightPos;
shadowDir1.z = 0;
shadowDir1 = normalize(shadowDir1);
float3 shadowDir = normalize(shadowDir0 + shadowDir1);
float3 sharedShadowOffset = sharedShadowTest * adjShadowRadius * shadowDir;
float3 position;
position = vertexWS + sharedShadowOffset;
o.vertex = TransformWorldToHClip(position);
return o;