537 lines
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537 lines
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using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityTexture2D = UnityEngine.Texture2D;
using UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement;
namespace UnityEditor.U2D.Sprites
internal partial class SpriteFrameModule : SpriteFrameModuleBase
public enum AutoSlicingMethod
DeleteAll = 0,
Smart = 1,
Safe = 2
private bool[] m_AlphaPixelCache;
SpriteFrameModuleContext m_SpriteFrameModuleContext;
private const float kOverlapTolerance = 0.00001f;
private StringBuilder m_SpriteNameStringBuilder;
private List<Rect> m_PotentialRects;
public List<Rect> potentialRects
set => m_PotentialRects = value;
public SpriteFrameModule(ISpriteEditor sw, IEventSystem es, IUndoSystem us, IAssetDatabase ad) :
base("Sprite Editor", sw, es, us, ad)
class SpriteFrameModuleContext : IShortcutToolContext
SpriteFrameModule m_SpriteFrameModule;
public SpriteFrameModuleContext(SpriteFrameModule spriteFrame)
m_SpriteFrameModule = spriteFrame;
public bool active
get { return true; }
public SpriteFrameModule spriteFrameModule
get { return m_SpriteFrameModule; }
[FormerlyPrefKeyAs("Sprite Editor/Trim", "#t")]
[Shortcut("Sprite Editor/Trim", typeof(SpriteFrameModuleContext), KeyCode.T, ShortcutModifiers.Shift)]
static void ShortcutTrim(ShortcutArguments args)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl()))
var spriteFrameContext = (SpriteFrameModuleContext)args.context;
public override void OnModuleActivate()
spriteEditor.enableMouseMoveEvent = true;
m_SpriteFrameModuleContext = new SpriteFrameModuleContext(this);
m_SpriteNameStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(GetSpriteNamePrefix() + "_");
m_PotentialRects = null;
public override void OnModuleDeactivate()
m_PotentialRects = null;
m_AlphaPixelCache = null;
public static SpriteImportMode GetSpriteImportMode(ISpriteEditorDataProvider dataProvider)
return dataProvider == null ? SpriteImportMode.None : dataProvider.spriteImportMode;
public override bool CanBeActivated()
return GetSpriteImportMode(spriteEditor.GetDataProvider<ISpriteEditorDataProvider>()) != SpriteImportMode.Polygon;
private string GenerateSpriteNameWithIndex(int startIndex)
int originalLength = m_SpriteNameStringBuilder.Length;
var name = m_SpriteNameStringBuilder.ToString();
m_SpriteNameStringBuilder.Length = originalLength;
return name;
// 1. Find top-most rectangle
// 2. Sweep it vertically to find out all rects from that "row"
// 3. goto 1.
// This will give us nicely sorted left->right top->down list of rectangles
// Works for most sprite sheets pretty nicely
private List<Rect> SortRects(List<Rect> rects)
List<Rect> result = new List<Rect>();
while (rects.Count > 0)
// Because the slicing algorithm works from bottom-up, the topmost rect is the last one in the array
Rect r = rects[rects.Count - 1];
Rect sweepRect = new Rect(0, r.yMin, textureActualWidth, r.height);
List<Rect> rowRects = RectSweep(rects, sweepRect);
if (rowRects.Count > 0)
// We didn't find any rects, just dump the remaining rects and continue
return result;
private List<Rect> RectSweep(List<Rect> rects, Rect sweepRect)
if (rects == null || rects.Count == 0)
return new List<Rect>();
List<Rect> containedRects = new List<Rect>();
foreach (Rect rect in rects)
if (rect.Overlaps(sweepRect))
// Remove found rects from original list
foreach (Rect rect in containedRects)
// Sort found rects by x position
containedRects.Sort((a, b) => a.x.CompareTo(b.x));
return containedRects;
private int AddSprite(Rect frame, int alignment, Vector2 pivot, AutoSlicingMethod slicingMethod, int originalCount, ref int nameIndex)
int outSprite = -1;
switch (slicingMethod)
case AutoSlicingMethod.DeleteAll:
while (outSprite == -1)
outSprite = AddSprite(frame, alignment, pivot, GenerateSpriteNameWithIndex(nameIndex++), Vector4.zero);
case AutoSlicingMethod.Smart:
outSprite = GetExistingOverlappingSprite(frame, originalCount, true);
if (outSprite != -1)
var existingRect = m_RectsCache.spriteRects[outSprite];
existingRect.rect = frame;
existingRect.alignment = (SpriteAlignment)alignment;
existingRect.pivot = pivot;
while (outSprite == -1)
outSprite = AddSprite(frame, alignment, pivot, GenerateSpriteNameWithIndex(nameIndex++), Vector4.zero);
case AutoSlicingMethod.Safe:
outSprite = GetExistingOverlappingSprite(frame, originalCount);
while (outSprite == -1)
outSprite = AddSprite(frame, alignment, pivot, GenerateSpriteNameWithIndex(nameIndex++), Vector4.zero);
return outSprite;
private int GetExistingOverlappingSprite(Rect rect, int originalCount, bool bestFit = false)
var count = Math.Min(originalCount, m_RectsCache.spriteRects.Count);
int bestRect = -1;
float rectArea = rect.width * rect.height;
if (rectArea < kOverlapTolerance)
return bestRect;
float bestRatio = float.MaxValue;
float bestArea = float.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Rect existingRect = m_RectsCache.spriteRects[i].rect;
if (existingRect.Overlaps(rect))
if (bestFit)
float dx = Math.Min(rect.xMax, existingRect.xMax) - Math.Max(rect.xMin, existingRect.xMin);
float dy = Math.Min(rect.yMax, existingRect.yMax) - Math.Max(rect.yMin, existingRect.yMin);
float overlapArea = dx * dy;
float overlapRatio = Math.Abs((overlapArea / rectArea) - 1.0f);
float existingArea = existingRect.width * existingRect.height;
if (overlapRatio < bestRatio || (overlapRatio < kOverlapTolerance && existingArea < bestArea))
bestRatio = overlapRatio;
if (overlapRatio < kOverlapTolerance)
bestArea = existingArea;
bestRect = i;
bestRect = i;
return bestRect;
private bool PixelHasAlpha(int x, int y, UnityTexture2D texture)
if (m_AlphaPixelCache == null)
m_AlphaPixelCache = new bool[texture.width * texture.height];
Color32[] pixels = texture.GetPixels32();
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
m_AlphaPixelCache[i] = pixels[i].a != 0;
int index = y * (int)texture.width + x;
return m_AlphaPixelCache[index];
private int AddSprite(Rect rect, int alignment, Vector2 pivot, string name, Vector4 border)
if (m_RectsCache.IsNameUsed(name))
return -1;
SpriteRect spriteRect = new SpriteRect();
spriteRect.rect = rect;
spriteRect.alignment = (SpriteAlignment)alignment;
spriteRect.pivot = pivot;
spriteRect.name = name;
spriteRect.originalName = spriteRect.name;
spriteRect.border = border;
spriteRect.spriteID = GUID.Generate();
return m_RectsCache.spriteRects.Count - 1;
private string GetSpriteNamePrefix()
return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(spriteAssetPath);
public void DoAutomaticSlicing(int minimumSpriteSize, int alignment, Vector2 pivot, AutoSlicingMethod slicingMethod)
undoSystem.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(m_RectsCache, "Automatic Slicing");
if (slicingMethod == AutoSlicingMethod.DeleteAll)
var textureToUse = GetTextureToSlice();
List<Rect> frames = new List<Rect>(InternalSpriteUtility.GenerateAutomaticSpriteRectangles((UnityTexture2D)textureToUse, minimumSpriteSize, 0));
frames = SortRects(frames);
int index = 0;
int originalCount = m_RectsCache.spriteRects.Count;
foreach (Rect frame in frames)
AddSprite(frame, alignment, pivot, slicingMethod, originalCount, ref index);
if (slicingMethod == AutoSlicingMethod.DeleteAll)
selected = null;
UnityTexture2D GetTextureToSlice()
int width, height;
m_TextureDataProvider.GetTextureActualWidthAndHeight(out width, out height);
var readableTexture = m_TextureDataProvider.GetReadableTexture2D();
if (readableTexture == null || (readableTexture.width == width && readableTexture.height == height))
return readableTexture;
// we want to slice based on the original texture slice. Upscale the imported texture
var texture = UnityEditor.SpriteUtility.CreateTemporaryDuplicate(readableTexture, width, height);
return texture;
public IEnumerable<Rect> GetGridRects(Vector2 size, Vector2 offset, Vector2 padding, bool keepEmptyRects)
var textureToUse = GetTextureToSlice();
return InternalSpriteUtility.GenerateGridSpriteRectangles((UnityTexture2D)textureToUse, offset, size, padding, keepEmptyRects);
public void DoGridSlicing(Vector2 size, Vector2 offset, Vector2 padding, int alignment, Vector2 pivot, AutoSlicingMethod slicingMethod, bool keepEmptyRects = false)
var frames = GetGridRects(size, offset, padding, keepEmptyRects);
undoSystem.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(m_RectsCache, "Grid Slicing");
if (slicingMethod == AutoSlicingMethod.DeleteAll)
int index = 0;
int originalCount = m_RectsCache.spriteRects.Count;
foreach (Rect frame in frames)
AddSprite(frame, alignment, pivot, slicingMethod, originalCount, ref index);
if (slicingMethod == AutoSlicingMethod.DeleteAll)
selected = null;
public IEnumerable<Rect> GetIsometricRects(Vector2 size, Vector2 offset, bool isAlternate, bool keepEmptyRects)
var textureToUse = GetTextureToSlice();
var gradient = (size.x / 2) / (size.y / 2);
bool isAlt = isAlternate;
float x = offset.x;
if (isAlt)
x += size.x / 2;
float y = textureToUse.height - offset.y;
while (y - size.y >= 0)
while (x + size.x <= textureToUse.width)
var rect = new Rect(x, y - size.y, size.x, size.y);
if (!keepEmptyRects)
int sx = (int)rect.x;
int sy = (int)rect.y;
int width = (int)size.x;
int odd = ((int)size.y) % 2;
int topY = ((int)size.y / 2) - 1;
int bottomY = topY + odd;
int totalPixels = 0;
int alphaPixels = 0;
for (int ry = 0; ry <= topY; ry++)
var pixelOffset = Mathf.CeilToInt(gradient * ry);
for (int rx = pixelOffset; rx < width - pixelOffset; ++rx)
if (PixelHasAlpha(sx + rx, sy + topY - ry, textureToUse))
if (PixelHasAlpha(sx + rx, sy + bottomY + ry, textureToUse))
totalPixels += 2;
if (odd > 0)
int ry = topY + 1;
for (int rx = 0; rx < size.x; ++rx)
if (PixelHasAlpha(sx + rx, sy + ry, textureToUse))
if (totalPixels > 0 && ((float)alphaPixels) / totalPixels > 0.01f)
yield return rect;
yield return rect;
x += size.x;
isAlt = !isAlt;
x = offset.x;
if (isAlt)
x += size.x / 2;
y -= size.y / 2;
public void DoIsometricGridSlicing(Vector2 size, Vector2 offset, int alignment, Vector2 pivot, AutoSlicingMethod slicingMethod, bool keepEmptyRects = false, bool isAlternate = false)
var frames = GetIsometricRects(size, offset, isAlternate, keepEmptyRects);
List<Vector2[]> outlines = new List<Vector2[]>(4);
outlines.Add(new[] { new Vector2(0.0f, -size.y / 2)
, new Vector2(size.x / 2, 0.0f)
, new Vector2(0.0f, size.y / 2)
, new Vector2(-size.x / 2, 0.0f)});
undoSystem.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(m_RectsCache, "Isometric Grid Slicing");
if (slicingMethod == AutoSlicingMethod.DeleteAll)
int index = 0;
var spriteRects = m_RectsCache.GetSpriteRects();
int originalCount = spriteRects.Count;
foreach (var frame in frames)
var spriteIndex = AddSprite(frame, alignment, pivot, slicingMethod, originalCount, ref index);
var outlineRect = new OutlineSpriteRect(spriteRects[spriteIndex]);
outlineRect.outlines = outlines;
spriteRects[spriteIndex] = outlineRect;
if (slicingMethod == AutoSlicingMethod.DeleteAll)
selected = null;
public void ScaleSpriteRect(Rect r)
if (selected != null)
undoSystem.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(m_RectsCache, "Scale sprite");
selected.rect = ClampSpriteRect(r, textureActualWidth, textureActualHeight);
selected.border = ClampSpriteBorderToRect(selected.border, selected.rect);
public void TrimAlpha()
var texture = GetTextureToSlice();
if (texture == null)
Rect rect = selected.rect;
int xMin = (int)rect.xMax;
int xMax = (int)rect.xMin;
int yMin = (int)rect.yMax;
int yMax = (int)rect.yMin;
for (int y = (int)rect.yMin; y < (int)rect.yMax; y++)
for (int x = (int)rect.xMin; x < (int)rect.xMax; x++)
if (PixelHasAlpha(x, y, texture))
xMin = Mathf.Min(xMin, x);
xMax = Mathf.Max(xMax, x);
yMin = Mathf.Min(yMin, y);
yMax = Mathf.Max(yMax, y);
// Case 582309: Return an empty rectangle if no pixel has an alpha
if (xMin > xMax || yMin > yMax)
rect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
rect = new Rect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin + 1, yMax - yMin + 1);
if (rect.width <= 0 && rect.height <= 0)
selected = null;
rect = ClampSpriteRect(rect, texture.width, texture.height);
if (selected.rect != rect)
selected.rect = rect;
public void DuplicateSprite()
if (selected != null)
undoSystem.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(m_RectsCache, "Duplicate sprite");
var index = 0;
var createdIndex = -1;
while (createdIndex == -1)
createdIndex = AddSprite(selected.rect, (int)selected.alignment, selected.pivot, GenerateSpriteNameWithIndex(index++), selected.border);
selected = m_RectsCache.spriteRects[createdIndex];
public void CreateSprite(Rect rect)
rect = ClampSpriteRect(rect, textureActualWidth, textureActualHeight);
undoSystem.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(m_RectsCache, "Create sprite");
var index = 0;
var createdIndex = -1;
while (createdIndex == -1)
createdIndex = AddSprite(rect, 0, Vector2.zero, GenerateSpriteNameWithIndex(index++), Vector4.zero);
selected = m_RectsCache.spriteRects[createdIndex];
public void DeleteSprite()
if (selected != null)
undoSystem.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(m_RectsCache, "Delete sprite");
selected = null;