I updated everything to the latest Unity Editor. Also realized I had the wrong shaders on my hairs, those are fixed and the hairs look MUCH better!
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Rounded Rectangle Node
Generates a rounded rectangle shape based on input UV at the size specified by inputs Width and Height. The radius of each corner is defined by input Radius. The generated shape can be offset or tiled by connecting a Tiling And Offset Node. Note that in order to preserve the ability to offset the shape within the UV space the shape will not automatically repeat if tiled. To achieve a repeating rounded rectangle effect first connect your input through a Fraction Node.
NOTE: This Node can only be used in the Fragment Shader Stage.
Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description |
UV | Input | Vector 2 | UV | Input UV value |
Width | Input | Float | None | Rounded Rectangle width |
Height | Input | Float | None | Rounded Rectangle height |
Radius | Input | Float | None | Corner radius |
Out | Output | Float | None | Output value |
Generated Code Example
The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.
void Unity_RoundedRectangle_float(float2 UV, float Width, float Height, float Radius, out float Out)
Radius = max(min(min(abs(Radius * 2), abs(Width)), abs(Height)), 1e-5);
float2 uv = abs(UV * 2 - 1) - float2(Width, Height) + Radius;
float d = length(max(0, uv)) / Radius;
Out = saturate((1 - d) / fwidth(d));