Schaken-Mods 7502018d20 Adding Mod Support
There is an asset in the store I grabbed. the coding is WAY above my head, I got about half of it and integrated and adapted what I can to it. im going as far as I can with it and ill come back in a few month when I understand t better.
2023-05-13 22:01:48 -05:00

207 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.BuildPipelineTasks;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.DataBuilders;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings.GroupSchemas;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Interfaces;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Util;
using static UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.ContentUpdateScript;
/// <summary>
/// RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState uses the asset state from the previous build to determine if any assets
/// need to use their previous settings or use the newly build data.
/// </summary>
public class RevertUnchangedAssetsToPreviousAssetState
internal struct AssetEntryRevertOperation
public CachedAssetState PreviousAssetState;
public AddressableAssetEntry AssetEntry;
public ContentCatalogDataEntry BundleCatalogEntry;
public string CurrentBuildPath;
public string PreviousBuildPath;
/// <summary>
/// Reverts asset entries to their previous state if not modified by the new build.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aaBuildContext">The new build data.</param>
/// <param name="updateContext">The cached build data.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the success ReturnCode if the content update succeeds.</returns>
public static ReturnCode Run(IAddressableAssetsBuildContext aaBuildContext, ContentUpdateContext updateContext)
var aaContext = aaBuildContext as AddressableAssetsBuildContext;
var groups = aaContext.Settings.groups.Where(group => group != null && group.HasSchema<BundledAssetGroupSchema>());
if (updateContext.ContentState.cachedBundles == null)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($"ContentUpdateContext does not contain previous asset bundle info, remote static bundles that are updated will not be cacheable. If this is needed, rebuild the shipped application state with the current version of addressables to update the addressables_content_state.bin file. The updated addressables_content_state.bin file can be used to create the content update.");
foreach (var assetGroup in groups)
List<AssetEntryRevertOperation> operations = DetermineRequiredAssetEntryUpdates(assetGroup, updateContext);
ApplyAssetEntryUpdates(operations, GenerateLocationListsTask.GetBundleProviderName(assetGroup), aaContext.locations, updateContext);
return ReturnCode.Success;
internal static List<AssetEntryRevertOperation> DetermineRequiredAssetEntryUpdates(AddressableAssetGroup group, ContentUpdateScript.ContentUpdateContext contentUpdateContext)
if (!group.HasSchema<BundledAssetGroupSchema>())
return new List<AssetEntryRevertOperation>();
bool groupIsStaticContentGroup = group.HasSchema<ContentUpdateGroupSchema>() && group.GetSchema<ContentUpdateGroupSchema>().StaticContent;
List<AssetEntryRevertOperation> operations = new List<AssetEntryRevertOperation>();
List<AddressableAssetEntry> allEntries = new List<AddressableAssetEntry>();
group.GatherAllAssets(allEntries, true, true, false);
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry entry in allEntries)
if (entry.IsFolder)
GUID guid = new GUID(entry.guid);
if (!contentUpdateContext.WriteData.AssetToFiles.ContainsKey(guid))
string file = contentUpdateContext.WriteData.AssetToFiles[guid][0];
string fullInternalBundleName = contentUpdateContext.WriteData.FileToBundle[file];
string finalBundleWritePath = contentUpdateContext.BundleToInternalBundleIdMap[fullInternalBundleName];
//Ensure we can get the catalog entry for the bundle we're looking to replace
if (!contentUpdateContext.IdToCatalogDataEntryMap.TryGetValue(finalBundleWritePath, out ContentCatalogDataEntry catalogBundleEntry))
//If new entries are added post initial build this will ensure that those new entries have their bundleFileId for SaveContentState
entry.BundleFileId = catalogBundleEntry.InternalId;
//If we have no cached state no reason to proceed. This is new to the build.
if (!contentUpdateContext.GuidToPreviousAssetStateMap.TryGetValue(entry.guid, out CachedAssetState previousAssetState))
//If the parent group is different we don't want to revert it to its previous state
if (entry.parentGroup.Guid != previousAssetState.groupGuid)
//If the asset hash has changed and the group is not a static content update group we don't want to revert it to its previous state
if (AssetDatabase.GetAssetDependencyHash(entry.AssetPath) != previousAssetState.asset.hash && !groupIsStaticContentGroup)
//If the previous asset state has the same bundle file id as the current build we don't want to revert it to its previous state
if (catalogBundleEntry.InternalId == previousAssetState.bundleFileId)
var schema = group.GetSchema<BundledAssetGroupSchema>();
string loadPath = schema.LoadPath.GetValue(group.Settings);
string buildPath = schema.BuildPath.GetValue(group.Settings);
//Need to check and make sure our cached version exists
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousAssetState.bundleFileId))
//Logging this as an error because a CachedAssetState without a set bundleFileId is indicative of a significant issue with the build script.
Addressables.LogError($"CachedAssetState found for {entry.AssetPath} but the bundleFileId was never set on the previous build.");
string previousBundlePath = BundleIdToBuildPath(previousAssetState.bundleFileId, loadPath, buildPath);
if (!File.Exists(previousBundlePath))
//Logging this as a warning because users may choose to delete their bundles on disk which will trigger this state.
Addressables.LogWarning($"CachedAssetState found for {entry.AssetPath} but the previous bundle at {previousBundlePath} cannot be found. " +
$"This will not affect loading the bundle in previously built players, but loading the missing bundle in Play Mode using the play mode script " +
$"\"Use Existing Build (requires built groups)\" will fail.");
string builtBundlePath = BundleIdToBuildPath(contentUpdateContext.BundleToInternalBundleIdMap[fullInternalBundleName], loadPath, buildPath);
AssetEntryRevertOperation operation = new AssetEntryRevertOperation()
BundleCatalogEntry = catalogBundleEntry,
AssetEntry = entry,
CurrentBuildPath = builtBundlePath,
PreviousAssetState = previousAssetState,
PreviousBuildPath = previousBundlePath
return operations;
internal static string BundleIdToBuildPath(string bundleId, string rootLoadPath, string rootBuildPath)
if (bundleId == null)
return null;
bool replaceBackSlashes = rootLoadPath.Contains('/') && !ResourceManagerConfig.ShouldPathUseWebRequest(rootLoadPath);
string path = replaceBackSlashes ? bundleId.Replace('\\', '/') : bundleId;
return path.Replace(rootLoadPath, rootBuildPath);
private static bool IsPreviouslyRevertedDependency(string bundleFileId, ContentUpdateContext contentUpdateContext)
foreach (CachedAssetState state in contentUpdateContext.PreviousAssetStateCarryOver)
if (state.bundleFileId == bundleFileId)
return true;
return false;
internal static void ApplyAssetEntryUpdates(
List<AssetEntryRevertOperation> operations,
string bundleProviderName,
List<ContentCatalogDataEntry> locations,
ContentUpdateContext contentUpdateContext)
foreach (AssetEntryRevertOperation operation in operations)
//Check that we can replace the entry in the file registry
//before continuing. Past this point destructive actions are taken.
if (contentUpdateContext.Registry.ReplaceBundleEntry(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(operation.PreviousBuildPath), operation.PreviousAssetState.bundleFileId) ||
IsPreviouslyRevertedDependency(operation.PreviousAssetState.bundleFileId, contentUpdateContext))
operation.BundleCatalogEntry.InternalId = operation.PreviousAssetState.bundleFileId;
if (contentUpdateContext.ContentState.cachedBundles != null)
var bundleState = contentUpdateContext.ContentState.cachedBundles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.bundleFileId == operation.PreviousAssetState.bundleFileId);
operation.BundleCatalogEntry.Data = bundleState != null ? : null;
//If the entry has dependencies, we need to update those to point to their respective cached versions as well.
if (operation.PreviousAssetState.dependencies.Length > 0)
foreach (AssetState state in operation.PreviousAssetState.dependencies)
if (contentUpdateContext.GuidToPreviousAssetStateMap.TryGetValue(state.guid.ToString(), out var cachedDependencyState) &&
string modifiedKey = cachedDependencyState.bundleFileId + operation.AssetEntry.GetHashCode();
locations.Add(new ContentCatalogDataEntry(
new List<object>() { modifiedKey }));
if (!operation.BundleCatalogEntry.Dependencies.Contains(modifiedKey))
//sync the internal ids of the catalog entry and asset entry to the cached state
operation.BundleCatalogEntry.InternalId = operation.AssetEntry.BundleFileId = operation.PreviousAssetState.bundleFileId;