using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceLocations; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Util; namespace UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations { internal interface IGenericProviderOperation { void Init(ResourceManager rm, IResourceProvider provider, IResourceLocation location, AsyncOperationHandle> depOp); void Init(ResourceManager rm, IResourceProvider provider, IResourceLocation location, AsyncOperationHandle> depOp, bool releaseDependenciesOnFailure); int ProvideHandleVersion { get; } IResourceLocation Location { get; } int DependencyCount { get; } void GetDependencies(IList dstList); TDepObject GetDependency(int index); void SetProgressCallback(Func callback); void ProviderCompleted(T result, bool status, Exception e); Type RequestedType { get; } void SetDownloadProgressCallback(Func callback); void SetWaitForCompletionCallback(Func callback); } [UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve] internal class ProviderOperation : AsyncOperationBase, IGenericProviderOperation, ICachable { private bool m_ReleaseDependenciesOnFailure = true; private Action m_CompletionCallback; private Action> m_GetDepCallback; private Func m_GetProgressCallback; private Func m_GetDownloadProgressCallback; private Func m_WaitForCompletionCallback; private DownloadStatus m_DownloadStatus; private IResourceProvider m_Provider; internal AsyncOperationHandle> m_DepOp; private IResourceLocation m_Location; private int m_ProvideHandleVersion; private bool m_NeedsRelease; IOperationCacheKey ICachable.Key { get; set; } private ResourceManager m_ResourceManager; private const float k_OperationWaitingToCompletePercentComplete = 0.99f; public int ProvideHandleVersion { get { return m_ProvideHandleVersion; } } public IResourceLocation Location { get { return m_Location; } } public void SetDownloadProgressCallback(Func callback) { m_GetDownloadProgressCallback = callback; if (m_GetDownloadProgressCallback != null) m_DownloadStatus = m_GetDownloadProgressCallback(); } public void SetWaitForCompletionCallback(Func callback) { m_WaitForCompletionCallback = callback; } /// protected override bool InvokeWaitForCompletion() { if (IsDone) return true; if (m_DepOp.IsValid() && !m_DepOp.IsDone) m_DepOp.WaitForCompletion(); if (m_WaitForCompletionCallback == null) return false; m_RM?.Update(Time.unscaledDeltaTime); if (!HasExecuted) InvokeExecute(); if (m_WaitForCompletionCallback == null) return false; return m_WaitForCompletionCallback.Invoke(); } internal override DownloadStatus GetDownloadStatus(HashSet visited) { var depDLS = m_DepOp.IsValid() ? m_DepOp.InternalGetDownloadStatus(visited) : default; if (m_GetDownloadProgressCallback != null) m_DownloadStatus = m_GetDownloadProgressCallback(); if (Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded) m_DownloadStatus.DownloadedBytes = m_DownloadStatus.TotalBytes; return new DownloadStatus() { DownloadedBytes = m_DownloadStatus.DownloadedBytes + depDLS.DownloadedBytes, TotalBytes = m_DownloadStatus.TotalBytes + depDLS.TotalBytes, IsDone = IsDone }; } public ProviderOperation() { } /// public override void GetDependencies(List deps) { if (m_DepOp.IsValid()) deps.Add(m_DepOp); } internal override void ReleaseDependencies() { if (m_DepOp.IsValid()) m_DepOp.Release(); } protected override string DebugName { get { return string.Format("Resource<{0}>({1})", typeof(TObject).Name, m_Location == null ? "Invalid" : ShortenPath(m_Location.InternalId, true)); } } internal const string kInvalidHandleMsg = "The ProvideHandle is invalid. After the handle has been completed, it can no longer be used"; public void GetDependencies(IList dstList) { dstList.Clear(); if (!m_DepOp.IsValid()) return; if (m_DepOp.Result == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < m_DepOp.Result.Count; i++) dstList.Add(m_DepOp.Result[i].Result); } public Type RequestedType { get { return typeof(TObject); } } public int DependencyCount { get { return (!m_DepOp.IsValid() || m_DepOp.Result == null) ? 0 : m_DepOp.Result.Count; } } public TDepObject GetDependency(int index) { if (!m_DepOp.IsValid() || m_DepOp.Result == null) throw new Exception("Cannot get dependency because no dependencies were available"); return (TDepObject)(m_DepOp.Result[index].Result); } public void SetProgressCallback(Func callback) { m_GetProgressCallback = callback; } public void ProviderCompleted(T result, bool status, Exception e) { m_ProvideHandleVersion++; m_GetProgressCallback = null; m_GetDownloadProgressCallback = null; m_WaitForCompletionCallback = null; m_NeedsRelease = status; ProviderOperation top = this as ProviderOperation; if (top != null) { top.Result = result; } else if (result == null && !typeof(TObject).IsValueType) { Result = (TObject)(object)null; } else if (result != null && typeof(TObject).IsAssignableFrom(result.GetType())) { Result = (TObject)(object)result; } else { string errorMsg = string.Format("Provider of type {0} with id {1} has provided a result of type {2} which cannot be converted to requested type {3}. The operation will be marked as failed.", m_Provider.GetType().ToString(), m_Provider.ProviderId, typeof(T), typeof(TObject)); Complete(Result, false, errorMsg); throw new Exception(errorMsg); } Complete(Result, status, e, m_ReleaseDependenciesOnFailure); } protected override float Progress { get { try { float numberOfOps = 1f; float total = 0f; if (m_GetProgressCallback != null) total += m_GetProgressCallback(); if (!m_DepOp.IsValid() || m_DepOp.Result == null || m_DepOp.Result.Count == 0) { total++; numberOfOps++; } else { foreach (var handle in m_DepOp.Result) { total += handle.PercentComplete; numberOfOps++; } } float result = total / numberOfOps; //This is done because all AssetBundle operations (m_DepOp.Result) can complete as well as the //BundledAssetRequest operation (m_GetProgressCallBack) but this overall operation hasn't completed yet. //Once the operation has a chance to complete we short circut calling into Progress here and just return 1.0f return Mathf.Min(result, k_OperationWaitingToCompletePercentComplete); } catch { return 0.0f; } } } protected override void Execute() { Debug.Assert(m_DepOp.IsDone); if (m_DepOp.IsValid() && m_DepOp.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Failed && (m_Provider.BehaviourFlags & ProviderBehaviourFlags.CanProvideWithFailedDependencies) == 0) { ProviderCompleted(default(TObject), false, new Exception("Dependency Exception", m_DepOp.OperationException)); } else { try { m_Provider.Provide(new ProvideHandle(m_ResourceManager, this)); } catch (Exception e) { ProviderCompleted(default(TObject), false, e); } } } public void Init(ResourceManager rm, IResourceProvider provider, IResourceLocation location, AsyncOperationHandle> depOp) { m_DownloadStatus = default; m_ResourceManager = rm; m_DepOp = depOp; if (m_DepOp.IsValid()) m_DepOp.Acquire(); m_Provider = provider; m_Location = location; m_ReleaseDependenciesOnFailure = true; SetWaitForCompletionCallback(WaitForCompletionHandler); } public void Init(ResourceManager rm, IResourceProvider provider, IResourceLocation location, AsyncOperationHandle> depOp, bool releaseDependenciesOnFailure) { m_DownloadStatus = default; m_ResourceManager = rm; m_DepOp = depOp; if (m_DepOp.IsValid()) m_DepOp.Acquire(); m_Provider = provider; m_Location = location; m_ReleaseDependenciesOnFailure = releaseDependenciesOnFailure; SetWaitForCompletionCallback(WaitForCompletionHandler); } bool WaitForCompletionHandler() { if (IsDone) return true; if (!m_DepOp.IsDone) m_DepOp.WaitForCompletion(); if (!HasExecuted) InvokeExecute(); return IsDone; } protected override void Destroy() { if (m_NeedsRelease) m_Provider.Release(m_Location, Result); if (m_DepOp.IsValid()) m_DepOp.Release(); Result = default(TObject); } } }