#if UNITY_EDITOR using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Compilation; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Burst.Editor.Tests")] namespace Unity.Burst.Editor { using static BurstCompilerOptions; internal static class BurstReflection { // The TypeCache API was added in 2019.2. So there are two versions of FindExecuteMethods, // one that uses TypeCache and one that doesn't. #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER public static FindExecuteMethodsResult FindExecuteMethods(List assemblyList, BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions options) { var methodsToCompile = new List(); var methodsToCompileSet = new HashSet(); var logMessages = new List(); var interfaceToProducer = new Dictionary(); var assemblySet = new HashSet(assemblyList); void AddTarget(BurstCompileTarget target) { // We will not try to record more than once a method in the methods to compile // This can happen if a job interface is inheriting from another job interface which are using in the end the same // job producer type if (!target.IsStaticMethod && !methodsToCompileSet.Add(target.Method)) { return; } if (options.HasFlag(BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions.ExcludeTestAssemblies) && target.JobType.Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies().Any(x => IsNUnitDll(x.Name))) { return; } methodsToCompile.Add(target); } var staticMethodTypes = new HashSet(); // ------------------------------------------- // Find job structs using TypeCache. // ------------------------------------------- var jobProducerImplementations = TypeCache.GetTypesWithAttribute(); foreach (var jobProducerImplementation in jobProducerImplementations) { var attrs = jobProducerImplementation.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JobProducerTypeAttribute), false); if (attrs.Length == 0) { continue; } staticMethodTypes.Add(jobProducerImplementation); var attr = (JobProducerTypeAttribute)attrs[0]; interfaceToProducer.Add(jobProducerImplementation, attr.ProducerType); } foreach (var jobProducerImplementation in jobProducerImplementations) { if (!jobProducerImplementation.IsInterface) { continue; } var jobTypes = TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom(jobProducerImplementation); foreach (var jobType in jobTypes) { if (jobType.IsGenericType || !jobType.IsValueType) { continue; } ScanJobType(jobType, interfaceToProducer, logMessages, AddTarget); } } // ------------------------------------------- // Find static methods using TypeCache. // ------------------------------------------- void AddStaticMethods(TypeCache.MethodCollection methods) { foreach (var method in methods) { if (HasBurstCompileAttribute(method.DeclaringType)) { staticMethodTypes.Add(method.DeclaringType); // NOTE: Make sure that we don't use a value type generic definition (e.g `class Outer { struct Inner { } }`) // We are only working on plain type or generic type instance! if (!method.DeclaringType.IsGenericTypeDefinition && method.IsStatic && !method.ContainsGenericParameters) { AddTarget(new BurstCompileTarget(method, method.DeclaringType, null, true)); } } } } // Add [BurstCompile] static methods. AddStaticMethods(TypeCache.GetMethodsWithAttribute()); // Add [TestCompiler] static methods. if (!options.HasFlag(BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions.ExcludeTestAssemblies)) { var testCompilerAttributeType = Type.GetType("Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.TestCompilerAttribute, Unity.Burst.Tests.UnitTests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"); if (testCompilerAttributeType != null) { AddStaticMethods(TypeCache.GetMethodsWithAttribute(testCompilerAttributeType)); } } // ------------------------------------------- // Find job types and static methods based on // generic instances types. These will not be // found by the TypeCache scanning above. // ------------------------------------------- FindExecuteMethodsForGenericInstances( assemblySet, staticMethodTypes, interfaceToProducer, AddTarget, logMessages); return new FindExecuteMethodsResult(methodsToCompile, logMessages); } private static void ScanJobType( Type jobType, Dictionary interfaceToProducer, List logMessages, Action addTarget) { foreach (var interfaceType in jobType.GetInterfaces()) { var genericLessInterface = interfaceType; if (interfaceType.IsGenericType) { genericLessInterface = interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); } if (interfaceToProducer.TryGetValue(genericLessInterface, out var foundProducer)) { var genericParams = new List { jobType }; if (interfaceType.IsGenericType) { genericParams.AddRange(interfaceType.GenericTypeArguments); } try { var executeType = foundProducer.MakeGenericType(genericParams.ToArray()); var executeMethod = executeType.GetMethod("Execute", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (executeMethod == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst reflection error. The type `{executeType}` does not contain an `Execute` method"); } addTarget(new BurstCompileTarget(executeMethod, jobType, interfaceType, false)); } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(ex)); } } } } private static void FindExecuteMethodsForGenericInstances( HashSet assemblyList, HashSet staticMethodTypes, Dictionary interfaceToProducer, Action addTarget, List logMessages) { var valueTypes = new List(); //Debug.Log("Filtered Assembly List: " + string.Join(", ", assemblyList.Select(assembly => assembly.GetName().Name))); // Find all ways to execute job types (via producer attributes) var typesVisited = new HashSet(); var typesToVisit = new HashSet(); var allTypesAssembliesCollected = new HashSet(); foreach (var assembly in assemblyList) { var types = new List(); try { // Collect all generic type instances (excluding indirect instances) CollectGenericTypeInstances( assembly, x => assemblyList.Contains(x.Assembly), types, allTypesAssembliesCollected); } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(LogType.Warning, "Unexpected exception while collecting types in assembly `" + assembly.FullName + "` Exception: " + ex)); } for (var i = 0; i < types.Count; i++) { var t = types[i]; if (typesToVisit.Add(t.AssemblyQualifiedName)) { // Because the list of types returned by CollectGenericTypeInstances does not detect nested generic classes that are not // used explicitly, we need to create them if a declaring type is actually used // so for example if we have: // class MyClass { class MyNestedClass { } } // class MyDerived : MyClass { } // The CollectGenericTypeInstances will return typically the type MyClass, but will not list MyClass.MyNestedClass // So the following code is correcting this in order to fully query the full graph of generic instance types, including indirect types var nestedTypes = t.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); foreach (var nestedType in nestedTypes) { if (t.IsGenericType && !t.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { var parentGenericTypeArguments = t.GetGenericArguments(); // Only create nested types that are closed generic types (full generic instance types) // It happens if for example the parent class is `class MClass { class MyNestedGeneric {} }` // In that case, MyNestedGeneric is opened in the context of MClass, so we don't process them if (nestedType.GetGenericArguments().Length == parentGenericTypeArguments.Length) { try { var instanceNestedType = nestedType.MakeGenericType(parentGenericTypeArguments); types.Add(instanceNestedType); } catch (Exception ex) { var error = $"Unexpected Burst Inspector error. Invalid generic type instance. Trying to instantiate the generic type {nestedType.FullName} with the generic arguments <{string.Join(", ", parentGenericTypeArguments.Select(x => x.FullName))}> is not supported: {ex}"; logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(LogType.Warning, error)); } } } else { types.Add(nestedType); } } } } foreach (var t in types) { // If the type has been already visited, don't try to visit it if (!typesVisited.Add(t.AssemblyQualifiedName) || (t.IsGenericTypeDefinition && !t.IsInterface)) { continue; } try { // collect methods with types having a [BurstCompile] attribute var staticMethodDeclaringType = t; if (t.IsGenericType) { staticMethodDeclaringType = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); } bool visitStaticMethods = staticMethodTypes.Contains(staticMethodDeclaringType); bool isValueType = false; if (t.IsValueType) { // NOTE: Make sure that we don't use a value type generic definition (e.g `class Outer { struct Inner { } }`) // We are only working on plain type or generic type instance! if (!t.IsGenericTypeDefinition) isValueType = true; } if (isValueType || visitStaticMethods) { valueTypes.Add(new TypeToVisit(t, visitStaticMethods)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(LogType.Warning, "Unexpected exception while inspecting type `" + t + "` IsConstructedGenericType: " + t.IsConstructedGenericType + " IsGenericTypeDef: " + t.IsGenericTypeDefinition + " IsGenericParam: " + t.IsGenericParameter + " Exception: " + ex)); } } } // Revisit all types to find things that are compilable using the above producers. foreach (var typePair in valueTypes) { var type = typePair.Type; // collect static [BurstCompile] methods if (typePair.CollectStaticMethods) { try { var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); foreach (var method in methods) { if (HasBurstCompileAttribute(method)) { addTarget(new BurstCompileTarget(method, type, null, true)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(ex)); } } // If the type is not a value type, we don't need to proceed with struct Jobs if (!type.IsValueType) { continue; } ScanJobType(type, interfaceToProducer, logMessages, addTarget); } } #else public static FindExecuteMethodsResult FindExecuteMethods(IEnumerable assemblyList, BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions options) { var methodsToCompile = new List(); var methodsToCompileSet = new HashSet(); var valueTypes = new List(); var interfaceToProducer = new Dictionary(); // This method can be called on a background thread, so we can't call Debug.Log etc. // Instead collect all the log messages and return them. var logMessages = new List(); //Debug.Log("Filtered Assembly List: " + string.Join(", ", assemblyList.Select(assembly => assembly.GetName().Name))); // Find all ways to execute job types (via producer attributes) var typesVisited = new HashSet(); var typesToVisit = new HashSet(); var allTypesAssembliesCollected = new HashSet(); foreach (var assembly in assemblyList) { var types = new List(); try { var typesFromAssembly = assembly.GetTypes(); types.AddRange(typesFromAssembly); foreach(var typeInAssembly in typesFromAssembly) { allTypesAssembliesCollected.Add(typeInAssembly); } // Collect all generic type instances (excluding indirect instances) CollectGenericTypeInstances(assembly, x => true, types, allTypesAssembliesCollected); } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(LogType.Warning, "Unexpected exception while collecting types in assembly `" + assembly.FullName + "` Exception: " + ex)); } for (var i = 0; i < types.Count; i++) { var t = types[i]; if (typesToVisit.Add(t.AssemblyQualifiedName)) { // Because the list of types returned by CollectGenericTypeInstances does not detect nested generic classes that are not // used explicitly, we need to create them if a declaring type is actually used // so for example if we have: // class MyClass { class MyNestedClass { } } // class MyDerived : MyClass { } // The CollectGenericTypeInstances will return typically the type MyClass, but will not list MyClass.MyNestedClass // So the following code is correcting this in order to fully query the full graph of generic instance types, including indirect types var nestedTypes = t.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); foreach (var nestedType in nestedTypes) { if (t.IsGenericType && !t.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { var parentGenericTypeArguments = t.GetGenericArguments(); // Only create nested types that are closed generic types (full generic instance types) // It happens if for example the parent class is `class MClass { class MyNestedGeneric {} }` // In that case, MyNestedGeneric is opened in the context of MClass, so we don't process them if (nestedType.GetGenericArguments().Length == parentGenericTypeArguments.Length) { try { var instanceNestedType = nestedType.MakeGenericType(parentGenericTypeArguments); types.Add(instanceNestedType); } catch (Exception ex) { var error = $"Unexpected Burst Inspector error. Invalid generic type instance. Trying to instantiate the generic type {nestedType.FullName} with the generic arguments <{string.Join(", ", parentGenericTypeArguments.Select(x => x.FullName))}> is not supported: {ex}"; logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(LogType.Warning, error)); } } } else { types.Add(nestedType); } } } } foreach (var t in types) { // If the type has been already visited, don't try to visit it if (!typesVisited.Add(t.AssemblyQualifiedName) || (t.IsGenericTypeDefinition && !t.IsInterface)) { continue; } try { // collect methods with types having a [BurstCompile] attribute bool visitStaticMethods = HasBurstCompileAttribute(t); bool isValueType = false; if (t.IsInterface) { object[] attrs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JobProducerTypeAttribute), false); if (attrs.Length == 0) continue; JobProducerTypeAttribute attr = (JobProducerTypeAttribute)attrs[0]; interfaceToProducer.Add(t, attr.ProducerType); //Debug.Log($"{t} has producer {attr.ProducerType}"); } else if (t.IsValueType) { // NOTE: Make sure that we don't use a value type generic definition (e.g `class Outer { struct Inner { } }`) // We are only working on plain type or generic type instance! if (!t.IsGenericTypeDefinition) isValueType = true; } if (isValueType || visitStaticMethods) { valueTypes.Add(new TypeToVisit(t, visitStaticMethods)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(LogType.Warning, "Unexpected exception while inspecting type `" + t + "` IsConstructedGenericType: " + t.IsConstructedGenericType + " IsGenericTypeDef: " + t.IsGenericTypeDefinition + " IsGenericParam: " + t.IsGenericParameter + " Exception: " + ex)); } } } //Debug.Log($"Mapped {interfaceToProducer.Count} producers; {valueTypes.Count} value types"); // Revisit all types to find things that are compilable using the above producers. foreach (var typePair in valueTypes) { var type = typePair.Type; // collect static [BurstCompile] methods if (typePair.CollectStaticMethods) { try { var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); foreach (var method in methods) { if (!method.ContainsGenericParameters && HasBurstCompileAttribute(method)) { var target = new BurstCompileTarget(method, type, null, true); methodsToCompile.Add(target); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(ex)); } } // If the type is not a value type, we don't need to proceed with struct Jobs if (!type.IsValueType) { continue; } // Otherwise try to find if we have an interface producer setup on the class foreach (var interfaceType in type.GetInterfaces()) { var genericLessInterface = interfaceType; if (interfaceType.IsGenericType) { genericLessInterface = interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); } Type foundProducer; if (interfaceToProducer.TryGetValue(genericLessInterface, out foundProducer)) { var genericParams = new List {type}; if (interfaceType.IsGenericType) { genericParams.AddRange(interfaceType.GenericTypeArguments); } try { var executeType = foundProducer.MakeGenericType(genericParams.ToArray()); var executeMethod = executeType.GetMethod("Execute", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (executeMethod == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Burst reflection error. The type `{executeType}` does not contain an `Execute` method"); } // We will not try to record more than once a method in the methods to compile // This can happen if a job interface is inheriting from another job interface which are using in the end the same // job producer type if (methodsToCompileSet.Add(executeMethod)) { var target = new BurstCompileTarget(executeMethod, type, interfaceType, false); methodsToCompile.Add(target); } } catch (Exception ex) { logMessages.Add(new LogMessage(ex)); } } } } return new FindExecuteMethodsResult(methodsToCompile, logMessages); } #endif public sealed class FindExecuteMethodsResult { public readonly List CompileTargets; public readonly List LogMessages; public FindExecuteMethodsResult(List compileTargets, List logMessages) { CompileTargets = compileTargets; LogMessages = logMessages; } } public sealed class LogMessage { public readonly LogType LogType; public readonly string Message; public readonly Exception Exception; public LogMessage(LogType logType, string message) { LogType = logType; Message = message; } public LogMessage(Exception exception) { LogType = LogType.Exception; Exception = exception; } } public enum LogType { Warning, Exception, } /// /// This method exists solely to ensure that the static constructor has been called. /// public static void EnsureInitialized() { } #if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER // This field is only used for Unity 2018.4. public static readonly List AllEditorAssemblies; #endif public static readonly List EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobs; public static readonly List EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobsExcludingTestAssemblies; /// /// Collects (and caches) all editor assemblies - transitively. /// static BurstReflection() { #if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER AllEditorAssemblies = new List(); #endif EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobs = new List(); EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobsExcludingTestAssemblies = new List(); // TODO: Not sure there is a better way to match assemblies returned by CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies // with runtime assemblies contained in the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() // Filter the assemblies var assemblyList = CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies(AssembliesType.Editor); var assemblyNames = new HashSet(); foreach (var assembly in assemblyList) { CollectAssemblyNames(assembly, assemblyNames); } var allAssemblies = new HashSet(); foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { if (!assemblyNames.Contains(assembly.GetName().Name)) { continue; } CollectAssembly(assembly, allAssemblies); } } // For an assembly to contain something "interesting" when we're scanning for things to compile, // it needs to either: // (a) be one of these assemblies, or // (b) reference one of these assemblies private static readonly string[] ScanMarkerAssemblies = new[] { // Contains [BurstCompile] attribute "Unity.Burst", // Contains [JobProducerType] attribute "UnityEngine.CoreModule" }; private static void CollectAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, HashSet collect) { if (!collect.Add(assembly)) { return; } #if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER AllEditorAssemblies.Add(assembly); #endif var referencedAssemblies = assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies(); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER var shouldCollectReferences = false; #endif var name = assembly.GetName().Name; if (ScanMarkerAssemblies.Contains(name) || referencedAssemblies.Any(x => ScanMarkerAssemblies.Contains(x.Name))) { EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobs.Add(assembly); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER shouldCollectReferences = true; #endif if (!assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies().Any(x => IsNUnitDll(x.Name))) { EditorAssembliesThatCanPossiblyContainJobsExcludingTestAssemblies.Add(assembly); } } #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER // We can only do this optimization on Unity 2019.3+. // For Unity 2018.4, we need to populate AllEditorAssemblies // because it is used in BurstLoader. if (!shouldCollectReferences) { return; } #endif foreach (var assemblyName in referencedAssemblies) { try { CollectAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName), collect); } catch (Exception) { if (BurstLoader.IsDebugging) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not load assembly " + assemblyName); } } } } private static bool IsNUnitDll(string value) { return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(value, "nunit.framework") >= 0; } private static void CollectAssemblyNames(UnityEditor.Compilation.Assembly assembly, HashSet collect) { if (assembly == null || assembly.name == null) return; if (!collect.Add(assembly.name)) { return; } foreach (var assemblyRef in assembly.assemblyReferences) { CollectAssemblyNames(assemblyRef, collect); } } /// /// Gets the list of concrete generic type instances used in an assembly. /// See remarks /// /// The assembly /// /// The list of generic type instances /// /// Note that this method fetchs only direct type instances but /// cannot fetch transitive generic type instances. /// private static void CollectGenericTypeInstances( System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, Func typeFilter, List types, HashSet visited) { // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // WARNING: THIS CODE HAS TO BE MAINTAINED IN SYNC WITH BclApp.cs // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // From: https://gist.github.com/xoofx/710aaf86e0e8c81649d1261b1ef9590e if (assembly == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly)); const int mdMaxCount = 1 << 24; foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) { for (int i = 1; i < mdMaxCount; i++) { try { // Token base id for TypeSpec const int mdTypeSpec = 0x1B000000; var type = module.ResolveType(mdTypeSpec | i); CollectGenericTypeInstances(type, types, visited, typeFilter); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { break; } catch (ArgumentException) { // Can happen on ResolveType on certain generic types, so we continue } } for (int i = 1; i < mdMaxCount; i++) { try { // Token base id for MethodSpec const int mdMethodSpec = 0x2B000000; var method = module.ResolveMethod(mdMethodSpec | i); var genericArgs = method.GetGenericArguments(); foreach (var genArgType in genericArgs) { CollectGenericTypeInstances(genArgType, types, visited, typeFilter); } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { break; } catch (ArgumentException) { // Can happen on ResolveType on certain generic types, so we continue } } for (int i = 1; i < mdMaxCount; i++) { try { // Token base id for Field const int mdField = 0x04000000; var field = module.ResolveField(mdField | i); CollectGenericTypeInstances(field.FieldType, types, visited, typeFilter); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { break; } catch (ArgumentException) { // Can happen on ResolveType on certain generic types, so we continue } } } // Scan for types used in constructor arguments to assembly-level attributes, // such as [RegisterGenericJobType(typeof(...))]. foreach (var customAttribute in assembly.CustomAttributes) { foreach (var argument in customAttribute.ConstructorArguments) { if (argument.ArgumentType == typeof(Type)) { CollectGenericTypeInstances((Type)argument.Value, types, visited, typeFilter); } } } } private static void CollectGenericTypeInstances( Type type, List types, HashSet visited, Func typeFilter) { if (type.IsPrimitive) return; if (!visited.Add(type)) return; // Add only concrete types if (type.IsConstructedGenericType && !type.ContainsGenericParameters && typeFilter(type)) { types.Add(type); } // Collect recursively generic type arguments var genericTypeArguments = type.GenericTypeArguments; foreach (var genericTypeArgument in genericTypeArguments) { if (!genericTypeArgument.IsPrimitive) { CollectGenericTypeInstances(genericTypeArgument, types, visited, typeFilter); } } } [DebuggerDisplay("{Type} (static methods: {CollectStaticMethods})")] private struct TypeToVisit { public TypeToVisit(Type type, bool collectStaticMethods) { Type = type; CollectStaticMethods = collectStaticMethods; } public readonly Type Type; public readonly bool CollectStaticMethods; } } [Flags] internal enum BurstReflectionAssemblyOptions { None = 0, ExcludeTestAssemblies = 1, } } #endif