using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; /// Credit zero3growlithe /// sourced from: /*USAGE: Simply place the script on the ScrollRect that contains the selectable children we'll be scroling to and drag'n'drop the RectTransform of the options "container" that we'll be scrolling.*/ [RequireComponent(typeof(ScrollRect))] public class UIScrollToSelectionXY : MonoBehaviour { #region Variables // settings public float scrollSpeed = 10f; [SerializeField] private RectTransform layoutListGroup = null; // temporary variables private RectTransform targetScrollObject; private bool scrollToSelection = true; // references private RectTransform scrollWindow; private RectTransform currentCanvas; private ScrollRect targetScrollRect; #endregion // Use this for initialization private void Start() { targetScrollRect = GetComponent(); scrollWindow = targetScrollRect.GetComponent(); } // Update is called once per frame private void Update() { ScrollRectToLevelSelection(); } private void ScrollRectToLevelSelection() { // FIX: if you dont do that here events can have null value var events = EventSystem.current; // check main references bool referencesAreIncorrect = (targetScrollRect == null || layoutListGroup == null || scrollWindow == null); if (referencesAreIncorrect == true) { return; } // get calculation references RectTransform selection = events.currentSelectedGameObject != null ? events.currentSelectedGameObject.GetComponent() : null; if (selection != targetScrollObject) { scrollToSelection = true; } // check if scrolling is possible bool isScrollDirectionUnknown = (selection == null || scrollToSelection == false); if (isScrollDirectionUnknown == true || selection.transform.parent != layoutListGroup.transform) { return; } bool finishedX = false, finishedY = false; if (targetScrollRect.vertical) { // move the current scroll rect to correct position float selectionPos = -selection.anchoredPosition.y; //float elementHeight = layoutListGroup.sizeDelta.y / layoutListGroup.transform.childCount; //float maskHeight = currentCanvas.sizeDelta.y + scrollWindow.sizeDelta.y; float listPixelAnchor = layoutListGroup.anchoredPosition.y; // get the element offset value depending on the cursor move direction float offlimitsValue = 0; offlimitsValue = listPixelAnchor - selectionPos; // move the target scroll rect targetScrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition += (offlimitsValue / layoutListGroup.sizeDelta.y) * Time.deltaTime * scrollSpeed; finishedY = Mathf.Abs(offlimitsValue) < 2f; } if (targetScrollRect.horizontal) { // move the current scroll rect to correct position float selectionPos = -selection.anchoredPosition.x; //float elementWidth = layoutListGroup.sizeDelta.x / layoutListGroup.transform.childCount; //float maskWidth = currentCanvas.sizeDelta.y + scrollWindow.sizeDelta.y; float listPixelAnchor = layoutListGroup.anchoredPosition.x; // get the element offset value depending on the cursor move direction float offlimitsValue = 0; offlimitsValue = listPixelAnchor - selectionPos; // move the target scroll rect targetScrollRect.horizontalNormalizedPosition += (offlimitsValue / layoutListGroup.sizeDelta.x) * Time.deltaTime * scrollSpeed; finishedX = Mathf.Abs(offlimitsValue) < 2f; } // check if we reached our destination if (finishedX && finishedY) { scrollToSelection = false; } // save last object we were "heading to" to prevent blocking targetScrollObject = selection; } }