using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using XNode; using RPGCreationKit.BehaviourTree; using RPGCreationKit.BehaviourTree.Data; using RPGCreationKit.AI; namespace RPGCreationKit.BehaviourTree { public enum TreeTickRate { EveryFrame = 0, EveryXFrames = 1, EveryXSeconds_Realtime = 2, EveryXSeconds_GameTime = 3 }; [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New BehaviourTree", menuName = "RPG Creation Kit/BehaviourTrees/New BehaviourTree", order = 1)] [System.Serializable] public class RPGCK_BT : NodeGraph { public string ID; public bool IsCombatBehaviour = false; public bool isSpecificBehaviourTree = false; public bool resetVariablesUponStartResume = false; public GameObject owner; public RckAI ai; [SerializeField] public List graphVariables = new List(); [Space(10)] [TextArea(30, 30)] public string Description; public RPGCK_BT RPGCK_BTCopy(GameObject _owner, RckAI _ai) { ai = _ai; owner = _owner; // Instantiate a new nodegraph instance RPGCK_BT graph = Instantiate(this); // Instantiate all nodes inside the graph for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { if (nodes[i] == null) continue; Node.graphHotfix = graph; Node node = Instantiate(nodes[i]) as Node; node.graph = graph; graph.nodes[i] = node; } // Redirect all connections for (int i = 0; i < graph.nodes.Count; i++) { if (graph.nodes[i] == null) continue; foreach (NodePort port in graph.nodes[i].Ports) { port.Redirect(nodes, graph.nodes); } } // Copy graphVariables as well for(int i = 0; i < graphVariables.Count; i++) { if (graphVariables[i] == null) continue; BTVariable variable = Instantiate(graphVariables[i] as BTVariable); // Ensure that the name of the copied variables are the same as the original one (remove (Clone)) = graphVariables[i].name; graph.graphVariables[i] = variable; } return graph; } [ContextMenu("Reorder")] public void ReorderTree() { for(int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { if(nodes[i] != null && nodes[i] is BTNode) ((BTNode)nodes[i]).ReorderChild(); } } public void ResetVariables() { for(int i = 0; i < graphVariables.Count; i++) { graphVariables[i].SetDefaultValue(); } } [ContextMenu("Debug InstanceID")] public void DebugInstanceID() { Debug.Log(this.GetInstanceID()); } } }