using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; namespace DigitalOpus.MB.Core { public class TextureBlenderStandardSpecular : TextureBlender { static Color NeutralNormalMap = new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f); private enum Prop { doColor, doSpecular, doEmission, doBump, doNone, } // This is used to cache the non texture property values. If all non-texutre property values are the same for a property for all source textures // then the source value will be re-used TextureBlenderMaterialPropertyCacheHelper sourceMaterialPropertyCache = new TextureBlenderMaterialPropertyCacheHelper(); // These are cached values read in OnBeforeTintTexture and used when blending pixels. Color m_tintColor; float m_glossiness; float m_SpecGlossMapScale; Color m_specColor; bool m_hasSpecGlossMap; float m_bumpScale; bool m_shaderDoesEmission; Color m_emissionColor; // This just makes things more efficient so we arn't doing a string comparison for each pixel. Prop propertyToDo = Prop.doNone; // These are the property values that will be assigned to the result material if // generating an atlas for those properties. Color m_generatingTintedAtlaColor = Color.white; Color m_generatingTintedAtlaSpecular =; float m_generatingTintedAtlaGlossiness = 1f; float m_generatingTintedAtlaSpecGlossMapScale = 1f; float m_generatingTintedAtlaBumpScale = 1f; Color m_generatingTintedAtlaEmission = Color.white; // These are the default property values that will be assigned to the result materials if // none of the source materials have a value for these properties. Color m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultColor = Color.white; Color m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultSpecularColor = new Color(0f,0f,0f,1f); float m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultGlossiness = .5f; Color m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultEmisionColor =; public bool DoesShaderNameMatch(string shaderName) { return shaderName.Equals("Standard (Specular setup)"); } public void OnBeforeTintTexture(Material sourceMat, string shaderTexturePropertyName) { if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_MainTex")) { propertyToDo = Prop.doColor; if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_Color")) { m_tintColor = sourceMat.GetColor("_Color"); } else { m_tintColor = m_generatingTintedAtlaColor; } } else if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_SpecGlossMap")) { propertyToDo = Prop.doSpecular; m_specColor = m_generatingTintedAtlaSpecular; if (sourceMat.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null) { m_hasSpecGlossMap = true; } else { m_hasSpecGlossMap = false; } if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_SpecColor")) { m_specColor = sourceMat.GetColor("_SpecColor"); } else { m_specColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); } if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_GlossMapScale")) { m_SpecGlossMapScale = sourceMat.GetFloat("_GlossMapScale"); } else { m_SpecGlossMapScale = 1f; } if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_Glossiness")) { m_glossiness = sourceMat.GetFloat("_Glossiness"); } else { m_glossiness = 0f; } } else if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_BumpMap")) { propertyToDo = Prop.doBump; if (sourceMat.HasProperty(shaderTexturePropertyName)) { if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_BumpScale")) m_bumpScale = sourceMat.GetFloat("_BumpScale"); } else { m_bumpScale = m_generatingTintedAtlaBumpScale; } } else if (shaderTexturePropertyName.Equals("_EmissionMap")) { propertyToDo = Prop.doEmission; m_shaderDoesEmission = sourceMat.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"); if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor")) { m_emissionColor = sourceMat.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); } else { m_generatingTintedAtlaColor = m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultEmisionColor; } } else { propertyToDo = Prop.doNone; } } public Color OnBlendTexturePixel(string propertyToDoshaderPropertyName, Color pixelColor) { if (propertyToDo == Prop.doColor) { return new Color(pixelColor.r * m_tintColor.r, pixelColor.g * m_tintColor.g, pixelColor.b * m_tintColor.b, pixelColor.a * m_tintColor.a); } else if (propertyToDo == Prop.doSpecular) { if (m_hasSpecGlossMap) { return pixelColor = new Color(pixelColor.r, pixelColor.g, pixelColor.b, pixelColor.a * m_SpecGlossMapScale); } else { Color c = m_specColor; c.a = m_glossiness; return c; } } else if (propertyToDo == Prop.doBump) { return Color.Lerp(NeutralNormalMap, pixelColor, m_bumpScale); } else if (propertyToDo == Prop.doEmission) { if (m_shaderDoesEmission) { return new Color(pixelColor.r * m_emissionColor.r, pixelColor.g * m_emissionColor.g, pixelColor.b * m_emissionColor.b, pixelColor.a * m_emissionColor.a); } else { return; } } return pixelColor; } public bool NonTexturePropertiesAreEqual(Material a, Material b) { if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareColor(a, b, m_generatingTintedAtlaColor, "_Color")) { return false; } if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareColor(a, b, m_generatingTintedAtlaSpecular, "_SpecColor")) { return false; } bool aHasSpecTex = a.HasProperty("_SpecGlossMap") && a.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null; bool bHasSpecTex = b.HasProperty("_SpecGlossMap") && b.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null; if (aHasSpecTex && bHasSpecTex) { if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareFloat(a, b, m_generatingTintedAtlaSpecGlossMapScale, "_GlossMapScale")) { return false; } } else if (!aHasSpecTex && !bHasSpecTex) { if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareFloat(a, b, m_generatingTintedAtlaGlossiness, "_Glossiness")) { return false; } } else { return false; } if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareFloat(a, b, m_generatingTintedAtlaBumpScale, "_BumpScale")) { return false; } if (a.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION") != b.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION")) { return false; } if (a.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION")) { if (!TextureBlenderFallback._compareColor(a, b, m_generatingTintedAtlaEmission, "_EmissionColor")) { return false; } } return true; } public void SetNonTexturePropertyValuesOnResultMaterial(Material resultMaterial) { if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex") != null) { resultMaterial.SetColor("_Color", m_generatingTintedAtlaColor); } else { resultMaterial.SetColor("_Color", (Color)sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_Color", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultColor)); } if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null) { resultMaterial.SetColor("_SpecColor", m_generatingTintedAtlaSpecular); resultMaterial.SetFloat("_GlossMapScale", m_generatingTintedAtlaSpecGlossMapScale); resultMaterial.SetFloat("_Glossiness", m_generatingTintedAtlaGlossiness); } else { resultMaterial.SetColor("_SpecColor", (Color) sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_SpecColor", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultSpecularColor)); resultMaterial.SetFloat("_Glossiness", (float) sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_Glossiness", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultGlossiness)); } if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_BumpMap") != null) { resultMaterial.SetFloat("_BumpScale", m_generatingTintedAtlaBumpScale); } else { resultMaterial.SetFloat("_BumpScale", m_generatingTintedAtlaBumpScale); } if (resultMaterial.GetTexture("_EmissionMap") != null) { resultMaterial.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); resultMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white); } else { resultMaterial.DisableKeyword("_EMISSION"); resultMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", (Color)sourceMaterialPropertyCache.GetValueIfAllSourceAreTheSameOrDefault("_EmissionColor", m_notGeneratingAtlasDefaultEmisionColor)); } } public Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material mat, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName) { if ("_BumpMap")) { return new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f); } else if ("_MainTex")) { if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Color")) { try { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color Color c = mat.GetColor("_Color"); sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Color", c); } catch (Exception) { } return Color.white; } } else if ("_SpecGlossMap")) { if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_SpecColor")) { try { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color Color c = mat.GetColor("_SpecColor"); if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness")) { try { c.a = mat.GetFloat("_Glossiness"); } catch (Exception) { } } sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_SpecColor", c); sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Glossiness", c.a); } catch (Exception) { } } return new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, .5f); } else if ("_ParallaxMap")) { return new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); } else if ("_OcclusionMap")) { return new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); } else if ("_EmissionMap")) { if (mat != null) { if (mat.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION")) { if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor")) { try { Color c = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_EmissionColor", c); } catch (Exception) { } } else { return; } } else { return; } } } else if ("_DetailMask")) { return new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); } return new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); } } }