# Add UI for Brush controls [Create your tool script](create-tool-script.md) showed you how to create a new custom tool without any additional functionality. The example below shows you how to add UI for Brush controls in your script. ``` using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.TerrainTools; class CustomTerrainToolWithBrushUI : TerrainPaintTool { private float m_BrushRotation; // Name of the Terrain Tool. This appears in the tool UI. public override string GetName() { return "Examples/Custom Terrain Tool with Brush UI"; } // Description for the Terrain Tool. This appears in the tool UI. public override string GetDescription() { return "This terrain tool shows how to add custom UI to a tool."; } // Override this function to add UI elements to the inspector public override void OnInspectorGUI(Terrain terrain, IOnInspectorGUI editContext) { editContext.ShowBrushesGUI(5, BrushGUIEditFlags.Select | BrushGUIEditFlags.Opacity | BrushGUIEditFlags.Size); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Rotation is specific to this tool", MessageType.Info); m_BrushRotation = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Rotation", m_BrushRotation, 0, 360); } } ```