AV HAIR [explanations are similar for each renderpipeline] - Standard Render Pipeline - Universal Render Pipeline - High Definition Render Pipeline CREATOR OF THIS SHADER: Discord: AlexViktor#1715 _________________________________________________________________________________ EXPLANATION OF ALL PROPERTIES: Cull Mode [culling means hiding the respective face of the mesh] OFF = Double Sided Front = only the backface is being rendered Back = only the front face is being rendered Blend Mode Opaque = solid mesh without any transparency or cutout Alpha Test = makes use of the Texture Alpha channel to cutout meshes Mask Clip Value alpha output is being subtracted by clip value Opacity Mask Multiplier multiplies the alpha channel Smoothness [unity default: 0.5] sets the reflection intensity/range, depends on your normals Metallic [unity default: 0] exponent to define a intensified and darker color AO Intensity [unity default 0] occludes the amount of your ambient/baked lighting Color Color is being multiplied with the Albedo to define a new texture color Albedo (RGB) This is your Main Diffuse Texture Albedo Desaturate lerps between Albedo*Color and Albedograyscale*Color [i had to use max(R,max(G,B) to get a consistant result when using the hair anisotropics, therefore i reused it for desaturation] [to optimize a little bit more, i made an own implementation of max(R,max(G,B), its not linear, but works in most cases, i call it fastmax] Albedo Remapper adds the selected amount to the albedo, to define a new texture color Albedo Max remaps the albedo to a new max-value Emission depending on your post-processing, this can have a good effect to bring in some glow/shine you can imagine this value acting as a UNLIT shader [glows in darkness] Normal Normal Map Normal Intensity sets the Normal intensity Normal Mode Normal = uses default Normal input Normal Create = generates a normal by offsetting the Albedo [works pretty well on hair] Normal Create Offset changes the offset value Thickness Map basically a mask, to mask out the effect [returns 1 as default] SSS Color defines color of SubSurface Scattering SSS Distortion normal dependent scatter [approximation, works reasonably well] SSS Power higher values for a slim rim SSS Intensity multiplies the effect by given amount Hair Blend property to set overall highlight intensity [0 = disabled] Hair Gloss sets smoothness on hair whereever noise is applied Noise Frequency changes the frequency of the noise Noise Spread widens the noise on higher values [same info for 'Secondary Highlight' properties] Highlight Color sets the highlight color Highlight Position value offsets the position of the highlight Highlight Exponent changes power of the highlight Highlight Intensity changes intensity of the highlight Hair Variation blends between default and variation Hair Variation Color color of the hairblend Hair Variation Position sets the position of the color blend Hair Variation Hardness full hardness is on 0.5