// ENABLE_VR is not defined on Game Core but the assembly is available with limited features when the XR module is enabled. // Docs generation is skipped because these are intended to be replaced with the com.unity.xr.googlevr package. #if UNITY_INPUT_SYSTEM_ENABLE_XR && (ENABLE_VR || UNITY_GAMECORE) && !DISABLE_BUILTIN_INPUT_SYSTEM_GOOGLEVR && !UNITY_FORCE_INPUTSYSTEM_XR_OFF && !PACKAGE_DOCS_GENERATION using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR; namespace Unity.XR.GoogleVr { /// /// A head-mounted display powered by Google Daydream. /// [InputControlLayout(displayName = "Daydream Headset", hideInUI = true)] public class DaydreamHMD : XRHMD { } /// /// An XR controller powered by Google Daydream. /// [InputControlLayout(displayName = "Daydream Controller", commonUsages = new[] { "LeftHand", "RightHand" }, hideInUI = true)] public class DaydreamController : XRController { [InputControl] public Vector2Control touchpad { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl volumeUp { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl recentered { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl volumeDown { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl recentering { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl app { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl home { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl touchpadClicked { get; private set; } [InputControl] public ButtonControl touchpadTouched { get; private set; } [InputControl(noisy = true)] public Vector3Control deviceVelocity { get; private set; } [InputControl(noisy = true)] public Vector3Control deviceAcceleration { get; private set; } protected override void FinishSetup() { base.FinishSetup(); touchpad = GetChildControl("touchpad"); volumeUp = GetChildControl("volumeUp"); recentered = GetChildControl("recentered"); volumeDown = GetChildControl("volumeDown"); recentering = GetChildControl("recentering"); app = GetChildControl("app"); home = GetChildControl("home"); touchpadClicked = GetChildControl("touchpadClicked"); touchpadTouched = GetChildControl("touchpadTouched"); deviceVelocity = GetChildControl("deviceVelocity"); deviceAcceleration = GetChildControl("deviceAcceleration"); } } } #endif