#if SERVICES_SDK_CORE_ENABLED using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; namespace UnityEngine.Advertisements.Editor { static class PluginUtils { /// /// Contain all GUIDs of Ads DLLs from the Asset Store. /// /// /// Used to verify if the Asset Store package is installed. /// public static readonly string[] AssetStoreDllGuids = { // Android DLL "cad99f482ce25421196533fe02e6a13e", // IOS DLL "d6f3e2ade30154a80a137e0079f66a08", // Editor DLL "56921141d53fd4a5888445107b1b1286" }; public static bool AreAssetStorePluginsInstalled() => ArePluginsInstalled(AssetStoreDllGuids); public static bool ArePluginsInstalled(IEnumerable pluginGuids) { // if a plugin is not found return false foreach (var pluginGuid in pluginGuids) { if (GetImporterFromGuid(pluginGuid) == null) { return false; } } return true; } static TImporter GetImporterFromGuid(string assetGuid) where TImporter : AssetImporter { var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(assetGuid); return AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as TImporter; } } } #endif