// ENABLE_VR is not defined on Game Core but the assembly is available with limited features when the XR module is enabled.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR
/// A set of static utilities for registering XR Input Devices externally.
public static class XRUtilities
/// A simple Regex pattern that allows InputDeviceMatchers to match to any version of the XRInput interface.
public const string InterfaceMatchAnyVersion = "^(XRInput)";
/// The initial, now deprecated interface for XRInput. This version handles button packing for Android differently from current.
public const string InterfaceV1 = "XRInput";
/// The current interface code sent with devices to identify as XRInput devices.
public const string InterfaceCurrent = "XRInputV1";
// Sync to UnityXRInputFeatureType in IUnityXRInput.h
/// The type of data a exposes.
public enum FeatureType
Custom = 0,
/// Contextual strings that identify the contextual, cross-platform use that a feature represents. for a list of unity's built-in shared usages.
#pragma warning disable 0649
public struct UsageHint
public string content;
//Sync to XRInputFeatureDefinition in XRInputDeviceDefinition.h
/// Describes an individual input on a device, such as a trackpad, or button, or trigger.
public struct XRFeatureDescriptor
/// The name of the feature.
public string name;
/// The uses that this feature should represent, such as trigger, or grip, or touchpad.
public List usageHints;
/// The type of data this feature exposes.
public FeatureType featureType;
/// The overall size of the feature. This is only filled in when the is .
public uint customSize;
//Sync to XRInputDeviceDefinition in XRInputDeviceDefinition.h
/// Describes an input device: what it can do and how it should be used. These are reported during device connection, and help identify devices and map input data to the right controls.
public class XRDeviceDescriptor
/// The name of the device.
public string deviceName;
/// The manufacturer of the device.
public string manufacturer;
/// The serial number of the device. An empty string if no serial number is available.
public string serialNumber;
/// The capabilities of the device, used to help filter and identify devices that server a certain purpose (e.g. controller, or headset, or hardware tracker).
public InputDeviceCharacteristics characteristics;
/// The underlying deviceId, this can be used with to create a device.
public int deviceId;
/// A list of all input features.
public List inputFeatures;
/// Converts this structure to a JSON string.
public string ToJson()
return JsonUtility.ToJson(this);
/// Converts a json string to a new .
/// The JSON string containing data.
/// A new
public static XRDeviceDescriptor FromJson(string json)
return JsonUtility.FromJson(json);
/// Represents a 3 dimensional, tracked bone within a hierarchy of other bones.
public struct Bone
/// The index with the device's controls array where the parent bone resides.
public uint m_ParentBoneIndex;
/// The tracked position of the bone.
public Vector3 m_Position;
/// The tracked rotation of the bone.
public Quaternion m_Rotation;
/// The index with the device's controls array where the parent bone resides.
public uint parentBoneIndex
get => m_ParentBoneIndex;
set => m_ParentBoneIndex = value;
/// The tracked position of the bone.
public Vector3 position
get => m_Position;
set => m_Position = value;
/// The tracked rotation of the bone.
public Quaternion rotation
get => m_Rotation;
set => m_Rotation = value;
/// Represents a pair of tracked eyes.
public struct Eyes
/// The tracked position of the left eye.
public Vector3 m_LeftEyePosition;
/// The tracked rotation of the left eye.
public Quaternion m_LeftEyeRotation;
/// The tracked position of the right eye.
public Vector3 m_RightEyePosition;
/// The tracked rotation of the right eye.
public Quaternion m_RightEyeRotation;
/// The point in 3D space that the pair of eyes is looking.
public Vector3 m_FixationPoint;
/// The amount [0-1] the left eye is open or closed. 1.0 is fully open.
public float m_LeftEyeOpenAmount;
/// The amount [0-1] the right eye is open or closed. 1.0 is fully open.
public float m_RightEyeOpenAmount;
/// The tracked position of the left eye.
public Vector3 leftEyePosition
get => m_LeftEyePosition;
set => m_LeftEyePosition = value;
/// The tracked rotation of the left eye.
public Quaternion leftEyeRotation
get => m_LeftEyeRotation;
set => m_LeftEyeRotation = value;
/// The tracked position of the right eye.
public Vector3 rightEyePosition
get => m_RightEyePosition;
set => m_RightEyePosition = value;
/// The tracked rotation of the right eye.
public Quaternion rightEyeRotation
get => m_RightEyeRotation;
set => m_RightEyeRotation = value;
/// The point in 3D space that the pair of eyes is looking.
public Vector3 fixationPoint
get => m_FixationPoint;
set => m_FixationPoint = value;
/// The amount [0-1] the left eye is open or closed. 1.0 is fully open.
public float leftEyeOpenAmount
get => m_LeftEyeOpenAmount;
set => m_LeftEyeOpenAmount = value;
/// The amount [0-1] the right eye is open or closed. 1.0 is fully open.
public float rightEyeOpenAmount
get => m_RightEyeOpenAmount;
set => m_RightEyeOpenAmount = value;
public class BoneControl : InputControl
[InputControl(offset = 0, displayName = "parentBoneIndex")]
public IntegerControl parentBoneIndex { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 4, displayName = "Position")]
public Vector3Control position { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 16, displayName = "Rotation")]
public QuaternionControl rotation { get; private set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
parentBoneIndex = GetChildControl("parentBoneIndex");
position = GetChildControl("position");
rotation = GetChildControl("rotation");
public override unsafe Bone ReadUnprocessedValueFromState(void* statePtr)
return new Bone()
parentBoneIndex = (uint)parentBoneIndex.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
position = position.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
rotation = rotation.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr)
public override unsafe void WriteValueIntoState(Bone value, void* statePtr)
parentBoneIndex.WriteValueIntoState((int)value.parentBoneIndex, statePtr);
position.WriteValueIntoState(value.position, statePtr);
rotation.WriteValueIntoState(value.rotation, statePtr);
public class EyesControl : InputControl
[InputControl(offset = 0, displayName = "LeftEyePosition")]
public Vector3Control leftEyePosition { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 12, displayName = "LeftEyeRotation")]
public QuaternionControl leftEyeRotation { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 28, displayName = "RightEyePosition")]
public Vector3Control rightEyePosition { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 40, displayName = "RightEyeRotation")]
public QuaternionControl rightEyeRotation { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 56, displayName = "FixationPoint")]
public Vector3Control fixationPoint { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 68, displayName = "LeftEyeOpenAmount")]
public AxisControl leftEyeOpenAmount { get; private set; }
[InputControl(offset = 72, displayName = "RightEyeOpenAmount")]
public AxisControl rightEyeOpenAmount { get; private set; }
protected override void FinishSetup()
leftEyePosition = GetChildControl("leftEyePosition");
leftEyeRotation = GetChildControl("leftEyeRotation");
rightEyePosition = GetChildControl("rightEyePosition");
rightEyeRotation = GetChildControl("rightEyeRotation");
fixationPoint = GetChildControl("fixationPoint");
leftEyeOpenAmount = GetChildControl("leftEyeOpenAmount");
rightEyeOpenAmount = GetChildControl("rightEyeOpenAmount");
public override unsafe Eyes ReadUnprocessedValueFromState(void* statePtr)
return new Eyes()
leftEyePosition = leftEyePosition.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
leftEyeRotation = leftEyeRotation.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
rightEyePosition = rightEyePosition.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
rightEyeRotation = rightEyeRotation.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
fixationPoint = fixationPoint.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
leftEyeOpenAmount = leftEyeOpenAmount.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr),
rightEyeOpenAmount = rightEyeOpenAmount.ReadUnprocessedValueFromStateWithCaching(statePtr)
public override unsafe void WriteValueIntoState(Eyes value, void* statePtr)
leftEyePosition.WriteValueIntoState(value.leftEyePosition, statePtr);
leftEyeRotation.WriteValueIntoState(value.leftEyeRotation, statePtr);
rightEyePosition.WriteValueIntoState(value.rightEyePosition, statePtr);
rightEyeRotation.WriteValueIntoState(value.rightEyeRotation, statePtr);
fixationPoint.WriteValueIntoState(value.fixationPoint, statePtr);
leftEyeOpenAmount.WriteValueIntoState(value.leftEyeOpenAmount, statePtr);
rightEyeOpenAmount.WriteValueIntoState(value.rightEyeOpenAmount, statePtr);
#pragma warning restore 0649
/// A small helper class to aid in initializing and registering XR devices and layout builders.
static class XRSupport
/// Registers all initial templates and the generalized layout builder with the InputSystem.
public static void Initialize()
InputSystem.onFindLayoutForDevice += XRLayoutBuilder.OnFindLayoutForDevice;
// Built-in layouts replaced by the com.unity.xr.windowsmr package.
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("(Windows Mixed Reality HMD)|(Microsoft HoloLens)|(^(WindowsMR Headset))")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"(^(Spatial Controller))|(^(OpenVR Controller\(WindowsMR))")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"(^(Hand -))")
// Built-in layouts replaced by the com.unity.xr.oculus package.
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("^(Oculus Rift)|^(Oculus Quest)|^(Oculus Go)"));
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"(^(Oculus Touch Controller))|(^(Oculus Quest Controller))"));
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"Oculus Remote"));
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"((Tracking Reference)|(^(Oculus Rift [a-zA-Z0-9]* \(Camera)))"));
name: "GearVR",
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("Oculus HMD"));
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("^(Oculus Tracked Remote)"));
// Built-in layouts replaced by the com.unity.xr.googlevr package.
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("Daydream HMD"));
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("^(Daydream Controller)"));
// Built-in layouts replaced by the com.unity.xr.openvr package.
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("^(OpenVR Headset)|^(Vive Pro)")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct("^(OpenVR Controller\\(WindowsMR)")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"^(OpenVR Controller\(((Vive. Controller)|(VIVE. Controller)|(Vive Controller)))")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"^(OpenVR Controller\(Oculus)")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"^(VIVE Tracker)")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"^(OpenVR Controller\(VIVE Tracker)")
matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
.WithProduct(@"^(HTC V2-XD/XE)")