//---------------------------------------------- // MeshBaker // Copyright © 2011-2012 Ian Deane //---------------------------------------------- using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using DigitalOpus.MB.Core; using UnityEditor; namespace DigitalOpus.MB.MBEditor { [CustomEditor(typeof(MB3_MeshBakerGrouper))] public class MB3_MeshBakerGrouperEditor : Editor { long lastBoundsCheckRefreshTime = 0; static GUIContent gc_ClusterType = new GUIContent("Cluster Type", "The scene will be divided cells. Meshes in each cell will be grouped into a single mesh baker"); static GUIContent gc_GridOrigin = new GUIContent("Origin", "The scene will be divided into of cells. Meshes in each cell will be grouped into a single baker. This sets the origin for the clustering."); static GUIContent gc_CellSize = new GUIContent("Cell Size", "The scene will be divided into a grid of cells. Meshes in each cell will be grouped into a single baker. This sets the size of the cells."); static GUIContent gc_ClusterOnLMIndex = new GUIContent("Group By Lightmap Index", "Meshes sharing a lightmap index will be grouped together."); static GUIContent gc_NumSegements = new GUIContent("Num Pie Segments", "Number of segments/slices in the pie."); static GUIContent gc_PieAxis = new GUIContent("Pie Axis", "Scene will be divided into segments about this axis."); static GUIContent gc_ClusterByLODLevel = new GUIContent("Cluster By LOD Level", "A baker will be created for each LOD level."); static GUIContent gc_ClusterDistance = new GUIContent("Max Distance", "Source meshes closer than this value will be grouped into clusters."); static GUIContent gc_IncludeCellsWithOnlyOneRenderer = new GUIContent("Include Cells With Only One Renderer", "There is no benefit in combining meshes with only one mesh except to adjust UVs to share an atlas."); static GUIContent gc_Settings = new GUIContent("Use Shared Settings Asset", "Different bakers can share the same settings. If this field is None, then the settings below will be used."); static GUIContent gc_PieRingSpacing = new GUIContent("Ring Spacing", "Pie segments will be divided into rings."); static GUIContent gc_PieCombineAllInCenterRing = new GUIContent("Combine Center Ring Segments Together", "All segments in the centermost ring will be merged into a single segment."); private SerializedObject grouper; private SerializedProperty clusterType, gridOrigin, cellSize, clusterOnLMIndex, numSegments, pieAxis, clusterByLODLevel, clusterDistance, includeCellsWithOnlyOneRenderer, mbSettings, mbSettingsAsset, pieRingSpacing, pieCombineAllInCenterRing; private MB_MeshBakerSettingsEditor meshBakerSettingsMe; private MB_MeshBakerSettingsEditor meshBakerSettingsExternal; public void OnEnable() { lastBoundsCheckRefreshTime = 0; grouper = new SerializedObject(target); SerializedProperty d = grouper.FindProperty("data"); clusterType = grouper.FindProperty("clusterType"); includeCellsWithOnlyOneRenderer = d.FindPropertyRelative("includeCellsWithOnlyOneRenderer"); gridOrigin = d.FindPropertyRelative("origin"); cellSize = d.FindPropertyRelative("cellSize"); clusterOnLMIndex = d.FindPropertyRelative("clusterOnLMIndex"); clusterByLODLevel = d.FindPropertyRelative("clusterByLODLevel"); numSegments = d.FindPropertyRelative("pieNumSegments"); pieAxis = d.FindPropertyRelative("pieAxis"); clusterDistance = d.FindPropertyRelative("maxDistBetweenClusters"); mbSettings = grouper.FindProperty("meshBakerSettings"); mbSettingsAsset = grouper.FindProperty("meshBakerSettingsAsset"); pieRingSpacing = d.FindPropertyRelative("ringSpacing"); pieCombineAllInCenterRing = d.FindPropertyRelative("combineSegmentsInInnermostRing"); meshBakerSettingsMe = new MB_MeshBakerSettingsEditor(); meshBakerSettingsMe.OnEnable(mbSettings); if (mbSettingsAsset.objectReferenceValue != null) { meshBakerSettingsExternal = new MB_MeshBakerSettingsEditor(); meshBakerSettingsExternal.OnEnable(((MB3_MeshCombinerSettings)mbSettingsAsset.objectReferenceValue).GetMeshBakerSettingsAsSerializedProperty()); } } public void OnDisable() { if (meshBakerSettingsMe != null) meshBakerSettingsMe.OnDisable(); if (meshBakerSettingsExternal != null) meshBakerSettingsExternal.OnDisable(); } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { MB3_MeshBakerGrouper tbg = (MB3_MeshBakerGrouper)target; MB3_TextureBaker tb = ((MB3_MeshBakerGrouper)target).GetComponent(); grouper.Update(); DrawGrouperInspector(); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Mesh Bakers")) { if (tb == null) { Debug.LogError("There must be an MB3_TextureBaker attached to this game object."); return; } if (tb.GetObjectsToCombine().Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("The MB3_MeshBakerGrouper creates clusters based on the objects to combine in the MB3_TextureBaker component. There were no objects in this list."); return; } //check if any of the objes that will be added to bakers already exist in child bakers List objsWeAreGrouping = tb.GetObjectsToCombine(); MB3_MeshBakerCommon[] alreadyExistBakers = tbg.GetComponentsInChildren(); bool foundChildBakersWithObjsToCombine = false; for (int i = 0; i < alreadyExistBakers.Length; i++) { List childOjs2Combine = alreadyExistBakers[i].GetObjectsToCombine(); for (int j = 0; j < childOjs2Combine.Count; j++) { if (childOjs2Combine[j] != null && objsWeAreGrouping.Contains(childOjs2Combine[j])) { foundChildBakersWithObjsToCombine = true; break; } } } bool proceed = true; if (foundChildBakersWithObjsToCombine) { proceed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Replace Previous Generated Bakers", "Delete child bakers?\n\n" + "This grouper has child Mesh Baker objects from a previous clustering. Do you want to delete these and create new ones?", "OK", "Cancel"); } if (proceed) { if (foundChildBakersWithObjsToCombine) tbg.DeleteAllChildMeshBakers(); ((MB3_MeshBakerGrouper)target).grouper.DoClustering(tb, tbg); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Bake All Child MeshBakers")) { try { MB3_MeshBakerCommon[] mBakers = tbg.GetComponentsInChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < mBakers.Length; i++) { bool createdDummyMaterialBakeResult; MB3_MeshBakerEditorFunctions.BakeIntoCombined(mBakers[i], out createdDummyMaterialBakeResult, ref grouper); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } string buttonTextEnableRenderers = "Disable Renderers On All Child MeshBaker Source Objs"; bool enableRenderers = false; MB3_MeshBakerCommon bc = tbg.GetComponentInChildren(); if (bc != null && bc.GetObjectsToCombine().Count > 0) { GameObject go = bc.GetObjectsToCombine()[0]; if (go != null && go.GetComponent() != null && go.GetComponent().enabled == false) { buttonTextEnableRenderers = "Enable Renderers On All Child MeshBaker Source Objs"; enableRenderers = true; } } if (GUILayout.Button(buttonTextEnableRenderers)) { try { MB3_MeshBakerCommon[] mBakers = tbg.GetComponentsInChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < mBakers.Length; i++) { mBakers[i].EnableDisableSourceObjectRenderers(enableRenderers); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Delete All Child Mesh Bakers & Combined Meshes")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Mesh Bakers", "Delete all child mesh bakers", "OK", "Cancel")) { tbg.DeleteAllChildMeshBakers(); } } if (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - lastBoundsCheckRefreshTime > 10000000 && tb != null) { List gos = tb.GetObjectsToCombine(); Bounds b = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one); if (gos.Count > 0 && gos[0] != null && gos[0].GetComponent() != null) { b = gos[0].GetComponent().bounds; } for (int i = 0; i < gos.Count; i++) { if (gos[i] != null && gos[i].GetComponent() != null) { b.Encapsulate(gos[i].GetComponent().bounds); } } tbg.sourceObjectBounds = b; lastBoundsCheckRefreshTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; } grouper.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } public void DrawGrouperInspector() { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This component helps you group meshes that are close together so they can be combined together." + " It generates multiple MB3_MeshBaker objects from the List Of Objects to be combined in the MB3_TextureBaker component." + " Objects that are close together will be grouped together and added to a new child MB3_MeshBaker object.\n\n" + " TIP: Try the new agglomerative cluster type. It's awsome!", MessageType.Info); MB3_MeshBakerGrouper grouper = (MB3_MeshBakerGrouper)target; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(clusterType, gc_ClusterType); MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType gg = (MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType)clusterType.enumValueIndex; if ((gg == MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType.none && !(grouper.grouper is MB3_MeshBakerGrouperNone)) || (gg == MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType.grid && !(grouper.grouper is MB3_MeshBakerGrouperGrid)) || (gg == MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType.pie && !(grouper.grouper is MB3_MeshBakerGrouperPie)) || (gg == MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType.agglomerative && !(grouper.grouper is MB3_MeshBakerGrouperCluster)) ) { grouper.CreateGrouper(gg, grouper.data); grouper.clusterType = gg; } if (clusterType.enumValueIndex == (int)MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType.grid) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(gridOrigin, gc_GridOrigin); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(cellSize, gc_CellSize); } else if (clusterType.enumValueIndex == (int)MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType.pie) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(gridOrigin, gc_GridOrigin); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(numSegments, gc_NumSegements); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pieAxis, gc_PieAxis); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pieRingSpacing, gc_PieRingSpacing); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pieCombineAllInCenterRing, gc_PieCombineAllInCenterRing); } else if (clusterType.enumValueIndex == (int)MB3_MeshBakerGrouper.ClusterType.agglomerative) { float dist = clusterDistance.floatValue; float maxDist = 100f; float minDist = .000001f; MB3_MeshBakerGrouperCluster cl = null; if (grouper.grouper is MB3_MeshBakerGrouperCluster) { cl = (MB3_MeshBakerGrouperCluster)grouper.grouper; maxDist = cl._ObjsExtents; minDist = cl._minDistBetweenClusters; if (dist < minDist) { dist = Mathf.Lerp(minDist, maxDist, .11f); } } dist = EditorGUILayout.Slider(gc_ClusterDistance, dist, minDist, maxDist); clusterDistance.floatValue = dist; string btnName = "Refresh Clusters"; if (cl.cluster == null || cl.cluster.clusters == null || cl.cluster.clusters.Length == 0) { btnName = "Click To Build Clusters"; } if (GUILayout.Button(btnName)) { if (grouper.grouper is MB3_MeshBakerGrouperCluster) { MB3_MeshBakerGrouperCluster cg = (MB3_MeshBakerGrouperCluster)grouper.grouper; MB3_TextureBaker tb = grouper.GetComponent(); if (tb != null) { //MB3_EditorMethods em = new MB3_EditorMethods(); cg.BuildClusters(tb.GetObjectsToCombine(), updateProgressBar); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); Repaint(); } } } } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(clusterOnLMIndex, gc_ClusterOnLMIndex); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(clusterByLODLevel, gc_ClusterByLODLevel); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(includeCellsWithOnlyOneRenderer, gc_IncludeCellsWithOnlyOneRenderer); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Mesh Baker Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("These settings will be shared by all created Mesh Bakers.", MessageType.Info); UnityEngine.Object oldObjVal = mbSettingsAsset.objectReferenceValue; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mbSettingsAsset, gc_Settings); if (mbSettingsAsset.objectReferenceValue == null) { meshBakerSettingsMe.DrawGUI(grouper.meshBakerSettings, true); } else { if (meshBakerSettingsExternal == null || oldObjVal != mbSettingsAsset.objectReferenceValue) { meshBakerSettingsExternal = new MB_MeshBakerSettingsEditor(); meshBakerSettingsExternal.OnEnable(((MB3_MeshCombinerSettings)mbSettingsAsset.objectReferenceValue).GetMeshBakerSettingsAsSerializedProperty()); } meshBakerSettingsExternal.DrawGUI(((MB3_MeshCombinerSettings)mbSettingsAsset.objectReferenceValue).data, false); } } public bool updateProgressBar(string msg, float progress) { //EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Creating Clusters", msg, progress); return EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Creating Clusters", msg, progress); } } }