using System; using Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests.Helpers; namespace Burst.Compiler.IL.Tests { /// /// Tests of the functions. /// internal class TestSystemMath { [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestCos(float value) { return Math.Cos(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestSin(float value) { return Math.Sin(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static float TestTan(float value) { return (float) Math.Tan(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard11)] public static double TestAcos(float value) { return Math.Acos(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard11)] public static double TestAsin(float value) { return Math.Asin(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard11)] public static float TestAtan(float value) { return (float)Math.Atan(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.ZeroExclusiveToOneInclusive, DataRange.ZeroExclusiveToOneInclusive)] public static float TestAtan2(float y, float x) { return (float)Math.Atan2(y, x); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestCosh(float value) { return Math.Cosh(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestSinh(float value) { return Math.Sinh(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static float TestTanh(float value) { return (float)Math.Tanh(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.StandardPositive)] public static double TestSqrt(float value) { return Math.Sqrt(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.StandardPositive & ~DataRange.Zero)] public static double TestLog(float value) { return Math.Log(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.StandardPositive & ~DataRange.Zero)] public static double TestLog10(float value) { return Math.Log10(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.StandardPositive)] public static double TestExp(float value) { return Math.Exp(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard & ~(DataRange.Zero|DataRange.NaN), DataRange.Standard)] [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard & ~DataRange.Zero, DataRange.Standard & ~DataRange.Zero)] public static double TestPow(float value, float power) { return Math.Pow(value, power); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static sbyte TestAbsSByte(sbyte value) { return Math.Abs(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static short TestAbsShort(short value) { return Math.Abs(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static int TestAbsInt(int value) { return Math.Abs(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static long TestAbsLong(long value) { return Math.Abs(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static float TestAbsFloat(float value) { return Math.Abs(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestAbsDouble(double value) { return Math.Abs(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard, DataRange.Standard)] public static int TestMaxInt(int left, int right) { return Math.Max(left, right); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard, DataRange.Standard)] public static int TestMinInt(int left, int right) { return Math.Min(left, right); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard, DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestMaxDouble(double left, double right) { return Math.Max(left, right); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard, DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestMinDouble(double left, double right) { return Math.Min(left, right); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static int TestSignInt(int value) { return Math.Sign(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard & ~DataRange.NaN)] public static int TestSignFloat(float value) { return Math.Sign(value); } [TestCompiler(float.NaN, ExpectedException = typeof(ArithmeticException))] [MonoOnly(".NET CLR does not support burst.abort correctly")] public static int TestSignException(float value) { return Math.Sign(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard & ~DataRange.NaN)] public static int TestSignDouble(double value) { return Math.Sign(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestCeilingDouble(double value) { return Math.Ceiling(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestFloorDouble(double value) { return Math.Floor(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestRoundDouble(double value) { return Math.Round(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static double TestTruncateDouble(double value) { return Math.Truncate(value); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard, DataRange.Standard & ~DataRange.Zero)] public static int TestDivRemInt(int a, int b) { int remResult; var divResult = Math.DivRem(a, b, out remResult); return divResult + remResult * 7; } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard, DataRange.Standard)] [TestCompiler(int.MaxValue, DataRange.Standard)] public static long TestBigMulInt(int a, int b) { return Math.BigMul(a, b); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard & ~DataRange.Zero, DataRange.Standard & ~DataRange.Zero)] public static double TestLogWithBaseDouble(double a, double newBase) { return Math.Log(a, newBase); } //[TestCompiler(1.0, 2.0)] //[TestCompiler(10.0, 3.0)] //[TestCompiler(15.0, 4.0)] //[Ignore("Not yet supported")] //public static double TestIEEERemainder(double a, double newBase) //{ // return Math.IEEERemainder(a, newBase); //} [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static bool TestIsNanDouble(double a) { return double.IsNaN(a); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static bool TestIsNanFloat(float a) { return float.IsNaN(a); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static bool TestIsInfinityDouble(double a) { return double.IsInfinity(a); } [TestCompiler(DataRange.Standard)] public static bool TestIsInfinityFloat(float a) { return float.IsInfinity(a); } } }