using System;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Injector;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Interfaces;
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.BuildPipelineTasks
/// The BuildTask used to extract write data from the build.
public class ExtractDataTask : IBuildTask
/// The ExtractDataTask version.
public int Version { get { return 1; } }
/// Get the injected dependency data of the task.
public IDependencyData DependencyData { get { return m_DependencyData; } }
/// Get the injected write data of the task.
public IBundleWriteData WriteData { get { return m_WriteData; } }
/// Get the injected build cache of the task.
public IBuildCache BuildCache { get { return m_BuildCache; } }
/// The build context of the task.
public IBuildContext BuildContext { get { return m_BuildContext; } }
#pragma warning disable 649
IDependencyData m_DependencyData;
IBundleWriteData m_WriteData;
IBuildCache m_BuildCache;
internal IBuildContext m_BuildContext;
#pragma warning restore 649
/// Runs the ExtractDataTask. The data for this task is all injected context so no operations are performed in the Run step.
/// Success.
public ReturnCode Run()
return ReturnCode.Success;