using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings
using BuildCompression = UnityEngine.BuildCompression;
/// Build settings for addressables.
public class AddressableAssetBuildSettings
/// Controls whether to compile scripts when running in virtual mode. When disabled, build times are faster but the simulated bundle contents may not be accurate due to including editor code.
public bool compileScriptsInVirtualMode
get { return m_CompileScriptsInVirtualMode; }
m_CompileScriptsInVirtualMode = value;
bool m_CompileScriptsInVirtualMode;
/// Controls whether to remove temporary files after each build. When disabled, build times in packed mode are faster, but may not reflect all changes in assets.
public bool cleanupStreamingAssetsAfterBuilds
get { return m_CleanupStreamingAssetsAfterBuilds; }
m_CleanupStreamingAssetsAfterBuilds = value;
bool m_CleanupStreamingAssetsAfterBuilds = true;
bool m_LogResourceManagerExceptions = true;
/// When enabled, the Addressables.ResourceManager.ExceptionHandler is set to (op, ex) => Debug.LogException(ex);
public bool LogResourceManagerExceptions
get { return m_LogResourceManagerExceptions; }
if (m_LogResourceManagerExceptions != value)
m_LogResourceManagerExceptions = value;
/// //Specifies where to build asset bundles, this is usually a temporary folder (or a folder in the project). Bundles are copied out of this location to their final destination.
public string bundleBuildPath
get { return m_BundleBuildPath; }
m_BundleBuildPath = value;
string m_BundleBuildPath = "Temp/com.unity.addressables/AssetBundles";
internal void SerializeForHash(BinaryFormatter formatter, Stream stream)
AddressableAssetSettings m_Settings;
void SetDirty()
if (m_Settings != null)
m_Settings.SetDirty(AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.BuildSettingsChanged, this, true, false);
internal void OnAfterDeserialize(AddressableAssetSettings settings)
m_Settings = settings;
internal void Validate(AddressableAssetSettings addressableAssetSettings)