using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.BuildPipelineTasks;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.DataBuilders;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings.GroupSchemas;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Interfaces;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders;
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build
/// The given state of an Asset. Represented by its guid and hash.
public struct AssetState : IEquatable
/// Asset states GUID.
public GUID guid;
/// Asset State hash.
public Hash128 hash;
/// Check if one asset state is equal to another.
/// Right hand side of comparision.
/// Returns true if the Asset States are equal to one another.
public bool Equals(AssetState other)
return guid == other.guid && hash == other.hash;
/// The Cached Asset State of an Addressable Asset.
public class CachedAssetState : IEquatable
/// The Asset State.
public AssetState asset;
/// The Asset State of all dependencies.
public AssetState[] dependencies;
/// The guid for the group the cached asset state belongs to.
public string groupGuid;
/// The name of the cached asset states bundle file.
public string bundleFileId;
/// The cached asset state data.
public object data;
/// Checks if one cached asset state is equal to another given the asset state and dependency state.
/// Right hand side of comparision.
/// Returns true if the cached asset states are equal to one another.
public bool Equals(CachedAssetState other)
bool result = other != null && asset.Equals(other.asset);
result &= dependencies != null && other.dependencies != null;
result &= dependencies.Length == other.dependencies.Length;
var index = 0;
while (result && index < dependencies.Length)
result &= dependencies[index].Equals(other.dependencies[index]);
return result;
/// Cached state of asset bundles.
public class CachedBundleState
/// The name of the cached asset states bundle file.
public string bundleFileId;
/// The cached bundle state data.
public object data;
/// Data stored with each build that is used to generated content updates.
public class AddressablesContentState
/// The version that the player was built with. This is usually set to AddressableAssetSettings.PlayerBuildVersion.
public string playerVersion;
/// The version of the unity editor used to build the player.
public string editorVersion;
/// Dependency information for all assets in the build that have been marked StaticContent.
public CachedAssetState[] cachedInfos;
/// The path of a remote catalog. This is the only place the player knows to look for an updated catalog.
public string remoteCatalogLoadPath;
/// Information about asset bundles created for the build.
public CachedBundleState[] cachedBundles;
/// Contains methods used for the content update workflow.
public static class ContentUpdateScript
/// Contains build information used for updating assets.
public struct ContentUpdateContext
/// The mapping of an asset's guid to its cached asset state.
public Dictionary GuidToPreviousAssetStateMap;
/// The mapping of an asset's or bundle's internal id to its catalog entry.
public Dictionary IdToCatalogDataEntryMap;
/// The mapping of a bundle's name to its internal bundle id.
public Dictionary BundleToInternalBundleIdMap;
/// Stores the asset bundle write information.
public IBundleWriteData WriteData;
/// Stores the cached build data.
public AddressablesContentState ContentState;
/// Stores the paths of the files created during a build.
public FileRegistry Registry;
/// The list of asset state information gathered from the previous build.
public List PreviousAssetStateCarryOver;
static bool GetAssetState(GUID asset, out AssetState assetState)
assetState = new AssetState();
if (asset.Empty())
return false;
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.ToString());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
return false;
var hash = AssetDatabase.GetAssetDependencyHash(path);
if (!hash.isValid)
return false;
assetState.guid = asset;
assetState.hash = hash;
return true;
static bool GetCachedAssetStateForData(GUID asset, string bundleFileId, string groupGuid, object data, IEnumerable dependencies, out CachedAssetState cachedAssetState)
cachedAssetState = null;
AssetState assetState;
if (!GetAssetState(asset, out assetState))
return false;
var visited = new HashSet();
var dependencyStates = new List();
foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
if (!visited.Add(dependency))
AssetState dependencyState;
if (!GetAssetState(dependency, out dependencyState))
cachedAssetState = new CachedAssetState();
cachedAssetState.asset = assetState;
cachedAssetState.dependencies = dependencyStates.ToArray();
cachedAssetState.groupGuid = groupGuid;
cachedAssetState.bundleFileId = bundleFileId; = data;
return true;
static bool HasAssetOrDependencyChanged(CachedAssetState cachedInfo)
CachedAssetState newCachedInfo;
if (!GetCachedAssetStateForData(cachedInfo.asset.guid, cachedInfo.bundleFileId, cachedInfo.groupGuid,, cachedInfo.dependencies.Select(x => x.guid), out newCachedInfo))
return true;
return !cachedInfo.Equals(newCachedInfo);
/// Save the content update information for a set of AddressableAssetEntry objects.
/// File to write content stat info to. If file already exists, it will be deleted before the new file is created.
/// The entries to save.
/// The raw dependency information generated from the build.
/// The player version to save. This is usually set to AddressableAssetSettings.PlayerBuildVersion.
/// The server path (if any) that contains an updateable content catalog. If this is empty, updates cannot occur.
/// True if the file is saved, false otherwise.
public static bool SaveContentState(string path, List entries, IDependencyData dependencyData, string playerVersion, string remoteCatalogPath)
return SaveContentState(new List(), path, entries, dependencyData, playerVersion, remoteCatalogPath);
/// Save the content update information for a set of AddressableAssetEntry objects.
/// The ContentCatalogDataEntry locations that were built into the Content Catalog.
/// File to write content stat info to. If file already exists, it will be deleted before the new file is created.
/// The entries to save.
/// The raw dependency information generated from the build.
/// The player version to save. This is usually set to AddressableAssetSettings.PlayerBuildVersion.
/// The server path (if any) that contains an updateable content catalog. If this is empty, updates cannot occur.
/// True if the file is saved, false otherwise.
public static bool SaveContentState(List locations, string path, List entries, IDependencyData dependencyData, string playerVersion, string remoteCatalogPath)
return SaveContentState(locations, path, entries, dependencyData, playerVersion, remoteCatalogPath, null);
/// Save the content update information for a set of AddressableAssetEntry objects.
/// The ContentCatalogDataEntry locations that were built into the Content Catalog.
/// File to write content stat info to. If file already exists, it will be deleted before the new file is created.
/// The entries to save.
/// The raw dependency information generated from the build.
/// The player version to save. This is usually set to AddressableAssetSettings.PlayerBuildVersion.
/// The server path (if any) that contains an updateable content catalog. If this is empty, updates cannot occur.
/// Cached state that needs to carry over from the previous build. This mainly affects Content Update.
/// True if the file is saved, false otherwise.
public static bool SaveContentState(List locations, string path, List entries, IDependencyData dependencyData, string playerVersion, string remoteCatalogPath, List carryOverCacheState)
var cachedInfos = GetCachedAssetStates(locations, entries, dependencyData);
var cachedBundleInfos = new List();
foreach (ContentCatalogDataEntry ccEntry in locations)
if (typeof(IAssetBundleResource).IsAssignableFrom(ccEntry.ResourceType))
cachedBundleInfos.Add(new CachedBundleState() { bundleFileId = ccEntry.InternalId, data = ccEntry.Data });
if (carryOverCacheState != null)
foreach (var cs in carryOverCacheState)
var cacheData = new AddressablesContentState
cachedInfos = cachedInfos.ToArray(),
playerVersion = playerVersion,
editorVersion = Application.unityVersion,
remoteCatalogLoadPath = remoteCatalogPath,
cachedBundles = cachedBundleInfos.ToArray()
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
if (File.Exists(path))
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir) && !Directory.Exists(dir))
var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write);
formatter.Serialize(stream, cacheData);
return true;
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae)
if (!AddressableAssetUtility.IsVCAssetOpenForEdit(path))
Debug.LogErrorFormat("Cannot access the file {0}. It may be locked by version control.", path);
return false;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
static IList GetCachedAssetStates(List locations, List entries, IDependencyData dependencyData)
Dictionary guidToEntries = new Dictionary();
Dictionary key1ToCCEntries = new Dictionary();
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry entry in entries)
if (!guidToEntries.ContainsKey(entry.guid))
guidToEntries[entry.guid] = entry;
foreach (ContentCatalogDataEntry ccEntry in locations)
if (ccEntry != null && ccEntry.Keys != null && ccEntry.Keys.Count > 1 && (ccEntry.Keys[1] as string) != null && !key1ToCCEntries.ContainsKey(ccEntry.Keys[1] as string))
key1ToCCEntries[ccEntry.Keys[1] as string] = ccEntry;
IList cachedInfos = new List();
foreach (var assetData in dependencyData.AssetInfo)
guidToEntries.TryGetValue(assetData.Key.ToString(), out AddressableAssetEntry addressableAssetEntry);
key1ToCCEntries.TryGetValue(assetData.Key.ToString(), out ContentCatalogDataEntry catalogAssetEntry);
if (addressableAssetEntry != null && catalogAssetEntry != null &&
GetCachedAssetStateForData(assetData.Key, addressableAssetEntry.BundleFileId, addressableAssetEntry.parentGroup.Guid, catalogAssetEntry.Data, assetData.Value.referencedObjects.Select(x => x.guid), out CachedAssetState cachedAssetState))
foreach (var sceneData in dependencyData.SceneInfo)
guidToEntries.TryGetValue(sceneData.Key.ToString(), out AddressableAssetEntry addressableSceneEntry);
key1ToCCEntries.TryGetValue(sceneData.Key.ToString(), out ContentCatalogDataEntry catalogSceneEntry);
if (addressableSceneEntry != null && catalogSceneEntry != null &&
GetCachedAssetStateForData(sceneData.Key, addressableSceneEntry.BundleFileId, addressableSceneEntry.parentGroup.Guid, catalogSceneEntry.Data, sceneData.Value.referencedObjects.Select(x => x.guid), out CachedAssetState cachedAssetState))
return cachedInfos;
/// Gets the path of the cache data from a selected build.
/// If true, the user is allowed to browse for a specific file.
public static string GetContentStateDataPath(bool browse)
string assetPath = AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings != null ?
AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings.GetContentStateBuildPath() :
Path.Combine(AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.kDefaultConfigFolder, PlatformMappingService.GetPlatformPathSubFolder());
if (browse)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
assetPath = Application.dataPath;
assetPath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Build Data File", Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath), "bin");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
return null;
return assetPath;
if (AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings != null)
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError(e.Message + "\nCheck \"Content State Build Path\" in Addressables settings. Falling back to config folder location.");
assetPath = Path.Combine(AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.kDefaultConfigFolder,
var path = Path.Combine(assetPath, "addressables_content_state.bin");
return path;
/// Loads cache data from a specific location
/// The ContentState object.
public static AddressablesContentState LoadContentState(string contentStateDataPath)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentStateDataPath))
Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to load cache data from {0}.", contentStateDataPath);
return null;
var stream = new FileStream(contentStateDataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
var cacheData = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as AddressablesContentState;
if (cacheData == null)
Addressables.LogError("Invalid hash data file. This file is usually named addressables_content_state.bin and is saved in the same folder as your source AddressableAssetsSettings.asset file.");
return null;
return cacheData;
static bool s_StreamingAssetsExists;
static string kStreamingAssetsPath = "Assets/StreamingAssets";
internal static void Cleanup(bool deleteStreamingAssetsFolderIfEmpty, bool cleanBuildPath)
if (cleanBuildPath)
DirectoryUtility.DeleteDirectory(Addressables.BuildPath, onlyIfEmpty: false, recursiveDelete: true);
if (deleteStreamingAssetsFolderIfEmpty)
DirectoryUtility.DeleteDirectory(kStreamingAssetsPath, onlyIfEmpty: true);
/// Builds player content using the player content version from a specified cache file.
/// The settings object to use for the build.
/// The path of the cache data to use.
/// The build operation.
public static AddressablesPlayerBuildResult BuildContentUpdate(AddressableAssetSettings settings, string contentStateDataPath)
var cacheData = LoadContentState(contentStateDataPath);
if (!IsCacheDataValid(settings, cacheData))
return null;
s_StreamingAssetsExists = Directory.Exists("Assets/StreamingAssets");
var context = new AddressablesDataBuilderInput(settings, cacheData.playerVersion);
context.PreviousContentState = cacheData;
Cleanup(!s_StreamingAssetsExists, false);
var result = settings.ActivePlayerDataBuilder.BuildData(context);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Error))
return result;
internal static bool IsCacheDataValid(AddressableAssetSettings settings, AddressablesContentState cacheData)
if (cacheData == null)
return false;
if (cacheData.editorVersion != Application.unityVersion)
Addressables.LogWarningFormat("Building content update with Unity editor version `{0}`, data was created with version `{1}`. This may result in incompatible data.", Application.unityVersion, cacheData.editorVersion);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheData.remoteCatalogLoadPath))
Addressables.LogError("Previous build had 'Build Remote Catalog' disabled. You cannot update a player that has no remote catalog specified");
return false;
if (!settings.BuildRemoteCatalog)
Addressables.LogError("Current settings have 'Build Remote Catalog' disabled. You cannot update a player that has no remote catalog to look to.");
return false;
if (cacheData.remoteCatalogLoadPath != settings.RemoteCatalogLoadPath.GetValue(settings))
Addressables.LogErrorFormat("Current 'Remote Catalog Load Path' does not match load path of original player. Player will only know to look up catalog at original location. Original: {0} Current: {1}", cacheData.remoteCatalogLoadPath, settings.RemoteCatalogLoadPath.GetValue(settings));
return false;
return true;
/// Get all modified addressable asset entries in groups that have BundledAssetGroupSchema and ContentUpdateGroupSchema with static content enabled.
/// This includes any Addressable dependencies that are affected by the modified entries.
/// Addressable asset settings.
/// The cache data path.
/// A list of all modified entries and dependencies (list is empty if there are none); null if failed to load cache data.
public static List GatherModifiedEntries(AddressableAssetSettings settings, string cacheDataPath)
HashSet retVal = new HashSet();
var entriesMap = GatherModifiedEntriesWithDependencies(settings, cacheDataPath);
foreach (var entry in entriesMap.Keys)
if (!retVal.Contains(entry))
foreach (var dependency in entriesMap[entry])
if (!retVal.Contains(dependency))
return retVal.ToList();
internal static void GatherExplicitModifiedEntries(AddressableAssetSettings settings, ref Dictionary> dependencyMap, AddressablesContentState cacheData)
List noBundledAssetGroupSchema = new List();
List noStaticContent = new List();
var allEntries = new List();
settings.GetAllAssets(allEntries, false, g =>
if (g == null)
return false;
if (!g.HasSchema())
return false;
if (!g.HasSchema())
return false;
if (!g.GetSchema().StaticContent)
return false;
return true;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendFormat("Skipping Prepare for Content Update on {0} group(s):\n\n",
noBundledAssetGroupSchema.Count + noStaticContent.Count);
AddInvalidGroupsToLogMessage(builder, noBundledAssetGroupSchema, "Group Did Not Contain BundledAssetGroupSchema");
AddInvalidGroupsToLogMessage(builder, noStaticContent, "Static Content Not Enabled In Schemas");
var entryToCacheInfo = new Dictionary();
foreach (var cacheInfo in cacheData.cachedInfos)
if (cacheInfo != null)
entryToCacheInfo[cacheInfo.asset.guid.ToString()] = cacheInfo;
var modifiedEntries = new List();
foreach (var entry in allEntries)
CachedAssetState cachedInfo;
if (!entryToCacheInfo.TryGetValue(entry.guid, out cachedInfo) || HasAssetOrDependencyChanged(cachedInfo))
foreach (var entry in modifiedEntries)
if (!dependencyMap.ContainsKey(entry))
dependencyMap.Add(entry, new List());
/// Get a Dictionary of all modified values and their dependencies. Dependencies will be Addressable and part of a group
/// with static content enabled.
/// Addressable asset settings.
/// The cache data path.
/// A dictionary mapping explicit changed entries to their dependencies.
public static Dictionary> GatherModifiedEntriesWithDependencies(AddressableAssetSettings settings, string cachePath)
var modifiedData = new Dictionary>();
AddressablesContentState cacheData = LoadContentState(cachePath);
if (cacheData == null)
return modifiedData;
GatherExplicitModifiedEntries(settings, ref modifiedData, cacheData);
GetStaticContentDependenciesForEntries(settings, ref modifiedData, GetGroupGuidToCacheBundleNameMap(cacheData));
return modifiedData;
internal static Dictionary GetGroupGuidToCacheBundleNameMap(AddressablesContentState cacheData)
var bundleIdToCacheInfo = new Dictionary();
foreach (CachedBundleState bundleInfo in cacheData.cachedBundles)
if (bundleInfo != null && is AssetBundleRequestOptions options)
bundleIdToCacheInfo[bundleInfo.bundleFileId] = options.BundleName;
var groupGuidToCacheBundleName = new Dictionary();
foreach (CachedAssetState cacheInfo in cacheData.cachedInfos)
if (cacheInfo != null && bundleIdToCacheInfo.TryGetValue(cacheInfo.bundleFileId, out string bundleName))
groupGuidToCacheBundleName[cacheInfo.groupGuid] = bundleName;
return groupGuidToCacheBundleName;
internal static HashSet GetGroupGuidsWithUnchangedBundleName(AddressableAssetSettings settings, Dictionary> dependencyMap, Dictionary groupGuidToCacheBundleName)
var result = new HashSet();
if (groupGuidToCacheBundleName == null || groupGuidToCacheBundleName.Count == 0)
return result;
var entryGuidToDeps = new Dictionary>();
foreach (KeyValuePair> entryToDeps in dependencyMap)
entryGuidToDeps.Add(entryToDeps.Key.guid, entryToDeps.Value);
foreach (AddressableAssetGroup group in settings.groups)
if (group == null || !group.HasSchema())
var schema = group.GetSchema();
List bundleInputDefinitions = new List();
BuildScriptPackedMode.PrepGroupBundlePacking(group, bundleInputDefinitions, schema, entry => !entryGuidToDeps.ContainsKey(entry.guid));
for (int i = 0; i < bundleInputDefinitions.Count; i++)
string bundleName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bundleInputDefinitions[i].assetBundleName);
if (groupGuidToCacheBundleName.TryGetValue(group.Guid, out string cacheBundleName) && cacheBundleName == bundleName)
return result;
internal static void GetStaticContentDependenciesForEntries(AddressableAssetSettings settings, ref Dictionary> dependencyMap, Dictionary groupGuidToCacheBundleName = null)
if (dependencyMap == null)
Dictionary groupHasStaticContentMap = new Dictionary();
HashSet groupGuidsWithUnchangedBundleName = GetGroupGuidsWithUnchangedBundleName(settings, dependencyMap, groupGuidToCacheBundleName);
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry entry in dependencyMap.Keys)
//since the entry here is from our list of modified entries we know that it must be a part of a static content group.
//Since it's part of a static content update group we can go ahead and set the value to true in the dictionary without explicitly checking it.
if (!groupHasStaticContentMap.ContainsKey(entry.parentGroup))
groupHasStaticContentMap.Add(entry.parentGroup, true);
string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(entry.AssetPath);
foreach (string dependency in dependencies)
string guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(dependency);
var depEntry = settings.FindAssetEntry(guid, true);
if (depEntry == null)
if (!groupHasStaticContentMap.TryGetValue(depEntry.parentGroup, out bool groupHasStaticContentEnabled))
groupHasStaticContentEnabled = depEntry.parentGroup.HasSchema() &&
if (groupGuidsWithUnchangedBundleName.Contains(depEntry.parentGroup.Guid))
groupHasStaticContentMap.Add(depEntry.parentGroup, groupHasStaticContentEnabled);
if (!dependencyMap.ContainsKey(depEntry) && groupHasStaticContentEnabled)
if (!dependencyMap.ContainsKey(entry))
dependencyMap.Add(entry, new List());
internal static void AddAllDependentScenesFromModifiedEntries(List modifiedEntries)
List entriesToAdd = new List();
//If a scene has changed, all scenes that end up in the same bundle need to be marked as modified due to bundle dependencies
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry entry in modifiedEntries)
if (entry.IsScene && !entriesToAdd.Contains(entry))
switch (entry.parentGroup.GetSchema().BundleMode)
case BundledAssetGroupSchema.BundlePackingMode.PackTogether:
//Add every scene in the group to modified entries
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry sharedGroupEntry in entry.parentGroup.entries)
if (sharedGroupEntry.IsScene && !modifiedEntries.Contains(sharedGroupEntry))
case BundledAssetGroupSchema.BundlePackingMode.PackTogetherByLabel:
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry sharedGroupEntry in entry.parentGroup.entries)
//Check if one entry has 0 labels while the other contains labels. The labels union check below will return true in this case.
//That is not the behavior we want. So to avoid that, we check here first.
if (sharedGroupEntry.labels.Count == 0 ^ entry.labels.Count == 0)
//Only add if labels are shared
if (sharedGroupEntry.IsScene && !modifiedEntries.Contains(sharedGroupEntry) && sharedGroupEntry.labels.Union(entry.labels).Any())
case BundledAssetGroupSchema.BundlePackingMode.PackSeparately:
//Do nothing. The scene will be in a different bundle.
private static void AddInvalidGroupsToLogMessage(StringBuilder builder, List invalidGroupList,
string headerMessage)
if (invalidGroupList.Count > 0)
builder.AppendFormat("{0} ({1} groups):\n", headerMessage, invalidGroupList.Count);
int maxList = 15;
for (int i = 0; i < invalidGroupList.Count; i++)
if (i > maxList)
builder.AppendLine("-" + invalidGroupList[i]);
/// Create a new AddressableAssetGroup with the items and mark it as remote.
/// The settings object.
/// The items to move.
/// The name of the new group.
public static void CreateContentUpdateGroup(AddressableAssetSettings settings, List items, string groupName)
var contentGroup = settings.CreateGroup(settings.FindUniqueGroupName(groupName), false, false, true, null);
var schema = contentGroup.AddSchema();
schema.BuildPath.SetVariableByName(settings, AddressableAssetSettings.kRemoteBuildPath);
schema.LoadPath.SetVariableByName(settings, AddressableAssetSettings.kRemoteLoadPath);
schema.BundleMode = BundledAssetGroupSchema.BundlePackingMode.PackTogether;
contentGroup.AddSchema().StaticContent = false;
settings.MoveEntries(items, contentGroup);
/// Functor to filter AddressableAssetGroups during content update. If the functor returns false, the group is excluded from the update.
public static Func GroupFilterFunc = GroupFilter;
internal static bool GroupFilter(AddressableAssetGroup g)
if (g == null)
return false;
if (!g.HasSchema() || !g.GetSchema().StaticContent)
return false;
if (!g.HasSchema() || !g.GetSchema().IncludeInBuild)
return false;
return true;