using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Linq; using ModTool; /// /// Example mod manager. This menu displays all mods and lets you enable/disable them. /// public class ModMenu : MonoBehaviour { /// /// The content panel where the menu items will be parented /// public Transform menuContentPanel; /// /// The prefab for the mod menu item /// public ModItem modItemPrefab; /// /// Button that will start loading enabled mods /// public Button loadButton; /// /// Dictionary linking mod menu items with mods /// private Dictionary modItems; /// /// Are the enabled mods loaded? /// private bool isLoaded; void Start() { ModManager.AddSearchDirectory(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)+@"\My Games\Firstborn\Mods"); modItems = new Dictionary(); //Subscribe to ModManager events for keeping track of found mods ModManager.ModFound += OnModFound; ModManager.ModRemoved += OnModRemoved; //Subscribe to ModManager events to keep track of loaded mods ModManager.ModLoaded += OnModLoaded; ModManager.ModUnloaded += OnModUnloaded; //Refresh and look mods in mod search directories ModManager.Refresh(); //Start refreshing ModManager to look for changes every 2 seconds StartCoroutine(AutoRefresh(2)); Application.runInBackground = true; } private void OnModFound(Mod mod) { ModItem modItem = Instantiate(modItemPrefab, menuContentPanel); modItem.Initialize(mod); modItem.SetToggleInteractable(!isLoaded); modItems.Add(mod, modItem); } private void OnModRemoved(Mod mod) { ModItem modItem; if(modItems.TryGetValue(mod, out modItem)) { modItems.Remove(mod); Destroy(modItem.gameObject); } } private void SetTogglesInteractable(bool interactable) { foreach (ModItem item in modItems.Values) { item.SetToggleInteractable(interactable); } } /// /// Toggle load or unload all enabled mods. /// public void LoadButton() { if (isLoaded) { Unload(); } else { Load(); } } IEnumerator AutoRefresh(float seconds) { while(true) { ModManager.Refresh(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds); } } private void Load() { //load mods foreach (Mod mod in modItems.Keys) { if(mod.isEnabled) mod.Load(); } SetTogglesInteractable(false); loadButton.GetComponentInChildren().text = "U N L O A D"; isLoaded = true; } private void Unload() { //unload all mods - this will unload their scenes and destroy any associated objects foreach (Mod mod in modItems.Keys) { mod.Unload(); } SetTogglesInteractable(true); loadButton.GetComponentInChildren().text = "L O A D"; isLoaded = false; } private void OnModLoaded(Mod mod) { Debug.Log("Loaded Mod: " +; //load first scene (if present) when a mod is loaded ModScene scene = mod.scenes.FirstOrDefault(); if (scene != null) scene.Load(); } private void OnModUnloaded(Mod mod) { Debug.Log("Unloaded Mod: " +; } }