using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.TerrainTools; [Serializable] internal class TerrainFloatMinMaxValue { [SerializeField] private bool m_Expanded = false; [SerializeField] private float m_Value = 0.0f; [SerializeField] private float m_MinValue = 0.0f; [SerializeField] private float m_MaxValue = 1.0f; [SerializeField] private bool m_shouldClampMin = false; [SerializeField] private bool m_shouldClampMax = false; [SerializeField] private float m_MinClampValue = 0.0f; [SerializeField] private float m_MaxClampValue = 1.0f; [SerializeField] private float m_MouseSensitivity = 1.0f; [SerializeField] private bool m_WrapValue = false; private bool m_EditRange = true; private readonly GUIContent m_Label; private static GUIContent m_MinLabel = new GUIContent("Min", "Minimum value of range"); private static GUIContent m_MaxLabel = new GUIContent("Max", "Maximum value of range"); public float value { get => m_Value; set { if (m_WrapValue) { float difference = m_MaxValue - m_MinValue; while (value < m_MinValue) { value += difference; } while (value > m_MaxValue) { value -= difference; } m_Value = value; } else { m_Value = Mathf.Clamp(value, m_MinValue, m_MaxValue); } } } public float minValue { get => m_MinValue; set { if (shouldClampMin && value < m_MinClampValue) { m_MinValue = m_MinClampValue; } else { m_MinValue = value; } if (m_Value < m_MinValue) { m_Value = m_MinValue; } if (m_MinValue > m_MaxValue) { m_MaxValue = m_MinValue; } } } public float maxValue { get => m_MaxValue; set { if (shouldClampMax && value > m_MaxClampValue) { m_MaxValue = m_MaxClampValue; } else { m_MaxValue = value; } if (m_Value > m_MaxValue) { m_Value = m_MaxValue; } if (m_MinValue > m_MaxValue) { m_MinValue = m_MaxValue; } } } public bool shouldClampMin { get => m_shouldClampMin; set { m_shouldClampMin = value; if (m_shouldClampMin) { minClamp = m_MinClampValue; } } } public float minClamp { get => m_MinClampValue; set { // validate that clamp value is possible if (shouldClampMin && shouldClampMax && value > maxClamp) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("minClamp", "minimum clamp value must be less than maximum clamp"); } m_MinClampValue = value; if (shouldClampMin && m_MinClampValue > minValue) { minValue = m_MinClampValue; } } } public bool shouldClampMax { get => m_shouldClampMax; set { m_shouldClampMax = value; if (m_shouldClampMax) { maxClamp = m_MaxClampValue; } } } public float maxClamp { get => m_MaxClampValue; set { // validate that clamp value is possible if (shouldClampMax && shouldClampMin && value < minClamp) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxClamp", "maximum clamp value must be greater than minimum clamp"); } m_MaxClampValue = value; if (shouldClampMax && m_MaxClampValue < maxValue) { maxValue = m_MaxClampValue; } } } public float mouseSensitivity { get => m_MouseSensitivity; set => m_MouseSensitivity = value; } public bool wrapValue { get => m_WrapValue; set => m_WrapValue = value; } public bool expanded { get => m_Expanded; } public TerrainFloatMinMaxValue(GUIContent label, float value, float minValue, float maxValue, bool editRange = true) { m_Expanded = false; m_Value = value; m_MinValue = minValue; m_MaxValue = maxValue; m_EditRange = editRange; m_Label = label; } public void DrawInspectorGUI() { float fieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; float indentOffset = EditorGUI.indentLevel * 15f; // reset indent level so we can do all our calculations without it int originalIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; float paddingAmount = 5f; Rect totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); totalRect.x += indentOffset; totalRect.width -= indentOffset; Rect labelRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + 15, totalRect.y, EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - 15, totalRect.height); // if we don't allow range editing, just reserve a padding value for this foldout Rect foldoutRect = new Rect(totalRect.x, labelRect.y, 15, totalRect.height); // the implementation of the slider uses a hardcoded 5 value to define the padding between it and the float value Rect sliderRect = new Rect(labelRect.xMax, foldoutRect.y, totalRect.width - labelRect.width - fieldWidth - foldoutRect.width - paddingAmount, totalRect.height); Rect floatFieldRect = new Rect(sliderRect.xMax + paddingAmount, sliderRect.y, fieldWidth, totalRect.height); int rectHeight = 1; EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(labelRect, m_Label); m_Value = GUI.HorizontalSlider(sliderRect, m_Value, minValue, maxValue); m_Value = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUI.FloatField(floatFieldRect, m_Value), minValue, maxValue); m_Expanded = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, m_Expanded, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); // allow the label to be used as a toggle as well if (Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && labelRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { m_Expanded = !m_Expanded; Event.current.Use(); } if (m_Expanded && m_EditRange) { // vertical padding GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 3); // minimum possible display width var labelPadding = 7.0f; var maxLabelWidth = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(m_MaxLabel).x; var minLabelWidth = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(m_MinLabel).x; var totalWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth + labelPadding + maxLabelWidth + minLabelWidth; totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); // if the width would cause the range editor to clip, force it to break past the indent if (sliderRect.width >= totalWidth) { totalRect.xMin = sliderRect.xMin; } else { totalRect.xMin += totalRect.width - ((EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth + labelPadding) * 2.0f + maxLabelWidth + minLabelWidth); } Rect minRect = new Rect(totalRect.xMin, totalRect.y, totalRect.width / 2, totalRect.height); Rect minLabelRect = new Rect(minRect); minLabelRect.width = minLabelWidth; minRect.xMin += minLabelRect.width + labelPadding; minRect.width = fieldWidth; Rect maxRect = new Rect(totalRect.xMin + totalRect.width / 2, totalRect.y, totalRect.width / 2, totalRect.height); Rect maxLabelRect = new Rect(minRect); maxRect.xMax = totalRect.xMax; maxRect.xMin = totalRect.xMax - fieldWidth; maxLabelRect.xMin = maxRect.xMin - maxLabelWidth - labelPadding; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(minLabelRect, m_MinLabel); minValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(minRect, minValue); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(maxLabelRect, m_MaxLabel); maxValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(maxRect, maxValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { m_Value = Mathf.Clamp(m_Value, minValue, maxValue); } } // if the min/max values are the same, then auto open the range edit // when the user attempts to change something if (m_EditRange && minValue.Equals(maxValue) && Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && totalRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { m_Expanded = true; Event.current.Use(); } GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, rectHeight); EditorGUI.indentLevel = originalIndent; GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 2); } } [Serializable] internal class TerrainIntMinMaxValue { [SerializeField] private bool m_Expanded = false; [SerializeField] private int m_Value = 0; [SerializeField] private int m_MinValue = 0; [SerializeField] private int m_MaxValue = 10; private GUIContent m_Label; private static GUIContent m_MinLabel = new GUIContent("Min", "Minimum Range Value"); private static GUIContent m_MaxLabel = new GUIContent("Max", "Maximum Range Value"); public int value { get => m_Value; set => m_Value = Mathf.Clamp(value, m_MinValue, m_MaxValue); } public int minValue { get => m_MinValue; set => m_MinValue = value; } public int maxValue { get => m_MaxValue; set => m_MaxValue = value; } public GUIContent label { get => m_Label; set => m_Label = value; } public TerrainIntMinMaxValue(GUIContent label, int value, int minValue, int maxValue) { m_Expanded = false; m_Value = value; m_MinValue = minValue; m_MaxValue = maxValue; m_Label = label; } public void DrawInspectorGUI() { float fieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; float indentOffset = EditorGUI.indentLevel * 15f; // reset indent level so we can do all our calculations without it int originalIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; float paddingAmount = 5f; Rect totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); totalRect.x += indentOffset; totalRect.width -= indentOffset; Rect labelRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + 15, totalRect.y, EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - 15, totalRect.height); // if we don't allow range editing, just reserve a padding value for this foldout Rect foldoutRect = new Rect(totalRect.x, labelRect.y, 15, totalRect.height); // the implementation of the slider uses a hardcoded 5 value to define the padding between it and the float value Rect sliderRect = new Rect(labelRect.xMax, foldoutRect.y, totalRect.width - labelRect.width - fieldWidth - foldoutRect.width - paddingAmount, totalRect.height); Rect floatFieldRect = new Rect(sliderRect.xMax + paddingAmount, sliderRect.y, fieldWidth, totalRect.height); int rectHeight = 1; EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(labelRect, m_Label); m_Value = Mathf.RoundToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(sliderRect, (float)m_Value, minValue, maxValue)); m_Value = (int)Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUI.FloatField(floatFieldRect, m_Value), minValue, maxValue); m_Expanded = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, m_Expanded, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); // allow the label to be used as a toggle as well if (Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && labelRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { m_Expanded = !m_Expanded; Event.current.Use(); } if (m_Expanded) { // vertical padding GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 3); // minimum possible display width var labelPadding = 7.0f; var maxLabelWidth = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(m_MaxLabel).x; var minLabelWidth = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(m_MinLabel).x; var totalWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth + labelPadding + maxLabelWidth + minLabelWidth; totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); // if the width would cause the range editor to clip, force it to break past the indent if (sliderRect.width >= totalWidth) { totalRect.xMin = sliderRect.xMin; } else { totalRect.xMin += totalRect.width - ((EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth + labelPadding) * 2.0f + maxLabelWidth + minLabelWidth); } Rect minRect = new Rect(totalRect.xMin, totalRect.y, totalRect.width / 2, totalRect.height); Rect minLabelRect = new Rect(minRect); minLabelRect.width = minLabelWidth; minRect.xMin += minLabelRect.width + labelPadding; minRect.width = fieldWidth; Rect maxRect = new Rect(totalRect.xMin + totalRect.width / 2, totalRect.y, totalRect.width / 2, totalRect.height); Rect maxLabelRect = new Rect(minRect); maxRect.xMax = totalRect.xMax; maxRect.xMin = totalRect.xMax - fieldWidth; maxLabelRect.xMin = maxRect.xMin - maxLabelWidth - labelPadding; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(minLabelRect, m_MinLabel); minValue = EditorGUI.IntField(minRect, minValue); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(maxLabelRect, m_MaxLabel); maxValue = EditorGUI.IntField(maxRect, maxValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { maxValue = Mathf.Max(minValue, maxValue); minValue = Mathf.Min(minValue, maxValue); value = Mathf.Clamp(value, minValue, maxValue); } } // if the min/max values are the same, then auto open the range edit // when the user attempts to change something if (minValue.Equals(maxValue) && Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && totalRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { m_Expanded = true; Event.current.Use(); } GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, rectHeight); EditorGUI.indentLevel = originalIndent; GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 2); } } internal static class TerrainToolGUIHelper { public delegate void ResetTool(); public static GUILayoutOption dontExpandWidth = GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false); public static GUIStyle toolbarNormalStyle = null; public static GUIStyle toolbarActiveStyle = null; public static GUIStyle leftToolbarStyle = null; public static GUIStyle midToolbarStyle = null; public static GUIStyle midToolbarActiveStyle = null; public static GUIStyle rightToolbarStyle = null; static TerrainToolGUIHelper() { toolbarNormalStyle = new GUIStyle("ToolbarButton"); toolbarActiveStyle = new GUIStyle("ToolbarButton"); toolbarActiveStyle.normal.background = toolbarNormalStyle.hover.background; leftToolbarStyle = new GUIStyle("CommandLeft"); midToolbarStyle = new GUIStyle("CommandMid"); midToolbarActiveStyle = new GUIStyle("CommandMid"); midToolbarActiveStyle.normal.background =; rightToolbarStyle = new GUIStyle("CommandRight"); } public static GUIStyle GetToolbarToggleStyle(bool isToggled) { return isToggled ? toolbarActiveStyle : toolbarNormalStyle; } public static bool DrawToggleHeaderFoldout(GUIContent title, bool state, ref bool enabled) { var backgroundRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 17f); var labelRect = backgroundRect; labelRect.xMin += 32f; labelRect.xMax -= 20f; var foldoutRect = backgroundRect; foldoutRect.xMin += 13f; foldoutRect.y += 1f; foldoutRect.width = 13f; foldoutRect.height = 13f; var toggleRect = foldoutRect; toggleRect.x = foldoutRect.xMax + 4f; // Background rect should be full-width backgroundRect.xMin = 16f * EditorGUI.indentLevel; backgroundRect.xMin = 0; backgroundRect.width += 4f; // Background float backgroundTint = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.1f : 1f; EditorGUI.DrawRect(backgroundRect, new Color(backgroundTint, backgroundTint, backgroundTint, 0.2f)); // Title EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, title, EditorStyles.boldLabel); // Active checkbox state = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, state, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); // Enabled toggle enabled = GUI.Toggle(toggleRect, enabled, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.toggle); var e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0) { if (toggleRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { enabled = !enabled; e.Use(); } else if (backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { state = !state; e.Use(); } } return state; } public static bool DrawToggleHeaderFoldout(GUIContent title, bool state, ref bool enabled, float padding) { var backgroundRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 17f); var labelRect = backgroundRect; labelRect.xMin += 32f; labelRect.xMax -= 20f; var foldoutRect = backgroundRect; foldoutRect.xMin += padding; foldoutRect.y += 1f; foldoutRect.width = 13f; foldoutRect.height = 13f; var toggleRect = foldoutRect; toggleRect.x = foldoutRect.xMax + 4f; // Background rect should be full-width backgroundRect.xMin = padding; backgroundRect.xMin = 0; backgroundRect.width += 4f; // Background float backgroundTint = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.1f : 1f; EditorGUI.DrawRect(backgroundRect, new Color(backgroundTint, backgroundTint, backgroundTint, 0.2f)); // Title EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, title, EditorStyles.boldLabel); // Active checkbox state = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, state, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); // Enabled toggle enabled = GUI.Toggle(toggleRect, enabled, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.toggle); var e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0) { if (toggleRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { enabled = !enabled; e.Use(); } else if (backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { state = !state; e.Use(); } } return state; } public static bool DrawHeaderFoldout(GUIContent title, bool state) { var backgroundRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 17f); var labelRect = backgroundRect; labelRect.xMin += 16f; labelRect.xMax -= 20f; var foldoutRect = backgroundRect; foldoutRect.y += 1f; foldoutRect.width = 13f; foldoutRect.height = 13f; // Background rect should be full-width backgroundRect.xMin = 0; backgroundRect.width += 4f; // Background float backgroundTint = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.1f : 1f; EditorGUI.DrawRect(backgroundRect, new Color(backgroundTint, backgroundTint, backgroundTint, 0.2f)); // Title EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, title, EditorStyles.boldLabel); // Active checkbox state = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, state, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); var e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 0) { state = !state; e.Use(); } return state; } /// /// Handles drawing a foldout in which the label can be disabled while still being selectable and separte from the foldout state. /// /// The to display./param> /// The state of the foldout. /// The state of the label. /// Returns true when the foldout is in a enabled state. Otherwise, returns false. internal static bool DrawDisableableLabelFoldout(GUIContent label, bool state, bool labelState = true) { var backgroundRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 17f); var labelRect = backgroundRect; labelRect.xMin += 16f; labelRect.xMax -= 20f; var foldoutRect = backgroundRect; foldoutRect.y += 1f; foldoutRect.width = 13f; foldoutRect.height = 13f; // Background rect should be full-width backgroundRect.xMin = 0; backgroundRect.width += 4f; // Title GUI.enabled = labelState; EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, label); GUI.enabled = true; // Active checkbox state = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, state, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); var e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 0) { state = !state; e.Use(); } return state; } public static bool DrawSimpleFoldout(GUIContent label, bool state, int indentLevel = 0, float width = 10f) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(indentLevel * 15); state = GUILayout.Toggle(state, label, EditorStyles.foldout, GUILayout.Width(width)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return state; } public static bool DrawHeaderFoldoutForErosion(GUIContent title, bool state, ResetTool resetMethod) { var backgroundRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 17f); var labelRect = backgroundRect; labelRect.xMin += 16f; labelRect.xMax -= 20f; var foldoutRect = backgroundRect; foldoutRect.y += 1f; foldoutRect.width = 13f; foldoutRect.height = 13f; // Background rect should be full-width backgroundRect.xMin = 0; backgroundRect.width += 4f; var gearIconRect = new Rect(); gearIconRect.y = backgroundRect.y; gearIconRect.x = backgroundRect.width - 30f; gearIconRect.width = 18f; gearIconRect.height = 18f; // Background float backgroundTint = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.1f : 1f; EditorGUI.DrawRect(backgroundRect, new Color(backgroundTint, backgroundTint, backgroundTint, 0.2f)); // Title EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, title, EditorStyles.boldLabel); // Active checkbox state = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, state, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); bool reset = false; //icon reset = GUI.Toggle(gearIconRect, reset, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("_Popup"), EditorStyles.label); var e = Event.current; if (reset) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Reset"), false, () => { resetMethod(); }); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } else if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 0) { state = !state; e.Use(); } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 1) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Reset"), false, () => { resetMethod(); }); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } return state; } public static bool DrawHeaderFoldoutForBrush(GUIContent title, bool state, ResetBrush resetMethod) { var backgroundRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 17f); var labelRect = backgroundRect; labelRect.xMin += 16f; labelRect.xMax -= 20f; var foldoutRect = backgroundRect; foldoutRect.y += 1f; foldoutRect.width = 13f; foldoutRect.height = 13f; // Background rect should be full-width backgroundRect.xMin = 0; backgroundRect.width += 4f; var gearIconRect = new Rect(); gearIconRect.y = backgroundRect.y; gearIconRect.x = backgroundRect.width - 30f; gearIconRect.width = 18f; gearIconRect.height = 18f; // Background float backgroundTint = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.1f : 1f; EditorGUI.DrawRect(backgroundRect, new Color(backgroundTint, backgroundTint, backgroundTint, 0.2f)); // Title EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, title, EditorStyles.boldLabel); // Active checkbox state = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, state, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout); bool reset = false; //icon reset = GUI.Toggle(gearIconRect, reset, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("_Popup"), EditorStyles.label); var e = Event.current; if (reset) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Reset"), false, () => { resetMethod(); }); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } else if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 0) { state = !state; e.Use(); } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && backgroundRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 1) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Reset"), false, () => { resetMethod(); }); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } return state; } public static bool DrawFoldout(bool expanded, GUIContent title, Action func) { bool state = expanded; state = DrawHeaderFoldout(title, state); if (state) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; if (func != null) { func(); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } return state; } public static void DrawFoldout(SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent title, Action func) { prop.isExpanded = DrawFoldout(prop.isExpanded, title, func); } private static Rect GetToolbarRect(GUIContent[] toolbarContent, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { Debug.Assert(toolbarContent.Length > 0); Rect maxRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 0f); Rect totalRect = new Rect(maxRect.xMin, maxRect.yMin, 0f, 0f); Vector2 buttonPos = new Vector2(maxRect.xMin, maxRect.yMin); GUIStyle skin = GetToolbarToggleStyle(false); //bool newLine = true; int linecount = 1; Vector2 buttonSize = skin.CalcSize(toolbarContent[0]); for (int i = 0; i < toolbarContent.Length; ++i) { buttonSize = skin.CalcSize(toolbarContent[i]); if (buttonPos.x + buttonSize.x > maxRect.xMax) { buttonPos.x = maxRect.xMin; buttonPos.y += buttonSize.y; linecount++; } else { totalRect.xMax = Mathf.Max(buttonPos.x + buttonSize.x, totalRect.xMax); } buttonPos.x += buttonSize.x; } totalRect.height = buttonSize.y * linecount; return totalRect; } public static int HorizontalFlagToolbar(GUIContent[] toolbarContent, int[] enumValues, int selection, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { Rect toolbarRect = GetToolbarRect(toolbarContent, options); // GUI.Box(totalRect, GUIContent.none); GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(toolbarRect.width, toolbarRect.height / 4); // GUI.Box(totalRect, GUIContent.none); // Rect maxRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, totalRect.height); Vector2 buttonPos = new Vector2(toolbarRect.xMin, toolbarRect.yMin); for (int i = 0; i < toolbarContent.Length; ++i) { int enumVal = enumValues[i]; bool wasActive = (selection & enumVal) == enumVal && enumVal != 0; GUIStyle skin = GetToolbarToggleStyle(wasActive); Vector2 buttonSize = skin.CalcSize(toolbarContent[i]); if (buttonPos.x + buttonSize.x > toolbarRect.xMax) { buttonPos.x = toolbarRect.xMin; buttonPos.y += buttonSize.y; } Rect buttonRect = new Rect(buttonPos.x, buttonPos.y, buttonSize.x, buttonSize.y); if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, toolbarContent[i], skin)) { if (enumVal == 0) { selection = enumVal; } else if (enumVal == ~0) { selection = wasActive ? ~enumVal : enumVal; } else { selection = wasActive ? (selection & ~enumVal) : (selection | enumVal); } } buttonPos.x += buttonSize.x; } return selection; } // assumes that an enum value of 0 = None and ~0 = Everything private static int OLDHorizontalFlagToolbar(GUIContent[] toolbarContent, int[] enumValues, int selection, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { // TODO(wyatt): Change to use EditorGUIUtility.GetFlowLayoutedRects instead of Begin/EndHorizontal Rect widthRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(Screen.width, 17f); // GetToolbarRect(true, toolbarContent, options); // GUI.Box(widthRect, GUIContent.none); Vector2 currPos = widthRect.position; Rect totalRect = widthRect; bool newLine = true; //int skinID = 0; // left = 0, 1 = mid, 2 = right for (int i = 0; i < toolbarContent.Length; ++i) { int enumVal = enumValues[i]; bool wasActive = (selection & enumVal) == enumVal && enumVal != 0; GUIStyle skin = GetToolbarToggleStyle(wasActive); Vector2 size = skin.CalcSize(toolbarContent[i]); Rect buttonRect = new Rect(currPos.x, currPos.y, size.x, size.y); currPos.x += size.x; totalRect.yMax = Mathf.Max(currPos.y + size.y, totalRect.yMax); if (currPos.x + size.x > widthRect.xMax) { currPos.x = widthRect.xMin; currPos.y += size.y; newLine = true; } if (newLine) { // reserve a rect for the line Rect reservedRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(widthRect.width, size.y); // GUI.Box(reservedRect, GUIContent.none); newLine = false; } if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, toolbarContent[i], skin)) { if (enumVal == 0) { selection = enumVal; } else if (enumVal == ~0) { selection = wasActive ? ~enumVal : enumVal; } else { selection = wasActive ? (selection & ~enumVal) : (selection | enumVal); } } } return selection; } public static int MinMaxSliderInt(GUIContent label, int value, ref int minValue, ref int maxValue) { float fieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; float indentOffset = EditorGUI.indentLevel * 15f; Rect totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); Rect labelRect = new Rect(totalRect.x, totalRect.y, EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - indentOffset, totalRect.height); Rect sliderRect = new Rect(labelRect.xMax, labelRect.y, totalRect.width - labelRect.width - 2 * fieldWidth - 4, totalRect.height); Rect minLabelRect = new Rect(sliderRect.xMax + 4 - indentOffset, labelRect.y, fieldWidth, totalRect.height); Rect minRect = new Rect(minLabelRect.xMax, labelRect.y, fieldWidth / 2 + indentOffset, totalRect.height); Rect maxRect = new Rect(minRect.xMax - indentOffset, sliderRect.y, fieldWidth / 2 + indentOffset, totalRect.height); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(labelRect, label); value = EditorGUI.IntSlider(sliderRect, value, minValue, maxValue); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(minLabelRect, new GUIContent("Range:")); minValue = EditorGUI.IntField(minRect, minValue); maxValue = EditorGUI.IntField(maxRect, maxValue); return value; } public static float MinMaxSlider(GUIContent label, float value, ref float minValue, ref float maxValue) { float fieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; float indentOffset = EditorGUI.indentLevel * 15f; Rect totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); Rect labelRect = new Rect(totalRect.x, totalRect.y, EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - indentOffset, totalRect.height); Rect sliderRect = new Rect(labelRect.xMax, labelRect.y, totalRect.width - labelRect.width - 2 * fieldWidth - 4, totalRect.height); Rect minLabelRect = new Rect(sliderRect.xMax + 4 - indentOffset, labelRect.y, fieldWidth, totalRect.height); Rect minRect = new Rect(minLabelRect.xMax, labelRect.y, fieldWidth / 2 + indentOffset, totalRect.height); Rect maxRect = new Rect(minRect.xMax - indentOffset, sliderRect.y, fieldWidth / 2 + indentOffset, totalRect.height); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(labelRect, label); value = EditorGUI.Slider(sliderRect, value, minValue, maxValue); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(minLabelRect, new GUIContent("Range:")); minValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(minRect, minValue); maxValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(maxRect, maxValue); return value; } private static GUIContent s_TempGUIContent = new GUIContent(); public static GUIContent TempContent(string str) { s_TempGUIContent.image = null; s_TempGUIContent.text = str; s_TempGUIContent.tooltip = null; return s_TempGUIContent; } /// /// Terrain editor hash. /// public static int s_TerrainEditorHash = "TerrainEditor".GetHashCode(); /// /// Percentage based slider GUI, used on brush spacing, scatter and strength controls. /// /// The style and content of the slider GUI. /// The current value in percentage. /// The minimum value of the slider. /// The maximum value of the slider. /// Return the current slider GUI value in percentage. public static float PercentSlider(GUIContent content, float valueInPercent, float minVal, float maxVal) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float v = EditorGUILayout.Slider(content, Mathf.Round(valueInPercent * 100f), minVal * 100f, maxVal * 100f); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { return v / 100f; } return valueInPercent; } /// /// Check heightmap resolution on terrain and add an extra line of message in scene GUI if size smaller than 1025. /// Currently used in all Erosion brushes, since resolution sensitive. /// /// The terrain tile in check. /// Return the user message string. public static string ValidateAndGenerateSceneGUIMessage(Terrain terrain) { if (terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution < 1025) { return "Erosion tools work best with \n" + "a heightmap resolution of 1025 or greater."; } return ""; } }