#if CINEMACHINE_EXPERIMENTAL_VCAM using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using Cinemachine.Editor; using System.Collections.Generic; using Cinemachine.Utility; namespace Cinemachine { [CustomEditor(typeof(CinemachineNewFreeLook))] sealed class CinemachineNewFreeLookEditor : CinemachineVirtualCameraBaseEditor { GUIContent[] m_OrbitNames = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("Top Rig"), new GUIContent("Main Rig"), new GUIContent("Bottom Rig") }; GUIContent m_CustomizeLabel = new GUIContent( "Customize", "Custom settings for this rig. If unchecked, main rig settins will be used"); VcamStageEditorPipeline m_PipelineSet = new VcamStageEditorPipeline(); /// Get the property names to exclude in the inspector. /// Add the names to this list protected override void GetExcludedPropertiesInInspector(List excluded) { base.GetExcludedPropertiesInInspector(excluded); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_Rigs)); // can't use HideInInspector for this excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_Orbits)); excluded.Add(FieldPath(x => x.m_SplineCurvature)); } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); Undo.undoRedoPerformed += ResetTargetOnUndo; m_PipelineSet.Initialize( // GetComponent (stage, result) => { int numNullComponents = 0; foreach (var obj in targets) { var vcam = obj as CinemachineNewVirtualCamera; if (vcam != null) { var c = vcam.GetCinemachineComponent(stage); if (c != null) result.Add(c); else ++numNullComponents; } } return numNullComponents; }, // SetComponent (stage, type) => { Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Cinemachine pipeline change"); foreach (var obj in targets) { var vcam = obj as CinemachineNewVirtualCamera; if (vcam != null) { Component c = vcam.GetCinemachineComponent(stage); if (c != null && c.GetType() == type) continue; if (c != null) { Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(c); vcam.InvalidateComponentCache(); } if (type != null) { Undo.AddComponent(vcam.gameObject, type); vcam.InvalidateComponentCache(); } } } }); m_PipelineSet.SetStageIsLocked(CinemachineCore.Stage.Body); for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; ++i) (targets[i] as CinemachineNewFreeLook).UpdateInputAxisProvider(); } protected override void OnDisable() { m_PipelineSet.Shutdown(); base.OnDisable(); } void ResetTargetOnUndo() { ResetTarget(); } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { // Ordinary properties BeginInspector(); DrawHeaderInInspector(); DrawPropertyInInspector(FindProperty(x => x.m_Priority)); DrawTargetsInInspector(FindProperty(x => x.m_Follow), FindProperty(x => x.m_LookAt)); DrawPropertyInInspector(FindProperty(x => x.m_StandbyUpdate)); DrawLensSettingsInInspector(FindProperty(x => x.m_Lens)); DrawRemainingPropertiesInInspector(); // Orbits EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Orbits", EditorStyles.boldLabel); SerializedProperty orbits = FindProperty(x => x.m_Orbits); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var o = orbits.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true); InspectorUtility.MultiPropertyOnLine( rect, m_OrbitNames[i], new [] { o.FindPropertyRelative(() => Target.m_Orbits[i].m_Height), o.FindPropertyRelative(() => Target.m_Orbits[i].m_Radius) }, null); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(FindProperty(x => x.m_SplineCurvature)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Pipeline Stages EditorGUILayout.Space(); var selectedRig = Selection.objects.Length == 1 ? GUILayout.Toolbar(s_SelectedRig, s_RigNames) : 0; if (selectedRig != s_SelectedRig) { Undo.RecordObject(Target, "selected rig"); Target.m_VerticalAxis.Value = selectedRig == 0 ? 1 : (selectedRig == 1 ? 0.5f : 0); } s_SelectedRig = selectedRig; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUI.skin.box); if (selectedRig == 1) m_PipelineSet.OnInspectorGUI(false); else DrawRigEditor(selectedRig == 0 ? 0 : 1); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // Extensions DrawExtensionsWidgetInInspector(); } static GUIContent[] s_RigNames = { new GUIContent("Top Rig"), new GUIContent("Main Rig"), new GUIContent("Bottom Rig") }; static int s_SelectedRig = 1; Vector3 mPreviousPosition; // for position dragging private void OnSceneGUI() { if (!Target.UserIsDragging) mPreviousPosition = Target.transform.position; if (Selection.Contains(Target.gameObject) && Tools.current == Tool.Move && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { // User might be dragging our position handle Target.UserIsDragging = true; Vector3 delta = Target.transform.position - mPreviousPosition; if (!delta.AlmostZero()) { m_PipelineSet.OnPositionDragged(delta); mPreviousPosition = Target.transform.position; // Adjust the rigs height and scale Transform follow = Target.Follow; if (follow != null) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(Target, "Camera drag"); Vector3 up = Target.State.ReferenceUp; float heightDelta = Vector3.Dot(up, delta); Vector3 fwd = (Target.State.FinalPosition - follow.position).normalized; float oldRadius = Target.GetLocalPositionForCameraFromInput( Target.m_VerticalAxis.Value).magnitude; float newRadius = Mathf.Max(0.01f, oldRadius + Vector3.Dot(fwd, delta)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Target.m_Orbits[i].m_Height += heightDelta; if (oldRadius > 0.001f) Target.m_Orbits[i].m_Radius *= newRadius / oldRadius; } } } } else if (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0 && Target.UserIsDragging) { // We're not dragging anything now, but we were InspectorUtility.RepaintGameView(); Target.UserIsDragging = false; } } void DrawRigEditor(int rigIndex) { const float kBoxMargin = 3; SerializedProperty rig = FindProperty(x => x.m_Rigs).GetArrayElementAtIndex(rigIndex); CinemachineNewFreeLook.Rig def = new CinemachineNewFreeLook.Rig(); // for properties EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth -= kBoxMargin; ++EditorGUI.indentLevel; var components = Target.ComponentCache; if (DrawFoldoutPropertyWithEnabledCheckbox( rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_CustomLens), rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_Lens))) { Target.m_Rigs[rigIndex].m_Lens = Target.m_Lens; } int index = (int)CinemachineCore.Stage.Body; if (components[index] is CinemachineTransposer) { if (DrawFoldoutPropertyWithEnabledCheckbox( rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_CustomBody), rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_Body))) { Target.m_Rigs[rigIndex].m_Body.PullFrom( components[index] as CinemachineTransposer); } } index = (int)CinemachineCore.Stage.Aim; if (components[index] is CinemachineComposer) { if (DrawFoldoutPropertyWithEnabledCheckbox( rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_CustomAim), rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_Aim))) { Target.m_Rigs[rigIndex].m_Aim.PullFrom( components[index] as CinemachineComposer); } } index = (int)CinemachineCore.Stage.Noise; if (components[index] is CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin) { if (DrawFoldoutPropertyWithEnabledCheckbox( rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_CustomNoise), rig.FindPropertyRelative(() => def.m_Noise))) { Target.m_Rigs[rigIndex].m_Noise.PullFrom( components[index] as CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin); } } --EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth += kBoxMargin; } // Returns true if default value should be applied bool DrawFoldoutPropertyWithEnabledCheckbox( SerializedProperty enabledProperty, SerializedProperty property) { GUIContent label = new GUIContent(property.displayName, property.tooltip); Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, (enabledProperty.boolValue && property.isExpanded) ? EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property) : EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); Rect r = rect; r.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; if (!enabledProperty.boolValue) EditorGUI.LabelField(r, label); float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; bool newValue = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft( new Rect(labelWidth, r.y, r.width - labelWidth, r.height), m_CustomizeLabel, enabledProperty.boolValue); if (newValue != enabledProperty.boolValue) { enabledProperty.boolValue = newValue; enabledProperty.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); property.isExpanded = newValue; return true; } if (newValue == true) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, property, property.isExpanded); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) enabledProperty.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } return false; } [DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Active | GizmoType.Selected, typeof(CinemachineNewFreeLook))] private static void DrawFreeLookGizmos(CinemachineNewFreeLook vcam, GizmoType selectionType) { // Standard frustum and logo CinemachineBrainEditor.DrawVirtualCameraBaseGizmos(vcam, selectionType); Color originalGizmoColour = Gizmos.color; bool isActiveVirtualCam = CinemachineCore.Instance.IsLive(vcam); Gizmos.color = isActiveVirtualCam ? CinemachineSettings.CinemachineCoreSettings.ActiveGizmoColour : CinemachineSettings.CinemachineCoreSettings.InactiveGizmoColour; if (vcam.Follow != null) { Vector3 pos = vcam.Follow.position; Vector3 up = Vector3.up; CinemachineBrain brain = CinemachineCore.Instance.FindPotentialTargetBrain(vcam); if (brain != null) up = brain.DefaultWorldUp; var middleRig = vcam.GetComponent(); if (middleRig != null) { float scale = vcam.m_RadialAxis.Value; Quaternion orient = middleRig.GetReferenceOrientation(up); up = orient * Vector3.up; var orbital = middleRig as CinemachineOrbitalTransposer; if (orbital != null) { float rotation = orbital.m_XAxis.Value + orbital.m_Heading.m_Bias; orient = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotation, up) * orient; } CinemachineOrbitalTransposerEditor.DrawCircleAtPointWithRadius( pos + up * vcam.m_Orbits[0].m_Height * scale, orient, vcam.m_Orbits[0].m_Radius * scale); CinemachineOrbitalTransposerEditor.DrawCircleAtPointWithRadius( pos + up * vcam.m_Orbits[1].m_Height * scale, orient, vcam.m_Orbits[1].m_Radius * scale); CinemachineOrbitalTransposerEditor.DrawCircleAtPointWithRadius( pos + up * vcam.m_Orbits[2].m_Height * scale, orient, vcam.m_Orbits[2].m_Radius * scale); DrawCameraPath(pos, orient, vcam); } } Gizmos.color = originalGizmoColour; } private static void DrawCameraPath( Vector3 atPos, Quaternion orient, CinemachineNewFreeLook vcam) { Matrix4x4 prevMatrix = Gizmos.matrix; Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(atPos, orient, Vector3.one); const int kNumSteps = 20; Vector3 currPos = vcam.GetLocalPositionForCameraFromInput(0f); for (int i = 1; i < kNumSteps + 1; ++i) { float t = (float)i / (float)kNumSteps; Vector3 nextPos = vcam.GetLocalPositionForCameraFromInput(t); Gizmos.DrawLine(currPos, nextPos); currPos = nextPos; } Gizmos.matrix = prevMatrix; } } } #endif