using UnityEngine; using RPGCreationKit; using RPGCreationKit.SaveSystem; namespace RPGCreationKit { [ExecuteAlways] public class SunLightManager : MonoBehaviour { public static SunLightManager instance; private bool Loaded = false; private float TimeTrigger = 0f; [Header("References")] [SerializeField] private Light DirectionalLight; [SerializeField] public SunLightPreset Preset; [SerializeField] private Transform StarsSky; [SerializeField] private Transform Player; [Header("Time")] [SerializeField] public int Year = 0; [SerializeField] public int Month = 1; [SerializeField] public int Day = 1; [SerializeField, Range(0, 24)] public float TimeOfDay; private Material StarsMat; public bool IsInterior = false; void Start() { StarsMat = null; StarsMat = StarsSky.GetComponent().GetComponent().sharedMaterial; Year = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.Environment.Year; Month = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.Environment.Month; Day = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.Environment.Day; TimeOfDay = SaveSystemManager.instance.saveFile.Environment.TimeOfDay; Loaded = true; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (TimeTrigger > TimeOfDay) { // Should only trigger once a day. Day += 1; } TimeTrigger = TimeOfDay; if (Day > 28) { Day = 1; Month += 1; } if (Month > 13) { Month = 1; Year += 1; } if (Loaded == false) { return; } if (Preset == null) { return; } if (Application.isPlaying) { TimeOfDay += (Time.deltaTime / 180f); TimeOfDay %= 24; if (IsInterior == false) { // Setting the Sun if (DirectionalLight.gameObject.activeSelf == true) { if (RenderSettings.sun != DirectionalLight) { RenderSettings.sun = DirectionalLight; } } // Setting the Sun Color DirectionalTempColor = Preset.DirectionalColor.Evaluate(TimeOfDay / 24f); DirectionalLight.color = DirectionalTempColor; RenderSettings.skybox.SetFloat("_Exposure", (DirectionalTempColor.a * 5)); } } UpdateLighting(TimeOfDay / 24f); } private void UpdateLighting(float TimePercent) { RenderSettings.ambientLight = Preset.AmbientColor.Evaluate(TimePercent); // Fog Color FogTempColor = Preset.FogColor.Evaluate(TimePercent); RenderSettings.fogColor = FogTempColor; RenderSettings.fogDensity = ((FogTempColor.a / 10) * 2); // Setting the stars StarsSky.position = Player.position; Color StarsColor = Preset.StarsVisability.Evaluate(TimePercent); Color color = StarsMat.color; color.a = StarsColor.a; StarsMat.color = color; if (DirectionalLight != null) { DirectionalLight.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3((TimePercent * 360f) -90f, 170f, 0f)); StarsSky.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3((TimePercent * 360f) -90f, -100, 40)); } } public string GetMonth(int A) { // Ari, Tau, Gen, Can, Le, Ver, Lib, Sco, Sol, Sag, Cap, Aua, Pis. if (A == 0) { return "Aries"; } else if (A == 1) { return "Taurus"; } else if (A == 2) { return "Gemini"; } else if (A == 3) { return "Cancer"; } else if (A == 4) { return "Leo"; } else if (A == 5) { return "Virgo"; } else if (A == 6) { return "Libra"; } else if (A == 7) { return "Scorpio"; } else if (A == 8) { return "Sol"; } else if (A == 9) { return "Sagittarius"; } else if (A == 10) { return "Capricorn"; } else if (A == 11) { return "Aquarius"; } else { return "Pisces"; } } } }