using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using SpeechBlendEngine; using TMPro; public class SpeechBlend : MonoBehaviour { public AudioSource voiceAudioSource; public List FaceMeshes; [HideInInspector] public bool showBlendShapeMenu = false; [HideInInspector] public SpeechUtil.VisemeBlendshapeIndexes faceBlendshapes; [HideInInspector] public SpeechUtil.VisemeWeight visemeWeightTuning; [Header("Settings")] [Space(10)] [Tooltip("Toggle lipsyncing")] public bool lipsyncActive = true; // Toggle lipsyncing [Tooltip("Select whether visemes are used")] public SpeechUtil.Mode trackingMode = SpeechUtil.Mode.jawOnly; // Select whether visemes are used #if UNITY_WEBGL public float WebGLVolumeAdjust = 200; #endif [Tooltip("Amplitude of jaw movement")] [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float jawMovementAmount = 0.5f; // Amplitude of jaw movement [Tooltip("Jaw motion speed")] [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float jawMovementSpeed = 0.5f; // Jaw motion speed [Tooltip("Amplitude of lip movement")] [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float lipsBlendshapeMovementAmount = 0.5f; // Amplitude of lip movement [Tooltip("Lip viseme movement speed")] [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float lipsBlendshapeChangeSpeed = 0.5f; // Lip viseme movement speed [Tooltip("Number of calculations to use.")] public SpeechUtil.Accuracy accuracy = SpeechUtil.Accuracy.Medium; // Number of calculations to use. Cannot be changed at runtime [Tooltip("Number of frames to wait before next calculation (higher number uses less resources but reponds slower)")] [Range(1, 10)] public int framesPerUpdate = 1; // Number of frames to wait before next calculation (higher number uses less resources but reponds slower) [Tooltip("Ignore distance between AudioSource and AudioListener when accounting for volume.")] public bool volumeEqualization = false; [Tooltip("Voice type of character")] public VoiceProfile.VoiceType voiceType = VoiceProfile.VoiceType.female; // Voice type of character [Tooltip("Jaw joint for when not using a mouth open blendshape")] public Transform jawJoint; // Jaw joint for when not using a mouth open blendshape [Tooltip("Direction adjust for jaw opening")] public Vector3 jawOpenDirection = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); // Direction adjust for jaw joint opening [Tooltip("Angular offset for jaw joint opening")] public Vector3 jawJointOffset; // Angular offset for jaw joint opening [Tooltip("Blendshape template for visemes shapes. (default: DAZ)")] public VoiceProfile.VisemeBlendshapeTemplate shapeTemplate; // Blendshape template for visemes shapes. (default: DAZ) [HideInInspector] public AudioListener activeListener; // Source audiolistener for use when calculating the volume equalization float bs_volume_scaling = 20f; float jaw_volume_scaling = 20f; int f_low; int f_high; float fres; float[,] extractor; // Speech extractor model float[,] transformer; // Speech data transformer float[] modifier; // Speech data modifier float[] bs_setpoint; float[] bs_setpoint_last; float[,] cmem; float bs_mouthOpen_setpoint; Quaternion trans_mouthOpen_setpoint; Quaternion trans_mouthOpen_rest; float current_volume; [HideInInspector] public VoiceProfile.VisemeBlendshapeTemplate template_saved = VoiceProfile.VisemeBlendshapeTemplate.DAZ; [HideInInspector] public SpeechUtil.VisemeBlendshapeIndexes faceBlendshapes_saved = new SpeechUtil.VisemeBlendshapeIndexes(VoiceProfile.G2_template); [HideInInspector] public SpeechUtil.VisemeWeight visemeWeightTuning_saved = new SpeechUtil.VisemeWeight(VoiceProfile.G2_template); float jaw_CSF = 1; float bs_CSF = 1; int updateFrame = 0; SpeechUtil.Accuracy accuracy_last; bool[] blendshapeInfluenceActive; void Start() { } public void IsMale(bool TF) { if (TF) { voiceType = VoiceProfile.VoiceType.male; } else { voiceType = VoiceProfile.VoiceType.female; } } public void Talk(AudioClip A) { Debug.Log("Talking"); voiceAudioSource.clip = A; voiceAudioSource.Play(); bs_setpoint = new float[faceBlendshapes.template.Nvis]; bs_setpoint_last = new float[faceBlendshapes.template.Nvis]; if (jawJoint != null) { trans_mouthOpen_setpoint = jawJoint.localRotation; } trans_mouthOpen_rest = trans_mouthOpen_setpoint; bs_mouthOpen_setpoint = 0; accuracy_last = accuracy; fres = ExtractFeatures.CalculateFres(); UpdateExtractor(); if (jawJoint == null & !faceBlendshapes.AnyAssigned()) { print("Warning (SpeechBlend): Neither jaw joint or face blendshapes have been assigned"); lipsyncActive = false; } if (trackingMode.Equals(SpeechUtil.Mode.jawAndVisemes) & faceBlendshapes.JawOnly()) { print("Warning (SpeechBlend): No viseme blendshapes detected, jaw-only mode enabled."); trackingMode = SpeechUtil.Mode.jawOnly; } else if (trackingMode.Equals(SpeechUtil.Mode.jawAndVisemes)) { blendshapeInfluenceActive = new bool[faceBlendshapes.template.Nvis]; } } int printIndex = 200; void FixedUpdate() { if (voiceAudioSource.isPlaying & lipsyncActive) { bs_volume_scaling = 500f * Mathf.Exp(-6.111f * lipsBlendshapeMovementAmount); jaw_volume_scaling = 500f * Mathf.Exp(-6.111f * jawMovementAmount); if (++updateFrame >= framesPerUpdate) { updateFrame = 0; float last_volume = current_volume; current_volume = 0; #if UNITY_WEBGL int no_samples = SpeechBlend_WEBGL_AudioSpectrum.InitializeBytes(4096); // Get volume data current_volume = SpeechBlend_WEBGL_AudioSpectrum.GetSpeechVolume(); current_volume = current_volume * WebGLVolumeAdjust; #else float[] audioTrace = new float[256]; voiceAudioSource.GetOutputData(audioTrace, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) current_volume += Mathf.Abs(audioTrace[i]); #endif if (volumeEqualization) current_volume = ExtractFeatures.EqualizeDistance(current_volume, voiceAudioSource, activeListener); current_volume = last_volume * (1 - lipsBlendshapeChangeSpeed) + current_volume * lipsBlendshapeChangeSpeed; // Calculate jaw open amount bs_mouthOpen_setpoint = 100 * current_volume / jaw_volume_scaling * .1f * (1 / jaw_CSF); if (jawJoint != null) { //current_volume = 0; trans_mouthOpen_setpoint = Quaternion.Euler(jawJointOffset + trans_mouthOpen_rest.eulerAngles * (1 - jawMovementAmount * 3) + (trans_mouthOpen_rest.eulerAngles + jawOpenDirection * current_volume / jaw_volume_scaling) * jawMovementAmount * 3); } // Calculate viseme amounts if (trackingMode == SpeechUtil.Mode.jawAndVisemes) { f_low = Mathf.RoundToInt(ExtractFeatures.getlf(accuracy) / fres); f_high = Mathf.RoundToInt(ExtractFeatures.gethf(accuracy) / fres); if (accuracy_last != accuracy) UpdateExtractor(); accuracy_last = accuracy; #if UNITY_WEBGL float[] rawData = new float[4096]; SpeechBlend_WEBGL_AudioSpectrum.GetFrequencySpectrum(rawData); // get the spectrum data for (int i = 0; i < rawData.Length; i++) rawData[i] += 1e-10f; #else float[] rawData = ExtractFeatures.GetSoundData(voiceAudioSource); #endif float[] features = ExtractFeatures.ExtractSample(rawData, extractor, transformer, modifier, ref cmem, f_low, f_high, accuracy); ExtractFeatures.FeatureOutput W = ExtractFeatures.Evaluate(features, voiceType, accuracy); float[] influences = new float[ExtractFeatures.no_visemes]; for (int i = 0; i < W.size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ExtractFeatures.no_visemes; j++) influences[j] += VoiceProfile.Influence(voiceType, W.reg[i], j, accuracy) * W.w[i]; } float[] influences_template = VoiceProfile.InfluenceTemplateTransform(influences, shapeTemplate); blendshapeInfluenceActive = new bool[faceBlendshapes.template.Nvis]; for (int i = 0; i < faceBlendshapes.template.Nvis; i++) { float visemeWeight = visemeWeightTuning.GetByIndex(i); influences_template[i] *= visemeWeight; if (visemeWeight < 1e-2) blendshapeInfluenceActive[i] = false; else blendshapeInfluenceActive[i] = true; } for (int i = 0; i < faceBlendshapes.template.Nvis; i++) { bs_setpoint[i] = influences_template[i] * 100 * current_volume / bs_volume_scaling; } jaw_CSF = VoiceProfile.Influence(voiceType, W.reg[0], ExtractFeatures.no_visemes, accuracy); bs_CSF = VoiceProfile.Influence(voiceType, W.reg[0], ExtractFeatures.no_visemes, accuracy); bs_mouthOpen_setpoint /= VoiceProfile.Influence(voiceType, W.reg[0], ExtractFeatures.no_visemes, accuracy); } } } } private void LateUpdate() { if (voiceAudioSource.clip != null) { // Update jaw joint animation if (!faceBlendshapes.BlendshapeAssigned("mouthOpen")) { if (jawJoint != null) { float moveSpeed = 2.5f * Mathf.Exp(3.658f * jawMovementSpeed); jawJoint.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(jawJoint.transform.localRotation, trans_mouthOpen_setpoint, Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed); } } // Update Facial Blendshapes UpdateBlendshapes(); } } void UpdateBlendshapes() { if (trackingMode == SpeechUtil.Mode.jawAndVisemes) { for (int i = 0; i < faceBlendshapes.template.Nvis; i++) { if (faceBlendshapes.BlendshapeAssigned(i) & blendshapeInfluenceActive[i]) { float currentVisemeValue = bs_setpoint_last[i]; for (int j = 0; j < FaceMeshes.Count; j++) { FaceMeshes[j].SetBlendShapeWeight(faceBlendshapes.GetByIndex(i), currentVisemeValue * (1 - lipsBlendshapeChangeSpeed * bs_CSF) + bs_setpoint[i] * lipsBlendshapeChangeSpeed * bs_CSF); bs_setpoint_last[i] = FaceMeshes[j].GetBlendShapeWeight(faceBlendshapes.GetByIndex(i)); } } } } if (faceBlendshapes.BlendshapeAssigned("mouthOpen")) { for (int j = 0; j < FaceMeshes.Count; j++) { float currentValue = FaceMeshes[j].GetBlendShapeWeight(faceBlendshapes.mouthOpenIndex); FaceMeshes[j].SetBlendShapeWeight(faceBlendshapes.mouthOpenIndex, currentValue * (1 - (jawMovementSpeed * jaw_CSF)) + bs_mouthOpen_setpoint * (jawMovementSpeed * jaw_CSF)); } } } public void UpdateExtractor() { extractor = ExtractFeatures.BuildExtractor(fres, ExtractFeatures.getlf(accuracy), ExtractFeatures.gethf(accuracy), accuracy); cmem = new float[ExtractFeatures.getC(accuracy) + 1, 2]; modifier = ExtractFeatures.CreateCC_lifter(accuracy); transformer = ExtractFeatures.GenerateTransformer(accuracy); f_low = Mathf.RoundToInt(ExtractFeatures.getlf(accuracy) / fres); f_high = Mathf.RoundToInt(ExtractFeatures.gethf(accuracy) / fres); } }