using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif using System; /// /// You're free to reuse this script for models that aren't produced by S.F. Bay Studios, Inc / /// Please, if you do so, mention us at some point -- that'd be nice of you :) /// /// This script, attached to an object with properly named blend shapes, will make it easy for users to modify /// the shapes both in the editor and during run time. /// [Serializable] public class SFB_BlendShapesManager : MonoBehaviour { public List blendShapeObjects = new List(); public List inspectorObjects = new List(); public List presetObjects = new List(); public bool showWireframe = true; public string presetName; public bool showPresets; public bool showShapes; public bool showData; public bool showScripting; public int selectedShape; public float globalRangeModifier = 0.5f; [Serializable] public class SFB_InspectorObject { public int objectID; public int shapeID; public int blendShapeID; } [Serializable] public class SFB_BlendShapeObject { public string name; public Mesh meshObject; public SkinnedMeshRenderer renderer; public List blendShapes = new List(); public int primaryShapes = 0; public bool expandedInspector = false; } [Serializable] public class SFB_BlendShape { public string name; public string fullName; public bool isMinus = false; public bool isPlus = false; public int inspectorID; public int id; public float minValue = 0.0f; public float maxValue = 0.0f; public float value; public float sliderValue; public float changeDuration = 0.0f; public bool isVisible; public List blendMatches = new List (); public bool presetExport = true; public int presetExportValue = 1; // 1 = export, 0 = do not export, 2 = export random } [Serializable] public class SFB_BlendMatch { public string name; public int objectID; public int shapeID; } public void SFB_BS_ToggleRange(int value){ for (int i = 0; i < inspectorObjects.Count; i++){ SFB_InspectorObject inspectorObject = inspectorObjects [i]; SFB_BlendShape blendShape = blendShapeObjects [inspectorObject.objectID].blendShapes [inspectorObject.shapeID]; if (value == 0) { blendShape.minValue = value; blendShape.maxValue = value; } else { if (blendShape.isPlus) { blendShape.minValue = -value; blendShape.maxValue = value; } else { blendShape.minValue = 0; blendShape.maxValue = value; } } } } public void RandomizeAll(){ for (int i = 0; i < inspectorObjects.Count; i++) { SFB_BlendShapeObject blendShapeObject = blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID]; GameObject inGameObject = blendShapeObject.renderer.gameObject; if (inGameObject.activeSelf){ SFB_BlendShape blendShape = blendShapeObject.blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].shapeID]; SFB_BS_SetRandom(blendShape); } } } public void SFB_BS_SetRandom(SFB_BlendShape blendShape){ blendShape.sliderValue = Mathf.Round(UnityEngine.Random.Range(blendShape.minValue, blendShape.maxValue)); SetValue(inspectorObjects[blendShape.inspectorID].objectID, inspectorObjects[blendShape.inspectorID].shapeID,, blendShape.sliderValue); if (blendShape.isPlus && GetMinusShapeObject( != 999999) { int minusShapeObject = GetMinusShapeObject (; if (minusShapeObject != 999999) { int minusShapeID = GetMinusShapeID (; SFB_BlendShape minusShape = blendShapeObjects[minusShapeObject].blendShapes[minusShapeID]; minusShape.sliderValue = -blendShape.sliderValue; SetValue(minusShapeObject, minusShapeID,, minusShape.sliderValue); } } } public void SFB_BS_TogglePresets(bool value){ for (int i = 0; i < blendShapeObjects.Count; i++){ for (int s = 0; s < blendShapeObjects[i].blendShapes.Count; s++){ blendShapeObjects[i].blendShapes[s].presetExport = value; } } } public void SFB_BS_TogglePresetsValue(int objectID, int value){ for (int i = 0; i < inspectorObjects.Count; i++){ SFB_InspectorObject inspectorObject = inspectorObjects [i]; if (inspectorObject.objectID == objectID || objectID == 999999) { SFB_BlendShape blendShape = blendShapeObjects[inspectorObject.objectID].blendShapes[inspectorObject.shapeID]; blendShape.presetExportValue = value; } } } public void SFB_BS_ShowWireframe(bool value){ #if UNITY_EDITOR for (int i = 0; i < blendShapeObjects.Count; i++){ if (value) { EditorUtility.SetSelectedRenderState (blendShapeObjects [i].renderer, EditorSelectedRenderState.Highlight); } else { EditorUtility.SetSelectedRenderState (blendShapeObjects [i].renderer, EditorSelectedRenderState.Hidden); } } showWireframe = value; #endif } public void SetSelectedShape(int newValue){ selectedShape = newValue; } public void SetValueUI(float newValue){ int objectID = inspectorObjects [selectedShape].objectID; int shapeID = inspectorObjects[selectedShape].shapeID; SFB_BlendShape blendShapeData = blendShapeObjects [objectID].blendShapes [shapeID]; if (blendShapeData.isPlus && GetMinusShapeObject( != 999999) { int minusShapeObject = GetMinusShapeObject (; if (minusShapeObject != 999999) { int minusShapeID = GetMinusShapeID (; SFB_BlendShape minusShapeData = blendShapeObjects[minusShapeObject].blendShapes[minusShapeID]; blendShapeData.sliderValue = newValue; minusShapeData.sliderValue = -newValue; SetValue(minusShapeObject, minusShapeID,, -newValue); } } SetValue(inspectorObjects[selectedShape].objectID, inspectorObjects[selectedShape].shapeID, inspectorObjects[selectedShape].blendShapeID, newValue); } public void SetValue(int objectID, int shapeID, int blendShapeID, float value){ //Debug.Log("Sev Value " + objectID + ", " + shapeID + "," + blendShapeID + "," + value); blendShapeObjects [objectID].blendShapes [blendShapeID].value = blendShapeObjects [objectID].blendShapes [blendShapeID].sliderValue; if (blendShapeObjects [objectID].renderer) { blendShapeObjects [objectID].renderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (blendShapeID, value * globalRangeModifier); if (blendShapeObjects [objectID].blendShapes [shapeID].blendMatches.Count > 0) { for (int m = 0; m < blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches.Count; m++){ int matchObject = blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches[m].objectID; int matchShape = blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches[m].shapeID; blendShapeObjects [matchObject].renderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (matchShape, value * globalRangeModifier); } } } } public int AddToInspectorObjects(int newObjectID, int newShapeID, int newBlendShapeID){ int currentCount = inspectorObjects.Count; SFB_InspectorObject newObject = new SFB_InspectorObject ();; inspectorObjects.Add (newObject); inspectorObjects [currentCount] = new SFB_InspectorObject (); inspectorObjects [currentCount].objectID = newObjectID; inspectorObjects [currentCount].shapeID = newShapeID; inspectorObjects [currentCount].blendShapeID = newBlendShapeID; return currentCount; } public void AddObject(Mesh newMesh, SkinnedMeshRenderer newRenderer){ int currentCount = blendShapeObjects.Count; SFB_BlendShapeObject newObject = new SFB_BlendShapeObject (); blendShapeObjects.Add (newObject); blendShapeObjects [currentCount] = new SFB_BlendShapeObject (); blendShapeObjects[currentCount].name =; blendShapeObjects[currentCount].meshObject = newMesh; blendShapeObjects[currentCount].renderer = newRenderer; int primaryShapes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.blendShapeCount; i++){ SFB_BlendShape newBlendShape = new SFB_BlendShape();; int currentShapeCount = blendShapeObjects [currentCount].blendShapes.Count; blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes.Add(newBlendShape); blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes[currentShapeCount] = new SFB_BlendShape(); blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes[currentShapeCount].id = i; blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes[currentShapeCount].fullName = newMesh.GetBlendShapeName(i); string humanName = GetHumanName (newMesh.GetBlendShapeName (i)); blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes[currentShapeCount].name = humanName; blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes[currentShapeCount].isVisible = DisplayThisBlendshape(newMesh.GetBlendShapeName(i)); if (blendShapeObjects [currentCount].blendShapes [currentShapeCount].isVisible) { primaryShapes++; } if (humanName != "") { int originalLength = humanName.Length; string minusCheck = humanName.Replace ("Minus", ""); if (minusCheck.Length != originalLength) { blendShapeObjects [currentCount].blendShapes [currentShapeCount].isMinus = true; blendShapeObjects [currentCount].blendShapes [currentShapeCount].isVisible = false; } else { if (blendShapeObjects [currentCount].blendShapes [currentShapeCount].isVisible) { blendShapeObjects [currentCount].blendShapes [currentShapeCount].inspectorID = AddToInspectorObjects (currentCount, currentShapeCount, i); } } string plusCheck = humanName.Replace ("Plus", ""); if (plusCheck.Length != originalLength) { blendShapeObjects [currentCount].blendShapes [currentShapeCount].isPlus = true; } } blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes[currentShapeCount].value = blendShapeObjects[currentCount].renderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(i); blendShapeObjects[currentCount].blendShapes[currentShapeCount].sliderValue = blendShapeObjects[currentCount].renderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(i); } blendShapeObjects[currentCount].primaryShapes = primaryShapes; } public int GetMinusShapeID(string plusName){ string minusName = plusName.Replace ("Plus", "Minus"); for (int o = 0; o < blendShapeObjects.Count; o++){ for (int s = 0; s < blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes.Count; s++){ if (blendShapeObjects [o].blendShapes [s].name == minusName) { return s; } } } //Debug.Log ("Oops! Cound not get minus shape ID. (Shape name may include \"Plus\", but we could not find a corresponding \"Minus\""); return 999999; } public int GetMinusShapeObject(string plusName){ string minusName = plusName.Replace ("Plus", "Minus"); for (int o = 0; o < blendShapeObjects.Count; o++){ for (int s = 0; s < blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes.Count; s++){ if (blendShapeObjects [o].blendShapes [s].name == minusName) { return o; } } } //Debug.Log("Oops! Cound not get minus shape object. (Shape name may include \"Plus\", but we could not find a corresponding \"Minus\""); return 999999; } public int VisibleBlendShapes(Mesh newMesh){ int totalObject = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.blendShapeCount; i++) { if (DisplayThisBlendshape (newMesh.GetBlendShapeName (i))) { totalObject++; } } return totalObject; } public int MatchedBlendShapes(Mesh newMesh){ int totalObject = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.blendShapeCount; i++) { if (MatchThisBlendshape (newMesh.GetBlendShapeName (i))) { totalObject++; } } return totalObject; } public string GetHumanName(string blendShapeName){ string humanName = ""; string[] periodParse = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "." }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (periodParse.Length > 1) { string[] nameParse = periodParse [1].Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse.Length >= 3) { return nameParse [2]; } } else { string[] nameParse2 = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse2.Length >= 3) { return nameParse2 [2]; } } return humanName; } public string GetHumanNameMatch(string blendShapeName){ string humanName = ""; string[] periodParse = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "." }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (blendShapeName.Contains(".")) { string[] nameParse = periodParse [1].Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse.Length >= 4) { return nameParse [3]; } } else { string[] nameParse2 = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse2.Length >= 4) { return nameParse2 [3]; } } return humanName; } public bool MatchThisBlendshape(string blendShapeName){ string[] periodParse = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "." }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (periodParse.Length > 1) { string[] nameParse = periodParse [1].Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse.Length > 3) { if (nameParse [1] == "BSM") { return true; } } } else { string[] nameParse2 = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse2.Length >= 3) { if (nameParse2 [1] == "BSM") { return true; } } } return false; } public bool DisplayThisBlendshape(string blendShapeName){ string[] periodParse = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "." }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (periodParse.Length > 1) { string[] nameParse = periodParse [1].Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse.Length >= 3){ if (nameParse [1] == "BS") { return true; } } } else { string[] nameParse2 = blendShapeName.Split(new string[] { "_" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); if (nameParse2.Length >= 3){ if (nameParse2 [1] == "BS") { return true; } } } return false; } public void ReloadBlendShapes(){ blendShapeObjects.Clear (); inspectorObjects.Clear (); SkinnedMeshRenderer[] allChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(); Debug.Log("allChildren Length: " + allChildren.Length); int counter = 0; foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer child in allChildren) { Debug.Log(counter); counter++; Debug.Log("Child: " +; Mesh newMesh = child.sharedMesh; Debug.Log("newMesh: " +; Debug.Log("blendShapeCount: " + newMesh.blendShapeCount); if (newMesh.blendShapeCount > 0) { AddObject (newMesh, child); } } for (int m = 0; m < blendShapeObjects.Count; m++) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < blendShapeObjects[m].meshObject.blendShapeCount; i2++){ if (MatchThisBlendshape(blendShapeObjects[m].meshObject.GetBlendShapeName(i2))){ string matchHumanName = GetHumanNameMatch (blendShapeObjects [m].meshObject.GetBlendShapeName (i2)); int matchObjectID = m; int matchShapeID = i2; AddMatchToNamedShape (matchHumanName, blendShapeObjects [m].meshObject.GetBlendShapeName (i2), matchObjectID, matchShapeID); } } } } public void AddMatchToNamedShape(string humanName, string matchName, int matchObjectID, int matchShapeID){ for (int o = 0; o < blendShapeObjects.Count; o++) { for (int s = 0; s < blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes.Count; s++){ if (blendShapeObjects [o].blendShapes [s].name == humanName) { SFB_BlendMatch newBlendMatch = new SFB_BlendMatch (); int currentMatchCount = blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes[s].blendMatches.Count; blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes[s].blendMatches.Add(newBlendMatch); blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes[s].blendMatches[currentMatchCount] = new SFB_BlendMatch(); blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes[s].blendMatches[currentMatchCount].name = matchName; blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes[s].blendMatches[currentMatchCount].objectID = matchObjectID; blendShapeObjects[o].blendShapes[s].blendMatches[currentMatchCount].shapeID = matchShapeID; } } } } public void FindMatches(string name, int id, int shapeID, int objectID){ int childCount = gameObject.transform.childCount; int i2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++){ Transform childObject = gameObject.transform.GetChild (i); if (childObject.GetComponent ()) { SkinnedMeshRenderer newRenderer = childObject.GetComponent (); Mesh newMesh = newRenderer.sharedMesh; if (newMesh.blendShapeCount > 0) { CheckMatch (i2, newMesh, newRenderer, name, shapeID, objectID); } i2++; } } } public void CheckMatch(int matchObjectID, Mesh newMesh, SkinnedMeshRenderer newRenderer, string matchName, int shapeID, int objectID){ if (MatchedBlendShapes (newMesh) != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.blendShapeCount; i++){ if (GetHumanNameMatch (newMesh.GetBlendShapeName (i)) == matchName) { SFB_BlendMatch newBlendMatch = new SFB_BlendMatch(); int currentMatchCount = blendShapeObjects [objectID].blendShapes [shapeID].blendMatches.Count; blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches.Add(newBlendMatch); blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches[currentMatchCount] = new SFB_BlendMatch(); blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches[currentMatchCount].name = newMesh.GetBlendShapeName(i); blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches[currentMatchCount].objectID = matchObjectID; blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[shapeID].blendMatches[currentMatchCount].shapeID = i; } } } } /// /// This is for editor use only. To save players desired settings, best to use playerprefs or some other saving method. /// public void SFB_BS_ExportPreset(){ string savedData = "SFB_BlendShapesManager V2"; for (int i = 0; i < inspectorObjects.Count; i++){ int presetExportValue = blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID].presetExportValue; if (presetExportValue != 0) { if (savedData != "") { savedData = savedData + ","; } savedData = savedData + blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].name; savedData = savedData + ","; savedData = savedData + blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID].name; savedData = savedData + ","; //int presetExportValue = blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID].presetExportValue; //if (presetExportValue == 0) // savedData = savedData + "*"; //else if (presetExportValue == 1) { var currentWeight = blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].renderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID); savedData = savedData + currentWeight; } else if (presetExportValue == 2) savedData = savedData + "R"; } } string presetPath = "Assets/InfinityPBR/Blendshape Preset Files/"; string fileName = ""; if (presetName == null || presetName == "") { fileName = + SFB_BS_GetNewFileNumber(presetPath, + ".txt"; } else fileName = presetName + SFB_BS_GetNewFileNumber(presetPath, presetName) + ".txt"; if (!Directory.Exists(presetPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(presetPath); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(presetPath + fileName, savedData); #if UNITY_EDITOR AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif } /// /// This is for editor use only. To save players desired settings, best to use playerprefs or some other saving method. /// public void SFB_BS_ExportRanges(){ string savedData = "SFB_BlendShapesManager V2"; for (int i = 0; i < inspectorObjects.Count; i++){ if (savedData != "") { savedData = savedData + ","; } savedData = savedData + blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].name; savedData = savedData + ","; savedData = savedData + blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID].name; savedData = savedData + ","; savedData = savedData + "" + blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID].minValue; savedData = savedData + ","; savedData = savedData + "" + blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID].blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID].maxValue; } string presetPath = "Assets/InfinityPBR/Blendshape Preset Files/"; string fileName = + " Range " + SFB_BS_GetNewFileNumber(presetPath, + " Range ") + ".txt"; if (!Directory.Exists(presetPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(presetPath); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(presetPath + fileName, savedData); #if UNITY_EDITOR AssetDatabase.Refresh(); #endif } public void SFB_BS_LoadRanges(TextAsset presetFile){ string contents = presetFile.text; string[] shapesText = contents.Split(new string[] { "," }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 1; i < shapesText.Length; i++){ //Debug.Log("+0: " + shapesText[i]); //Debug.Log("+1: " + shapesText[i + 1]); //Debug.Log("+2: " + shapesText[i + 2]); //Debug.Log("+3: " + shapesText[i + 3]); int shapeID = i * 4; int objectID = GetBlendShapeObjectIndex(shapesText[i]); if (objectID != 999999) { int blendShapeID = GetBlendShapesIndex(objectID, shapesText[i + 1]); if (blendShapeID != 999999) { blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[blendShapeID].minValue = float.Parse(shapesText[i + 2]); blendShapeObjects[objectID].blendShapes[blendShapeID].maxValue = float.Parse(shapesText[i + 3]); } } i++; i++; i++; } } public void SFB_BS_ImportPresetFile(TextAsset presetFile){ string contents = presetFile.text; string[] shapesText; shapesText = contents.Split(new string[] { "," }, System.StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 1; i < shapesText.Length; i++){ // START AT 1, since index 0 is the version information // Debug.Log("Processing Object " + shapesText[i] + ", Shape " + shapesText[i + 1] + ", Value " + shapesText[i + 2]); int objectIndex = GetBlendShapeObjectIndex(shapesText[i]); int shapeIndex = GetBlendShapesIndex(objectIndex, shapesText[i + 1]); if (shapeIndex != 999999) { SFB_BlendShape blendShapeData = blendShapeObjects[objectIndex].blendShapes[shapeIndex]; if (shapesText[i + 2] == "R") { SFB_BS_SetRandom(blendShapeData); } else { float shapeValue = float.Parse(shapesText[i + 2]); blendShapeData.sliderValue = shapeValue; SetValue(objectIndex, shapeIndex,, shapeValue); if (blendShapeData.isPlus && GetMinusShapeObject( != 999999) { int minusShapeObject = GetMinusShapeObject(; if (minusShapeObject != 999999) { int minusShapeID = GetMinusShapeID(; SFB_BlendShape minusShape = blendShapeObjects[minusShapeObject].blendShapes[minusShapeID]; minusShape.sliderValue = -blendShapeData.sliderValue; SetValue(minusShapeObject, minusShapeID,, minusShape.sliderValue); } } } if (blendShapeData.isPlus) { } } i++; i++; /*if (shapesText [i] != "*") { SFB_BlendShapeObject bsObject = blendShapeObjects [inspectorObjects [i].objectID]; if (bsObject.renderer.gameObject.activeSelf) { SFB_BlendShape bsShape = bsObject.blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].shapeID]; if (shapesText [i] == "R") { SFB_BS_SetRandom (bsShape); } else { float shapeValue = float.Parse(shapesText[i]); SetValue(inspectorObjects[i].objectID, inspectorObjects[i].shapeID, inspectorObjects[i].blendShapeID, shapeValue); bsShape.sliderValue = shapeValue; } } }*/ } } public int GetBlendShapeObjectIndex(string name) { for (int i = 0; i < blendShapeObjects.Count; i++) { if (blendShapeObjects[i].name == name) { return i; } } Debug.Log("Potential Issue: Didn't find an index for Blend Shape Object named " + name); return 999999; } public int GetBlendShapesIndex(int objectIndex, string name) { for (int i = 0; i < blendShapeObjects[objectIndex].blendShapes.Count; i++) { if (blendShapeObjects[objectIndex].blendShapes[i].name == name) { return i; } } Debug.Log("Potential Issue: Didn't find an index for Blend Shape named " + name); return 999999; } public void GetBlendShapesIndex(string objectName, string name) { GetBlendShapesIndex(GetBlendShapeObjectIndex(objectName), name); } public void SFB_BS_ResetAll(){ for (int i = 0; i < inspectorObjects.Count; i++) { SFB_BlendShapeObject bsObject = blendShapeObjects[inspectorObjects[i].objectID]; SFB_BlendShape bsShape = bsObject.blendShapes[inspectorObjects[i].shapeID]; SetValue(inspectorObjects[i].objectID, inspectorObjects[i].shapeID, inspectorObjects[i].shapeID, 0); if (bsShape.isPlus && GetMinusShapeObject( != 999999) { int minusShapeObject = GetMinusShapeObject (; if (minusShapeObject != 999999) { int minusShapeID = GetMinusShapeID (; SFB_BlendShape minusShapeData = blendShapeObjects[minusShapeObject].blendShapes[minusShapeID]; minusShapeData.sliderValue = 0; SetValue(minusShapeObject, minusShapeID,, 0); } } bsShape.sliderValue = 0; } } public void ResetAllObjects(SFB_BlendShapeObject bsObject){ int objectID = GetObjectID (bsObject); for (int i = 0; i < bsObject.blendShapes.Count; i++){ SFB_BlendShape bsShape = bsObject.blendShapes [i]; SetValue (objectID, i, i, 0); if (bsShape.isPlus && GetMinusShapeObject( != 999999) { int minusShapeObject = GetMinusShapeObject(; if (minusShapeObject != 999999) { int minusShapeID = GetMinusShapeID(; SFB_BlendShape minusShapeData = blendShapeObjects[minusShapeObject].blendShapes[minusShapeID]; minusShapeData.sliderValue = 0; SetValue(minusShapeObject, minusShapeID,, 0); } } bsShape.sliderValue = 0; } } public int GetObjectID(SFB_BlendShapeObject blendShapeObject){ for (int i = 0; i < inspectorObjects.Count; i++){ if (blendShapeObjects [inspectorObjects [i].objectID] == blendShapeObject) { return inspectorObjects [i].objectID; } } Debug.Log ("Error! Could not get object ID"); return 0; } public int SFB_BS_GetNewFileNumber(string path, string fileName){ int x = 0; while (x < 5000) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists (path + fileName + x + ".txt")) { return x; } x++; } Debug.Log ("Error. Went through 5000 names already! That's crazy."); return 0; } public void SFB_BS_RemovePreset(int presetID){ presetObjects.RemoveAt (presetID); } }