using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.TerrainTools { /// /// Flags passed to NoiseSettingsGUI.OnGUI. Used to specify which portions of the Noise Settings GUI to draw. /// [System.Flags] internal enum NoiseSettingsGUIFlags { Preview = (1 << 0), Settings = (1 << 1), All = ( ~0 ), } /// /// Class used to draw the GUI for Noise Settings. /// internal class NoiseSettingsGUI { /// /// The SerializedObject for the NoiseSettings that this NoiseSettingsGUI instance is currently rendering the GUI for. /// public SerializedObject serializedNoise; public bool isScrollingPreview { get; private set; } // noise settings properties // noise settings properties // noise settings properties // coord space settings properties private SerializedProperty transformSettings; private SerializedProperty translation; private SerializedProperty rotation; private SerializedProperty scale; private SerializedProperty flipScaleX; private SerializedProperty flipScaleY; private SerializedProperty flipScaleZ; // domain settings properties private SerializedProperty domainSettings; private SerializedProperty noiseTypeName; private SerializedProperty noiseTypeParams; private SerializedProperty fractalTypeName; private SerializedProperty fractalTypeParams; // filter stack settings // private SerializedProperty filterSettings; // private FilterStackView m_filterStackView; // private FilterStack m_filterStack; // private SerializedObject m_serializedFilterStack; // private bool m_showFilterStack; /// /// The current NoiseSettings object that is associated with this instance of NoiseSettingsGUI. /// public NoiseSettings target = null; /// /// Sets up this instance of NoiseSettingsGUI with the specified NoiseSettings object. /// GUI will be drawn for this NoiseSettings instance. /// /// The NoiseSettings instance for which GUI will be drawn public void Init(NoiseSettings noiseSettings) { Init(new SerializedObject(noiseSettings)); } /// /// Sets up this instance of NoiseSettingsGUI with the specified SerializedObject containing an object reference /// to a NoiseSettings instance. GUI will be drawn for this serialized NoiseSettings instance. /// /// A SerializedObject instance containing an object reference to a NoiseSettings object public void Init(SerializedObject serializedNoise) { this.serializedNoise = serializedNoise; target = this.serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings; // transform settings transformSettings = this.serializedNoise.FindProperty("transformSettings"); translation = transformSettings.FindPropertyRelative("translation"); rotation = transformSettings.FindPropertyRelative("rotation"); scale = transformSettings.FindPropertyRelative("scale"); flipScaleX = transformSettings.FindPropertyRelative("flipScaleX"); flipScaleY = transformSettings.FindPropertyRelative("flipScaleY"); flipScaleZ = transformSettings.FindPropertyRelative("flipScaleZ"); // domain settings domainSettings = this.serializedNoise.FindProperty("domainSettings"); noiseTypeName = domainSettings.FindPropertyRelative("noiseTypeName"); noiseTypeParams = domainSettings.FindPropertyRelative("noiseTypeParams"); fractalTypeName = domainSettings.FindPropertyRelative("fractalTypeName"); fractalTypeParams = domainSettings.FindPropertyRelative("fractalTypeParams"); // filter settings // filterSettings = serializedNoise.FindProperty( "filterSettings" ); // m_filterStack = filterSettings.FindPropertyRelative( "filterStack" ).objectReferenceValue as FilterStack; // m_serializedFilterStack = new SerializedObject( m_filterStack ); // m_filterStackView = new FilterStackView( new GUIContent( "Filters" ), m_serializedFilterStack, m_serializedFilterStack.targetObject as FilterStack ); } /// /// Renders the GUI for the NoiseSettings instance associated with this NoiseSettingsGUI instance. /// /// Flags specifying which portions of the GUI to draw public void OnGUI(NoiseSettingsGUIFlags flags = NoiseSettingsGUIFlags.All) { serializedNoise.Update(); if((flags & NoiseSettingsGUIFlags.Preview) != 0) { DrawPreviewTexture(256f, true); } if((flags & NoiseSettingsGUIFlags.Settings) != 0) { TerrainToolGUIHelper.DrawFoldout(transformSettings, Styles.transformSettings, TransformSettingsGUI); TerrainToolGUIHelper.DrawFoldout(domainSettings, Styles.domainSettings, DomainSettingsGUI); // TerrainToolGUIHelper.DrawFoldout(filterSettings, Styles.filterSettings, FilterSettingsGUI); } serializedNoise.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } bool CheckVector3(System.Func validator, Vector3 value) { return validator(value.x) || validator(value.y) || validator(value.z); } private void TransformSettingsGUI() { Vector3 tv3 = translation.vector3Value; Vector3 rv3 = rotation.vector3Value; Vector3 sv3 = scale.vector3Value; tv3 = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(translation.displayName, tv3); rv3 = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(rotation.displayName, rv3); sv3 = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(scale.displayName, sv3); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(Styles.flipScale); flipScaleX.boolValue = GUILayout.Toggle(flipScaleX.boolValue, Styles.flipScaleX,; flipScaleY.boolValue = GUILayout.Toggle(flipScaleY.boolValue, Styles.flipScaleY,; flipScaleZ.boolValue = GUILayout.Toggle(flipScaleZ.boolValue, Styles.flipScaleZ,; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // fix up transform values // translation if (!CheckVector3(float.IsNaN, tv3) && !CheckVector3(float.IsInfinity, tv3)) { translation.vector3Value = tv3; GUI.changed = true; } // rotation if (!CheckVector3(float.IsNaN, rv3) && !CheckVector3(float.IsInfinity, rv3)) { rotation.vector3Value = rv3; GUI.changed = true; } // wrap rotation values if (rotation.vector3Value.x < 0 || rotation.vector3Value.x > 360 || rotation.vector3Value.y < 0 || rotation.vector3Value.y > 360 || rotation.vector3Value.z < 0 || rotation.vector3Value.z > 360) { Vector3 value = rotation.vector3Value; value.x = (360f + (value.x % 360f)) % 360f; value.y = (360f + (value.y % 360f)) % 360f; value.z = (360f + (value.z % 360f)) % 360f; rotation.vector3Value = value; GUI.changed = true; } // scale if (!CheckVector3(float.IsNaN, sv3) && !CheckVector3(float.IsInfinity, sv3)) { scale.vector3Value = sv3; GUI.changed = true; } } private void DomainSettingsGUI() { noiseTypeName.stringValue = NoiseLib.NoiseTypePopup(Styles.noiseType, noiseTypeName.stringValue); INoiseType noiseType = NoiseLib.GetNoiseTypeInstance(noiseTypeName.stringValue); noiseTypeParams.stringValue = noiseType?.DoGUI(noiseTypeParams.stringValue); fractalTypeName.stringValue = NoiseLib.FractalTypePopup(Styles.fractalType, fractalTypeName.stringValue); IFractalType fractalType = NoiseLib.GetFractalTypeInstance(fractalTypeName.stringValue); fractalTypeParams.stringValue = fractalType?.DoGUI(fractalTypeParams.stringValue); } private void DoMinMaxSliderInt(GUIContent label, SerializedProperty prop, SerializedProperty minMaxProp) { int min = minMaxProp.vector2IntValue.x; int max = minMaxProp.vector2IntValue.y; prop.intValue = TerrainToolGUIHelper.MinMaxSliderInt(label, prop.intValue, ref min, ref max); minMaxProp.vector2IntValue = new Vector2Int(min, max); } private void DoMinMaxSlider(GUIContent label, SerializedProperty prop, SerializedProperty minMaxProp) { float min = minMaxProp.vector2Value.x; float max = minMaxProp.vector2Value.y; prop.floatValue = TerrainToolGUIHelper.MinMaxSlider(label, prop.floatValue, ref min, ref max); minMaxProp.vector2Value = new Vector2(min, max); } // private void FilterSettingsGUI() // { // m_filterStackView.OnGUI(); // } private void HandlePreviewTextureInput(Rect previewRect, bool scrollLocked) { if(GUIUtility.hotControl != 0) { return; } Vector3 t = translation.vector3Value; Vector3 r = rotation.vector3Value; Vector3 s = scale.vector3Value; EventType eventType = Event.current.type; bool draggingPreview = Event.current.button == 0 && (eventType == EventType.MouseDown || eventType == EventType.MouseDrag); Vector2 previewDims = new Vector2(previewRect.width, previewRect.height); Vector2 abs = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(s.x), Mathf.Abs(s.z)); isScrollingPreview = false; if (!scrollLocked && Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { abs += * .001f; float scroll =; s.x += abs.x * scroll * .05f; s.z += abs.y * scroll * .05f; scale.vector3Value = s; Event.current.Use(); isScrollingPreview = true; } else if (draggingPreview) { // change noise offset panning icon Vector2 sign = new Vector2(-Mathf.Sign(s.x), Mathf.Sign(s.z)); Vector2 delta = / previewDims * abs * sign; Vector3 d3 = new Vector3(delta.x, 0, delta.y); d3 = Quaternion.Euler( r ) * d3; t += d3; translation.vector3Value = t; Event.current.Use(); } } /// /// Renders an interactive Noise Preview along with tooltip icons and an optional Export button that opens a new ExportNoiseWindow. /// A background image is also rendered behind the preview that takes up the entire width of the EditorWindow currently being drawn. /// /// Minimum size for the Preview /// Whether or not to render the Export button public void DrawPreviewTexture(float minSize, bool showExportButton = true, bool scrollLocked = false) { // Draw label with tooltip GUILayout.Label( Styles.noisePreview ); float padding = 4f; float iconWidth = 40f; int size = (int)Mathf.Min(minSize, EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth); Rect totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth, size + padding * 2); // extra pixels for highlight border Color prev = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(.15f, .15f, .15f, 1f); GUI.DrawTexture(totalRect, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, false); GUI.color = Color.white; // draw info icon // if(totalRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Rect infoIconRect = new Rect( totalRect.x + padding, totalRect.y + padding, iconWidth, iconWidth ); GUI.Label( infoIconRect, Styles.infoIcon ); // GUI.Label( infoIconRect, Styles.noiseTooltip ); } // draw export button float buttonWidth =; float buttonHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; Rect exportRect = new Rect( totalRect.xMax - buttonWidth - padding, totalRect.yMax - buttonHeight - padding, buttonWidth, buttonHeight ); if(GUI.Button(exportRect, Styles.export)) { serializedNoise.ApplyModifiedProperties(); serializedNoise.Update(); ExportNoiseWindow.ShowWindow( serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings ); } float safeSpace = Mathf.Max( iconWidth * 2, buttonWidth * 2 ) + padding * 4; float minWidth = Mathf.Min( size, totalRect.width - safeSpace ); Rect previewRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + totalRect.width / 2 - minWidth / 2, totalRect.y + totalRect.height / 2 - minWidth / 2, minWidth, minWidth); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(previewRect, MouseCursor.Pan); if (previewRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { serializedNoise.Update(); HandlePreviewTextureInput(previewRect, scrollLocked); serializedNoise.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } if ( Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint ) { RenderTexture prevActive =; // create preview RT here and keep until the next Repaint var previewRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.previewFormat); NoiseSettings noiseSettings = serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings; RenderTexture tempRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.singleChannelFormat); NoiseUtils.Blit2D(noiseSettings, tempRT); NoiseUtils.BlitPreview2D(tempRT, previewRT); = prevActive; GUI.DrawTexture(previewRect, previewRT, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, false); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(tempRT); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(previewRT); } GUI.color = prev; } public static class Styles { public static GUIContent noiseSettings = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Noise Settings:"); public static GUIContent randomize = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Randomize"); public static GUIContent reset = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Reset"); public static GUIContent flipScale = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Flip Scale", "Flips the scale of the Noise Domain Space"); public static GUIContent flipScaleX = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("X", "Flips the scale of the Noise Domain Space along the X-axis"); public static GUIContent flipScaleY = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Y", "Flips the scale of the Noise Domain Space along the Y-axis"); public static GUIContent flipScaleZ = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Z", "Flips the scale of the Noise Domain Space along the Z-axis"); public static GUIContent noiseType = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Noise Type", "The type of Noise to be used"); public static GUIContent fractalType = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Fractal Type", "The type of Fractal to be used when generating Noise"); public static GUIContent noisePreview; public static GUIContent noiseTooltip = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("", "Scroll Mouse Wheel:\nZooms the preview in and out and changes the noise scale\n\n" + "Left-mouse Drag:\nPans the noise field and changes the noise translation\n\n" + "Color Key:\nCyan = negative noise values\nGrayscale = values between 0 and 1\nBlack = values are 0\nRed = Values greater than 1. Used for debugging texture normalization"); public static GUIContent seed = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Seed"); public static GUIContent domainSettings = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Domain Settings", "Settings governing the Noise Domain. This is specific to each Noise Type and Fractal Type implementation"); public static GUIContent transformSettings = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Transform Settings", "Settings governing the transformations applied to positions in the Noise Domain Space"); // public static GUIContent filterSettings = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Filter Settings"); public static GUIContent ridgePower = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Ridge Power"); public static GUIContent billowPower = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Billow Power"); public static GUIContent voronoiPower = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Voronoi Power"); public static GUIContent power = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Power"); public static GUIContent export = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Export", "Open a window providing options for exporting Noise to Textures"); public static GUIContent infoIcon = new GUIContent("", EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("console.infoicon"), "Scroll Mouse Wheel:\nZooms the preview in and out and changes the noise scale\n\n" + "Left-mouse Drag:\nPans the noise field and changes the noise translation\n\n" + "Color Key:\nCyan = negative noise values\nGrayscale = values between 0 and 1\nBlack = values are 0\nRed = Values greater than 1. Used for debugging texture normalization"); static Styles() { noisePreview = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Noise Field Preview:"); // , // "Scroll Mouse Wheel:\nZooms the preview in and out and changes the noise scale\n\n" + // "Left-mouse Drag:\nPans the noise field and changes the noise translation\n\n" + // "Color Key:\nCyan = negative noise values\nGrayscale = values between 0 and 1\nBlack = values are 0\nRed = Values greater than 1. Used for debugging texture normalization"); // noisePreview.image = infoIcon.image; } } } }