# String support Burst supports string usage in the following scenarios: * [`Debug.Log`](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Debug.Log.html) * Assigning a string to the `FixedString` structs that `Unity.Collections` provides, for example [`FixedString128`](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.collections@1.2/api/Unity.Collections.FixedString128.html). * The [`System.Runtime.CompilerServices`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.runtime.compilerservices?view=net-6.0) attributes `[CallerLineNumber]`, `[CallerMemberName]`, and `[CallerFilePath]` on arguments to Burst functions. However, you can only pass the strings directly to calls to `Debug.Log`. A string can be either: * A string literal. For example: `"This is a string literal"`. * An interpolated string using `$"This is an integer {value}` or using `string.Format`, where the string to format is also a string literal. For example, Burst supports the following constructions: * Logging with a string literal: ```c# Debug.Log("This a string literal"); ``` * Logging using string interpolation: ```c# int value = 256; Debug.Log($"This is an integer value {value}"); ``` This is the same as using `string.Format` directly: ```c# int value = 256; Debug.Log(string.Format("This is an integer value {0}", value)); ``` ## Supported `Debug.Log` methods Burst supports the following [`Debug.Log`](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Debug.Log.html) methods: * `Debug.Log(object)` * `Debug.LogWarning(object)` * `Debug.LogError(object)` ## String interpolation support String interpolation has the following restrictions: * The string must be a string literal * Burst supports the following `string.Format` methods: * `string.Format(string, object)` * `string.Format(string, object, object)` * `string.Format(string, object, object, object)` * `string.Format(string, object[])`. Use this for a string interpolation that contains more than three arguments, for example `$"{arg1} {arg2} {arg3} {arg4} {arg5}"`. In this case, the `object[]` array needs to be a constant size and no arguments should involve control flows (for example, `$"This is a {(cond ? arg1 : arg2)}"`). * The string must only use value types * The string must take only built-in type arguments: * `char` * `boolean` * `byte` / `sbyte` * `double` * `float` * `short` / `ushort` * `int` / `uint` * `long` / `ulong` * Burst supports sll vector types (for example `int2`, `float3`), except `half` vector types. For example: ```c# var value = new float3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f); // Logs "This value float3(1f, 2f, 3f)" Debug.Log($"This value `{value}`"); * Burst doesn't support `ToString()` of structs. It displays the full name of the struct instead. For more information, see the .NET documentation on [String interpolation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/tokens/interpolated) and [Standard numeric format strings](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings). ## Managed strings You can pass a managed `string` literal or an interpolated string directly to `Debug.Log`, but you can't pass a string to a user method or to use them as fields in a struct. To pass around or store strings, use one of the [`FixedString`](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.collections@1.2/api/Unity.Collections.FixedString.html) structs in the `Unity.Collections` package: ```c# int value = 256; FixedString128 text = $"This is an integer value {value} used with FixedString128"; MyCustomLog(text); // ... // String can be passed as an argument to a method using a FixedString, // but not using directly a managed `string`: public static void MyCustomLog(in FixedString128 log) { Debug.Log(text); } ``` ## Arguments and specifiers Burst has limited support for string format arguments and specifiers: ```c# int value = 256; // Padding left: "This value ` 256` Debug.Log($"This value `{value,5}`"); // Padding right: "This value `256 ` Debug.Log($"This value `{value,-5}`"); // Hexadecimal uppercase: "This value `00FF` Debug.Log($"This value `{value:X4}`"); // Hexadecimal lowercase: "This value `00ff` Debug.Log($"This value `{value:x4}`"); // Decimal with leading-zero: "This value `0256` Debug.Log($"This value `{value:D4}`"); ```