using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Daz3D { [UnityEditor.AssetImporters.ScriptedImporter(1, "dtu", 0x7FFFFFFF)] public class Daz3DDTUImporter : UnityEditor.AssetImporters.ScriptedImporter { public static bool AutoImportDTUChanges = true; public static bool GenerateUnityPrefab = true; public static bool ReplaceSceneInstances = true; public static bool AutomateMecanimAvatarMappings = true; public static bool ReplaceMaterials = true; public static bool EnableDForceSupport = false; public static bool UseNewShaders = false; public static void ResetOptions() { AutoImportDTUChanges = true; GenerateUnityPrefab = true; ReplaceSceneInstances = true; AutomateMecanimAvatarMappings = true; ReplaceMaterials = true; EnableDForceSupport = false; UseNewShaders = false; } [Serializable] public class ImportEventRecord { public DateTime Timestamp = DateTime.Now; public struct Token { public string Text; public UnityEngine.Object Selectable; public bool EndLine; } public List Tokens = new List(); public bool Unfold = true; internal void AddToken(string str, UnityEngine.Object obj = null, bool endline = false) { Tokens.Add(new Token() { Text = str, Selectable = obj, EndLine = endline }); } } public static Queue EventQueue = new Queue(); private static Dictionary s_StandardMaterialCollection = new Dictionary(); private static MaterialMap _map = null; // DB (2021-05-25): dforceImport private static DForceMaterialMap _dforceMap = null; private const bool ENDLINE = true; public static void EmptyEventQueue() { EventQueue = new Queue(); } public enum DazFigurePlatform { Genesis8, Genesis3, Genesis2, Victoria, Genesis, Michael, TheFreak, Victoria4, Victoria4Elite, Michael4, Michael4Elite, Stephanie4, Aiko4 } public static void FoldAll() { foreach (var record in EventQueue) record.Unfold = false; } /// /// Method called by Unity Editor when ImportAsset event occurs. /// This will probably be the first DTU Brudge code which is executed /// when the DTU Bridge is first installed into Unity. /// public override void OnImportAsset(UnityEditor.AssetImporters.AssetImportContext ctx) { if (AutoImportDTUChanges) { var dtuPath = ctx.assetPath; var fbxPath = dtuPath.Replace(".dtu", ".fbx"); Import(dtuPath, fbxPath); } } [MenuItem("Daz3D/Create Unity Prefab from selected DTU", false, 101)] public static void MenuItemConvert() { var activeObject = Selection.activeObject; var dtuPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(activeObject); var fbxPath = dtuPath.Replace(".dtu", ".fbx"); Import(dtuPath, fbxPath); } [MenuItem("Daz3D/Create Unity Prefab from selected DTU", true)] [MenuItem("Daz3D/Extract materials from selected DTU", true)] [MenuItem("Assets/Daz3D/Create Unity Prefab", true)] [MenuItem("Assets/Daz3D/Extract materials", true)] public static bool ValidateDTUSelected() { var obj = Selection.activeObject; // Return false if no transform is selected. if (obj == null) return false; return (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj).ToLower().EndsWith(".dtu")); } public class MaterialMap { public MaterialMap(string path) { Path = path; } public void AddMaterial(UnityEngine.Material material) { if (material && !Map.ContainsKey( Map.Add(, material); } public string Path { get; set; } public Dictionary Map = new Dictionary(); } public class DForceMaterial { public DForceMaterial(DTUMaterial dtuMat) { name = dtuMat.MaterialName; dtuMaterial = dtuMat; } public string name; public DTUMaterial dtuMaterial; /* public static bool operator ==(Object x, Object y); public static bool operator !=(Object x, Object y); public static implicit operator bool(Object exists); */ } public class DForceMaterialMap { public DForceMaterialMap(string path) { Path = path; } public void AddMaterial(DForceMaterial dforceMat) { if (dforceMat == null) { return; } if (!Map.ContainsKey( Map.Add(, dforceMat); } public string Path { get; set; } public Dictionary Map = new Dictionary(); } public static void Import(string dtuPath, string fbxPath) { DazCoroutine.StartCoroutine(ImportRoutine(dtuPath, fbxPath)); } public static bool IsRenderPipelineDetected() { #if !USING_HDRP && !USING_URP && !USING_BUILTIN ImportEventRecord record = new ImportEventRecord(); EventQueue.Enqueue(record); record.AddToken("DTU Bridge must autodetect a RenderPipeline in order to continue.\nThis will involve updating Symbol Definitions and will trigger \nUnity Editor to recompile all scripts."); return false; #else return true; #endif } private static IEnumerator ImportRoutine(string dtuPath, string fbxPath) { //DEBUG //Debug.LogError("dtuPath = [" + dtuPath + "] " + dtuPath.Length); Daz3DBridge.ShowWindow(); Daz3DBridge.CurrentToolbarMode = Daz3DBridge.ToolbarMode.History; //force into history mode during import Daz3DBridge.Progress = .03f; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if (IsRenderPipelineDetected() == false) { // DB: Write path of asset to be imported in temporary file, // this will be restored and continued after global script recompilation takes place. byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dtuPath); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("Assets/Daz3D/Resources/dtu_toload.txt", buffer); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); DetectRenderPipeline.RunOnce(); } _map = new MaterialMap(dtuPath); _dforceMap = new DForceMaterialMap(dtuPath); while (!IrayShadersReady()) yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); var dtu = new DTU(); var routine = ImportDTURoutine(dtuPath, (d => dtu = d), .8f); while (routine.MoveNext()) yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if (dtu.AssetType == "Animation") { Daz3DBridge.Progress = 0; _map = null; _dforceMap = null; yield break; } //ImportDTU(dtuPath); if (dtu.AssetType == null) { Daz3DBridge.Progress = 0; _map = null; _dforceMap = null; yield break; } DazFigurePlatform platform = DiscoverFigurePlatform(dtu); Daz3DBridge.Progress = .9f; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if (GenerateUnityPrefab) GeneratePrefabFromFBX(fbxPath, platform); Daz3DBridge.Progress = 1f; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); _map = null; _dforceMap = null; Daz3DBridge.Progress = 0; // DB 2021-09-02: Show DTUImport complete dialog EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("DTU Bridge Import", "Import Completed for " + dtuPath, "OK"); Daz3DBridge.AddDiffusionProfilePrompt(); yield break; } private static DazFigurePlatform DiscoverFigurePlatform(DTU dtu) { var token = dtu.AssetID.ToLower(); foreach(DazFigurePlatform dfp in Enum.GetValues(typeof (DazFigurePlatform))) { if (token.Contains(dfp.ToString().ToLower())) return dfp; } return DazFigurePlatform.Genesis8;//default } private static bool IrayShadersReady() { #if USING_HDRP || USING_URP || USING_BUILTIN if ( Shader.Find(DTU_Constants.shaderNameMetal) == null || Shader.Find(DTU_Constants.shaderNameSpecular) == null || Shader.Find(DTU_Constants.shaderNameIraySkin) == null || Shader.Find(DTU_Constants.shaderNameHair) == null || Shader.Find(DTU_Constants.shaderNameWet) == null || Shader.Find(DTU_Constants.shaderNameInvisible) == null ) { return false; } return true; #else return false; #endif } //// unused blocking method //public static void ImportDTU(string path) //{ // Debug.Log("ImportDTU for " + path); // FoldAll(); // ImportEventRecord record = new ImportEventRecord(); // EventQueue.Enqueue(record); // var dtu = DTUConverter.ParseDTUFile(path); // var dtuObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); // // DB (2021-05-15): skip anim DTU // if (dtu.AssetType == "Animation") // { // record.AddToken("Skipping prefab creation for animation DTU file: " + path); // return; // } // record.AddToken("Imported DTU file: " + path); // record.AddToken(, dtuObject, ENDLINE); // //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("DTU: " + dtu.AssetName + " contains: " + dtu.Materials.Count + " materials"); // record.AddToken("Generated materials: "); // foreach (var dtuMat in dtu.Materials) // { // var material = dtu.ConvertToUnity(dtuMat); // _map.AddMaterial(material); // // DB (2021-05-25): DForce import // if (dtu.IsDTUMaterialDForceEnabled(dtuMat)) // { // _dforceMap.AddMaterial(new DForceMaterial(dtuMat)); // } // record.AddToken(, material); // } // record.AddToken(" based on DTU file.", null, ENDLINE); // Daz3DBridge bridge = EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(Daz3DBridge)) as Daz3DBridge; // if (bridge == null) // { // var consoleType = Type.GetType("ConsoleWindow,UnityEditor.dll"); // bridge = EditorWindow.CreateWindow(new[] { consoleType }); // } // bridge?.Focus(); // //just a safeguard to keep the history data at a managable size (100 records) // while (EventQueue.Count > 100) // { // EventQueue.Dequeue(); // } //} public static IEnumerator ImportDTURoutine(string path, Action dtuOut, float progressLimit) { Debug.Log("ImportDTU for " + path); FoldAll(); ImportEventRecord record = new ImportEventRecord(); EventQueue.Enqueue(record); var dtu = DTUConverter.ParseDTUFile(path); // DB (2021-05-15): skip DTU import if animation if (dtu.AssetType == "Animation") { record.AddToken("Skipping prefab creation for animation DTU file: " + path); Daz3DBridge.Progress = 0; yield break; } dtuOut(dtu); var dtuObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); record.AddToken("Imported DTU file: " + path); record.AddToken(, dtuObject, ENDLINE); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("DTU: " + dtu.AssetName + " contains: " + dtu.Materials.Count + " materials"); record.AddToken("Generated materials: "); float progressIncrement = (progressLimit - Daz3DBridge.Progress) / dtu.Materials.Count; for (int i = 0; i < dtu.Materials.Count; i++) { var dtuMat = dtu.Materials[i]; var material = dtu.ConvertToUnity(dtuMat); _map.AddMaterial(material); // DB (2021-05-25): DForce import if (dtu.IsDTUMaterialDForceEnabled(dtuMat)) { _dforceMap.AddMaterial(new DForceMaterial(dtuMat)); } record.AddToken(, material); Daz3DBridge.Progress = Mathf.MoveTowards(Daz3DBridge.Progress, progressLimit, progressIncrement); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } record.AddToken(" based on DTU file.", null, ENDLINE); Daz3DBridge bridge = EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(Daz3DBridge)) as Daz3DBridge; if (bridge == null) { var consoleType = Type.GetType("ConsoleWindow,UnityEditor.dll"); bridge = EditorWindow.CreateWindow(new[] { consoleType }); } bridge?.Focus(); //just a safeguard to keep the history data at a managable size (100 records) while (EventQueue.Count > 100) { EventQueue.Dequeue(); } yield break; } enum MaterialID //these positions map to the bitflags in the compiled HDRP lit shader { SSS = 0, Standard = 1, Anisotropy = 2, Iridescence = 3, SpecularColor = 4, Translucent = 5 } private enum StandardMaterialType { Arms, Cornea, Ears, Eyelashes, EyeMoisture_1, EyeMoisture, EyeSocket, Face, Fingernails, Irises, Legs, Lips, Mouth, Pupils, Sclera, Teeth, Toenails, Torso } public static void GeneratePrefabFromFBX(string fbxPath, DazFigurePlatform platform) { var fbxPrefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fbxPath); if (fbxPrefab == null) { Debug.LogWarning("no FBX model prefab found at " + fbxPath); return; } if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabAssetType(fbxPrefab) != PrefabAssetType.Model) { Debug.LogWarning(fbxPath + " is not a model prefab "); return; } System.Reflection.MethodInfo resetPose = null; System.Reflection.MethodInfo xferPose = null; var avatarInstance = Instantiate(fbxPrefab); = "AvatarInstance"; if (AutomateMecanimAvatarMappings) { var record = new ImportEventRecord(); ModelImporter importer = GetAtPath(fbxPath) as ModelImporter; if (importer) { var description = importer.humanDescription; DescribeHumanJointsForFigure(ref description, platform); importer.humanDescription = description; importer.avatarSetup = ModelImporterAvatarSetup.CreateFromThisModel; // Genesis 8 is modeled in A-pose, so we correct to T-pose before configuring avatar joints //using Unity's internal MakePoseValid method, which does a perfect job if (platform == DazFigurePlatform.Genesis8 && false) { //use reflection to access AvatarSetupTool; var setupToolType = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.AvatarSetupTool,UnityEditor.dll"); var boneWrapperType = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.AvatarSetupTool+BoneWrapper,UnityEditor.dll"); if (boneWrapperType != null && setupToolType != null) { var existingMappings = new Dictionary(); var human = description.human; for (var i = 0; i < human.Length; ++i) existingMappings[human[i].humanName] = human[i].boneName; var getModelBones = setupToolType.GetMethod("GetModelBones"); var getHumanBones = setupToolType.GetMethod("GetHumanBones", new[] { typeof(Dictionary), typeof(Dictionary) }); var makePoseValid = setupToolType.GetMethod("MakePoseValid"); resetPose = setupToolType.GetMethod("CopyPose"); xferPose = setupToolType.GetMethod("TransferPoseToDescription"); if (getModelBones != null && getHumanBones != null && makePoseValid != null) { record.AddToken("Corrected Avatar Setup T-pose for Genesis8 figure: ", null); record.AddToken(, fbxPrefab, ENDLINE); var modelBones = (Dictionary)getModelBones.Invoke(null, new object[] { avatarInstance.transform, false, null }); var humanBones = (ICollection)getHumanBones.Invoke(null, new object[] { existingMappings, modelBones }); // a little dance to populate array of Unity's internal BoneWrapper type var humanBonesArray = new object[humanBones.Count]; humanBones.CopyTo(humanBonesArray, 0); Array destinationArray = Array.CreateInstance(boneWrapperType, humanBones.Count); Array.Copy(humanBonesArray, destinationArray, humanBones.Count); //This mutates the transforms (modelBones) via Bonewrapper class makePoseValid.Invoke(null, new[] { destinationArray }); } } } AssetDatabase.WriteImportSettingsIfDirty(fbxPath); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(fbxPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); // i think this might unT-pose the gen8 skeleton instance if (resetPose != null && xferPose != null) { SerializedObject modelImporterObj = new SerializedObject(importer); var skeleton = modelImporterObj?.FindProperty("m_HumanDescription.m_Skeleton"); if (skeleton != null) { resetPose.Invoke(null, new object[] { avatarInstance, fbxPrefab }); //xferPose.Invoke(null, new object[] { skeleton, avatarInstance.transform }); } } DestroyImmediate(avatarInstance); record.AddToken("Automated Mecanim avatar setup for " + + ": "); //a little dance to get the avatar just reimported var allAvatars = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Avatar)); var avatar = Array.Find(allAvatars, element =>; if (avatar) record.AddToken(, avatar, ENDLINE); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Could not acquire importer for " + fbxPath + " ...could not automatically configure humanoid avatar."); record.AddToken("Could not acquire importer for " + fbxPath + " ...could not automatically configure humanoid avatar.", null, ENDLINE); } EventQueue.Enqueue(record); } //remap the materials var workingInstance = Instantiate(fbxPrefab); = "Daz3d_" +; var renderers = workingInstance.GetComponentsInChildren(); if (renderers?.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("no renderers found for material remapping"); return; } var modelPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fbxPrefab); if (ReplaceMaterials) { foreach (var renderer in renderers) { var dict = new Dictionary(); if ("eyelashes")) renderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; // DB (2021-05-07): SANITY CHECK if (renderer.sharedMaterials == null) { Debug.LogError("DB (2021-05-07), ERROR: GeneratePrefabFromFBX(): sharedMaterials is null!"); } else { foreach (var keyMat in renderer.sharedMaterials) { // DB (2021-05-07): SANITY CHECK if (keyMat == null) { Debug.LogError("DB (2021-05-07), ERROR: keyMat is NULL"); continue; } var key =; key = Daz3D.Utilities.ScrubKey(key); Material nuMat = null; if (_map != null && _map.Map.ContainsKey(key)) { nuMat = _map.Map[key];// the preferred uber/iRay based material generated by the DTUConverter // DB (2021-05-25): dForce import if (_dforceMap.Map.ContainsKey(key)) { if (EnableDForceSupport) ImportDforceToPrefab(key, renderer, workingInstance, keyMat); //DForceMaterial dforceMat = _dforceMap.Map[key]; //GameObject parent = renderer.gameObject; //SkinnedMeshRenderer skinned = parent.GetComponent(); //Cloth cloth; //// add Unity Cloth Physics component to gameobject parent of the renderer //if (parent.GetComponent() == null) //{ // cloth = parent.AddComponent(); // // assign values from dtuMat // cloth.stretchingStiffness = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Stretch Stiffness").Float; // cloth.bendingStiffness = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Bend Stiffness").Float; // cloth.damping = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Damping").Float; // cloth.friction = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Friction").Float; // // fix SkinnedMeshRenderer boundaries bug // skinned.updateWhenOffscreen = true; // // Add G8F cloth collision rig // var searchResult = workingInstance.transform.Find("Cloth Collision Rig"); // GameObject collision_instance = (searchResult != null) ? searchResult.gameObject : null; // if (collision_instance == null) // { // GameObject collision_prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Daz3D/Resources/G8F Collision Rig.prefab"); // collision_instance = Instantiate(collision_prefab); // = "Cloth Collision Rig"; // collision_instance.transform.parent = workingInstance.transform; // // merge cloth collision rig to figure root bone // collision_instance.GetComponent().mergeRig(skinned.rootBone); // } // ClothCollisionAssigner.ClothConfig clothConfig = new ClothCollisionAssigner.ClothConfig(); // clothConfig.m_ClothToManage = cloth; // clothConfig.m_UpperBody = true; // clothConfig.m_LowerBody = true; // collision_instance.GetComponent().addClothConfig(clothConfig); //} //else //{ // cloth = parent.GetComponent(); //} //// add clothtools to gameobject parent of renderer //ClothTools clothTools; //if (parent.GetComponent() == null) //{ // clothTools = parent.AddComponent(); // clothTools.GenerateLookupTables(); //} //else //{ // clothTools = parent.GetComponent(); //} //int matIndex = Array.IndexOf(skinned.sharedMaterials, keyMat); //// get vertex list for this material's submesh //if (matIndex >= 0) //{ // float simulation_strength; // //// map the materical's submesh's vertices to the correct "Dynamics Strength" // simulation_strength = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Dynamics Strength").Float; // Debug.Log("DEBUG INFO: simulation strength: " + simulation_strength); // //// DEBUG line to map simulation strength to material index // //simulation_strength = matIndex; // //// Tiered scaling function // float adjusted_simulation_strength; // //float strength_max = 1.0f; // //float strength_min = 0.0f; // float strength_scale_threshold = 0.5f; // if (simulation_strength <= strength_scale_threshold) // { // //// stronger compression of values below threshold // float scale = 0.075f; // float offset = 0.2f; // adjusted_simulation_strength = (simulation_strength - offset) * scale; // } // else // { // float offset = (strength_scale_threshold - 0.2f) * 0.075f; // offset = (threshold - previous tier's offset) * previous teir's scale // float scale = 0.2f; // adjusted_simulation_strength = (simulation_strength - offset) / (1 - offset); // apply offset, then normalize to 1.0 // adjusted_simulation_strength *= scale; // } // //// clamp to 0.0f to 0.2f // float coeff_min = 0.0f; // float coeff_max = 0.2f; // adjusted_simulation_strength = (adjusted_simulation_strength > coeff_min) ? adjusted_simulation_strength : coeff_min; // adjusted_simulation_strength = (adjusted_simulation_strength < coeff_max) ? adjusted_simulation_strength : coeff_max; // //// Debug line for no scaling // //adjusted_simulation_strength = simulation_strength; // clothTools.SetSubMeshWeights(matIndex, adjusted_simulation_strength); //} } } else if (s_StandardMaterialCollection.ContainsKey(key)) { nuMat = new Material(s_StandardMaterialCollection[key]); //FixupStandardBasedMaterial(ref nuMat, fbxPrefab,, data); } else { var shader = Shader.Find("HDRP/Lit"); if (shader == null) { Debug.LogWarning("couldn't find HDRP/Lit shader"); continue; } nuMat = new Material(shader); nuMat.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(keyMat); // just copy the textures, colors and scalars that are appropriate given the base material type //DazMaterialPropertiesInfo info = new DazMaterialPropertiesInfo(); //CustomizeMaterial(ref nuMat, info); var matPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelPath); matPath = Path.Combine(matPath, + "Daz3D_Materials"); matPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(matPath); if (!Directory.Exists(matPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(matPath); //Debug.Log("obj path " + path); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(nuMat, matPath + "/Daz3D_" + + ".mat"); } dict.Add(keyMat, nuMat); } //remap the meshes in the fbx prefab to the value materials in dict var count = renderer.sharedMaterials.Length; var copy = new Material[count]; //makes a copy for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var key = renderer.sharedMaterials[i]; // DB (2021-05-07): SANITY CHECK if (key == null || !dict.ContainsKey(key)) { Debug.LogError("DB (2021-05-07), ERROR: GeneratePrefabFromFBX(): sharedMaterials[" + i + "] (" + renderer.sharedMaterials + ") returned invalid key."); if (key != null) Debug.LogError(" part 2: key==" + key); else Debug.LogError(" part 2: key==null"); } else { Debug.Log("remapping: " + renderer.sharedMaterials[i].name + " to " + dict[key].name); copy[i] = dict[key];//fill copy } } renderer.sharedMaterials = copy;//overwrite sharedMaterials, because set indexer assigns to a copy } } } //write the prefab to the asset database // Make sure the file name is unique, in case an existing Prefab has the same name. var nuPrefabPathPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelPath); nuPrefabPathPath = Path.Combine(nuPrefabPathPath, + "_Prefab"); nuPrefabPathPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(nuPrefabPathPath); if (!Directory.Exists(nuPrefabPathPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(nuPrefabPathPath); nuPrefabPathPath += "/Daz3D_" + + ".prefab"; // For future refreshment var component = workingInstance.AddComponent(); component.SourceFBX = fbxPrefab; // Create the new Prefab. var prefab = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect(workingInstance, nuPrefabPathPath, InteractionMode.AutomatedAction); Selection.activeGameObject = prefab; //now, seek other instance(s) in the scene having been sourced from this fbx asset var otherInstances = FindObjectsOfType(); int foundCount = 0; var resultingInstance = workingInstance; if (ReplaceSceneInstances) { foreach (var otherInstance in otherInstances) { if (otherInstance == component)//ignore this working instance continue; if (otherInstance.SourceFBX != fbxPrefab)//ignore instances of other assets continue; //for any found that flag ReplaceOnImport, delete that instance and replace with a copy of //this one, at their respective transforms if (otherInstance.ReplaceOnImport) { foundCount++; var xform = otherInstance.transform; var replacementInstance = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab, xform.parent) as GameObject; replacementInstance.transform.position = xform.position; replacementInstance.transform.rotation = xform.rotation; //var replacementInstance = Instantiate(prefab, xform.position, xform.rotation, xform.parent); //PrefabUtility.RevertPrefabInstance(replacementInstance, InteractionMode.AutomatedAction); DestroyImmediate(otherInstance.gameObject); resultingInstance = replacementInstance; } } } //if no prior instances found, then don't destroy this instance //since it appears to be the first one to arrive if (foundCount > 0) DestroyImmediate(workingInstance); ImportEventRecord pfbRecord = new ImportEventRecord(); pfbRecord.AddToken("Created Unity Prefab: "); pfbRecord.AddToken(, prefab); pfbRecord.AddToken(" and an instance in the scene: "); pfbRecord.AddToken(, resultingInstance, ENDLINE); EventQueue.Enqueue(pfbRecord); //highlight/select the object in the scene view Selection.activeGameObject = resultingInstance; } private static void ImportDforceToPrefab(string key, Renderer renderer, GameObject workingInstance, Material keyMat) { DForceMaterial dforceMat = _dforceMap.Map[key]; GameObject parent = renderer.gameObject; SkinnedMeshRenderer skinned = parent.GetComponent(); Cloth cloth; string valueLower = key.ToLower(); string assetNameLower =; string matNameLower =; if ( valueLower.Contains("hair") || assetNameLower.EndsWith("hair") || matNameLower.Contains("hair") || valueLower.Contains("moustache") || assetNameLower.EndsWith("moustache") || matNameLower.Contains("moustache") || valueLower.Contains("beard") || assetNameLower.EndsWith("beard") || matNameLower.Contains("beard") ) { // TODO: implement dForce hair support Debug.LogWarning("Unofficial DTU: ImportDforceToPrefab() dForce hair is currently not supported: " +; return; } if (skinned == null) { // TODO: check if regular mesh renderer and upgrade if appropriate Debug.LogWarning("Unofficial DTU: ImportDforceToPrefab() gameojbect unsupported: it does not have a skinned mesh renderer: " +; return; } else if (skinned.sharedMesh.vertexCount > 40000) { int numverts = skinned.sharedMesh.vertexCount; Debug.LogWarning("Unofficial DTU: ImportDforceToPrefab() gameojbect unsupported: too many vertices: " + + " (" + numverts.ToString() + ")"); return; } // add Unity Cloth Physics component to gameobject parent of the renderer if (parent.GetComponent() == null) { cloth = parent.AddComponent(); // assign values from dtuMat cloth.stretchingStiffness = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Stretch Stiffness").Float; cloth.bendingStiffness = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Bend Stiffness").Float; cloth.damping = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Damping").Float; cloth.friction = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Friction").Float; // fix SkinnedMeshRenderer boundaries bug skinned.updateWhenOffscreen = true; // Add G8F cloth collision rig var searchResult = workingInstance.transform.Find("Cloth Collision Rig"); GameObject collision_instance = (searchResult != null) ? searchResult.gameObject : null; if (collision_instance == null) { GameObject collision_prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Daz3D/Resources/G8F Collision Rig.prefab"); collision_instance = Instantiate(collision_prefab); = "Cloth Collision Rig"; collision_instance.transform.parent = workingInstance.transform; // merge cloth collision rig to figure root bone collision_instance.GetComponent().mergeRig(skinned.rootBone); } ClothCollisionAssigner.ClothConfig clothConfig = new ClothCollisionAssigner.ClothConfig(); clothConfig.m_ClothToManage = cloth; clothConfig.m_UpperBody = true; clothConfig.m_LowerBody = true; collision_instance.GetComponent().addClothConfig(clothConfig); } else { cloth = parent.GetComponent(); } // add clothtools to gameobject parent of renderer ClothTools clothTools; if (parent.GetComponent() == null) { clothTools = parent.AddComponent(); clothTools.GenerateLookupTables(); } else { clothTools = parent.GetComponent(); } int matIndex = Array.IndexOf(skinned.sharedMaterials, keyMat); // get vertex list for this material's submesh if (matIndex >= 0) { float simulation_strength; //// map the materical's submesh's vertices to the correct "Dynamics Strength" simulation_strength = dforceMat.dtuMaterial.Get("Dynamics Strength").Float; Debug.Log("DEBUG INFO: simulation strength: " + simulation_strength); //// DEBUG line to map simulation strength to material index //simulation_strength = matIndex; //// Tiered scaling function float adjusted_simulation_strength; //float strength_max = 1.0f; //float strength_min = 0.0f; float strength_scale_threshold = 0.5f; if (simulation_strength <= strength_scale_threshold) { //// stronger compression of values below threshold float scale = 0.075f; float offset = 0.2f; adjusted_simulation_strength = (simulation_strength - offset) * scale; } else { float offset = (strength_scale_threshold - 0.2f) * 0.075f; // offset = (threshold - previous tier's offset) * previous teir's scale float scale = 0.2f; adjusted_simulation_strength = (simulation_strength - offset) / (1 - offset); // apply offset, then normalize to 1.0 adjusted_simulation_strength *= scale; } //// clamp to 0.0f to 0.2f float coeff_min = 0.0f; float coeff_max = 0.2f; adjusted_simulation_strength = (adjusted_simulation_strength > coeff_min) ? adjusted_simulation_strength : coeff_min; adjusted_simulation_strength = (adjusted_simulation_strength < coeff_max) ? adjusted_simulation_strength : coeff_max; //// Debug line for no scaling //adjusted_simulation_strength = simulation_strength; clothTools.SetSubMeshWeights(matIndex, adjusted_simulation_strength); } } private static void DescribeHumanJointsForFigure(ref HumanDescription description, DazFigurePlatform figure) { var map = GetJointMapForFigure(figure); HumanBone[] humanBones = new HumanBone[HumanTrait.BoneName.Length]; int mapIdx = 0; foreach (var humanBoneName in HumanTrait.BoneName) { if (map.ContainsKey(humanBoneName)) { HumanBone humanBone = new HumanBone(); humanBone.humanName = humanBoneName; humanBone.boneName = map[humanBoneName]; humanBone.limit.useDefaultValues = true; //todo get limits from dtu? humanBones[mapIdx++] = humanBone; } } description.human = humanBones; } private static Dictionary GetJointMapForFigure(DazFigurePlatform figure) { Dictionary map = new Dictionary(); switch (figure) { case DazFigurePlatform.Genesis8: case DazFigurePlatform.Genesis3: ConfigureGenesisMapStandard(map); break; case DazFigurePlatform.Genesis2: ConfigureGenesisMapStandard(map);//todo account for Gen2 variances break; case DazFigurePlatform.Victoria: case DazFigurePlatform.Genesis: case DazFigurePlatform.Michael: case DazFigurePlatform.TheFreak: case DazFigurePlatform.Victoria4: case DazFigurePlatform.Victoria4Elite: case DazFigurePlatform.Michael4: case DazFigurePlatform.Michael4Elite: case DazFigurePlatform.Stephanie4: case DazFigurePlatform.Aiko4: default: //do nothing, let unity's excellent guesser handle it break; } return map; } private static void ConfigureGenesisMapStandard(Dictionary map) { //note: Genesis 3 finger bones have "Carpal#" parents //Body/Body (Gen8) map["Hips"] = "hip"; map["Spine"] = "abdomenUpper"; map["Chest"] = "chestLower"; map["UpperChest"] = "chestUpper"; //Body/Left Arm (Gen8) map["LeftShoulder"] = "lCollar"; map["LeftUpperArm"] = "lShldrBend"; map["LeftLowerArm"] = "lForearmBend"; map["LeftHand"] = "lHand"; //Body/Right Arm (Gen8) map["RightShoulder"] = "rCollar"; map["RightUpperArm"] = "rShldrBend"; map["RightLowerArm"] = "rForearmBend"; map["RightHand"] = "rHand"; //Body/Left Leg (Gen8) map["LeftUpperLeg"] = "lThighBend"; map["LeftLowerLeg"] = "lShin"; map["LeftFoot"] = "lFoot"; map["LeftToes"] = "lToe"; //Body/Right Leg (Gen8) map["RightUpperLeg"] = "rThighBend"; map["RightLowerLeg"] = "rShin"; map["RightFoot"] = "rFoot"; map["RightToes"] = "rToe"; //Head (Gen8) map["Neck"] = "neckLower"; map["Head"] = "head"; map["LeftEye"] = "lEye"; map["RightEye"] = "rEye"; map["Jaw"] = "lowerJaw"; //Left Hand (Gen8) map["Left Thumb Proximal"] = "lThumb1"; map["Left Thumb Intermediate"] = "lThumb2"; map["Left Thumb Distal"] = "lThumb3"; map["Left Index Proximal"] = "lIndex1"; map["Left Index Intermediate"] = "lIndex2"; map["Left Index Distal"] = "lIndex3"; map["Left Middle Proximal"] = "lMid1"; map["Left Middle Intermediate"] = "lMid2"; map["Left Middle Distal"] = "lMid3"; map["Left Ring Proximal"] = "lRing1"; map["Left Ring Intermediate"] = "lRing2"; map["Left Ring Distal"] = "lRing3"; map["Left Little Proximal"] = "lPinky1"; map["Left Little Intermediate"] = "lPinky2"; map["Left Little Distal"] = "lPinky3"; //Right Hand (Gen8) map["Right Thumb Proximal"] = "rThumb1"; map["Right Thumb Intermediate"] = "rThumb2"; map["Right Thumb Distal"] = "rThumb3"; map["Right Index Proximal"] = "rIndex1"; map["Right Index Intermediate"] = "rIndex2"; map["Right Index Distal"] = "rIndex3"; map["Right Middle Proximal"] = "rMid1"; map["Right Middle Intermediate"] = "rMid2"; map["Right Middle Distal"] = "rMid3"; map["Right Ring Proximal"] = "rRing1"; map["Right Ring Intermediate"] = "rRing2"; map["Right Ring Distal"] = "rRing3"; map["Right Little Proximal"] = "rPinky1"; map["Right Little Intermediate"] = "rPinky2"; map["Right Little Distal"] = "rPinky3"; } private void FixupStandardBasedMaterial(ref Material nuMat, GameObject fbxPrefab, string key/*, DTUData data*/) { ////todo need fixup missing textures from the json //Debug.LogWarning("dtuData has " + data.Materials.Count + " materials "); //var modelPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fbxPrefab); //var nuTexturePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelPath); //nuTexturePath = BuildUnityPath(nuTexturePath, + "Textures___"); //nuTexturePath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(nuTexturePath); ////walk data until find a material named with key //foreach (var material in data.Materials) //{ // if (material.MaterialName == key && false) //TODO hack to bypass unfinished fn // { // //walk properties and work on any with a texture path // foreach (var property in material.Properties) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Texture)) // { // //and the daz folder has that texture // if (File.Exists(property.Texture)) // { // //copy it into the local textures folder // if (!Directory.Exists(nuTexturePath)) // Directory.CreateDirectory(nuTexturePath); // var nuTextureName = BuildUnityPath(nuTexturePath, Path.GetFileName(property.Texture)); // //TODO----------------------------- // //todo some diffuse maps are jpg with no alpha channel, // //instead use the FBX's embedded/collected texture which already has alpha channel, // //test whether that material already has a valid diffuse color texture // //if so, reimport that with the importer options below // //copy the texture file from the daz folder to nuTexturePath // File.Copy(property.Texture, nuTextureName); // TextureImporter importer = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(nuTextureName); // if (importer != null) // { // //todo twiddle other switches here, before the reimport happens only once // importer.alphaIsTransparency = KeyToTransparency(key); // importer.alphaSource = KeyToAlphaSource(key); // importer.convertToNormalmap = KeyToNormalMap(key); // importer.heightmapScale = KeyToHeightmapScale(key); // importer.normalmapFilter = KeyToNormalMapFilter(key); // importer.wrapMode = KeyToWrapMode(key); // importer.SaveAndReimport(); // } // else // { // Debug.LogWarning("texture " + nuTextureName + " is not a project asset."); // } // } // } // } // } //} } private TextureImporterAlphaSource KeyToAlphaSource(string key) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private TextureWrapMode KeyToWrapMode(string key) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private TextureImporterNormalFilter KeyToNormalMapFilter(string key) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private float KeyToHeightmapScale(string key) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private bool KeyToNormalMap(string key) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private bool KeyToTransparency(string key) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } //private void CustomizeMaterial(ref Material material, DazMaterialPropertiesInfo info) //{ // material.SetColor("_BaseColor", info.BaseColor); // material.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", info.Transparent ? 1 : 0); //0 == opaque, 1 == transparent // Texture mainTexture = material.mainTexture; // CustomizeTexture(ref mainTexture, info.Transparent); // var normalMap = material.GetTexture("_NormalMap"); // if (!IsValidNormalMap(normalMap)) // material.SetTexture("_NormalMap", null);//nuke the invalid normal map, if its a mistake // material.SetFloat("_Metallic", info.Metallic); // material.SetFloat("_Smoothness", info.Smoothness); // material.SetInt("_MaterialID", (int)info.MaterialType); // material.SetFloat("_DoubleSidedEnable", info.DoubleSided ? 0 : 1); //} void CustomizeTexture(ref Texture texture, bool alphaIsTransparent) { if (texture != null) { var texPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture); TextureImporter importer = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(texPath); if (importer != null) { if (alphaIsTransparent && importer.DoesSourceTextureHaveAlpha()) { importer.alphaIsTransparency = true; } //todo twiddle other switches here, before the reimport happens only once importer.SaveAndReimport(); } else Debug.LogWarning("texture " + + " is not a project asset."); } else Debug.LogWarning("null texture"); } bool IsValidNormalMap(Texture normalMap) { if (normalMap == null) return false; var nmPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(normalMap); TextureImporter importer = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(nmPath); if (importer != null) { var settings = new TextureImporterSettings(); importer.ReadTextureSettings(settings); return settings.textureType == TextureImporterType.NormalMap; } else Debug.LogWarning("texture " + + " is not a project asset."); return true; } // Validated menu item. // Add a menu item named "Log Selected Transform Name" to MyMenu in the menu bar. // We use a second function to validate the menu item // so it will only be enabled if we have a transform selected. [MenuItem("Assets/Daz3D/Create Unity Prefab", false, 101)] static void DoStuffToSelectedDTU() { CreateDTUPrefab(Selection.activeObject); if (Selection.activeTransform) Debug.Log("Selected Transform is on " + + "."); } //// Validate the menu item defined by the function above. //// The menu item will be disabled if this function returns false. //[MenuItem("Assets/Daz3D/Create Unity Prefab", true)] //static bool ValidateDTUSelected2() //{ // return ValidateDTUSelected(); //} private static void CreateDTUPrefab(UnityEngine.Object activeObject) { if (activeObject) { var dtuPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(activeObject); var fbxPath = dtuPath.Replace(".dtu", ".fbx"); Import(dtuPath, fbxPath); } } } }