using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace AwesomeTechnologies.Utility.BVHTree { public struct BVHNode { public int IsLeaf; // 0 = false, 1 = true public int NodeType; // o is root, 1 is left , 2 is right public Vector3 Centroid; // = new Vector3(0f); public Vector3 Min; // = new Vector3(1f) * float.MaxValue; public Vector3 Max; // = new Vector3(1f) * -float.MaxValue; // Move from a single primitive in a leaf to multiple public int PrimID; // = -1; public int PrimitivesCount; // How many primitives there are in the leaf public int PrimitivesOffset; // Where in the flatten buffer the primitives are starting from public int NodeID; // = 0; public int ParentID; // = 0; public int LChildID; // = 0; public int RChildID; // = 0; // Used in the intersection methods public int SplitAxis; public float SplitValue; public int NearNodeID; public int FarNodeID; public int SplitMethod; public static BVHNode CreateBVHNode() { BVHNode b = new BVHNode { NodeType = 0, IsLeaf = 0, Centroid =, Min = * float.MaxValue, Max = * -float.MaxValue, PrimID = -1, PrimitivesCount = 0, PrimitivesOffset = 0, NodeID = 0, ParentID = -1, LChildID = 0, RChildID = 0, NearNodeID = 0, FarNodeID = 0, SplitAxis = 0, SplitMethod = 1 }; return b; } public BVHNode(List tris, List nodes, ref List finalPrims) { this = CreateBVHNode(); Centroid =; Min =; Max =; NodeID = 0; CalculateBBox(tris); nodes.Add(this); if (tris.Count > 0) { Build(0, tris, ref nodes, ref finalPrims); } } public void Build(int nodeID, List tris, ref List nodes, ref List finalPrims) { BVHNode node = nodes[nodeID]; // Leaf if (tris.Count <= BVH.MaxPrimsCountPerNode) { // NOTE : the prims offset is calculated in the " Flattening BVH " method node.IsLeaf = 1; node.PrimitivesCount = 1; node.PrimitivesOffset = finalPrims.Count; finalPrims.Add(tris[0]); nodes[nodeID] = node; } else { List lTris = new List(); List rTris = new List(); switch (node.SplitMethod) { // -------------------- Equal count split ! -------------------- case 0: // (int)BVHSplitMethod.SPLIT_EQUAL_COUNTS: node.GetLongestAxisAndValue(); int splitAxis = node.SplitAxis; // Equal split if (lTris.Count == 0 || rTris.Count == 0) { // In this case the incomming tris list should be sorted switch (splitAxis) { case 0: tris.Sort(CompareX); break; case 1: tris.Sort(CompareY); break; case 2: tris.Sort(CompareZ); break; } int trisHalf = tris.Count / 2; lTris = tris.GetRange(0, trisHalf); rTris = tris.GetRange(trisHalf, tris.Count - trisHalf); } break; // -------------------- Median axis split ! -------------------- case 1: // (int)BVHSplitMethod.SPLIT_MIDDLE: node.GetLongestAxisAndValue(); float splitValue = node.SplitValue; splitAxis = node.SplitAxis; // Median split triangle buffer switch (splitAxis) { case 0: lTris = tris.FindAll(n => n.Centroid.x < splitValue); rTris = tris.FindAll(n => n.Centroid.x >= splitValue); break; case 1: lTris = tris.FindAll(n => n.Centroid.y < splitValue); rTris = tris.FindAll(n => n.Centroid.y >= splitValue); break; case 2: lTris = tris.FindAll(n => n.Centroid.z < splitValue); rTris = tris.FindAll(n => n.Centroid.z >= splitValue); break; } // If median split was not good enough // Switch to equal split if (lTris.Count == 0 || rTris.Count == 0) { // In this case the incomming tris list should be sorted switch (splitAxis) { case 0: tris.Sort(CompareX); break; case 1: tris.Sort(CompareY); break; case 2: tris.Sort(CompareZ); break; } int trisHalf = tris.Count / 2; lTris = tris.GetRange(0, trisHalf); rTris = tris.GetRange(trisHalf, tris.Count - trisHalf); } //Debug.Log("Sliptting primitives using median split"); break; // -------------------- Split using surface area heuristic ! -------------------- case 2: // BVHSplitMethod.SPLIT_SAH: break; } BVHNode lChild = CreateBVHNode(); BVHNode rChild = CreateBVHNode(); lChild.NodeID = nodes.Count + 0; rChild.NodeID = nodes.Count + 1; lChild.ParentID = node.NodeID; rChild.ParentID = node.NodeID; lChild.NodeType = 1; rChild.NodeType = 2; node.LChildID = lChild.NodeID; node.RChildID = rChild.NodeID; lChild.CalculateBBox(lTris); rChild.CalculateBBox(rTris); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adding both children into the nodes list // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodes.Add(lChild); nodes.Add(rChild); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Building the children nodes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use only when dealing with structs nodes[nodeID] = node; Build(lChild.NodeID, lTris, ref nodes, ref finalPrims); Build(rChild.NodeID, rTris, ref nodes, ref finalPrims); } } public void GetLongestAxisAndValue() { float xLength = Mathf.Abs(Min.x - Max.x); if (xLength < 0.000001f) xLength = 0f; float yLength = Mathf.Abs(Min.y - Max.y); if (yLength < 0.000001f) yLength = 0f; float zLength = Mathf.Abs(Min.z - Max.z); if (zLength < 0.000001f) zLength = 0f; float[] sides = new float[] { xLength, yLength, zLength }; float l = Mathf.Max(sides); for (int i = 0; i < sides.Length; i++) { // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator if (l == sides[i]) { // Return a new array with the first element the axis ID // and the second element is the value which is the half // of the length of the longest axis SplitAxis = i; SplitValue = Centroid[i]; return; } } SplitAxis = 0; SplitValue = 0f; Debug.LogError("NOTE:BBox longest side is not calculated properly!"); } public GameObject CalculateBBox(List tris) { for (int tr = 0; tr < tris.Count; tr++) { Min = new Vector3(Mathf.Min(Min.x, tris[tr].V0.x), Mathf.Min(Min.y, tris[tr].V0.y), Mathf.Min(Min.z, tris[tr].V0.z)); Max = new Vector3(Mathf.Max(Max.x, tris[tr].V0.x), Mathf.Max(Max.y, tris[tr].V0.y), Mathf.Max(Max.z, tris[tr].V0.z)); Min = new Vector3(Mathf.Min(Min.x, tris[tr].V1.x), Mathf.Min(Min.y, tris[tr].V1.y), Mathf.Min(Min.z, tris[tr].V1.z)); Max = new Vector3(Mathf.Max(Max.x, tris[tr].V1.x), Mathf.Max(Max.y, tris[tr].V1.y), Mathf.Max(Max.z, tris[tr].V1.z)); Min = new Vector3(Mathf.Min(Min.x, tris[tr].V2.x), Mathf.Min(Min.y, tris[tr].V2.y), Mathf.Min(Min.z, tris[tr].V2.z)); Max = new Vector3(Mathf.Max(Max.x, tris[tr].V2.x), Mathf.Max(Max.y, tris[tr].V2.y), Mathf.Max(Max.z, tris[tr].V2.z)); } Centroid = (Min + Max) / 2f; return null; } // ============================================================================================================== // Comparers // ============================================================================================================== private static int CompareX(BVHTriangle h1, BVHTriangle h2) { if (h1.Centroid.x - h2.Centroid.x < 0f) { return -1; } return 1; } private static int CompareY(BVHTriangle h1, BVHTriangle h2) { if (h1.Centroid.y - h2.Centroid.y < 0f) { return -1; } return 1; } private static int CompareZ(BVHTriangle h1, BVHTriangle h2) { if (h1.Centroid.z - h2.Centroid.z < 0f) { return -1; } return 1; } } }