Shader "AwesomeTechnologies/Terrain/TerrainHeatmap" { Properties { [HideInInspector] _Control("Control (RGBA)", 2D) = "red" {} _Selected("Selected color", Color) = (0.1,0.4,0.2,1) _Background("Background color", Color) = (0.6,0.6,0.6,1) [MaterialToggle] _UseTexture("Use Texture for fill", Float) = 0 _MinHeight("MinHeight", float) = 50 _MaxHeight("MaxHeight", float) = 100 _MinSteepness("MinSteepness", Range(0, 90)) = 10 _MaxSteepness("MaxSteepness", Range(0, 90)) = 25 _TerrainMinHeight("Terrain 0/Sea height", float) = 0 _TerrainMaxHeight("Terrain max height", float) = 1000 [MaterialToggle] _UseNoise("Use Noise", Float) = 0 [MaterialToggle] _InverseNoise("Inverse Noise", Float) = 0 _NoiseScale("Noise Scale", float) = 50 _NoiseOffset("Noise Offset",vector) = (0,0,0,0) } SubShader{ Tags{ "Queue" = "Geometry-100" "RenderType" = "Opaque" } Lighting Off CGPROGRAM #pragma surface surf SimpleLambert vertex:SplatmapVert fullforwardshadows #pragma multi_compile_fog #pragma target 4.0 #pragma exclude_renderers gles vulkan #include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc" #pragma multi_compile __ _TERRAIN_NORMAL_MAP sampler2D _Control; float4 _Control_ST; half4 _Selected; half4 _Background; float _MinHeight; float _MaxHeight; float _MinSteepness; float _MaxSteepness; float _TerrainMinHeight; float _TerrainMaxHeight; float _UseNoise; float _InverseNoise; float _NoiseScale; float4 _NoiseOffset; uniform float _HeightCurve[256]; uniform float _SteepnessCurve[256]; struct Input { float2 tc_Control : TEXCOORD4; float3 worldPos; float3 worldNormal; UNITY_FOG_COORDS(5) }; void SplatmapVert(inout appdata_full v, out Input data) { UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(Input, data); data.tc_Control = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _Control); float4 pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); UNITY_TRANSFER_FOG(data, pos); = cross(v.normal, float3(0, 0, 1)); v.tangent.w = -1; } half4 LightingSimpleLambert(SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half atten) { half NdotL = dot(s.Normal, lightDir); half4 c; //c.rgb = s.Albedo *_LightColor0.rgb * (NdotL * atten * 2); c.rgb = s.Albedo * (NdotL * 2); c.a = s.Alpha; return c; } float Perlin2D(float2 P) { // P = P * 2 + float2(5000, 5000); // establish our grid cell and unit position float2 Pi = floor(P); float4 Pf_Pfmin1 = P.xyxy - float4(Pi, Pi + 1.0); // calculate the hash float4 Pt = float4(Pi.xy, Pi.xy + 1.0); Pt = Pt - floor(Pt * (1.0 / 71.0)) * 71.0; Pt += float2(26.0, 161.0).xyxy; Pt *= Pt; Pt = Pt.xzxz * Pt.yyww; float4 hash_x = frac(Pt * (1.0 / 951.135664)); float4 hash_y = frac(Pt * (1.0 / 642.949883)); // calculate the gradient results float4 grad_x = hash_x - 0.49999; float4 grad_y = hash_y - 0.49999; float4 grad_results = rsqrt(grad_x * grad_x + grad_y * grad_y) * (grad_x * Pf_Pfmin1.xzxz + grad_y * Pf_Pfmin1.yyww); // Classic Perlin Interpolation grad_results *= 1.4142135623730950488016887242097; // scale things to a strict -1.0->1.0 range *= 1.0/sqrt(0.5) float2 blend = Pf_Pfmin1.xy * Pf_Pfmin1.xy * Pf_Pfmin1.xy * (Pf_Pfmin1.xy * (Pf_Pfmin1.xy * 6.0 - 15.0) + 10.0); float4 blend2 = float4(blend, float2(1.0 - blend)); return dot(grad_results, blend2.zxzx * blend2.wwyy); } void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) { float steepness = acos(dot(IN.worldNormal, float3(0, 1, 0))) * 57.29578; float height = IN.worldPos.y -_TerrainMinHeight; float normalizedHeight = saturate(height / (_TerrainMaxHeight - _TerrainMinHeight)); float normalizedSteepness = steepness / 90; float sampledHeight = _HeightCurve[floor(normalizedHeight * 255)]; float sampledSteepness = _SteepnessCurve[floor(normalizedSteepness * 255)]; float combinedValue = sampledHeight * sampledSteepness; if (_UseNoise > 0.5) { if (_InverseNoise > 0.5) { combinedValue = combinedValue * (1 - Perlin2D((IN.worldPos.xz + _NoiseOffset.xz) / _NoiseScale)); } else { combinedValue = combinedValue * Perlin2D((IN.worldPos.xz + _NoiseOffset.xz) / _NoiseScale); } } o.Albedo = lerp(_Background, _Selected, combinedValue); o.Alpha = 1; } ENDCG } Dependency "BaseMapShader" = "AwesomeTechnologies/Terrain/TerrainHeatmap" Fallback "Nature/Terrain/Diffuse" }