using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { [Canvas(typeof(FlowGraph))] public sealed class FlowCanvas : VisualScriptingCanvas { public FlowCanvas(FlowGraph graph) : base(graph) { } #region Clipboard public override void ShrinkCopyGroup(HashSet copyGroup) { copyGroup.RemoveWhere(element => { if (element is IUnitConnection) { var connection = (IUnitConnection)element; if (!copyGroup.Contains(connection.source.unit) || !copyGroup.Contains(connection.destination.unit)) { return true; } } return false; }); } #endregion #region Window public override void OnToolbarGUI() { showRelations = GUILayout.Toggle(showRelations, "Relations", LudiqStyles.toolbarButton); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); BoltFlow.Configuration.showConnectionValues = GUILayout.Toggle(BoltFlow.Configuration.showConnectionValues, "Values", LudiqStyles.toolbarButton); BoltCore.Configuration.dimInactiveNodes = GUILayout.Toggle(BoltCore.Configuration.dimInactiveNodes, "Dim", LudiqStyles.toolbarButton); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { BoltFlow.Configuration.Save(); BoltCore.Configuration.Save(); } base.OnToolbarGUI(); } #endregion #region View protected override bool shouldEdgePan => base.shouldEdgePan || isCreatingConnection; public const float inspectorZoomThreshold = 0.7f; #endregion #region Lifecycle public override void Close() { base.Close(); CancelConnection(); } protected override void HandleHighPriorityInput() { if (isCreatingConnection) { if (e.IsMouseDown(MouseButton.Left)) { connectionEnd = mousePosition; NewUnitContextual(); e.Use(); } else if (e.IsFree(EventType.KeyDown) && e.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { CancelConnection(); e.Use(); } } base.HandleHighPriorityInput(); } private void CompleteContextualConnection(IUnitPort source, IUnitPort destination) { source.ValidlyConnectTo(destination); Cache(); var unitPosition = this.Widget(destination.unit).position.position; var portPosition = this.Widget(destination); var offset = portPosition - unitPosition; destination.unit.position -= offset; this.Widget(destination.unit).Reposition(); connectionSource = null; GUI.changed = true; } public void NewUnitContextual() { var filter = UnitOptionFilter.Any; filter.GraphHashCode = graph.GetHashCode(); if (connectionSource is ValueInput) { var valueInput = (ValueInput)connectionSource; filter.CompatibleOutputType = valueInput.type; filter.Expose = false; NewUnit(mousePosition, GetNewUnitOptions(filter), (unit) => CompleteContextualConnection(valueInput, unit.CompatibleValueOutput(valueInput.type))); } else if (connectionSource is ValueOutput) { var valueOutput = (ValueOutput)connectionSource; filter.CompatibleInputType = valueOutput.type; NewUnit(mousePosition, GetNewUnitOptions(filter), (unit) => CompleteContextualConnection(valueOutput, unit.CompatibleValueInput(valueOutput.type))); } else if (connectionSource is ControlInput) { var controlInput = (ControlInput)connectionSource; filter.NoControlOutput = false; NewUnit(mousePosition, GetNewUnitOptions(filter), (unit) => CompleteContextualConnection(controlInput, unit.controlOutputs.First())); } else if (connectionSource is ControlOutput) { var controlOutput = (ControlOutput)connectionSource; filter.NoControlInput = false; NewUnit(mousePosition, GetNewUnitOptions(filter), (unit) => CompleteContextualConnection(controlOutput, unit.controlInputs.First())); } } #endregion #region Context protected override void OnContext() { if (isCreatingConnection) { CancelConnection(); } else { // Checking for Alt seems to lose focus, for some reason maybe // unrelated to Bolt. Shift or other modifiers seem to work though. if (base.GetContextOptions().Any() && (!BoltFlow.Configuration.skipContextMenu || e.shift)) { base.OnContext(); } else { NewUnit(mousePosition); } } } protected override IEnumerable GetContextOptions() { yield return new DropdownOption((Action)(NewUnit), "Add Node..."); foreach (var baseOption in base.GetContextOptions()) { yield return baseOption; } } public void AddUnit(IUnit unit, Vector2 position) { UndoUtility.RecordEditedObject("Create Node"); unit.guid = Guid.NewGuid(); unit.position = position.PixelPerfect(); graph.units.Add(unit); selection.Select(unit); GUI.changed = true; } private UnitOptionTree GetNewUnitOptions(UnitOptionFilter filter) { var options = new UnitOptionTree(new GUIContent("Node")); options.filter = filter; options.reference = reference; if (filter.CompatibleOutputType == typeof(object)) { options.surfaceCommonTypeLiterals = true; } return options; } private void NewUnit(Vector2 position) { var filter = UnitOptionFilter.Any; filter.GraphHashCode = graph.GetHashCode(); NewUnit(position, GetNewUnitOptions(filter)); } private void NewUnit(Vector2 unitPosition, UnitOptionTree options, Action then = null) { delayCall += () => { var activatorPosition = new Rect(e.mousePosition, new Vector2(200, 1)); var context = this.context; LudiqGUI.FuzzyDropdown ( activatorPosition, options, null, delegate (object _option) { context.BeginEdit(); var option = (IUnitOption)_option; var unit = option.InstantiateUnit(); AddUnit(unit, unitPosition); option.PreconfigureUnit(unit); then?.Invoke(unit); GUI.changed = true; context.EndEdit(); } ); }; } #endregion #region Drag & Drop private bool CanDetermineDraggedInput(UnityObject uo) { if (uo.IsSceneBound()) { if (reference.self == uo.GameObject()) { // Because we'll be able to assign it to Self return true; } if (reference.serializedObject.IsSceneBound()) { // Because we'll be able to use a direct scene reference return true; } return false; } else { return true; } } public override bool AcceptsDragAndDrop() { if (DragAndDropUtility.Is()) { return FlowDragAndDropUtility.AcceptsScript(graph); } return DragAndDropUtility.Is() && !DragAndDropUtility.Is() && CanDetermineDraggedInput(DragAndDropUtility.Get()) || EditorVariablesUtility.isDraggingVariable; } public override void PerformDragAndDrop() { if (DragAndDropUtility.Is()) { var flowMacro = DragAndDropUtility.Get(); var superUnit = new SubgraphUnit(flowMacro); AddUnit(superUnit, DragAndDropUtility.position); } else if (DragAndDropUtility.Is()) { var uo = DragAndDropUtility.Get(); var type = uo.GetType(); var filter = UnitOptionFilter.Any; filter.Literals = false; filter.Expose = false; var options = GetNewUnitOptions(filter); var root = new List(); if (!uo.IsSceneBound() || reference.serializedObject.IsSceneBound()) { if (uo == reference.self) { root.Add(new UnitOption(new This())); } root.Add(new LiteralOption(new Literal(type, uo))); } if (uo is MonoScript script) { var scriptType = script.GetClass(); if (scriptType != null) { root.Add(scriptType); } } else { root.Add(type); } if (uo is GameObject) { root.AddRange(uo.GetComponents().Select(c => c.GetType())); } options.rootOverride = root.ToArray(); NewUnit(DragAndDropUtility.position, options, (unit) => { // Try to assign a correct input var compatibleInput = unit.CompatibleValueInput(type); if (compatibleInput == null) { return; } if (uo.IsSceneBound()) { if (reference.self == uo.GameObject()) { // The component is owned by the same game object as the graph. if (compatibleInput.nullMeansSelf) { compatibleInput.SetDefaultValue(null); } else { var self = new This(); self.position = unit.position + new Vector2(-150, 19); graph.units.Add(self); self.self.ConnectToValid(compatibleInput); } } else if (reference.serializedObject.IsSceneBound()) { // The component is from another object from the same scene compatibleInput.SetDefaultValue(uo.ConvertTo(compatibleInput.type)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot determine compatible input from dragged Unity object."); } } else { compatibleInput.SetDefaultValue(uo.ConvertTo(compatibleInput.type)); } }); } else if (EditorVariablesUtility.isDraggingVariable) { var kind = EditorVariablesUtility.kind; var declaration = EditorVariablesUtility.declaration; UnifiedVariableUnit unit; if (e.alt) { unit = new SetVariable(); } else if (e.shift) { unit = new IsVariableDefined(); } else { unit = new GetVariable(); } unit.kind = kind; AddUnit(unit, DragAndDropUtility.position);; } } public override void DrawDragAndDropPreview() { if (DragAndDropUtility.Is()) { GraphGUI.DrawDragAndDropPreviewLabel(DragAndDropUtility.offsetedPosition, DragAndDropUtility.Get().name, typeof(ScriptGraphAsset).Icon()); } else if (DragAndDropUtility.Is()) { var gameObject = DragAndDropUtility.Get(); GraphGUI.DrawDragAndDropPreviewLabel(DragAndDropUtility.offsetedPosition, + "...", gameObject.Icon()); } else if (DragAndDropUtility.Is()) { var obj = DragAndDropUtility.Get(); var type = obj.GetType(); GraphGUI.DrawDragAndDropPreviewLabel(DragAndDropUtility.offsetedPosition, type.HumanName() + "...", type.Icon()); } else if (EditorVariablesUtility.isDraggingVariable) { var kind = EditorVariablesUtility.kind; var name =; string label; if (e.alt) { label = $"Set {name}"; } else if (e.shift) { label = $"Check if {name} is defined"; } else { label = $"Get {name}"; } GraphGUI.DrawDragAndDropPreviewLabel(DragAndDropUtility.offsetedPosition, label, BoltCore.Icons.VariableKind(kind)); } } #endregion #region Drawing public bool showRelations { get; set; } #endregion #region Connection Creation public IUnitPort connectionSource { get; set; } public Vector2 connectionEnd { get; set; } public bool isCreatingConnection => connectionSource != null && connectionSource.unit != null; // Make sure the port didn't get destroyed: public void CancelConnection() { connectionSource = null; } #endregion } }