using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Burst.Editor; [TestFixture] public class LongTextAreaTests { private LongTextArea _textArea; [OneTimeSetUp] public void SetUp() { _textArea = new LongTextArea(); } [Test] [TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 7, true)] [TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 25, true)] [TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 21+15+8+15, true)] [TestCase("", "\n# hulahop hejsa\n", 5, false)] public void GetStartingColorTagTest(string tag, string text, int textIdx, bool syntaxHighlight) { var disAssembler = new BurstDisassembler(); _textArea.SetText(text, true, false, disAssembler, disAssembler.Initialize(text, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, true, syntaxHighlight)); // This should be set according to the colour tagged string. _textArea._enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (0, textIdx); Assert.That(_textArea.GetStartingColorTag(disAssembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(0)), Is.EqualTo(tag)); } [Test] [TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 7, true)] [TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 25, true)] [TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 21 + 15 + 8 + 15, true)] [TestCase("", " push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", 14 + 15 + 8, true)] [TestCase("", "\n# hulahop hejsa\n", 5, false)] public void GetEndingColorTagTest(string tag, string text, int textIdx, bool syntaxHighlight) { var disAssembler = new BurstDisassembler(); _textArea.SetText(text, true, false, disAssembler, disAssembler.Initialize(text, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel, true, syntaxHighlight)); // This should be set according to the colour tagged string. _textArea._enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (0, textIdx); Assert.That(_textArea.GetEndingColorTag(disAssembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(0)), Is.EqualTo(tag)); } [Test] [TestCase("hulahop hejsa\n", 0, 16, 16)] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n", 1, 40, 9)] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n hej", 2, 67, 3)] [TestCase("hulahop hejsa", 0, 15, 15)] [TestCase("\n je .LBB11_4", 1, 34, 33)] // Test cases for when on enhanced text and not coloured. [TestCase("hulahop hejsa\n", 0, 16, 16)] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n", 1, 17, 9)] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n hej", 2, 21, 3)] [TestCase("hulahop hejsa", 0, 15, 15)] public void GetEndIndexOfColoredLineTest(string text, int line, int resTotal, int resRel) { Assert.That(_textArea.GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, line), Is.EqualTo((resTotal, resRel))); } [Test] [TestCase("hulahop hejsa\n", 0, 16, 16)] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n", 1, 17, 9)] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n hej", 2, 21, 3)] [TestCase("hulahop hejsa", 0, 15, 15)] [TestCase("\nhulahop hejsa", 1, 16, 15)] public void GetEndIndexOfPlainLineTest(string text, int line, int resTotal, int resRel) { Assert.That(_textArea.GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, line), Is.EqualTo((resTotal, resRel))); } [Test] [TestCase(1f, 3f, 3f, true)] [TestCase(1f, 3f, 2f, true)] [TestCase(1f, 3f, 3.00001f, false)] public void WithinRangeTest(float start, float end, float num, bool res) { Assert.That(_textArea.WithinRange(start, end, num), Is.EqualTo(res)); } [Test] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n hej", 2, 2, 0)] [TestCase("hulahop\n hejsa\n hej", 1, 5, 15)] [TestCase("hulahop hejsa:", 0, 17, 46)] public void BumpSelectionXByColortagTest(string text, int lineNum, int charsIn, int colourTagFiller) { var (idxTotal, idxRel) = _textArea.GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, lineNum); Assert.That(_textArea.BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, idxTotal - idxRel, charsIn), Is.EqualTo(charsIn + colourTagFiller)); } [Test] [TestCase(" push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", false)] [TestCase(" push rbp\n .seh_pushreg rbp\n", true)] public void SelectAllTest(string text, bool useDisassembler) { if (useDisassembler) { var disAssembler = new BurstDisassembler(); _textArea.SetText(text, true, false, disAssembler, disAssembler.Initialize(text, BurstDisassembler.AsmKind.Intel)); } else { _textArea.SetText(text, true, true, null, false); } _textArea._selectPos = new Vector2(2, 2); // There is no inserted comments or similar in my test example, so finalAreaSize, should be equivalent for the two. _textArea.finalAreaSize = new Vector2(7.5f * text.Length, 15.2f); _textArea.SelectAll(); Assert.That(_textArea._selectPos, Is.EqualTo(; Assert.That(_textArea._selectDragPos, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(7.5f * text.Length, 15.2f))); if (!useDisassembler) { Assert.That(_textArea._textSelectionIdx, Is.EqualTo((0, text.Length - 1))); } } }