using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using RPGCreationKit; using RPGCreationKit.AI; namespace RPGCreationKit { public class AmmoItemInLootingUI_DrawDeposit : AmmoItemInInventoryUI { public override void OnClick(bool takeAll = false) { if (LootingInventoryUI.instance.curIsPickPocket && LootingInventoryUI.instance.curLootingPoint != null) { // Player is attempting to pickpocket // This is a VERY simple rule, if the weight of the item is over 1 the player will never be able to successfully pickpocket it // You may want to change/alter this for your own projects float B = (float)EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.Dexterity / 100f; // Dexterity - Your dexterity divided by 100. level 5 is 5% chance float A = (1f - ((float)ammoItemInInventory.item.Value / 100f)); // Value - The value will work backwards starting at 50 Gold. if its value is 49, you have a 2% chance. float C = (1f - ((float)ammoItemInInventory.item.Weight / 100f)); // Weight - the weight will work backwards at 50 LBS. if it is 49 LBS, you have a 2% chance float ChanceForSuccess = ((A+B+C) / 3); // add the percenct, divide by 3 to get average. - Done. // lets base it off chance. // Could use Vector3.Dot to make less likely to succeed when infront of the AI float RandomChance = (Random.value); Debug.Log("Item: "+ammoItemInInventory.item.ItemName+"; A: "+A+"; B: "+B+"; C: "+C+"; ChanceForSuccess:"+ChanceForSuccess+"; RandomChance: "+RandomChance+";"); if (ChanceForSuccess < RandomChance) { // random selects a percent between 0% and 100%, and sees if yours is greater, if so, you have success. // Failed chance check RckAI ai = LootingInventoryUI.instance.curLootingPoint.GetComponent(); ai.TryEngageWithPlayer(); // Engage with player - Lets get faction instead of every fucker in the area. LootingInventoryUI.instance.CloseUI(); return; } else { // Reward Player EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.DexterityPoints += 1; A = (float)EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.DexterityPoints; B = (float)EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.Dexterity; while (A >= (B*3)) { EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.Dexterity += 1; float D = (A-(B*3f)); EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.DexterityPoints = (int)D; A = (float)EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.DexterityPoints; B = (float)EntityAttributes.PlayerAttributes.attributes.Dexterity; } } } // Some palce in the codebase seems to be calling this method after the CloseUI randomly, not sure why or where yet // this is a backup in that case if (LootingInventoryUI.instance.curIsPickPocket && LootingInventoryUI.instance.curLootingPoint == null) { return; } if (LootingInventoryUI.instance.isDrawing) { // if the amount is 1, add it one time if (base.ammoItemInInventory.Amount <= 1) { Inventory.PlayerInventory.AddItem(base.ammoItemInInventory.item, base.ammoItemInInventory.metadata, 1, !takeAll); if (base.ammoItemInInventory.isEquipped); // Remove the item from the current loot inventory LootingInventoryUI.instance.curLootingPoint.inventory.RemoveItem(base.ammoItemInInventory, 1); LootingInventoryUI.instance.SelectNextButton(); // Disable this object pool.usedObjects.Remove(this); pool.AmmosPool.usedObjects.Remove(this); gameObject.GetComponent