{ "name": "com.unity.timeline", "displayName": "Timeline", "version": "1.7.1", "unity": "2019.3", "keywords": [ "unity", "animation", "editor", "timeline", "tools" ], "description": "Use Unity Timeline to create cinematic content, game-play sequences, audio sequences, and complex particle effects.", "dependencies": { "com.unity.modules.director": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.animation": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.audio": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.particlesystem": "1.0.0" }, "upm": { "changelog": "### Fixed,- Fixed warnings related to meta files related to missing folders." }, "relatedPackages": { "com.unity.timeline.tests": "1.7.1" }, "upmCi": { "footprint": "43ca2d9e4177be990f278d3c4abce3f2cd895a92" }, "repository": { "url": "https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/com.unity.timeline.git", "type": "git", "revision": "9cec37f449d04026a6c454de9e1bf6f34672764e" }, "samples": [ { "displayName": "Customization Samples", "description": "This sample demonstrates how to create custom timeline tracks, clips, markers and actions.", "path": "Samples~/Customization" }, { "displayName": "Gameplay Sequence Demo", "description": "This sample demonstrates how Timeline can be used to create a small in-game moment, using built-in Timeline tracks.", "path": "Samples~/GameplaySequenceDemo" } ] }