#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/CommonMaterial.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Shadows.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DeclareDepthTexture.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl" float3 _LightDirection; #ifdef VFX_VARYING_PS_INPUTS void VFXTransformPSInputs(inout VFX_VARYING_PS_INPUTS input) {} float4 VFXApplyPreExposure(float4 color, float exposureWeight) { return color; } float4 VFXApplyPreExposure(float4 color, VFX_VARYING_PS_INPUTS input) { return color; } #endif float4 VFXTransformFinalColor(float4 color) { return color; } float2 VFXGetNormalizedScreenSpaceUV(float4 clipPos) { return GetNormalizedScreenSpaceUV(clipPos); } void VFXEncodeMotionVector(float2 velocity, out float4 outBuffer) { //TODO : LWRP doesn't support motion vector & TAA yet outBuffer = (float4)0.0f; } float4 VFXTransformPositionWorldToClip(float3 posWS) { return TransformWorldToHClip(posWS); } float4 VFXTransformPositionWorldToNonJitteredClip(float3 posWS) { //TODO : LWRP doesn't support motion vector & TAA yet return VFXTransformPositionWorldToClip(posWS); } float4 VFXTransformPositionWorldToPreviousClip(float3 posWS) { //TODO : LWRP doesn't support motion vector & TAA yet return VFXTransformPositionWorldToClip(posWS); } float4 VFXTransformPositionObjectToClip(float3 posOS) { float3 posWS = TransformObjectToWorld(posOS); return VFXTransformPositionWorldToClip(posWS); } float4 VFXTransformPositionObjectToNonJitteredClip(float3 posOS) { //TODO : LWRP doesn't support motion vector & TAA yet return VFXTransformPositionObjectToClip(posOS); } float4 VFXTransformPositionObjectToPreviousClip(float3 posOS) { //TODO : LWRP doesn't support motion vector & TAA yet return VFXTransformPositionObjectToClip(posOS); } float3 VFXTransformPositionWorldToView(float3 posWS) { return TransformWorldToView(posWS); } float3 VFXTransformPositionWorldToCameraRelative(float3 posWS) { #if SHADEROPTIONS_CAMERA_RELATIVE_RENDERING #error VFX Camera Relative rendering isn't supported in URP. #endif return posWS; } //Compatibility functions for the common ShaderGraph integration float4x4 ApplyCameraTranslationToMatrix(float4x4 modelMatrix) { return modelMatrix; } float4x4 ApplyCameraTranslationToInverseMatrix(float4x4 inverseModelMatrix) { return inverseModelMatrix; } float4x4 GetRawUnityObjectToWorld() { return unity_ObjectToWorld; } float4x4 GetRawUnityWorldToObject() { return unity_WorldToObject; } //End of compatibility functions float4x4 VFXGetObjectToWorldMatrix() { // NOTE: If using the new generation path, explicitly call the object matrix (since the particle matrix is now baked into UNITY_MATRIX_M) #ifdef HAVE_VFX_MODIFICATION return GetRawUnityObjectToWorld(); #else return GetObjectToWorldMatrix(); #endif } float4x4 VFXGetWorldToObjectMatrix() { // NOTE: If using the new generation path, explicitly call the object matrix (since the particle matrix is now baked into UNITY_MATRIX_I_M) #ifdef HAVE_VFX_MODIFICATION return GetRawUnityWorldToObject(); #else return GetWorldToObjectMatrix(); #endif } float3x3 VFXGetWorldToViewRotMatrix() { return (float3x3)GetWorldToViewMatrix(); } float3 VFXGetViewWorldPosition() { return GetCurrentViewPosition(); } float4x4 VFXGetViewToWorldMatrix() { return UNITY_MATRIX_I_V; } #ifdef USING_STEREO_MATRICES float3 GetWorldStereoOffset() { return float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } #endif float VFXSampleDepth(float4 posSS) { float2 screenUV = GetNormalizedScreenSpaceUV(posSS.xy); // In URP, the depth texture is optional and could be 4x4 white texture, Load isn't appropriate in that case. //float depth = LoadSceneDepth(screenUV * _ScreenParams.xy); float depth = SampleSceneDepth(screenUV); return depth; } void VFXApplyShadowBias(inout float4 posCS, inout float3 posWS, float3 normalWS) { posWS = ApplyShadowBias(posWS, normalWS, _LightDirection); posCS = VFXTransformPositionWorldToClip(posWS); } void VFXApplyShadowBias(inout float4 posCS, inout float3 posWS) { posWS = ApplyShadowBias(posWS, _LightDirection, _LightDirection); posCS = VFXTransformPositionWorldToClip(posWS); } float4 VFXApplyFog(float4 color,float4 posCS,float3 posWS) { float4 fog = (float4)0; fog.rgb = unity_FogColor.rgb; float fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor(posCS.z * posCS.w); fog.a = ComputeFogIntensity(fogFactor); #if VFX_BLENDMODE_ALPHA || IS_OPAQUE_PARTICLE color.rgb = lerp(fog.rgb, color.rgb, fog.a); #elif VFX_BLENDMODE_ADD color.rgb *= fog.a; #elif VFX_BLENDMODE_PREMULTIPLY color.rgb = lerp(fog.rgb * color.a, color.rgb, fog.a); #endif return color; } float3 VFXGetCameraWorldDirection() { return unity_CameraToWorld._m02_m12_m22; }