using System; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe { /// /// A fixed-size buffer from which you can make allocations. /// /// Allocations from a scratch allocator are not individually deallocated. /// Instead, when you're done using all the allocations from a scratch allocator, you dispose the allocator as a whole. [BurstCompatible] public unsafe struct UnsafeScratchAllocator { void* m_Pointer; int m_LengthInBytes; readonly int m_CapacityInBytes; /// /// Initializes and returns an instance of UnsafeScratchAllocator. /// /// An existing buffer to use as the allocator's internal buffer. /// The size in bytes of the internal buffer. public UnsafeScratchAllocator(void* ptr, int capacityInBytes) { m_Pointer = ptr; m_LengthInBytes = 0; m_CapacityInBytes = capacityInBytes; } [Conditional("ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS")] void CheckAllocationDoesNotExceedCapacity(ulong requestedSize) { if (requestedSize > (ulong)m_CapacityInBytes) throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot allocate more than provided size in UnsafeScratchAllocator. Requested: {requestedSize} Size: {m_LengthInBytes} Capacity: {m_CapacityInBytes}"); } /// /// Returns an allocation from the allocator's internal buffer. /// /// The size of the new allocation. /// The alignment of the new allocation. /// A pointer to the new allocation. /// Thrown if the new allocation would exceed the capacity of the allocator. public void* Allocate(int sizeInBytes, int alignmentInBytes) { if (sizeInBytes == 0) return null; var alignmentMask = (ulong)(alignmentInBytes - 1); var end = (ulong)(IntPtr)m_Pointer + (ulong)m_LengthInBytes; end = (end + alignmentMask) & ~alignmentMask; var lengthInBytes = (byte*)(IntPtr)end - (byte*)m_Pointer; lengthInBytes += sizeInBytes; CheckAllocationDoesNotExceedCapacity((ulong)lengthInBytes); m_LengthInBytes = (int)lengthInBytes; return (void*)(IntPtr)end; } /// /// Returns an allocation from the allocator's internal buffer. /// /// The allocation size in bytes is at least `count * sizeof(T)`. The space consumed by the allocation may be a little larger than this size due to alignment. /// The type of element to allocate space for. /// The number of elements to allocate space for. Defaults to 1. /// A pointer to the new allocation. /// Thrown if the new allocation would exceed the capacity of the allocator. [BurstCompatible(GenericTypeArguments = new [] { typeof(int) })] public void* Allocate(int count = 1) where T : struct { return Allocate(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf() * count, UnsafeUtility.AlignOf()); } } }