using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { internal static class Light2DManager { private static SortingLayer[] s_SortingLayers; public static List lights { get; } = new List(); // Called during OnEnable public static void RegisterLight(Light2D light) { Debug.Assert(!lights.Contains(light)); lights.Add(light); ErrorIfDuplicateGlobalLight(light); } // Called during OnEnable public static void DeregisterLight(Light2D light) { Debug.Assert(lights.Contains(light)); lights.Remove(light); } public static void ErrorIfDuplicateGlobalLight(Light2D light) { if (light.lightType != Light2D.LightType.Global) return; foreach (var sortingLayer in light.affectedSortingLayers) { // should this really trigger at runtime? if (ContainsDuplicateGlobalLight(sortingLayer, light.blendStyleIndex)) Debug.LogError("More than one global light on layer " + SortingLayer.IDToName(sortingLayer) + " for light blend style index " + light.blendStyleIndex); } } public static bool GetGlobalColor(int sortingLayerIndex, int blendStyleIndex, out Color color) { var foundGlobalColor = false; color =; // This should be rewritten to search only global lights foreach (var light in lights) { if (light.lightType != Light2D.LightType.Global || light.blendStyleIndex != blendStyleIndex || !light.IsLitLayer(sortingLayerIndex)) continue; var inCurrentPrefabStage = true; #if UNITY_EDITOR // If we found the first global light in our prefab stage inCurrentPrefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage()?.IsPartOfPrefabContents(light.gameObject) ?? true; #endif if (inCurrentPrefabStage) { color = light.color * light.intensity; return true; } else { if (!foundGlobalColor) { color = light.color * light.intensity; foundGlobalColor = true; } } } return foundGlobalColor; } private static bool ContainsDuplicateGlobalLight(int sortingLayerIndex, int blendStyleIndex) { var globalLightCount = 0; // This should be rewritten to search only global lights foreach (var light in lights) { if (light.lightType == Light2D.LightType.Global && light.blendStyleIndex == blendStyleIndex && light.IsLitLayer(sortingLayerIndex)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR // If we found the first global light in our prefab stage if (UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(light.gameObject) == UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage()) #endif { if (globalLightCount > 0) return true; globalLightCount++; } } } return false; } public static SortingLayer[] GetCachedSortingLayer() { if (s_SortingLayers is null) { s_SortingLayers = SortingLayer.layers; } #if UNITY_EDITOR // we should fix. Make a non allocating version of this if (!Application.isPlaying) s_SortingLayers = SortingLayer.layers; #endif return s_SortingLayers; } } }