using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; [CustomEditor(typeof(MeshCombiner))] public class MeshCombinerEditor : Editor { public override void OnInspectorGUI() { MeshCombiner meshCombiner = (MeshCombiner)target; Mesh mesh = meshCombiner.GetComponent().sharedMesh; #region Script: GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Script", MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour((MeshCombiner)target), typeof(MeshCombiner), false); GUI.enabled = true; #endregion Script. #region MeshFiltersToSkip array: SerializedProperty meshFiltersToSkip = serializedObject.FindProperty("meshFiltersToSkip"); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(meshFiltersToSkip, true); if(EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } #endregion MeshFiltersToSkip array. #region Button which combine Meshes into one Mesh & Toggles with combine options: // Button: if(GUILayout.Button("Combine Meshes")) { meshCombiner.CombineMeshes(true); } // Toggles: meshCombiner.CreateMultiMaterialMesh = GUILayout.Toggle(meshCombiner.CreateMultiMaterialMesh, "Create Multi-Material Mesh"); meshCombiner.CombineInactiveChildren = GUILayout.Toggle(meshCombiner.CombineInactiveChildren, "Combine Inactive Children"); meshCombiner.DeactivateCombinedChildren = GUILayout.Toggle(meshCombiner.DeactivateCombinedChildren, "Deactivate Combined Children"); meshCombiner.DeactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers = GUILayout.Toggle(meshCombiner.DeactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers, "Deactivate Combined Children's MeshRenderers"); meshCombiner.GenerateUVMap = GUILayout.Toggle(meshCombiner.GenerateUVMap, new GUIContent("Generate UV Map", "It is a slow operation that "+ "generates a UV map (required for the lightmap).\n\nCan be used only in the Editor.")); // The last (6) "Destroy Combined Children" Toggle: GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toggle); if(meshCombiner.DestroyCombinedChildren) { style.onNormal.textColor = new Color(1, 0.15f, 0); } meshCombiner.DestroyCombinedChildren = GUILayout.Toggle(meshCombiner.DestroyCombinedChildren, new GUIContent("Destroy Combined Children", "In the editor this operation can NOT be undone!\n\n"+ "If you want to bring back destroyed GameObjects, you have to load again the scene without saving."), style); #endregion Button which combine Meshes into one Mesh & Toggles with combine options. #region Path to the folder where combined Meshes will be saved: // Create Labels: GUILayout.Label(""); GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Folder path:", "Folder path to save combined Mesh.")); // Create style wherein text color will be red if folder path is not valid: style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField); bool isValidPath = IsValidPath(meshCombiner.FolderPath); if(!isValidPath) { style.normal.textColor =; style.focused.textColor =; } // Create TextField with custom style: meshCombiner.FolderPath = EditorGUILayout.TextField(meshCombiner.FolderPath, style); #endregion Path to the folder where combined Meshes will be saved. #region Button which save/show combined Mesh: bool meshIsSaved = (mesh != null && AssetDatabase.Contains(mesh)); GUI.enabled = (mesh != null && (isValidPath || meshIsSaved)); // Valid path is required for not saved Mesh. string saveMeshButtonText = (meshIsSaved) ? "Show Saved Combined Mesh" : "Save Combined Mesh"; if(GUILayout.Button(saveMeshButtonText)) { meshCombiner.FolderPath = SaveCombinedMesh(mesh, meshCombiner.FolderPath); } GUI.enabled = true; #endregion Button which save/show combined Mesh. } private bool IsValidPath(string folderPath) { string pattern = "[:*?\"<>|]"; // Prohibited characters. Regex regex = new Regex(pattern); return (!regex.IsMatch(folderPath)); } private string SaveCombinedMesh(Mesh mesh, string folderPath) { bool meshIsSaved = AssetDatabase.Contains(mesh); // If is saved then only show it in the project view. #region Create directories if Mesh and path doesn't exists: folderPath = folderPath.Replace('\\', '/'); if(!meshIsSaved && !AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder("Assets/"+folderPath)) { string[] folderNames = folderPath.Split('/'); folderNames = folderNames.Where((folderName) => !folderName.Equals("")).ToArray(); folderNames = folderNames.Where((folderName) => !folderName.Equals(" ")).ToArray(); folderPath = "/"; // Reset folder path. for(int i = 0; i < folderNames.Length; i++) { folderNames[i] = folderNames[i].Trim(); if(!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder("Assets"+folderPath+folderNames[i])) { string folderPathWithoutSlash = folderPath.Substring(0, folderPath.Length-1); // Delete last "/" character. AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets"+folderPathWithoutSlash, folderNames[i]); } folderPath += folderNames[i]+"/"; } folderPath = folderPath.Substring(1, folderPath.Length-2); // Delete first and last "/" character. } #endregion Create directories if Mesh and path doesn't exists. #region Save Mesh: if(!meshIsSaved) { string meshPath = "Assets/"+folderPath+"/"".asset"; int assetNumber = 1; while(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(meshPath, typeof(Mesh)) != null) // If Mesh with same name exists, change name. { meshPath = "Assets/"+folderPath+"/"" ("+assetNumber+").asset"; assetNumber++; } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, meshPath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); Debug.Log("Mesh \"""\" was saved in the \""+folderPath+"\" folder."); // Show info about saved mesh. } #endregion Save Mesh. EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(mesh); // Show Mesh in the project view. return folderPath; } }