2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

504 lines
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// This file contain the two main data structures controlled by the XRSystem.
// XRView contains the parameters required to render (proj and view matrices, viewport, etc)
// XRPass holds the render target information and a list of XRView.
// When a pass has 2+ views, single-pass will be active.
// To avoid allocating every frame, XRView is a struct and XRPass is pooled.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
internal struct XRPassCreateInfo
public int multipassId;
public int cullingPassId;
public RenderTexture renderTarget;
public RenderTextureDescriptor renderTargetDesc;
public bool renderTargetIsRenderTexture;
public ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParameters;
public XRPass.CustomMirrorView customMirrorView;
internal struct XRViewCreateInfo
public Matrix4x4 projMatrix;
public Matrix4x4 viewMatrix;
public Rect viewport;
public int textureArraySlice;
internal struct XRView
internal readonly Matrix4x4 projMatrix;
internal readonly Matrix4x4 viewMatrix;
internal readonly Rect viewport;
internal readonly Mesh occlusionMesh;
internal readonly int textureArraySlice;
internal XRView(Matrix4x4 proj, Matrix4x4 view, Rect vp, int dstSlice)
projMatrix = proj;
viewMatrix = view;
viewport = vp;
occlusionMesh = null;
textureArraySlice = dstSlice;
internal XRView(XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass renderPass, XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderParameter renderParameter)
projMatrix = renderParameter.projection;
viewMatrix = renderParameter.view;
viewport = renderParameter.viewport;
occlusionMesh = renderParameter.occlusionMesh;
textureArraySlice = renderParameter.textureArraySlice;
// Convert viewport from normalized to screen space
viewport.x *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.width;
viewport.width *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.width;
viewport.y *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.height;
viewport.height *= renderPass.renderTargetDesc.height;
class XRPass
internal List<XRView> views = new List<XRView>(2);
internal bool enabled { get => views.Count > 0; }
internal bool xrSdkEnabled { get; private set; }
internal bool copyDepth { get; private set; }
internal int multipassId { get; private set; }
internal int cullingPassId { get; private set; }
// Ability to specify where to render the pass
internal RenderTargetIdentifier renderTarget { get; private set; }
internal RenderTextureDescriptor renderTargetDesc { get; private set; }
static RenderTargetIdentifier invalidRT = -1;
internal bool renderTargetValid { get => renderTarget != invalidRT; }
internal bool renderTargetIsRenderTexture { get; private set; }
internal bool isLateLatchEnabled { get; set; }
internal bool canMarkLateLatch { get; set; }
internal bool hasMarkedLateLatch { get; set; }
// Access to view information
internal Matrix4x4 GetProjMatrix(int viewIndex = 0) { return views[viewIndex].projMatrix; }
internal Matrix4x4 GetViewMatrix(int viewIndex = 0) { return views[viewIndex].viewMatrix; }
internal int GetTextureArraySlice(int viewIndex = 0) { return views[viewIndex].textureArraySlice; }
internal Rect GetViewport(int viewIndex = 0) { return views[viewIndex].viewport; }
// Combined projection and view matrices for culling
internal ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParams { get; private set; }
// Single-pass rendering support (instanced draw calls or multiview extension)
internal int viewCount { get => views.Count; }
internal bool singlePassEnabled { get => viewCount > 1; }
// Occlusion mesh rendering
Material occlusionMeshMaterial = null;
Mesh occlusionMeshCombined = null;
int occlusionMeshCombinedHashCode = 0;
internal bool isOcclusionMeshSupported { get => enabled && xrSdkEnabled && occlusionMeshMaterial != null; }
internal bool hasValidOcclusionMesh
if (isOcclusionMeshSupported)
if (singlePassEnabled)
return occlusionMeshCombined != null;
return views[0].occlusionMesh != null;
return false;
// Ability to override mirror view behavior for each pass
internal delegate void CustomMirrorView(XRPass pass, CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTexture rt, Rect viewport);
CustomMirrorView customMirrorView = null;
internal void SetCustomMirrorView(CustomMirrorView callback) => customMirrorView = callback;
const string k_XRCustomMirrorTag = "XR Custom Mirror View";
static ProfilingSampler _XRCustomMirrorProfilingSampler = new ProfilingSampler(k_XRCustomMirrorTag);
const string k_XROcclusionTag = "XR Occlusion Mesh";
static ProfilingSampler _XROcclusionProfilingSampler = new ProfilingSampler(k_XROcclusionTag);
internal static XRPass Create(XRPassCreateInfo createInfo)
XRPass passInfo = GenericPool<XRPass>.Get();
passInfo.multipassId = createInfo.multipassId;
passInfo.cullingPassId = createInfo.cullingPassId;
passInfo.cullingParams = createInfo.cullingParameters;
passInfo.customMirrorView = createInfo.customMirrorView;
if (createInfo.renderTarget != null)
passInfo.renderTarget = new RenderTargetIdentifier(createInfo.renderTarget, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1);
passInfo.renderTargetDesc = createInfo.renderTarget.descriptor;
passInfo.renderTargetIsRenderTexture = createInfo.renderTargetIsRenderTexture;
passInfo.renderTarget = invalidRT;
passInfo.renderTargetDesc = createInfo.renderTargetDesc;
passInfo.renderTargetIsRenderTexture = createInfo.renderTargetIsRenderTexture;
passInfo.occlusionMeshMaterial = null;
passInfo.xrSdkEnabled = false;
passInfo.copyDepth = false;
return passInfo;
internal void UpdateView(int viewId, XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass xrSdkRenderPass, XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderParameter xrSdkRenderParameter)
if (viewId >= views.Count)
throw new NotImplementedException($"Invalid XR setup to update, trying to update non-existing xr view.");
views[viewId] = new XRView(xrSdkRenderPass, xrSdkRenderParameter);
internal void UpdateView(int viewId, Matrix4x4 proj, Matrix4x4 view, Rect vp, int textureArraySlice = -1)
if (viewId >= views.Count)
throw new NotImplementedException($"Invalid XR setup to update, trying to update non-existing xr view.");
views[viewId] = new XRView(proj, view, vp, textureArraySlice);
internal void UpdateCullingParams(int cullingPassId, ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParams)
this.cullingPassId = cullingPassId;
this.cullingParams = cullingParams;
internal void AddView(Matrix4x4 proj, Matrix4x4 view, Rect vp, int textureArraySlice = -1)
AddViewInternal(new XRView(proj, view, vp, textureArraySlice));
internal static XRPass Create(XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass xrRenderPass, int multipassId, ScriptableCullingParameters cullingParameters, Material occlusionMeshMaterial)
XRPass passInfo = GenericPool<XRPass>.Get();
passInfo.multipassId = multipassId;
passInfo.cullingPassId = xrRenderPass.cullingPassIndex;
passInfo.cullingParams = cullingParameters;
// URP ScriptableRenderer does not track current active depth slice state. We make sure to set all texture slices(-1) across the pipeline to ensure consistency.
passInfo.renderTarget = new RenderTargetIdentifier(xrRenderPass.renderTarget, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1);
RenderTextureDescriptor xrDesc = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc;
RenderTextureDescriptor rtDesc = new RenderTextureDescriptor(xrDesc.width, xrDesc.height, xrDesc.colorFormat, xrDesc.depthBufferBits, xrDesc.mipCount);
rtDesc.dimension = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.dimension;
rtDesc.volumeDepth = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.volumeDepth;
rtDesc.vrUsage = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.vrUsage;
rtDesc.sRGB = xrRenderPass.renderTargetDesc.sRGB;
// Can't use xr descriptor directly as its descriptor force off y-flip cap
//passInfo.renderTargetDesc = xrDesc;
passInfo.renderTargetDesc = rtDesc;
// Eye textures are back buffer type internally (See c++ core XRTextureManager)
passInfo.renderTargetIsRenderTexture = false;
passInfo.occlusionMeshMaterial = occlusionMeshMaterial;
passInfo.xrSdkEnabled = true;
passInfo.copyDepth = xrRenderPass.shouldFillOutDepth;
passInfo.customMirrorView = null;
Debug.Assert(passInfo.renderTargetValid, "Invalid render target from XRDisplaySubsystem!");
return passInfo;
internal void AddView(XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderPass xrSdkRenderPass, XRDisplaySubsystem.XRRenderParameter xrSdkRenderParameter)
AddViewInternal(new XRView(xrSdkRenderPass, xrSdkRenderParameter));
internal static void Release(XRPass xrPass)
internal void AddViewInternal(XRView xrView)
// XRTODO: Fix hard coded max views
int maxSupportedViews = Math.Min(TextureXR.slices, 2 /*ShaderConfig.s_XrMaxViews*/);
if (views.Count < maxSupportedViews)
throw new NotImplementedException($"Invalid XR setup for single-pass, trying to add too many views! Max supported: {maxSupportedViews}");
// Must be called after all views have been added to the pass
internal void UpdateOcclusionMesh()
if (isOcclusionMeshSupported && singlePassEnabled && TryGetOcclusionMeshCombinedHashCode(out var hashCode))
if (occlusionMeshCombined == null || hashCode != occlusionMeshCombinedHashCode)
occlusionMeshCombinedHashCode = hashCode;
occlusionMeshCombined = null;
occlusionMeshCombinedHashCode = 0;
private bool TryGetOcclusionMeshCombinedHashCode(out int hashCode)
hashCode = 17;
for (int viewId = 0; viewId < viewCount; ++viewId)
if (views[viewId].occlusionMesh != null)
hashCode = hashCode * 23 + views[viewId].occlusionMesh.GetHashCode();
hashCode = 0;
return false;
return true;
// Create a new mesh that contains the occlusion data from all views
private void CreateOcclusionMeshCombined()
occlusionMeshCombined = new Mesh();
occlusionMeshCombined.indexFormat = IndexFormat.UInt16;
int combinedVertexCount = 0;
uint combinedIndexCount = 0;
for (int viewId = 0; viewId < viewCount; ++viewId)
Mesh mesh = views[viewId].occlusionMesh;
Debug.Assert(mesh != null);
Debug.Assert(mesh.subMeshCount == 1);
Debug.Assert(mesh.indexFormat == IndexFormat.UInt16);
combinedVertexCount += mesh.vertexCount;
combinedIndexCount += mesh.GetIndexCount(0);
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[combinedVertexCount];
ushort[] indices = new ushort[combinedIndexCount];
int vertexStart = 0;
int indexStart = 0;
for (int viewId = 0; viewId < viewCount; ++viewId)
Mesh mesh = views[viewId].occlusionMesh;
var meshIndices = mesh.GetIndices(0);
// Encore the viewId into the z channel
mesh.vertices.CopyTo(vertices, vertexStart);
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++)
vertices[vertexStart + i].z = viewId;
// Combine indices into one buffer
for (int i = 0; i < meshIndices.Length; i++)
int newIndex = vertexStart + meshIndices[i];
Debug.Assert(meshIndices[i] < ushort.MaxValue);
indices[indexStart + i] = (ushort)newIndex;
vertexStart += mesh.vertexCount;
indexStart += meshIndices.Length;
occlusionMeshCombined.vertices = vertices;
occlusionMeshCombined.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
internal void StartSinglePass(CommandBuffer cmd)
if (enabled)
if (singlePassEnabled)
if (viewCount <= TextureXR.slices)
if (SystemInfo.supportsMultiview)
throw new NotImplementedException($"Invalid XR setup for single-pass, trying to render too many views! Max supported: {TextureXR.slices}");
internal void StopSinglePass(CommandBuffer cmd)
if (enabled)
if (singlePassEnabled)
if (SystemInfo.supportsMultiview)
internal void EndCamera(CommandBuffer cmd, CameraData cameraData)
if (!enabled)
// Callback for custom mirror view
if (customMirrorView != null)
using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, _XRCustomMirrorProfilingSampler))
customMirrorView(this, cmd, cameraData.targetTexture, cameraData.pixelRect);
internal void RenderOcclusionMesh(CommandBuffer cmd)
if (XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.enabled && XRGraphicsAutomatedTests.running)
if (isOcclusionMeshSupported)
using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, _XROcclusionProfilingSampler))
if (singlePassEnabled)
if (occlusionMeshCombined != null && SystemInfo.supportsRenderTargetArrayIndexFromVertexShader)
cmd.DrawMesh(occlusionMeshCombined, Matrix4x4.identity, occlusionMeshMaterial);
else if (views[0].occlusionMesh != null)
cmd.DrawMesh(views[0].occlusionMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, occlusionMeshMaterial);
// Store array to avoid allocating every frame
private Matrix4x4[] stereoProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4x4[2];
private Matrix4x4[] stereoViewMatrix = new Matrix4x4[2];
private Matrix4x4[] stereoCameraProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4x4[2];
internal void UpdateGPUViewAndProjectionMatrices(CommandBuffer cmd, ref CameraData cameraData, bool isRenderToTexture)
Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(cameraData.xr.GetProjMatrix(0), isRenderToTexture);
RenderingUtils.SetViewAndProjectionMatrices(cmd, cameraData.xr.GetViewMatrix(0), projectionMatrix, true);
if (cameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
stereoCameraProjectionMatrix[i] = cameraData.xr.GetProjMatrix(i);
stereoViewMatrix[i] = cameraData.xr.GetViewMatrix(i);
stereoProjectionMatrix[i] = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(stereoCameraProjectionMatrix[i], isRenderToTexture);
RenderingUtils.SetStereoViewAndProjectionMatrices(cmd, stereoViewMatrix, stereoProjectionMatrix, stereoCameraProjectionMatrix, true);
if (cameraData.xr.canMarkLateLatch)
MarkLateLatchShaderProperties(cmd, ref cameraData);
internal static readonly int UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_V = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_StereoMatrixV");
internal static readonly int UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_IV = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_StereoMatrixInvV");
internal static readonly int UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_VP = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_StereoMatrixVP");
internal static readonly int UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_IVP = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_StereoMatrixIVP");
internal void MarkLateLatchShaderProperties(CommandBuffer cmd, ref CameraData cameraData)
cmd.MarkLateLatchMatrixShaderPropertyID(CameraLateLatchMatrixType.View, UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_V);
cmd.MarkLateLatchMatrixShaderPropertyID(CameraLateLatchMatrixType.InverseView, UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_IV);
cmd.MarkLateLatchMatrixShaderPropertyID(CameraLateLatchMatrixType.ViewProjection, UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_VP);
cmd.MarkLateLatchMatrixShaderPropertyID(CameraLateLatchMatrixType.InverseViewProjection, UNITY_STEREO_MATRIX_IVP);
cameraData.xr.hasMarkedLateLatch = true;
internal void UnmarkLateLatchShaderProperties(CommandBuffer cmd, ref CameraData cameraData)
cameraData.xr.hasMarkedLateLatch = false;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
internal class XRPass
internal static readonly XRPass emptyPass = new XRPass();
internal bool enabled { get => false; }
internal void StartSinglePass(CommandBuffer cmd) { }
internal void StopSinglePass(CommandBuffer cmd) { }
internal void EndCamera(CommandBuffer cmd, CameraData camera) { }
internal void RenderOcclusionMesh(CommandBuffer cmd) { }