2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

371 lines
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#pragma warning (disable : 3205) // conversion of larger type to smaller
// Define constants
// Following constant are used when we use clear coat properties that can't be store in the Gbuffer (with the Lit shader)
#define CLEAR_COAT_IOR 1.5
#define CLEAR_COAT_IETA (1.0 / CLEAR_COAT_IOR) // IETA is the inverse eta which is the ratio of IOR of two interface
#define CLEAR_COAT_F0 0.04 // IORToFresnel0(CLEAR_COAT_IOR)
#define CLEAR_COAT_SSR_PERCEPTUAL_ROUGHNESS 0.0 // For screen space reflections and ray traced reflections, we want to have a purely smooth surface to map the envrionement light behavior
// Helper functions for roughness
real PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(real perceptualRoughness)
return perceptualRoughness * perceptualRoughness;
real RoughnessToPerceptualRoughness(real roughness)
return sqrt(roughness);
real RoughnessToPerceptualSmoothness(real roughness)
return 1.0 - sqrt(roughness);
real PerceptualSmoothnessToRoughness(real perceptualSmoothness)
return (1.0 - perceptualSmoothness) * (1.0 - perceptualSmoothness);
real PerceptualSmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(real perceptualSmoothness)
return (1.0 - perceptualSmoothness);
// Beckmann to GGX roughness "conversions":
// As also noted for NormalVariance in this file, Beckmann microfacet models use a Gaussian distribution of slopes
// and the roughness parameter absorbs constants in the canonical Gaussian formula and is thus not exactly the variance.
// The relationship is:
// roughnessBeckmann^2 = 2 variance (where variance is usually denoted sigma^2 but some comp gfx papers use sigma for
// variance or even sigma for roughness itself.)
// Microfacet BRDF models with a GGX NDF implies a Cauchy distribution of slopes (also corresponds to the distribution
// of slopes on an ellipsoid). Cauchy distributions don't have second moments, which precludes having a variance,
// but chopping the far tails of GGX and keeping 94% of the mass yields a distribution with a defined variance where
// we can then relate the roughness of GGX to a variance (see Ray Tracing Gems p153 - the reference is wrong though,
// the Conty paper doesn't mention this at all, but it can be found in stats using quantiles):
// roughnessGGX^2 = variance / 2
// From the two previous, if we want roughly comparable variances of slopes between a Beckmann and a GGX NDF, we can
// equate the variances and get a conversion of their roughnesses:
// 2 * roughnessGGX^2 = roughnessBeckmann^2 / 2 <==>
// 4 * roughnessGGX^2 = roughnessBeckmann^2 <==>
// 2 * roughnessGGX = roughnessBeckmann
// (Note that the Ray Tracing Gems paper makes an error on p154 writing sqrt(2) * roughnessGGX = roughnessBeckmann;
// Their validation study using ray tracing and LEADR - which looks good - is for the *variance to GGX* roughness mapping,
// not the Beckmann to GGX roughness "conversion")
real BeckmannRoughnessToGGXRoughness(real roughnessBeckmann)
return 0.5 * roughnessBeckmann;
real PerceptualRoughnessBeckmannToGGX(real perceptualRoughnessBeckmann)
//sqrt(a_ggx) = sqrt(0.5) sqrt(a_beckmann)
return sqrt(0.5) * perceptualRoughnessBeckmann;
real GGXRoughnessToBeckmannRoughness(real roughnessGGX)
return 2.0 * roughnessGGX;
real PerceptualRoughnessToPerceptualSmoothness(real perceptualRoughness)
return (1.0 - perceptualRoughness);
// WARNING: this has been deprecated, and should not be used!
// Using roughness values of 0 leads to INFs and NANs. The only sensible place to use the roughness
// value of 0 is IBL, so we do not modify the perceptual roughness which is used to select the MIP map level.
// Note: making the constant too small results in aliasing.
real ClampRoughnessForAnalyticalLights(real roughness)
return max(roughness, 1.0 / 1024.0);
// Given that the GGX model is invalid for a roughness of 0.0. This values have been experimentally evaluated to be the limit for the roughness
// for integration.
real ClampRoughnessForRaytracing(real roughness)
return max(roughness, 0.001225);
real ClampPerceptualRoughnessForRaytracing(real perceptualRoughness)
return max(perceptualRoughness, 0.035);
void ConvertValueAnisotropyToValueTB(real value, real anisotropy, out real valueT, out real valueB)
// Use the parametrization of Sony Imageworks.
// Ref: Revisiting Physically Based Shading at Imageworks, p. 15.
valueT = value * (1 + anisotropy);
valueB = value * (1 - anisotropy);
void ConvertAnisotropyToRoughness(real perceptualRoughness, real anisotropy, out real roughnessT, out real roughnessB)
real roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptualRoughness);
ConvertValueAnisotropyToValueTB(roughness, anisotropy, roughnessT, roughnessB);
void ConvertRoughnessTAndAnisotropyToRoughness(real roughnessT, real anisotropy, out real roughness)
roughness = roughnessT / (1 + anisotropy);
real ConvertRoughnessTAndBToRoughness(real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
return 0.5 * (roughnessT + roughnessB);
void ConvertRoughnessToAnisotropy(real roughnessT, real roughnessB, out real anisotropy)
anisotropy = ((roughnessT - roughnessB) / max(roughnessT + roughnessB, 0.0001));
// WARNING: this has been deprecated, and should not be used!
// Same as ConvertAnisotropyToRoughness but
// roughnessT and roughnessB are clamped, and are meant to be used with punctual and directional lights.
void ConvertAnisotropyToClampRoughness(real perceptualRoughness, real anisotropy, out real roughnessT, out real roughnessB)
ConvertAnisotropyToRoughness(perceptualRoughness, anisotropy, roughnessT, roughnessB);
roughnessT = ClampRoughnessForAnalyticalLights(roughnessT);
roughnessB = ClampRoughnessForAnalyticalLights(roughnessB);
// Use with stack BRDF (clear coat / coat) - This only used same equation to convert from Blinn-Phong spec power to Beckmann roughness
real RoughnessToVariance(real roughness)
return 2.0 / Sq(roughness) - 2.0;
real VarianceToRoughness(real variance)
return sqrt(2.0 / (variance + 2.0));
// Normal Map Filtering - This must match HDRP\Editor\AssetProcessors\NormalMapFilteringTexturePostprocessor.cs - highestVarianceAllowed (TODO: Move in core)
float DecodeVariance(float gradientW)
// Return modified perceptualSmoothness based on provided variance (get from GeometricNormalVariance + TextureNormalVariance)
float NormalFiltering(float perceptualSmoothness, float variance, float threshold)
float roughness = PerceptualSmoothnessToRoughness(perceptualSmoothness);
// Ref: Geometry into Shading - - equation (3)
float squaredRoughness = saturate(roughness * roughness + min(2.0 * variance, threshold * threshold)); // threshold can be really low, square the value for easier control
return RoughnessToPerceptualSmoothness(sqrt(squaredRoughness));
float ProjectedSpaceNormalFiltering(float perceptualSmoothness, float variance, float threshold)
float roughness = PerceptualSmoothnessToRoughness(perceptualSmoothness);
// Ref: Stable Geometric Specular Antialiasing with Projected-Space NDF Filtering -
float squaredRoughness = roughness * roughness;
float projRoughness2 = squaredRoughness / (1.0 - squaredRoughness);
float filteredProjRoughness2 = saturate(projRoughness2 + min(2.0 * variance, threshold * threshold));
squaredRoughness = filteredProjRoughness2 / (filteredProjRoughness2 + 1.0f);
return RoughnessToPerceptualSmoothness(sqrt(squaredRoughness));
// Reference: Error Reduction and Simplification for Shading Anti-Aliasing
// Specular antialiasing for geometry-induced normal (and NDF) variations: Tokuyoshi / Kaplanyan et al.'s method.
// This is the deferred approximation, which works reasonably well so we keep it for forward too for now.
// screenSpaceVariance should be at most 0.5^2 = 0.25, as that corresponds to considering
// a gaussian pixel reconstruction kernel with a standard deviation of 0.5 of a pixel, thus 2 sigma covering the whole pixel.
float GeometricNormalVariance(float3 geometricNormalWS, float screenSpaceVariance)
float3 deltaU = ddx(geometricNormalWS);
float3 deltaV = ddy(geometricNormalWS);
return screenSpaceVariance * (dot(deltaU, deltaU) + dot(deltaV, deltaV));
// Return modified perceptualSmoothness
float GeometricNormalFiltering(float perceptualSmoothness, float3 geometricNormalWS, float screenSpaceVariance, float threshold)
float variance = GeometricNormalVariance(geometricNormalWS, screenSpaceVariance);
return NormalFiltering(perceptualSmoothness, variance, threshold);
float ProjectedSpaceGeometricNormalFiltering(float perceptualSmoothness, float3 geometricNormalWS, float screenSpaceVariance, float threshold)
float variance = GeometricNormalVariance(geometricNormalWS, screenSpaceVariance);
return ProjectedSpaceNormalFiltering(perceptualSmoothness, variance, threshold);
// Normal map filtering based on The Order : 1886 SIGGRAPH course notes implementation.
// Basically Toksvig with an intermediate single vMF lobe induced dispersion (Han et al. 2007)
// This returns 2 times the variance of the induced "mesoNDF" lobe (an NDF induced from a section of
// the normal map) from the level 0 mip normals covered by the "current texel".
// avgNormalLength gives the dispersion information for the covered normals.
// Note that hw filtering on the normal map should be trilinear to be conservative, while anisotropic
// risk underfiltering. Could also compute average normal on the fly with a proper normal map format,
// like Toksvig.
float TextureNormalVariance(float avgNormalLength)
float variance = 0.0;
if (avgNormalLength < 1.0)
float avgNormLen2 = avgNormalLength * avgNormalLength;
float kappa = (3.0 * avgNormalLength - avgNormalLength * avgNormLen2) / (1.0 - avgNormLen2);
// Ref: Frequency Domain Normal Map Filtering - (equation 21)
// Relationship between between the standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution and the roughness parameter of a Beckmann distribution.
// is roughness^2 = 2 variance (note: variance is sigma^2)
// (Ref: Filtering Distributions of Normals for Shading Antialiasing - Equation just after (14))
// Relationship between gaussian lobe and vMF lobe is 2 * variance = 1 / (2 * kappa) = roughness^2
// (Equation 36 of Normal map filtering based on The Order : 1886 SIGGRAPH course notes implementation).
// So to get variance we must use variance = 1 / (4 * kappa)
variance = 0.25 / kappa;
return variance;
float TextureNormalFiltering(float perceptualSmoothness, float avgNormalLength, float threshold)
float variance = TextureNormalVariance(avgNormalLength);
return NormalFiltering(perceptualSmoothness, variance, threshold);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper for Disney parametrization
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 ComputeDiffuseColor(float3 baseColor, float metallic)
return baseColor * (1.0 - metallic);
float3 ComputeFresnel0(float3 baseColor, float metallic, float dielectricF0)
return lerp(, baseColor, metallic);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper for normal blending
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ref
// assume compositing in world space
// Note: Using vtxNormal = real3(0, 0, 1) give the BlendNormalRNM formulation.
// TODO: Untested
real3 BlendNormalWorldspaceRNM(real3 n1, real3 n2, real3 vtxNormal)
// Build the shortest-arc quaternion
real4 q = real4(cross(vtxNormal, n2), dot(vtxNormal, n2) + 1.0) / sqrt(2.0 * (dot(vtxNormal, n2) + 1));
// Rotate the normal
return n1 * (q.w * q.w - dot(, + 2 * * dot(, n1) + 2 * q.w * cross(, n1);
// ref
// ref
// Reoriented Normal Mapping
// Blending when n1 and n2 are already 'unpacked' and normalised
// assume compositing in tangent space
real3 BlendNormalRNM(real3 n1, real3 n2)
real3 t = + real3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
real3 u = * real3(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
real3 r = (t / t.z) * dot(t, u) - u;
return r;
// assume compositing in tangent space
real3 BlendNormal(real3 n1, real3 n2)
return normalize(real3(n1.xy * n2.z + n2.xy * n1.z, n1.z * n2.z));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper for triplanar
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ref: /
real3 ComputeTriplanarWeights(real3 normal)
// Determine the blend weights for the 3 planar projections.
real3 blendWeights = abs(normal);
// Tighten up the blending zone
blendWeights = (blendWeights - 0.2);
blendWeights = blendWeights * blendWeights * blendWeights; // pow(blendWeights, 3);
// Force weights to sum to 1.0 (very important!)
blendWeights = max(blendWeights, real3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
blendWeights /= dot(blendWeights, 1.0);
return blendWeights;
// Planar/Triplanar convention for Unity in world space
void GetTriplanarCoordinate(float3 position, out float2 uvXZ, out float2 uvXY, out float2 uvZY)
// Caution: This must follow the same rule as what is use for SurfaceGradient triplanar
// TODO: Currently the normal mapping looks wrong without SURFACE_GRADIENT option because we don't handle corretly the tangent space
uvXZ = float2(position.x, position.z);
uvXY = float2(position.x, position.y);
uvZY = float2(position.z, position.y);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper for detail map operation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real LerpWhiteTo(real b, real t)
real oneMinusT = 1.0 - t;
return oneMinusT + b * t;
real3 LerpWhiteTo(real3 b, real t)
real oneMinusT = 1.0 - t;
return real3(oneMinusT, oneMinusT, oneMinusT) + b * t;
#pragma warning (enable : 3205) // conversion of larger type to smaller