2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

235 lines
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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace UnityEditor.Rendering
/// <summary>Class containing constants</summary>
public static class CoreEditorConstants
/// <summary>Speed of additional properties highlight.</summary>
public static readonly float additionalPropertiesHightLightSpeed = 0.3f;
/// <summary>Standard UI spacing</summary>
public static float standardHorizontalSpacing => 5f;
/// <summary>Class containing style definition</summary>
public static class CoreEditorStyles
#region Styles
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_SmallTickbox = new(() => new GUIStyle("ShurikenToggle"));
/// <summary>Style for a small checkbox</summary>
public static GUIStyle smallTickbox => m_SmallTickbox.Value;
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_SmallMixedTickbox = new(() => new GUIStyle("ShurikenToggleMixed"));
/// <summary>Style for a small checkbox in mixed state</summary>
public static GUIStyle smallMixedTickbox => m_SmallMixedTickbox.Value;
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_HelpBoxLabelStyle = new(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel) { wordWrap = true });
/// <summary>Style for a small checkbox in mixed state</summary>
internal static GUIStyle helpBoxLabelStyle => m_HelpBoxLabelStyle.Value;
static GUIStyle m_MiniLabelButton;
/// <summary>Style for a minilabel button</summary>
public static GUIStyle miniLabelButton
if (m_MiniLabelButton == null)
m_MiniLabelButton = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel)
normal = new GUIStyleState
background = m_TransparentTexture,
scaledBackgrounds = null,
textColor = Color.grey
var activeState = new GUIStyleState
background = m_TransparentTexture,
scaledBackgrounds = null,
textColor = Color.white
}; = activeState;
m_MiniLabelButton.onNormal = activeState;
m_MiniLabelButton.onActive = activeState;
return m_MiniLabelButton;
return m_MiniLabelButton;
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_ContextMenuStyle = new(() => new GUIStyle("IconButton"));
/// <summary>Context Menu button style</summary>
public static GUIStyle contextMenuStyle => m_ContextMenuStyle.Value;
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_AdditionalPropertiesHighlightStyle = new(() => new GUIStyle { normal = { background = Texture2D.whiteTexture } });
/// <summary>Style of a additional properties highlighted background.</summary>
public static GUIStyle additionalPropertiesHighlightStyle => m_AdditionalPropertiesHighlightStyle.Value;
/// <summary>Help icon style</summary>
public static GUIStyle iconHelpStyle =>"IconButton") ?? EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(EditorSkin.Inspector).FindStyle("IconButton");
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_SectionHeaderStyle = new(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel) { richText = true, fontSize = 18, fixedHeight = 42 });
/// <summary>Style of Section Headers.</summary>
public static GUIStyle sectionHeaderStyle => m_SectionHeaderStyle.Value;
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_SubSectionHeaderStyle = new(() => new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel));
/// <summary>Style of Sub-Section Headers.</summary>
public static GUIStyle subSectionHeaderStyle => m_SubSectionHeaderStyle.Value;
static System.Lazy<GUIStyle> m_HelpBox = new(() =>
var style = new GUIStyle() { imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageLeft, fontSize = 10, wordWrap = true };
style.normal.textColor = EditorStyles.helpBox.normal.textColor;
return style;
internal static GUIStyle helpBox => m_HelpBox.Value;
#region Textures 2D
static Texture2D m_TransparentTexture;
/// <summary><see cref="Texture2D"/> 1x1 pixel with red color</summary>
public static readonly Texture2D redTexture;
/// <summary><see cref="Texture2D"/> 1x1 pixel with green color</summary>
public static readonly Texture2D greenTexture;
/// <summary><see cref="Texture2D"/> 1x1 pixel with blue color</summary>
public static readonly Texture2D blueTexture;
/// <summary> PaneOption icon for dark skin</summary>
static readonly Texture2D paneOptionsIconDark;
/// <summary> PaneOption icon for light skin</summary>
static readonly Texture2D paneOptionsIconLight;
/// <summary> PaneOption icon </summary>
public static Texture2D paneOptionsIcon => EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? paneOptionsIconDark : paneOptionsIconLight;
/// <summary> Warning icon </summary>
public static readonly Texture2D iconWarn;
/// <summary> Help icon </summary>
public static readonly Texture2D iconHelp;
/// <summary> Fail icon </summary>
public static readonly Texture2D iconFail;
/// <summary> Success icon </summary>
public static readonly Texture2D iconSuccess;
/// <summary> Pending icon </summary>
public static readonly Texture2D iconPending;
/// <summary>RenderPipeline Global Settings icon</summary>
public static readonly Texture2D globalSettingsIcon;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the icon that describes the <see cref="MessageType"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="messageType">The <see cref="MessageType"/> to obtain the icon from</param>
/// <returns>a <see cref="Texture2D"/> with the icon for the <see cref="MessageType"/></returns>
internal static Texture2D GetMessageTypeIcon(MessageType messageType)
switch (messageType)
case MessageType.None:
return null;
case MessageType.Info:
return iconHelp;
case MessageType.Warning:
return iconWarn;
case MessageType.Error:
return iconFail;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(messageType), messageType, null);
#region Colors
static readonly Color m_LightThemeBackgroundColor;
static readonly Color m_LightThemeBackgroundHighlightColor;
static readonly Color m_DarkThemeBackgroundColor;
static readonly Color m_DarkThemeBackgroundHighlightColor;
/// <summary>Regular background color.</summary>
public static Color backgroundColor => EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? m_DarkThemeBackgroundColor : m_LightThemeBackgroundColor;
/// <summary>Hightlited background color.</summary>
public static Color backgroundHighlightColor => EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? m_DarkThemeBackgroundHighlightColor : m_LightThemeBackgroundHighlightColor;
#region GUIContents
/// <summary>Context Menu button icon</summary>
public static readonly GUIContent contextMenuIcon;
/// <summary>Reset Content</summary>
public static readonly GUIContent resetButtonLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Reset");
/// <summary>Reset All content</summary>
public static readonly GUIContent resetAllButtonLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Reset All");
/// <summary>
/// Empty space content in case that you want to keep the indentation but have nothing to write
/// </summary>
public static readonly GUIContent empty = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent(" ");
static CoreEditorStyles()
m_TransparentTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB, TextureCreationFlags.None)
name = "transparent"
m_TransparentTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, Color.clear);
paneOptionsIconDark = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon("Builtin Skins/DarkSkin/Images", "pane options", ".png"); = "pane options dark skin";
paneOptionsIconLight = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon("Builtin Skins/LightSkin/Images", "pane options", ".png"); = "pane options light skin";
m_LightThemeBackgroundColor = new Color(0.7843138f, 0.7843138f, 0.7843138f, 1.0f);
m_LightThemeBackgroundHighlightColor = new Color32(174, 174, 174, 255);
m_DarkThemeBackgroundColor = new Color(0.2196079f, 0.2196079f, 0.2196079f, 1.0f);
m_DarkThemeBackgroundHighlightColor = new Color32(77, 77, 77, 255);
const string contextTooltip = ""; // To be defined (see with UX)
contextMenuIcon = new GUIContent(paneOptionsIcon, contextTooltip);
redTexture = CoreEditorUtils.CreateColoredTexture2D(, "Red 1x1");
greenTexture = CoreEditorUtils.CreateColoredTexture2D(, "Green 1x1");
blueTexture = CoreEditorUtils.CreateColoredTexture2D(, "Blue 1x1");
iconHelp = CoreEditorUtils.FindTexture("_Help");
iconWarn = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon("icons", "console.warnicon", ".png");
iconFail = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon("icons", "console.erroricon", ".png");
iconSuccess = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("TestPassed");
iconPending = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("Toolbar Minus");
globalSettingsIcon = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("ScriptableObject Icon");
// Make sure that textures are unloaded on domain reloads.
void OnBeforeAssemblyReload()
AssemblyReloadEvents.beforeAssemblyReload -= OnBeforeAssemblyReload;
AssemblyReloadEvents.beforeAssemblyReload += OnBeforeAssemblyReload;