2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

381 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Unity.CodeEditor;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using IOPath = System.IO.Path;
namespace Microsoft.Unity.VisualStudio.Editor
internal class VisualStudioForWindowsInstallation : VisualStudioInstallation
// C# language version support for Visual Studio
private static readonly VersionPair[] WindowsVersionTable =
// VisualStudio 2022
new VersionPair(17,4, /* => */ 11,0),
new VersionPair(17,0, /* => */ 10,0),
// VisualStudio 2019
new VersionPair(16,8, /* => */ 9,0),
new VersionPair(16,0, /* => */ 8,0),
// VisualStudio 2017
new VersionPair(15,7, /* => */ 7,3),
new VersionPair(15,5, /* => */ 7,2),
new VersionPair(15,3, /* => */ 7,1),
new VersionPair(15,0, /* => */ 7,0),
private static string _vsWherePath = null;
private static readonly IGenerator _generator = new LegacyStyleProjectGeneration();
public override bool SupportsAnalyzers
return Version >= new Version(16, 3);
public override Version LatestLanguageVersionSupported
return GetLatestLanguageVersionSupported(WindowsVersionTable);
private static string ReadRegistry(RegistryKey hive, string keyName, string valueName)
var unitykey = hive.OpenSubKey(keyName);
var result = (string)unitykey?.GetValue(valueName);
return result;
catch (Exception)
return null;
private string GetWindowsBridgeFromRegistry()
var keyName = $"Software\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Visual Studio {Version.Major}.0 Tools for Unity";
const string valueName = "UnityExtensionPath";
var bridge = ReadRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, keyName, valueName);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bridge))
bridge = ReadRegistry(Registry.LocalMachine, keyName, valueName);
return bridge;
private string GetExtensionPath()
const string extensionName = "Visual Studio Tools for Unity";
const string extensionAssembly = "SyntaxTree.VisualStudio.Unity.dll";
var vsDirectory = IOPath.GetDirectoryName(Path);
var vstuDirectory = IOPath.Combine(vsDirectory, "Extensions", "Microsoft", extensionName);
if (File.Exists(IOPath.Combine(vstuDirectory, extensionAssembly)))
return vstuDirectory;
return null;
public override string[] GetAnalyzers()
var vstuPath = GetExtensionPath();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vstuPath))
return Array.Empty<string>();
var analyzers = GetAnalyzers(vstuPath);
if (analyzers?.Length > 0)
return analyzers;
var bridge = GetWindowsBridgeFromRegistry();
if (File.Exists(bridge))
return GetAnalyzers(IOPath.Combine(IOPath.GetDirectoryName(bridge), ".."));
return Array.Empty<string>();
public override IGenerator ProjectGenerator
return _generator;
private static bool IsCandidateForDiscovery(string path)
return File.Exists(path) && Regex.IsMatch(path, "devenv.exe$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
public static bool TryDiscoverInstallation(string editorPath, out IVisualStudioInstallation installation)
installation = null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorPath))
return false;
if (!IsCandidateForDiscovery(editorPath))
return false;
// On windows we use the executable directly, so we can query extra information
if (!File.Exists(editorPath))
return false;
// VS preview are not using the isPrerelease flag so far
// On Windows FileDescription contains "Preview", but not on Mac
var vi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(editorPath);
var version = new Version(vi.ProductVersion);
var isPrerelease = vi.IsPreRelease || string.Concat(editorPath, "/" + vi.FileDescription).ToLower().Contains("preview");
installation = new VisualStudioForWindowsInstallation()
IsPrerelease = isPrerelease,
Name = $"{FormatProductName(vi.FileDescription)} [{version.ToString(3)}]",
Path = editorPath,
Version = version
return true;
public static string FormatProductName(string productName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(productName))
return string.Empty;
return productName.Replace("Microsoft ", string.Empty);
public static IEnumerable<IVisualStudioInstallation> GetVisualStudioInstallations()
foreach (var installation in QueryVsWhere())
yield return installation;
#region VsWhere Json Schema
#pragma warning disable CS0649
internal class VsWhereResult
public VsWhereEntry[] entries;
public static VsWhereResult FromJson(string json)
return JsonUtility.FromJson<VsWhereResult>("{ \"" + nameof(VsWhereResult.entries) + "\": " + json + " }");
public IEnumerable<VisualStudioInstallation> ToVisualStudioInstallations()
foreach (var entry in entries)
yield return new VisualStudioForWindowsInstallation
Name = $"{FormatProductName(entry.displayName)} [{entry.catalog.productDisplayVersion}]",
Path = entry.productPath,
IsPrerelease = entry.isPrerelease,
Version = Version.Parse(entry.catalog.buildVersion)
internal class VsWhereEntry
public string displayName;
public bool isPrerelease;
public string productPath;
public VsWhereCatalog catalog;
internal class VsWhereCatalog
public string productDisplayVersion; // non parseable like "16.3.0 Preview 3.0"
public string buildVersion;
#pragma warning restore CS3021
private static IEnumerable<VisualStudioInstallation> QueryVsWhere()
var progpath = _vsWherePath;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(progpath))
return Enumerable.Empty<VisualStudioInstallation>();
const string arguments = "-prerelease -format json";
// We've seen issues with json parsing in utf8 mode and with specific non-UTF code pages like 949 (Korea)
// So try with utf8 first, then fallback to non utf8 in case of an issue
// See
return QueryVsWhere(progpath, $"{arguments} -utf8");
return QueryVsWhere(progpath, $"{arguments}");
private static IEnumerable<VisualStudioInstallation> QueryVsWhere(string progpath, string arguments)
var result = ProcessRunner.StartAndWaitForExit(progpath, arguments);
if (!result.Success)
throw new Exception($"Failure while running vswhere: {result.Error}");
// Do not catch any JsonException here, this will be handled by the caller
return VsWhereResult
private enum COMIntegrationState
public override void CreateExtraFiles(string projectDirectory)
// See
// We create a .vsconfig file to make sure our ManagedGame workload is installed
var vsConfigFile = IOPath.Combine(projectDirectory.NormalizePathSeparators(), ".vsconfig");
if (File.Exists(vsConfigFile))
const string content = @"{
""version"": ""1.0"",
""components"": [
File.WriteAllText(vsConfigFile, content);
catch (IOException)
public override bool Open(string path, int line, int column, string solution)
var progpath = FileUtility.GetPackageAssetFullPath("Editor", "COMIntegration", "Release", "COMIntegration.exe");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(progpath))
return false;
string absolutePath = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
absolutePath = IOPath.GetFullPath(path);
// We remove all invalid chars from the solution filename, but we cannot prevent the user from using a specific path for the Unity project
// So process the fullpath to make it compatible with VS
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(solution))
solution = $"\"{solution}\"";
solution = solution.Replace("^", "^^");
var psi = ProcessRunner.ProcessStartInfoFor(progpath, $"\"{CodeEditor.CurrentEditorInstallation}\" {solution} \"{absolutePath}\" {line}");
psi.StandardOutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
psi.StandardErrorEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
// inter thread communication
var messages = new BlockingCollection<COMIntegrationState>();
var asyncStart = AsyncOperation<ProcessRunnerResult>.Run(
() => ProcessRunner.StartAndWaitForExit(psi, onOutputReceived: data => OnOutputReceived(data, messages)),
e => new ProcessRunnerResult {Success = false, Error = e.Message, Output = string.Empty},
() => messages.Add(COMIntegrationState.Exited)
var result = asyncStart.Result;
if (!result.Success && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.Error))
Debug.LogError($"Error while starting Visual Studio: {result.Error}");
return result.Success;
private static void MonitorCOMIntegration(BlockingCollection<COMIntegrationState> messages)
var displayingProgress = false;
COMIntegrationState state;
state = messages.Take();
switch (state)
case COMIntegrationState.ClearProgressBar:
displayingProgress = false;
case COMIntegrationState.DisplayProgressBar:
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Opening Visual Studio", "Starting up Visual Studio, this might take some time.", .5f);
displayingProgress = true;
} while (state != COMIntegrationState.Exited);
// Make sure the progress bar is properly cleared in case of COMIntegration failure
if (displayingProgress)
private static readonly COMIntegrationState[] ProgressBarCommands = {COMIntegrationState.DisplayProgressBar, COMIntegrationState.ClearProgressBar};
private static void OnOutputReceived(string data, BlockingCollection<COMIntegrationState> messages)
if (data == null)
foreach (var cmd in ProgressBarCommands)
if (data.IndexOf(cmd.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
public static void Initialize()
_vsWherePath = FileUtility.GetPackageAssetFullPath("Editor", "VSWhere", "vswhere.exe");