2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

797 lines
34 KiB

// Photoshop PSD FileType Plugin for Paint.NET
// This software is provided under the MIT License:
// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Frank Blumenberg
// Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Tao Yue
// See LICENSE.txt for complete licensing and attribution information.
using PaintDotNet;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using PDNWrapper;
using System.Text;
using PhotoshopFile;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using Unity.Jobs;
namespace PaintDotNet.Data.PhotoshopFileType
internal enum DecodeType
RGB32 = 0,
Grayscale32 = 1,
RGB = 2,
CMYK = 3,
Bitmap = 4,
Grayscale = 5,
Indexed = 6,
Lab = 7
internal static class ImageDecoderPdn
const double rgbExponent = 1 / 2.19921875;
private class DecodeContext
public PhotoshopFile.Layer Layer { get; private set; }
public int ByteDepth { get; private set; }
public int HasAlphaChannel { get; private set; }
public Channel[] Channels { get; private set; }
public NativeArray<byte> AlphaChannel { get; private set; }
public PsdColorMode ColorMode { get; private set; }
public NativeArray<byte> ColorModeData { get; private set; }
public Rectangle Rectangle { get; private set; }
public MaskDecodeContext LayerMaskContext { get; private set; }
public MaskDecodeContext UserMaskContext { get; private set; }
public DecodeContext(PhotoshopFile.Layer layer, Rectangle bounds)
Layer = layer;
ByteDepth = Util.BytesFromBitDepth(layer.PsdFile.BitDepth);
HasAlphaChannel = 0;
Channels = layer.Channels.ToIdArray();
var alphaSize = 4;
if (layer.AlphaChannel != null && layer.AlphaChannel.ImageData.Length > 0)
HasAlphaChannel = 1;
alphaSize = layer.AlphaChannel.ImageData.Length;
alphaSize = (alphaSize / 4) + (alphaSize % 4 > 0 ? 1 : 0);
alphaSize = alphaSize * 4;
AlphaChannel = new NativeArray<byte>(alphaSize, Allocator.TempJob);
if (HasAlphaChannel > 0)
NativeArray<byte>.Copy(layer.AlphaChannel.ImageData, AlphaChannel, layer.AlphaChannel.ImageData.Length);
ColorMode = layer.PsdFile.ColorMode;
ColorModeData = new NativeArray<byte>(layer.PsdFile.ColorModeData, Allocator.TempJob);
Rectangle = bounds;
if (layer.Masks != null)
LayerMaskContext = GetMaskContext(layer.Masks.LayerMask);
UserMaskContext = GetMaskContext(layer.Masks.UserMask);
internal void Cleanup()
private MaskDecodeContext GetMaskContext(Mask mask)
if ((mask == null) || (mask.Disabled))
return null;
return new MaskDecodeContext(mask, this);
private class MaskDecodeContext
public Mask Mask { get; private set; }
public Rectangle Rectangle { get; private set; }
public MaskDecodeContext(Mask mask, DecodeContext layerContext)
Mask = mask;
// The PositionVsLayer flag is documented to indicate a position
// relative to the layer, but Photoshop treats the position as
// absolute. So that's what we do, too.
Rectangle = mask.Rect.IntersectWith(layerContext.Rectangle);
public bool IsRowEmpty(int row)
return (Mask.ImageData == null)
|| (Mask.ImageData.Length == 0)
|| (Rectangle.Size.IsEmpty)
|| (row < Rectangle.Top)
|| (row >= Rectangle.Bottom);
internal static byte RGBByteFromHDRFloat(float ptr)
var result = (byte)(255 * Math.Pow(ptr, rgbExponent));
return result;
private static DecodeDelegate GetDecodeDelegate(PsdColorMode psdColorMode, ref DecodeType decoderType)
switch (psdColorMode)
case PsdColorMode.Bitmap:
decoderType = DecodeType.Bitmap;
return SetPDNRowBitmap;
case PsdColorMode.Grayscale:
case PsdColorMode.Duotone:
decoderType = DecodeType.Grayscale;
return SetPDNRowGrayscale;
case PsdColorMode.Indexed:
decoderType = DecodeType.Indexed;
return SetPDNRowIndexed;
case PsdColorMode.RGB:
decoderType = DecodeType.RGB;
return SetPDNRowRgb;
case PsdColorMode.CMYK:
decoderType = DecodeType.CMYK;
return SetPDNRowCmyk;
case PsdColorMode.Lab:
decoderType = DecodeType.Lab;
return SetPDNRowLab;
case PsdColorMode.Multichannel:
throw new Exception("Cannot decode multichannel.");
throw new Exception("Unknown color mode.");
private static DecodeDelegate GetDecodeDelegate32(PsdColorMode psdColorMode, ref DecodeType decoderType)
switch (psdColorMode)
case PsdColorMode.Grayscale:
decoderType = DecodeType.Grayscale32;
return SetPDNRowGrayscale32;
case PsdColorMode.RGB:
decoderType = DecodeType.RGB32;
return SetPDNRowRgb32;
throw new PsdInvalidException(
"32-bit HDR images must be either RGB or grayscale.");
/// <summary>
/// Decode image from Photoshop's channel-separated formats to BGRA.
/// </summary>
public static JobHandle DecodeImage(BitmapLayer pdnLayer, PhotoshopFile.Layer psdLayer, JobHandle inputDeps)
var decodeContext = new DecodeContext(psdLayer, pdnLayer.localRect);
DecodeDelegate decoder = null;
DecodeType decoderType = 0;
if (decodeContext.ByteDepth == 4)
decoder = GetDecodeDelegate32(decodeContext.ColorMode, ref decoderType);
decoder = GetDecodeDelegate(decodeContext.ColorMode, ref decoderType);
JobHandle jobHandle = DecodeImage(pdnLayer, decodeContext, decoderType, inputDeps);
return jobHandle;
/// <summary>
/// Decode image from Photoshop's channel-separated formats to BGRA,
/// using the specified decode delegate on each row.
/// </summary>
static JobHandle DecodeImage(BitmapLayer pdnLayer, DecodeContext decodeContext, DecodeType decoderType, JobHandle inputDeps)
var surface = pdnLayer.Surface;
var rect = decodeContext.Rectangle;
// Convert rows from the Photoshop representation, writing the
// resulting ARGB values to to the Paint.NET Surface.
var jobCount = Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobsUtility.JobWorkerMaximumCount;
var execCount = (rect.Bottom - rect.Top);
var sliceCount = execCount / jobCount;
var decoderJob = new PDNDecoderJob(); = rect; = surface.width; = decodeContext.ByteDepth; = decoderType; = decodeContext.Channels[0].ImageData; = decodeContext.Channels.Length > 1 ? decodeContext.Channels[1].ImageData : decodeContext.Channels[0].ImageData; = decodeContext.Channels.Length > 2 ? decodeContext.Channels[2].ImageData : decodeContext.Channels[0].ImageData; = decodeContext.Channels.Length > 3 ? decodeContext.Channels[3].ImageData : decodeContext.Channels[0].ImageData; = decodeContext.ColorModeData; = surface.color;
// Schedule the job, returns the JobHandle which can be waited upon later on
var jobHandle = decoderJob.Schedule(execCount, sliceCount, inputDeps);
// Mask and Alpha.
var userMaskContextSize = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.Rectangle.Width : 1;
var layerMaskContextSize = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.Rectangle.Width : 1;
var userAlphaMask = new NativeArray<byte>(userMaskContextSize, Allocator.TempJob);
var layerAlphaMask = new NativeArray<byte>(layerMaskContextSize, Allocator.TempJob);
var userAlphaMaskEmpty = new NativeArray<byte>(rect.Bottom, Allocator.TempJob);
var layerAlphaMaskEmpty = new NativeArray<byte>(rect.Bottom, Allocator.TempJob);
var alphaMaskJob = new PDNAlphaMaskJob();
for (var y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; ++y)
if (decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null)
userAlphaMaskEmpty[y] = decodeContext.UserMaskContext.IsRowEmpty(y) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
if (decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null)
layerAlphaMaskEmpty[y] = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext.IsRowEmpty(y) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
} = rect; = surface.width; = decodeContext.ByteDepth; = decodeContext.HasAlphaChannel; = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? 1 : 0; = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? (decodeContext.UserMaskContext.Mask.InvertOnBlend ? 1 : 0) : 0; = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.UserMaskContext.Mask.Rect : rect; = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.UserMaskContext.Rectangle : rect; = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? 1 : 0; = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? (decodeContext.LayerMaskContext.Mask.InvertOnBlend ? 1 : 0) : 0; = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.LayerMaskContext.Mask.Rect : rect; = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.LayerMaskContext.Rectangle : rect; = decodeContext.AlphaChannel; = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.UserMaskContext.Mask.ImageData : decodeContext.AlphaChannel; = userAlphaMask; = userAlphaMaskEmpty; = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.LayerMaskContext.Mask.ImageData : decodeContext.AlphaChannel; = layerAlphaMask; = layerAlphaMaskEmpty; = surface.color; = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.UserMaskContext.Mask.BackgroundColor : (byte)0; = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.LayerMaskContext.Mask.BackgroundColor : (byte)0;
jobHandle = alphaMaskJob.Schedule(jobHandle);
return jobHandle;
/// <summary>
/// Decode image from Photoshop's channel-separated formats to BGRA.
/// </summary>
public static void DecodeImage(BitmapLayer pdnLayer, PhotoshopFile.Layer psdLayer)
var decodeContext = new DecodeContext(psdLayer, pdnLayer.localRect);
DecodeDelegate decoder = null;
DecodeType decoderType = 0;
if (decodeContext.ByteDepth == 4)
decoder = GetDecodeDelegate32(decodeContext.ColorMode, ref decoderType);
decoder = GetDecodeDelegate(decodeContext.ColorMode, ref decoderType);
DecodeImage(pdnLayer, decodeContext, decoder);
private delegate void DecodeDelegate(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context);
/// <summary>
/// Decode image from Photoshop's channel-separated formats to BGRA,
/// using the specified decode delegate on each row.
/// </summary>
private static void DecodeImage(BitmapLayer pdnLayer, DecodeContext decodeContext, DecodeDelegate decoder)
var psdLayer = decodeContext.Layer;
var surface = pdnLayer.Surface;
var rect = decodeContext.Rectangle;
// Convert rows from the Photoshop representation, writing the
// resulting ARGB values to to the Paint.NET Surface.
for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
// Calculate index into ImageData source from row and column.
int idxSrcPixel = (y - psdLayer.Rect.Top) * psdLayer.Rect.Width
+ (rect.Left - psdLayer.Rect.Left);
int idxSrcByte = idxSrcPixel * decodeContext.ByteDepth;
// Calculate pointers to destination Surface.
//var pDestRow = surface.GetRowAddress(y);
//var pDestStart = pDestRow + decodeContext.Rectangle.Left;
//var pDestEnd = pDestRow + decodeContext.Rectangle.Right;
var pDestStart = y * surface.width + decodeContext.Rectangle.Left;
var pDestEnd = y * surface.width + decodeContext.Rectangle.Right;
// For 16-bit images, take the higher-order byte from the image
// data, which is now in little-endian order.
if (decodeContext.ByteDepth == 2)
// Decode the color and alpha channels
decoder(pDestStart, pDestEnd, surface.width, surface.color, idxSrcByte, decodeContext);
// Mask and Alpha.
int userMaskContextSize = decodeContext.UserMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.Rectangle.Width : 1;
int layerMaskContextSize = decodeContext.LayerMaskContext != null ? decodeContext.Rectangle.Width : 1;
var userAlphaMask = new NativeArray<byte>(userMaskContextSize, Allocator.TempJob);
var layerAlphaMask = new NativeArray<byte>(layerMaskContextSize, Allocator.TempJob);
for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
// Calculate index into ImageData source from row and column.
int idxSrcPixel = (y - psdLayer.Rect.Top) * psdLayer.Rect.Width + (rect.Left - psdLayer.Rect.Left);
int idxSrcByte = idxSrcPixel * decodeContext.ByteDepth;
// Calculate pointers to destination Surface.
//var pDestRow = surface.GetRowAddress(y);
//var pDestStart = pDestRow + decodeContext.Rectangle.Left;
//var pDestEnd = pDestRow + decodeContext.Rectangle.Right;
var pDestStart = y * surface.width + decodeContext.Rectangle.Left;
var pDestEnd = y * surface.width + decodeContext.Rectangle.Right;
// For 16-bit images, take the higher-order byte from the image
// data, which is now in little-endian order.
if (decodeContext.ByteDepth == 2)
// Decode the color and alpha channels
SetPDNAlphaRow(pDestStart, pDestEnd, surface.width, surface.color, idxSrcByte, decodeContext.ByteDepth, decodeContext.HasAlphaChannel, decodeContext.AlphaChannel);
// Apply layer masks(s) to the alpha channel
GetMaskAlphaRow(y, decodeContext, decodeContext.LayerMaskContext, ref layerAlphaMask);
GetMaskAlphaRow(y, decodeContext, decodeContext.UserMaskContext, ref userAlphaMask);
ApplyPDNMask(pDestStart, pDestEnd, surface.width, surface.color, layerAlphaMask, userAlphaMask);
private static unsafe void GetMaskAlphaRow(int y, DecodeContext layerContext, MaskDecodeContext maskContext, ref NativeArray<byte> alphaBuffer)
if (maskContext == null)
var mask = maskContext.Mask;
// Background color for areas not covered by the mask
byte backgroundColor = mask.InvertOnBlend
? (byte)(255 - mask.BackgroundColor)
: mask.BackgroundColor;
var alphaBufferPtr = NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafeBufferPointerWithoutChecks(alphaBuffer);
UnsafeUtility.MemSet(alphaBufferPtr, backgroundColor, alphaBuffer.Length);
if (maskContext.IsRowEmpty(y))
// Transfer mask into the alpha array
var pMaskData = mask.ImageData;
// Get pointers to starting positions
int alphaColumn = maskContext.Rectangle.X - layerContext.Rectangle.X;
var pAlpha = alphaColumn;
var pAlphaEnd = pAlpha + maskContext.Rectangle.Width;
int maskRow = y - mask.Rect.Y;
int maskColumn = maskContext.Rectangle.X - mask.Rect.X;
int idxMaskPixel = (maskRow * mask.Rect.Width) + maskColumn;
var pMask = idxMaskPixel * layerContext.ByteDepth;
// Take the high-order byte if values are 16-bit (little-endian)
if (layerContext.ByteDepth == 2)
// Decode mask into the alpha array.
if (layerContext.ByteDepth == 4)
DecodeMaskAlphaRow32(alphaBuffer, pAlpha, pAlphaEnd, pMaskData, pMask);
DecodeMaskAlphaRow(alphaBuffer, pAlpha, pAlphaEnd, pMaskData, pMask, layerContext.ByteDepth);
// Obsolete since Photoshop CS6, but retained for compatibility with
// older versions. Note that the background has already been inverted.
if (mask.InvertOnBlend)
Util.Invert(alphaBuffer, pAlpha, pAlphaEnd);
private static void SetPDNAlphaRow(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, int byteDepth, int hasAlphaChannel, NativeArray<byte> alphaChannel)
// Set alpha to fully-opaque if there is no alpha channel
if (0 == hasAlphaChannel)
var pDest = pDestStart;
while (pDest < pDestEnd)
var c = color[pDest];
c.a = 255;
color[pDest] = c;
// Set the alpha channel data
NativeArray<float> srcAlphaChannel = alphaChannel.Reinterpret<float>(1);
var pDest = pDestStart;
while (pDest < pDestEnd)
var c = color[pDest];
c.a = (byteDepth < 4) ? alphaChannel[idxSrc] : RGBByteFromHDRFloat(srcAlphaChannel[idxSrc / 4]);
color[pDest] = c;
idxSrc += byteDepth;
private static void DecodeMaskAlphaRow32(NativeArray<byte> pAlpha, int pAlphaStart, int pAlphaEnd, NativeArray<byte> pMask, int pMaskStart)
NativeArray<float> floatArray = pMask.Reinterpret<float>(1);
while (pAlphaStart < pAlphaEnd)
pAlpha[pAlphaStart] = RGBByteFromHDRFloat(floatArray[pMaskStart * 4]);
pMaskStart += 4;
private static void DecodeMaskAlphaRow(NativeArray<byte> pAlpha, int pAlphaStart, int pAlphaEnd, NativeArray<byte> pMask, int pMaskStart, int byteDepth)
while (pAlphaStart < pAlphaEnd)
pAlpha[pAlphaStart] = pMask[pMaskStart];
pMaskStart += byteDepth;
private static void ApplyPDNMask(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, NativeArray<byte> layerMaskAlpha, NativeArray<byte> userMaskAlpha)
// Do nothing if there are no masks
if ((layerMaskAlpha.Length <= 1) && (userMaskAlpha.Length <= 1))
// Apply one mask
else if ((layerMaskAlpha.Length <= 1) || (userMaskAlpha.Length <= 1))
var maskAlpha = (layerMaskAlpha.Length <= 1) ? userMaskAlpha : layerMaskAlpha;
var maskStart = 0;
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.a = (byte)(color[pDestStart].a * maskAlpha[maskStart] / 255);
color[pDestStart] = c;
// Apply both masks in one pass, to minimize rounding error
//fixed (byte* pLayerMaskAlpha = &layerMaskAlpha[0],
// pUserMaskAlpha = &userMaskAlpha[0])
var maskStart = 0;
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
var alphaFactor = (layerMaskAlpha[maskStart]) * (userMaskAlpha[maskStart]);
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.a = (byte)(color[pDestStart].a * alphaFactor / 65025);
color[pDestStart] = c;
#region Decode 32-bit HDR channels
private static void SetPDNRowRgb32(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
NativeArray<float> redChannel = context.Channels[0].ImageData.Reinterpret<float>(1);
NativeArray<float> greenChannel = context.Channels[1].ImageData.Reinterpret<float>(1);
NativeArray<float> blueChannel = context.Channels[2].ImageData.Reinterpret<float>(1);
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = RGBByteFromHDRFloat(redChannel[idxSrc / 4]);
c.g = RGBByteFromHDRFloat(greenChannel[idxSrc / 4]);
c.b = RGBByteFromHDRFloat(blueChannel[idxSrc / 4]);
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += 4;
private static void SetPDNRowGrayscale32(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
NativeArray<float> channel = context.Channels[0].ImageData.Reinterpret<float>(1);
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
byte rgbValue = RGBByteFromHDRFloat(channel[idxSrc / 4]);
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = rgbValue;
c.g = rgbValue;
c.b = rgbValue;
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += 4;
#region Decode 8-bit and 16-bit channels
private static void SetPDNRowRgb(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = context.Channels[0].ImageData[idxSrc];
c.g = context.Channels[1].ImageData[idxSrc];
c.b = context.Channels[2].ImageData[idxSrc];
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += context.ByteDepth;
// The color-conversion formulas come from the Colour Space Conversions FAQ:
// RGB --> CMYK CMYK --> RGB
// --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
// Black = minimum(1-Red,1-Green,1-Blue) Red = 1-minimum(1,Cyan*(1-Black)+Black)
// Cyan = (1-Red-Black)/(1-Black) Green = 1-minimum(1,Magenta*(1-Black)+Black)
// Magenta = (1-Green-Black)/(1-Black) Blue = 1-minimum(1,Yellow*(1-Black)+Black)
// Yellow = (1-Blue-Black)/(1-Black)
private static void SetPDNRowCmyk(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
// CMYK values are stored as complements, presumably to allow for some
// measure of compatibility with RGB-only applications.
var C = 255 - context.Channels[0].ImageData[idxSrc];
var M = 255 - context.Channels[1].ImageData[idxSrc];
var Y = 255 - context.Channels[2].ImageData[idxSrc];
var K = 255 - context.Channels[3].ImageData[idxSrc];
int nRed = 255 - Math.Min(255, C * (255 - K) / 255 + K);
int nGreen = 255 - Math.Min(255, M * (255 - K) / 255 + K);
int nBlue = 255 - Math.Min(255, Y * (255 - K) / 255 + K);
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = (byte)nRed;
c.g = (byte)nGreen;
c.b = (byte)nBlue;
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += context.ByteDepth;
private static void SetPDNRowBitmap(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
var bitmap = context.Channels[0].ImageData;
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
byte mask = (byte)(0x80 >> (idxSrc % 8));
byte bwValue = (byte)(bitmap[idxSrc / 8] & mask);
bwValue = (bwValue == 0) ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = bwValue;
c.g = bwValue;
c.b = bwValue;
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += context.ByteDepth;
private static void SetPDNRowGrayscale(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
var level = context.Channels[0].ImageData[idxSrc];
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = level;
c.g = level;
c.b = level;
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += context.ByteDepth;
private static void SetPDNRowIndexed(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
int index = (int)context.Channels[0].ImageData[idxSrc];
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = (byte)context.ColorModeData[index];
c.g = context.ColorModeData[index + 256];
c.b = context.ColorModeData[index + 2 * 256];
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += context.ByteDepth;
private static void SetPDNRowLab(int pDestStart, int pDestEnd, int width, NativeArray<Color32> color, int idxSrc, DecodeContext context)
while (pDestStart < pDestEnd)
double exL, exA, exB;
exL = (double)context.Channels[0].ImageData[idxSrc];
exA = (double)context.Channels[1].ImageData[idxSrc];
exB = (double)context.Channels[2].ImageData[idxSrc];
int L = (int)(exL / 2.55);
int a = (int)(exA - 127.5);
int b = (int)(exB - 127.5);
// First, convert from Lab to XYZ.
// Standards used Observer = 2, Illuminant = D65
const double ref_X = 95.047;
const double ref_Y = 100.000;
const double ref_Z = 108.883;
double var_Y = ((double)L + 16.0) / 116.0;
double var_X = (double)a / 500.0 + var_Y;
double var_Z = var_Y - (double)b / 200.0;
double var_X3 = var_X * var_X * var_X;
double var_Y3 = var_Y * var_Y * var_Y;
double var_Z3 = var_Z * var_Z * var_Z;
if (var_Y3 > 0.008856)
var_Y = var_Y3;
var_Y = (var_Y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
if (var_X3 > 0.008856)
var_X = var_X3;
var_X = (var_X - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
if (var_Z3 > 0.008856)
var_Z = var_Z3;
var_Z = (var_Z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
double X = ref_X * var_X;
double Y = ref_Y * var_Y;
double Z = ref_Z * var_Z;
// Then, convert from XYZ to RGB.
// Standards used Observer = 2, Illuminant = D65
// ref_X = 95.047, ref_Y = 100.000, ref_Z = 108.883
double var_R = X * 0.032406 + Y * (-0.015372) + Z * (-0.004986);
double var_G = X * (-0.009689) + Y * 0.018758 + Z * 0.000415;
double var_B = X * 0.000557 + Y * (-0.002040) + Z * 0.010570;
if (var_R > 0.0031308)
var_R = 1.055 * (Math.Pow(var_R, 1 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
var_R = 12.92 * var_R;
if (var_G > 0.0031308)
var_G = 1.055 * (Math.Pow(var_G, 1 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
var_G = 12.92 * var_G;
if (var_B > 0.0031308)
var_B = 1.055 * (Math.Pow(var_B, 1 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
var_B = 12.92 * var_B;
int nRed = (int)(var_R * 256.0);
int nGreen = (int)(var_G * 256.0);
int nBlue = (int)(var_B * 256.0);
if (nRed < 0)
nRed = 0;
else if (nRed > 255)
nRed = 255;
if (nGreen < 0)
nGreen = 0;
else if (nGreen > 255)
nGreen = 255;
if (nBlue < 0)
nBlue = 0;
else if (nBlue > 255)
nBlue = 255;
var c = color[pDestStart];
c.r = (byte)nRed;
c.g = (byte)nGreen;
c.b = (byte)nBlue;
color[pDestStart] = c;
idxSrc += context.ByteDepth;